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1、九英下中试题初三英语下学期期中试题一、单项填空:26.Do you know _ man on TV Yes he is _honest person. A. a an B. an the C. the an D. a the 27. Why do you get up so early in the morning, Tracy ?I generally make it a _to be up by 7 to read English. A. plan B. wish C. secret D. rule 28. -What a cool car Can I drive it for a wh

2、ile ?-Sorry its not _. I saw John driving it once. I think you should ask_. A. me his B. mine him C. yours him D. my him 29. Three days later he _ a new plan to open up a new lab. A. came up with B. ended up with C. caught up with D. followed up with 30. How clean the bedroom isYes I am sure that so

3、meone _it. A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. had cleaned 31. Listen Somebody is singing in the next room. Who _ it be Is it Amy ?No. It _ be her. She is at school now. A. will may not B. must mustnt C. may wont D. can cant 32. The Summer Palace is really beautiful. In fact I doubt whether China

4、 has _ park. A. a more beautiful B. a most beautiful C. the most beautiful D. a beautiful 33. After the 2008 Olympic Games more and more people in western countries begin to learn Chinese _ they can better understand the culture of China. Im sure they will. A. even though B. so that C. because of D.

5、 as if 34. What should I do hereJust put all the things _ they were. A. which B. when C. whose D. where 35. -Sorry I made a mistake again. -_. Practice more and youll succeed. A. Never mind B. Certainly not. C. Not at all D. Dont say so 36. Doctor it seems to me _ you like to work with animals? Yes.

6、 I think animals should _ as our friends. A. that regard B. that be regarded C. what regard D. it be regarded 37. I hate vegetables. I _ eat them. But theyre good for your health You should often eat them. A. often B. usually C. always D. seldom 38. You should understand the math problem now you hav

7、e had it _three times. A. explaining B. to explain C. explained D. explain 39. It is my _time to visit the museum. But _of the exhibitions have been changed. A. two two three B. second two thirds C. two two thirds D. the second two thirds 40. In the United States _a car most people feel that they ar

8、e poor? -Yes. Cars are the most important part of life to them. A. with B. without C. by D. in 三. 完形填空 :A 先阅读短文掌握其大意然后选择最佳答案填空。 I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one 41 was the most important. It happened last term just after I had got a 42 result in an

9、exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence. I decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be 43 . The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking 44 a teacher. Instead he held up a twenty yuan note Who wants this he asked. Unsurprisingly 45 of us in the class put up our hands. T

10、he speaker smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again we all put up our hands. The speaker smiled again but 46 nothing. Suddenly he threw the note onto the floor Then he asked the same 47 a third time. I didnt 48 what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking

11、 the same question again and again I didnt know what to do. I wanted the note 49 I put my hand up again. After a while he 50 the note and started to laugh. You have all just told me how to become successful 51 said to us with the note in his hand. The note is worth值twenty yuan. It is 52 worth twenty

12、 yuan even though I throw it on the floor. You are like the note. No matter 53 happens to you you still have your worth. When I heard those words I was deeply moved. Suddenly I 54 I was worth a lot. I may have done badly in an exam but it doesnt 55 I cant do well in the future. If I believe in mysel

13、f I will be successful. 41. A. classroom B. subject C. class D. school 42. A. same B. good C. lucky D. bad 43. A. comfortable B. successful C. famous D. rich 44. A. like B. for C. about D. by 45. A. both B. neither C. all D. none 46. A. said B. bought C. saw D. wanted 47. A. student B. teacher C. qu

14、estion D. way 48. A. remember B. understand C. notice D. find 49. A. so B. though C. if D. or 50. A. took out B. threw away C. picked up D. put down 51. A. you B. he C. she D. they 52. A. never B. sometimes C. hardly D. always 53. A. when B. who C. what D. how 54. A. realized B. forgot C. dreamed D.

15、 decided 55. A. know B. mean C. think D. complain 一、词汇 ( A ) 词型转换(10)1. clever (比较级)_ 2. begin (现在分词) _ (反义词) _ 4. friend (形容词) _ 5. watch (单三) _ 6. whether (同音词)_7.polite(副词)_ (反义词)_9.lay (过去式)_ 10.hero(复数)_( B ) 根据汉语意思,写出所缺单词(5)1. I think the _ (第八) lesson is more difficult .2. Who

16、is _(高),Lucy or Lily?3. Who _ (告诉) you the news yesterday.4. Dont worry . Ill show you how to _(使用) the computer.5.He _(花费) 300 yuan for the bike.二.用所给单词的适当形式填空(5)1. In the class, the teacher ask us _(not make) much noise.2. There are many beautiful _(city) in our country.3. Have you finished _(cook

