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1、八年级英语下册第十单元基础知识及练习题人教版2014八年级英语下册第十单元基础知识及练习题(人教版) Unit 10 Ive had this bie fr three ears重点词汇1 ard 院子2 seet 天的3 ent 分4 t 玩具 bear 熊6 aer 生产者7 sarf 围巾8 sft 软的9 bard 木板10 he 检查11 raila 铁路12 ertain 某种,某人13 hnest 诚实的14 truthful 真实的1 hetn 家乡16 searh 搜查17 ang 在(其中);之一18 shae 羞耻19 regard 将认为20 unt 数数21 entu

2、r 百年22 ppsite 对面的 23 espeiall 尤其24 er 记忆2 nsider 注视26 hld 拥有;抓住重点短语1these das 目前;现在2regard ith great interest 以极大的兴趣关注着3in rder t 为了4s far 迄今;到现在为止in need 需要6nt anre 不再7ele t sp_ 欢迎到 :8he ut 察看;观察9bard gaes 棋类游戏10ne last thing 最后一样东西11unir high shl 初 级 中 学 12lear ut 清理13n lnger 不再;不复14t ne 玩具猴1part

3、ith 与分开16t be hnest 说实在的17ride a bie 骑自行车18have a ard sale 进行庭院拍卖会19nes ld things 某人的旧东西20bring ba seet eries 勾起甜美的回忆21give aa 捐赠22pla fr a hile 玩一会儿23d ith 处置;处理24searh fr r 找工作2fr the last 13 ears 在过去的13年里26the id-20th entur 20世纪中期27sta the sae 保持原状28arding t 依据;按照29in nes pinin 依看30in tie 在我那个年代重

4、点句型1 Ive had it fr three ears 我买它三年了。2 H lng has his sn ned the train and raila set? 他儿子拥有轨道火车多长时间了?3 Hes ned it sine his furth birthda 自从他四岁生日时,他就已经拥有他了。1 H lng have u ?H lng have u had that bie ver there? 那边的那辆自行车你买了多久了? 2 sb has/have dne sth fr A has had her favrite b fr three ears艾米拥有她最喜欢的书3 年了。

5、3 sb has/have dne sth sineHes ned it sine his furth birthda自他4 岁生日起,他拥有这个东西了。4 Se thersSe peple still live in their hetn H-ever, thers a nl see it ne r tie a ear 有些人仍然住在家乡。然而,另一些人可能一年只能回家乡一两次。 As fr e, I did nt ant t give up ftball shirts, but, t be hnest,I have nt plaed fr a hile n至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衣。但是

6、,说实在 的,我现在巳经有一段时间没有踢(足球)了。6 Have u ever thught abut having a ard sale t sell ur things?你是否曾经想过要举办一个庭院拍卖会出售东西?7 hat uld u d ith the ne u raise? 你会怎么处理你所筹集到的钱? 语法难点现在完成时常与“fr+时间段”或“sine+时间点”连用。1 fr 作介词,后接时间段,表示“某个动作持续了多久。Eg:Ive been here fr ust ver t ears 我到这儿刚好两年多了。2 sine 可作介词,后接时间点,也可用作连词,后接从句,表示某个动

7、作或情况从过去某一时间点一直持续到现在,从句用一般过去时。Eg:Hes been here sine t ears ag 他两年一直住在这儿。注意:fr 和sine引导的时间状语不能与终止性动词的肯定式连用,但可和其否定式连用。Eg:r Sith hasnt e t hina fr three ears 史密斯先生三年没中国了。I havent seen hi sine I ae ba 自从我回就没见过他。针对性训练:用fr 或sine填空1 She has been ill _ re than t t ees2 I havent et hi _ a lng tie3 ar has been

8、here _ eight l this rning4 It hasnt rained _ t nths ag The have been friends _I as a hild高频考点1 he ut意为”价差;审查”,为动副结构,是及物动词短语。ud better he ut ur engine 你最好检查一下你的发动机。拓展:he ut 还可为不及物动词短语,意为“结账离开”。Eg:他十分钟前付清费用离开了。注意:he ut 也有“检查,核对”之意,但是强调查明真相,核对事实。在美式英语中常用he upn。2 S eve been learing ut a lt f things fr u

9、r bedrs fr a ard sale这是一个现在完成进行时的句子。现在完成进行时通常要和时间段连用,表示在某段时间内,某动作一直在进行,结构为“have/has been+v-ing +时间段”。Eg:The rers have been ring fr three hurs 这些工人已经工作3个小时了。注意:如果对时间段提问,疑问短语用h lng。如对上面例句中的fr短语进行提问:H lng have the rers been ring? 这些工人工作多长时间了?lear ut 意为“清理,收拾干净,清除掉”。Eg: I deided t lear ut all the ld she

