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1、6级英语部分常用词汇讲解Efficient adj.有效率的These people are veryefficient, very organized and excellent time managers. 这些人做事效率很高,井井有条,并且十分善于管理时间。An efficientbulb may lighten the load of power stations. 一个节能灯泡也许就能减轻发电站的负荷。Service was outstandingly friendly andefficient, falling down on only one detail. 服务态度极佳,效率也

2、蛮高,仅在一个小地方不尽人意。Eliminate vt. 消灭 消除 排除 淘汰【用法】eliminate sb./sth. from sth. effectively/thoroughly/completely/ultimately eliminate sth. eliminate risks/hazards/the need to do sth. /threats/errorsButtheycanonlymarginallyreduce,noteliminatethehazards.但这也只是在一定程度上减少了, 而不是消除了危险性.Yettheendof therecessionsdid

3、noteliminateU.S.federalbudgetdeficits.可是衰退的结果并没有能消除美国联邦预算中的赤字.The architecteliminatedthe cost of furniture, rugs, and other items, in figuring the cost of the house. 建筑师在估计这房屋的费用时没考虑家具,地毯和其他物件。The forty one year-old originally from Jilin province said during the trial that he signed contracts with b

4、usinesses to help them monitor public opinion as well as eliminate negative posts about them.Inspire vt. 鼓舞 给.灵感 【用法】Inspire sb. with sth. /inspire sth. in sb.Youmayinspireothersinapplication to workorbringaboutchaosthroughabusingyour responsibility.你也许能在工作方式上启发别人,也可能滥用职责,弄得一团糟.Thedoctorsclumsyhandl

5、ingof thesyringedidnotinspireconfidenceinhisnervous patient.医生笨拙的注射没有给那紧张的病人以信心.Heneedstoinspiretheworkforcewiththeorganizationsaspirationsandvalues.他需要用企业的抱负和价值观激励员工.Scale n. 大小 规模 等级 级别 刻度 音阶 vt.攀登【用法】on a large scale It presents some complex challenges for implementing these features on a large s

6、cale.它为大规模地实现这些特性带来一些复杂的挑战。However, he underestimates thescaleof the problem.然而,他低估了问题的严重性。The higher up the social scale they are, the more the men have to lose. 社会地位越高,失去的东西就越多Unfortunately for us, psychology does not scale up to sociology. 对我们来说不幸的是, 心理学作用不能扩容至等于社会学效应.(scale up向上扩展;纵向扩展;按比例增大;尺度放

7、大)The men scaled a wall and climbed down scaffolding on the other side. 那些男人攀上一堵墙然后顺着另一侧的脚手架爬了下去。It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale. 早该从全球视角考虑问题了。Species n.种 类 物种【用法】endangered speciesThe thought of eating items only a few can afford is the reason why some species are endanger

8、ed.只有一些人能吃得起,这种想法是导致一些物种濒临灭绝的原因之一。They have been the subjects of intense research for over half a century, not least because of the role they have played in our survival as a species.不仅仅是因为六大情绪在我们作为一个幸存下来的物种中所扮演的角色,对六大情绪的深入研究已经超过了半个世纪。Trend vi.倾向 伸向 n. 倾向 时尚 趋势【用法】近义词 tendencyIs the trend towards pr

9、ivatization reversible? 私有化趋势可能逆转吗?The river trends north.这条河向北流。My view trends towards his.我倾向于他的看法。At some point, we have to address this trend and not allow delusion to dilute the dream.可有时候,我们总得要清醒过来,指出这个趋势,不要把幻觉当成了梦想。Wealthy adj.富裕的They were, by and large(总体上的), a verywealthy, privileged elite.