17、)?4. Do you teach _(you) English?5. The _(twenty) lesson is the hardest in our English book三、选择题:(30分)( )1. Bob didnt go to bed_ he finished his work.A until B after C while D when( )2. He was_ hungry _ he couldnt walk on.A so, that B such, that C very, while D so, when( )3. You must keep your room_

18、 and tidy.A to clean B cleaning C clean D cleaned( )4. These knives are made_ metal and wood.A from B of C by D in( )5. _ bikes are under the big tree. A. Jack and Jims B. Jacks and Jims C. Jacks and Jim D. Jack and Jim does( )6. _ of the teachers in our school is about one hundred,and _ of them are

19、 women teachers.A. The number, two thirds B. The number, two third C. A number, half D. A number, three quarters ( )7. During the summer holidays he played _ piano in the morning and played _ football in the afternoon. A. the, the B. /, the C. the, / D. /, /( )8. _ of us has a dictionaryA. some B. e

20、ach C. all D. much. ( )9. Lots of visitors came to Nanjing because she is _ city. A. so beautiful a B. very a beautiful C. such an beautiful D. quite a beautiful ( ) 10. _ your friend is running! A. what quickly B. What quick C. How quickly D. How quick( )11.Jack is short. Hes not _ to be a policema

21、n A. tall enough B. so tall C. quite tall D. short enough ( )12. Its getting dark, please _ the light. A. turn off B. turn on C. turn down D. turn up ( )13. -Hello! Could I speak to the headmaster, please?- _ for a moment, please. Ill get him as soon as possible, ok? A. Put on B. Hold on C. Turn on

22、D. Get on ( )14. With the help of computers, news can _ every corner of the world. A. get B. arrive C. return D. reach ( )15. You can _ the dictionary for a month. A. lend B. borrow C. buy D. keep ( ) 16. Linda often _ her homework in the evening, but this evening she _ TV. A. does, watches B. is do

23、ing, is watchingC. does, is watching D. is doing, watches ( )17. - What shall we do this Sunday? - Why _ to the Science Museum? A. not to go B. not go C. dont go D. dont you go ( )18.-Lets have a rest, shall we? - Not now. I dont want to stop _ the letter yet. A. write B. to write C. writing D. and

24、write ( ) 19. Well go to the park if it _ tomorrow. A. not rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. dont rain ( )20. There _ two parties in our school tomorrow evening. A. is going to be B. are going to be C. will have D. are going to have ( )21. Shall we go to the cinema? - _ A. Thank you B. Thats enoug

25、h C. Thats nothing D. Good idea ( )22. Im sorry to keep you waiting for me so long. -_. A. I dont think so B. Dont say to C. It doesnt matter D. Id love to ( )23. - Its very cold, But quite sunny. -_. A. So does it B. So it does C. So is it D. So it is ( )24.-I hear your parents _ to Shanghai once.

26、-Yes,they _there two years ago. A.went,have been B. have been,have been C. have gone,went D. have been,went( )25. What a fine spring day it is, _? A. isnt it B. does it C. wont it D. dont they ( ) 26.-I lost my new bike yesterday. -_A. Dont worry. You can buy another one. B. Never mind.C. Im sorry t

27、o hear that. D. Who did it?( ) 27. -_? -Its eight.A. What day it is B. Whats ifve and three C. How old are you D. Whats your telephone number.( ) 28. -Hello. May I speak to Tom smith? - Yes, _.A. My names Tom Smith B. Im Tom Smith C. This is Tom Smith D. Tom Smiths me( ) 29. -Wish you a happy New Ye

28、ar! - _A. The same to you B. You do too C. The same as you D. You have it too.( ) 30. -_? -Yes, please. Id like half a kilo of meat.A. Would you like some meat or fish B. What about something to eat C. How do you like this D. Can I help you.三、动词考查(10)(A)选择所给动词的适当形式填空:(5)( ) 1. Hurry up! Your brother

29、 _ for you outside the school gate.A. wait B. waits C. is waiting D. is going to wait( ) 2. Youd better _ noise in the class.A. to make B. make C. not to make D not make( ) 3. I saw the boy _ out a moment ago.A. run B. runs C. to run D. ran( ) 4. When _ the Yanan Middle School _ ?A. was, found B. di

30、d, found C. does, found D. was, founded( ) 5. She will sing an English if she _ glad.A. is B. was C. will be D. would be(B) 选择框中的动词词组填空(5)give up, take care of, heard from, made of , get up1. Would you please _ my dogs while I am away.2. The doctor told him to _ smoking.3. These desks are _ the wood.4. In the morning 6:oclock, we must _.5. Tom

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