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1、Caliburn笔记Caliburn笔记 此框架地址如下.先来学习一下其中的一些概念.一.启动时加载服务一切还是从容器开始,Caliburn提供了一个默认的Ioc容器,当然也可以用第三方的,如下我们学习的目标则是了解Caliburn为我们提供了多少的功能服务,这些就是我们所需要了解的二.Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation单例模式在此框架中得到重用,使得到处可以使用依赖注入的功能三.基本容器服务层以上是基本已注册的服务1. IServiceLocator 用于获取全局Service2. SimpleContainer 一个实现IContainer接口的容器3.

2、 IContainer 一个空容器,其继承了IConfigurator4. IConfigurator ConfigureWith方法为第三方Ioc容器提供注册扩展CaliburnFramework .ConfigureCore() .WithPresentationFramework() .Start();以上ConfigureCore则完成了上面的部分的主要配置四.基本核心服务当容器创建完成后,就好开始添加核心服务了ConfigureCore方法会返回一个CoreConfiguration类,CoreConfiguration负责注册核心服务以上是系统核心服务,基本还是看不到wpf的影子,

3、属于基层1. DefaultThreadPool=IThreadPool 提供一个多线程操作的线程池方法管理2. MethodFactory=IMethodFactory 顾名思义,用于创建IMethod的工厂3. EventHandlerFactory 用于创建事件4. Execute.SimpleDispatcher=IDispatcher 用于执行UI线程操作的服务5. DefaultAssemblySource=IAssemblySource 集合操作对Assembly进行一个检查到此为止ConfigureCore方法真正完成五.UI服务层接下来才是重头戏,一下分篇幅讲Caliburn

4、笔记-元数据(Metadata)管理(wpf框架) 在.net中允许我们使用元数据(即Attribute),在使用Action时,结合元数据可以为框架功能提供一些便利.caliburn提供了很多的元数据,其皆继承自IMetadata接口,该接口即一个空元数据标记接口而已,继承此接口的元数据则表明为属于caliburn功能范围内的元数据,方便管理.IMetadataContainer接口提供了对IMetadata的管理MetadataContainer为IMetadataContainer默认实现,继承MetadataContainer的类则均具有管理元数据的功能/ / An implement

5、ation of ./ public class MetadataContainer : PropertyChangedBase, IMetadataContainer private List _metadata; / / Adds the metadata from the provided member to the collection. / / The member. protected virtual void AddMetadataFrom(MemberInfo member) member.GetCustomAttributes(true) .OfType() .Apply(A

6、ddMetadata); / / Adds metadata to the store. / / The metadata. public virtual void AddMetadata(IMetadata metadata) if(_metadata = null) _metadata = new List(); _metadata.Add(metadata); / / Retrieves metadata from the store. / / / public virtual T GetMetadata() where T : IMetadata return _metadata =

7、null ? default(T) : _metadata.OfType().FirstOrDefault(); / / Gets the matching metadata. / / The type to match. / The matches public virtual IEnumerable GetMatchingMetadata() where T : IMetadata return _metadata = null ? new List() : _metadata.OfType(); Caliburn笔记-Action的创建(wpf框架) 若一个对象被设置成为DataCont

8、ext,该对象的方法称之为Action,caliburn通过附加属性来绑定这些Action,首先则需要获取绑定对象的方法.如下示例对象,则有4个方法.Rescue(GeneralRescue)public class Calculator /Note: This rescue catches exceptions thrown by this method. /Rescue(ActionSpecificRescue) /Note: Preview indicates something that will happen before execution of the action. /Note

9、: If AffectsTriggers = false, then this filter will not effect the state of the UI in real time. / Preview(CanDivide) /Note: The return value is bound to the UI if present. public int Divide(int left, int right) return left / right; /Note: See Preview filter. public bool CanDivide(int left, int righ

10、t) return right != 0; /Note: See class level rescue filter. public void GeneralRescue(Exception ex) MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); /Note: See rescue filter on Divide method. public void ActionSpecificRescue(Exception ex) MessageBox.Show(Divide Action: + ex.Message); Action只包含公开方法,并不包含属性与事件等,所以需要对象成员进行

11、过滤.如下逻辑protected virtual IEnumerableIGrouping SelectMethods(Type targetType) return from method in targetType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static) where method.DeclaringType != typeof(object) & !method.ContainsGenericParameters & !method.Name.StartsWith(get_)