10、 他们基本上是一些非常有钱有势的精英。Academic adj.学术的 学院的 纯理论的 不切实际的n.大学教师【用法】减负”就是reduceacademicburdenThe author is a seasoned academic. 作者是一位经验丰富的学者。One reason you identified for this lack of information was that research is too often driven by academic competition.你认为这类信息缺乏的一个原因是,研究工作往往是通过学术竞争来推动的。Alternate adj.交替

11、的 轮换的 间隔的 v.使轮流,交替Periods of deep depression alternate with very excited behavior. 深度抑郁的情绪周期和兴奋行为轮流出现.Beijing is to ban vehicles witheven and odd-numbered license plateson alternate days from July 20 to Sept. 20 to help improve air quality for the Olympic Games, the city has announced.北京市宣布从7月20日到9月

12、20日实行单双号限行制度以使奥运期间的空气质量得以提高。attack. n./vt.攻击 突然动作【用法】attack a fire 救火 扑火If you smoke then the whole respiratory system is constantly underattack.C:workwincodedata251988281If you smoke then the whole respiratory system is constantly under attack如果抽烟,整个呼吸系统就会一直受到损害。A newspaper ran an editorial attacki

13、ng him for being a showman.一家报纸发表社论,批评他善于作秀。beyond. prep.超过;越过;那一边;在较远的一边adv.在远处;在更远处n.远处There werentbeyondtwentypeoplepresent.出席的人不超过20名.Theattacksucceededbeyondallexpectations.这次进攻获得超过预期的成功.Inthefieldbeyond,behindthesawmill, theGermansoldiersweredoingtheirdailydrills.在远处的一块田野中, 也就是在锯木厂的后面,德国士兵正在进行

14、日常的操练.climate n.气候 风土 地带 风气 气氛Sincetheincident,however, theclimateofopinionhasreverseditself.然而,自从那个事件以后,舆论的倾向就自个儿颠倒过来了.commit vt.犯(错误) 使承诺 把.托付给 调拨.供使用 拨出【用法】commit a crime commit oneself to sth. 致力于 . commit to sth. 承认The boy was committed to the care of his aunt.这个孩子被交给他的姑妈照顾。Alwaysbelievethatyou

15、rultimategoalisattainableaslongasyoucommittoit.永远都要相信只要你努力去做,你的最终目标就能实现.concentrate v.全神贯注 集中 浓缩 n. 浓缩物【用法】concentrate on doing sth.Asknowntoallofus, theconcentrateistheessence.就像大家所熟知的那样,通常浓缩的都是精华.Wemustconcentrateoureffortsonfindingwaystoreducecosts.我们要集中精力找出降低成本的办法.conclude vt.推断出 推论出 vi.结束 【用法】c

16、onclude a bargain/deal达成协议The Group of Seven major industrial countries concluded its annual summit meeting today.由主要工业国家组成的七国集团今天结束了其年度峰会。So what can weconcludefrom this debate?C:workwincodedata251988281So what can we conclude from this debate?那么从这场辩论中我们能得出什么结论?confront vt.面对 遭遇,使对质【用法】confront wit

17、h sth.Thedifficultiesthatconfrontusseeminsuperable.我们面临的困难似乎是不可克服的.construct vt.建造 构思 n.建造物 观念Any attempt to construct an ideal society isforedoomedto failure.C:workwincodedata251988281Any attempt to construct an ideal society is foredoomed to failure任何构建理想社会的努力都注定要失败。Howdovisitorsconstructandshapet

18、heirexperienceofheritagesites?游客们如何构想并成形他们对古迹的游览经验呢?describe vt.形容 描写 【用法】 objective of this article is to describe how these components are integrated together and provide you with detailed documentation sources.本文的目的就是要描述这些组件是如何集成在一起的,并向您提供详细的文档资源。detail n.细节 零件 vt.详细说明【用法】in detail

19、 go into detailWe examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text.我们彻底仔细地检查了措词后才最终定稿。Neither of them were prepared to go into the detail of their talks.他们俩都没准备要详细说明他们会谈的情况。The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war.这份报告详述了战争期间所发生的践踏人权的情况。display n./v. 展示 陈列

20、显示【用法】be on displayMany of these areondisplayin the Museum, but some have been sent outonloan to other museums.C:workwincodedata251988281Many of these are on display in the Museum, but some have been sent out on loan to other museums其中很多在博物馆展出,但也有一些借给了其他博物馆。Normally, such an outwarddisplayof affecti