10、s that e never ear 我已经决定把我们从不穿的旧鞋统统加以清除。思考:你知道lear ut与lean ut 的用法区别吗?lear ut与lean ut这两个短语都有“使干净”的意思,但实际意思是不同的,前者意为“使被清除掉,使空出”。而lean ut则是“使清洁”之意。Eg:Ill lear ut that lset and then u an hang ur lthes in there 我会把衣橱腾出,你就可以放衣服了。 Be sure t lean ut the ithen hen u finish ing 做晚饭时,一定要把厨房收拾干净。3 part ith 意为 “

11、舍弃,放弃(对的占有);卖掉(东西)”。Eg:He as ver srr t part ith his favrite hrses 他卖掉他最喜欢的几匹马,心里很难过。思考:你知道part fr与part ith的用法区别吗?part fr 的意思是“分开,离开”,多用于人;part ith=give up,是“卖掉,放弃,断绝关系,跟分开”的意思,主要用于物,间或也可用于人。part fr 作“分手,分开”讲时,是瞬间动词,不能表示“持久”的意思,fr后接表示人的名词活代词。Eg:I ften part fr parents after breafast 我常在早饭后与父母分手。T has

12、parted ith ane 汤姆已和詹妮分手。4 as fr 是一个固定短语,意为“至于;关于”往往用于说话时提及的另一个人或事,活实物的另一个方面,其后可跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。Eg:As fr that puter I nt telling u anthing 至于说哪台电脑,我什么都不会告诉你。 t be hnest意为“老实说;说实在的”,相当于t tell u the truth或hnestl speaing, 常在句中作插入语。Eg:T be hnest, I have little ne 老实说,我几乎没有钱。6 d ith意为“处理”,常与hat连用,表示询问。Eg:ha

13、t are u ging t d ith ur ld lthes? 你打算怎么处理你的旧衣服?拓展:deal ith意为“解决,应付,处理”,期中deal为动词,过去式为dealt,ith为介词,后面常接truble,prble等词。deal ith多与h 连用,表示询问。Eg:H did u deal ith ur b?7 the sae as 意为“和一样”短语中的as是介词,用于比较,后接名词、代词或动名词。Eg:This baset is the sae as that ne 这个链子和那个一样。8 H ften d u thin these peple visit their het

14、ns?d u thin 为插入语,只是对一句话作一些附加的解释,与句子的其他成分并无语法上的关系。若去掉d u thin,句子任然完整,语序不变。Eg:hih f these d u thin the best? 你认为这些之中哪一个是最好的?9 “I ntied thats true f hetn,” adds Zhng ei add为及物动词,在本句中意为“补充说,又说”Eg:She added that having nversatins ith friends as nt helpful at all 她又说,和朋友们进行交流毫无帮助。10 s far =up t/until n,意为

15、“迄今为止;到目前为止”,该短语常用语句首或句末,在句中作状语,句子常用现在完成时,也可以用一般时,表示范围、程度或距离。Eg:It rains ever da s far this nth 直到现在这个月每天都在下雨。引领人生A her is nn in the tie f isfrtune时势造英雄。实战模拟Unit 10 Ive had this bie fr three ears1 ane!Please_ ur draer Its ver dirt A ae ut B g ut lean ut D get ut2 _ I havent had an suess A S lng B S

16、far Befre lng D B then3 _ d u guess ill be the first ten tp students in English in ur shl next ter? A h B h hih D hat4 He tried t _ his father, but in ain A searh fr B searh ut searh ff D searh after _ her, st students d her ever da A As t B Thans t Suh as D As fr6 ulie,hat_ in ur hand? L! Its a ne

17、iPad fr daughter A d u hld B are u hlding ere u hlding D ill u hld7 Peter is _ hnest b and _ gd friend f ine A a, the B the, an a, an D an, a8 ur bie ls nie Is it ne? N, I _it fr t nths A have had B had bught have D uld bu9 H lng _u _staps? Sine t ears ag A have, lleted B did, llet have, been lletin

18、g D are, lleting10 H lng has Eliza been a nurse?_ A Sine 2002 B Fur ears ag In 2002 D Sine fur ears二、完形填空。Its easier t g dnhill than t lib uphill, s its easier t fall int bad habits than int gd_1_ Bad habits d nt e_2_ The e little b little, s u dnt n their _3_ Shlbs first pi up little bad habits at_