12、 & !method.Name.StartsWith(set_) & !method.Name.StartsWith(remove_) & !method.Name.StartsWith(add_) & method.GetParameters().All(x = !x.IsOut) group method by method.Name into groups select groups;方法与Action的转换完成方法过滤后,为了添加功能,还要对方法进行转换.首先根据方法,创建一个IMethod.然后创建Action.当然Action还有其他功能,这里分为同步与异步.protected v

13、irtual IAction CreateAction(IActionHost host, MethodInfo methodInfo) var method = _methodFactory.CreateFrom(methodInfo); var asyncAtt = method.GetMetadata(); var filters = host.GetFilterManager(method); TryAddCanExecute(filters, method); if(asyncAtt = null) return new SynchronousAction(method, _mess

14、ageBinder, filters); return new AsynchronousAction(method, _messageBinder, filters, asyncAtt.BlockInteraction);创建好以后再将其保存,创建过程由实现IActionFactory接口的ActionFactory完成.public IEnumerable CreateFor(IActionHost host) var actions = new List(); var methodGroups = SelectMethods(host.TargetType); foreach(var me

15、thodGroup in methodGroups) var methodList = methodGroup.ToList(); if(methodList.Count = 1) actions.Add(CreateAction(host, methodList0); else var overloadedAction = new OverloadedAction(methodGroup.Key); foreach(var methodInfo in methodList) overloadedAction.AddOverload(CreateAction(host, methodInfo)

16、; actions.Add(overloadedAction); return actions;Caliburn笔记-方法(IMethod)的创建(wpf框架)为了适应框架的需要,对原生的MethodInfo进行了改造,如下图我们可以看到,主要的功能点是允许方法可以进行异步操作.其次IMethod也继承了IMetadataContainer接口,在方法上使用元数据也非常普遍.如下为默认实现的抽象类/ / A base class for implementations./ private abstract class MethodProxyBase : MetadataContainer, I

17、Method private readonly MethodInfo _info; protected readonly IThreadPool _threadPool; / / Initializes a new instance of the class. / / The info. / The thread pool. protected MethodProxyBase(MethodInfo info, IThreadPool threadPool) _info = info; _threadPool = threadPool; AddMetadataFrom(_info); / / G

18、ets the to which this instance applies. / / The info. public MethodInfo Info get return _info; / / Invokes the specified method on the provided instance with the given parameters. / / The instance. / The parameters. / / The result of the function or null if it is a procedure. / public abstract objec

19、t Invoke(object instance, params object parameters); / / Creates a background task for executing this method asynchronously. / / The instance. / The parameters. / / An instance of . / public abstract IBackgroundTask CreateBackgroundTask(object instance, params object parameters);继承此类的分为有返回值与无返回值的方法关

20、键点:1. 对方法进行了委托转换2. 方法执行安全操作,可进行抛错3. 可以进行异步private class Function : MethodProxyBase private readonly LateBoundFunc _theDelegate; / / Initializes a new instance of the class. / / The info. / The thread pool. public Function(MethodInfo info, IThreadPool threadPool) : base(info, threadPool) _theDelegate

21、 = DelegateFactory.Create(info); / / Invokes the specified method on the provided instance with the given parameters. / / The instance. / The parameters. / / The result of the function or null if it is a procedure. / public override object Invoke(object instance, params object parameters) return Saf

22、eInvoke(instance, parameters); / / Creates a background task for executing this method asynchronously. / / The instance. / The parameters. / / An instance of . / public override IBackgroundTask CreateBackgroundTask(object instance, params object parameters) return new BackgroundTask(_threadPool, ()

23、= SafeInvoke(instance, parameters); private object SafeInvoke(object instance, object parameters) try return _theDelegate(instance, parameters); catch(Exception) var requirements = Info.GetParameters(); if (requirements.Length != parameters.Length) throw new CaliburnException( string.Format( The method 0 expected 1 parameters but was provided 2., Info.Name, requirements.Length, parameters.Length) ); throw; DelegateFactory用于动态转换委托,其使用了表达式树(Expression)动态进行编译.Caliburn笔记-消息触发器(wpf框架)收藏参考此先看下面一段xaml /cal:RoutedMessageTrigge

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