21、on is reserved for his mother. 通常,只有在母亲面前他的情感才会如此外露。The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity todisplaytheir work. 这次展览为当地艺术家提供了展示自己作品的机会。Sure, the display of traditional virtues in such high profile could be window-dressing, but it is more than that. 当然,用高姿态的方式来展示传统美德是装饰门面的,但我们看到的远远不止这些。emo

22、tion n. 情感 感情 激动A tide ofemotionrose and clouded his judgment. 心头涌起一阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断力。Displays ofemotionare regarded with suspicion. 情感的流露会招致猜疑。Human emotion is only one of the ingredients of literature and not its end, -which is the beauty of perfect fulness consisting in simplicity and restraint.人类的

23、情感,只是文学的诸多因素之一,但不是它的目的-文学的目的是,存在于简单与限制之中极度充实的美。Music is one of the most effective ways of aesthetic education for young people, because it is an art of emotion that can enrich young peoples inner worldengine n.引擎 发动机 机车Innovation is an eternal topic of the human society and an inexhaustible engine d

24、riving economic and social development.创新是人类社会的永恒话题,也是经济社会发展的不熄引擎。enhance vt.提高 增加 加强Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques toenhancethe quality of the recordings. 音响师运用一系列技术来提高录音质量WeneededChinatoenhancetheflexibilityofourdiplomacy.我们需要借助于中国来加强我们在外交上的灵活性.Carryingoutenvironmentalpublicityanded

25、ucationtoenhancethewholenationsawarenessof theenvironment.-开展环境宣传教育,提高全民族的环境意识.establish vt.建立 设立 证实The goal has been toestablishand sustain a nation of viable family farms. 目标是要建立一个能够使家庭农场得以存续的国家,并使其维持下去。Medical tests established that she was not their own child.医学化验证实她不是他们的亲骨肉。figure n.数字 人物 轮廓 画像

26、 塑像 图形 vt.计算 认为 猜想【用法】figure out figure of speech 修辞手法 figure into 列入 包括在内Thisfigurehas long been held to possess miraculous power. 这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。If youre good at some aspects of your job and not at others, then you need to recognize those weaknesses before others do and then figure out a str

27、ategy to compensate.如果你擅长你工作的某些方面,其他的方面你不在行,那么你有必要在被人之前认识到这些弱点,想出一些补偿策略,如何应付你的弱点,你有以下三种选择。That means we must figure out a way to inexpensively capture the carbon released by burning fossil fuels and sequester it into the ground.那意味着我们必须想出一个办法来花费不多地捕捉燃烧化石燃料排放出来的碳并把它封存到地下。identify v.认出 鉴定 把.等同于 认同【用法】

28、Identity with 认同Theyallseemtotakeaninflatedviewoftheircollectiveidentity.他们对自己的集体身份似乎都持有一种夸大的看法。Theinteriorlifewasasourceofidentityandofpower.内在的生命力是个性和力量的源泉。My familiarity with teenagers from all walks of life greatly enhances my ability to both identify with and influence others.由于我和各阶层的青少年都很熟络,这大

29、大加强了我的亲和力和对其他人的影响。Identify any gaps in functionality or requirements that should be addressed quickly.功能或者需求中的任何差距应当被快速确定。impact n.影响 作用 冲击 v.冲击 碰撞 对.产生影响【用法】have an impact onSociety begins to have animpacton the developing child. 社会开始对成长中的孩子产生影响。Thecomputerhadmadeagreatimpactonmodernlife.计算机对现代生活产生

30、了巨大的影响.As I have stated before, the true measure of our effectiveness rests with(取决于) our impact on people people within countries.如我在前面所讲的,衡量我们有效性的真正标准在于我们对人,即各国人民的影响。intense adj.强烈的【用法】anintensefeeling ofsth.(anintensefeeling ofhomesickness)They should have intense curiosity, observe events, analyze trends, seek the clues of change, and translate those clues into opportunities.他们应当有强烈的好奇心、观察事件、分析趋势、寻找变化的线索,并将这些线索转化为机遇There is now intense competition between schools to attract students. 现在学校之间为了招揽生源展开了激烈竞争。I therefore plunged into(陷入) a frenetic period of inte

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