19、4_ and n the streets hen the annt d their her, the p fr their_ If the see bigger bs sing, the 6 ant t learn t se If the see their friends gabling(赌博), the ant t gable hen the get7 , the habits bee strnger and strnger Then the an n lnger give the up Fr ping, the learn t 8 ; fr gabling, the learn t he

20、at(欺骗) _9_n ne believes in the H_10_it is that e stp the bad habits at the beginning!( ) 1A ne B nes ther D thers( ) 2A sll B usuall exatl D suddenl( ) 3A danger B idea plan D hpe( ) 4A r B shl he D night( ) A parents B teahers lassates D students( ) 6A still B t als D et ( ) 7A thinner B fatter lde

21、r D unger( ) 8A read B give rite D steal( ) 9 A At last B At first At least D At st( ) 10A sill B iprtant diffiult D eas三、阅读理解。AitHighLeatherBeiing9-4Snhanghun-9-18indhangsha16ludhngqing139ludFuzhu2114SunnGuilin187RainHaiu2217SunnLhasa10-Sunn( ) 1Lu ants t ae snen here shuld she g?A Beiing B Lhasa h

22、ngqing D hangsha( ) 2i taes an ubrella ith hi tda He ust be in_A hangsha B Guilin Fuzhu D hngqing( ) 3hih it is the arest? A Beiing B hanghun Haiu D Lhasa( ) 4H an ities teperature sta abve zer?A7 B3 D1( ) The ldest it is_A Beiing B hanghun Lhasa D hngqingBLast Sunda I sa the rst str It ae suddenl a

23、nd ent n fr re than three hursAfter lunh, I ent int r t have a rest The air as ht, and everthing as quiet The strng ind started bling int r suddenl Piees f paper n des fle high int the air and se fle ut f the pen ind As I ran ut t ath the, big drps f rain began t fall hen I ae ba int the huse, it as

24、 raining harder and harder I tried ver hard t lse the ind Then I heard a lud rashing(碰撞的) sund fr the ba f the huse I ran ut f r t find ut hat it as a big tree fell dn and bre the tp f the ba r( ) 1 The str happened_A in the rning B in the afternn hile I as in the ba r D hile I as in the garden( ) 2

25、 Befre the str ae, the eather as_A ld B l ht D ar( )3 The str ent n fr_A ver three hurs B three hurs less than three hurs D t hurs( ) 4 The ind ble se f the paper_A all ver the flr B ut f the dr int the ba r D ut f the pen ind( ) The tp f the ba r as bren beause f_A the ht air B the rashing sund the

26、 rain D the falling treeLu and Lil had a gd tie last Sunda The gt up ver earl After breafast the ent t a par In the par, the sa a lt f flers Lu anted t pi ne f the But Lil stpped her Then the ent t the river B the river the fund a sall bat The gt int(进入)the bat and started bating n the river T hurs

27、later, the left the bat and began t lib the hill near the river The reahed (到达)the tp(頂部)at half past eleven There the had their lunh hat did the have fr lunh?Eggs, bread and se ranges In the afternn, the ent he Their ther ased the, “Did u en urselves?”“es, ver uh ” The ansered 判断下列各句正(T)误(F)( )1 Lu

28、 and Lil ent t a par last Saturda ( )2 In the par, Lu pied se flers ( )3 The had lunh befre the started t lib the hill ( )4 The had eggs, bread and se ranges fr lunh( ) The had a gd tie DA traveler ae ut f the airprt There ere a lt f taxis He ased ever taxi driver his nae Then he t the third ne It s

29、t dllars fr the airprt t the htel “H uh des it st fr the hle da?” The an ased “100 dllars,” said the taxi driver This as ver expensive, but the an said it as The taxi driver t the an everhere He shed hi all the pars and useus in the it In the evening the ent ba t the htel The traveler gave the taxi

30、driver 100 dllars and said, “hat abut trr? Its anther 100 dllars” But the an said,” Thats ! See u trr” The taxi driver as ver pleasedThe next da the taxi driver t the traveler everhere again The visited all the pars and useus again, and in the evening the ent ba t the htel The an gave the taxi driver 100 dllars again and said, “I ging he trr” The taxi driver as srr beause he lied the traveler and, abve all , 100 dllars a da as a lt f ne “S ure ging he here d u e fr?” he ased “I e fr Ne r!” said the traveler” I have a sister in Ne r Her nae is Susanna D u n her?

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