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1、高二英语模块14重点短语练习高二英语模块14重点短语练习1)这个年轻人被说服戒烟。 2)令我们惊讶的是,第二天他改变了主意。 3)我们应该让这位老人为坏消息做好准备。 4)我们必须顾及他人的感情。 5)这座旧的车站将被一座现代化车站所代替 6)这两个男孩有许多相似之处。 7)对不起,我得和你面对面谈一谈。 8)他时刻关心别人,和他们相处十分融洽。 9)他将在这场戏中扮演重要的角色。 10)没有什么东西能让我改变主意,我绝不屈服。 11) 日日夜夜努力学习,结果通过了这次考试。 12)你应坚持你的计划并贯彻执行。 13)我班大约有50个学生,其中有很多人是团员。 14)他救了他儿子,作为回报,她

2、给了她一些礼物。 15)长时间步行之后他筋疲力尽了。 16)我以为他找到了新工作,而事实上他又失业了。 17)在老师的帮助下,我的英语有了很大进步。 18)他答应我从今以后要表现得好些。 19)约翰已承认打碎了窗子。 20)这个年轻人去城里寻找一份好的工作。 21) 请把这本书物归原主。 22)爸爸告诉我任何时候都不要失去信心。 23)这首英语歌曲为我们中学生所熟悉。 24)你叔叔是特意来这里看你的。 25)他说的话将对我们有很大的影响。 26)这里的人们都安详地生活着。 27)所有出席会议的人都被这个人的话所感动。 28)我下决心作得比迈克更好。 29)前几天我碰巧在街上碰到了我们的老校长。

3、 30)你愿意和我一起完成这项困难的工作吗? 31)到目前为止我的家乡建了十所学校。 32)听!班会正在举行,让我们也参加吧! 33) 人们欣赏姚明在NBA赛场的表现。 34)今年雨水充沛,结果农业大丰收。 35)他的身体健康得益于戒烟。 36)再别提这件事了,关于它我一个字也不想听得。 37)时间不允许我久留。 38)由于缺乏耐心,这位护士陷入了困境。 39)粗心大意地驾驶是许多事故发生的原因。 40)近年来,中国发生了很大的变化。 41)我一直想掌握天文学方面的知识。 42)我不想太多地依靠父母。 43)据我所知,他有做生意的天赋。 44)我无法想象未来的三峡有多美。 45)如果这些孩子的

4、母亲死了,谁来照顾他们呢? 46)我们正在努力消除我们国家的贫困。 47)我厌倦了吃方便面。 48)她有幸在这部影片中出演主角。 49)我对我上学期的成绩不满意。 50)我不想就这件事和你争论。 51)新的规则使司机们困惑不已。 52)虽然很忙,但他还是把每周六下午用来陪家人。 53) 一个优秀的学生总是渴望学习。 54)他可能成功。 55)我经常去远足,因为我喜欢接近自然。 56)在那个晚上碰巧由于暴风雪电被切断了。 57)那个盲人经常借助于拐杖行走,避免撞上人或物。 58) 过去三十年来,我们引进了各种各样的先进技术。 59)如果你答应带孩子去看电影,你就必须信守诺言。 60)这里的大多数

5、人靠种稻子为生。 61)既然你已经完成了作业,就可以看电视了。 62)她感到所有的人都反对她。 参考答案:1. The young man was persuaded out of smoking.2. To our surprise, he changed his mind the next day.3. We should prepare the old man for the bad news.4. We must consider the feelings of others.5. This old station will be replaced by a new and moder

6、n one.6. The two boys have a lot in common.7. Sorry, I have got to have a face-to-face talk with you.8. He is always ready to others and gets on well with them.9. She will play an important role in this play.10. Nothing can make me change my mind, Ill never give in.11. He studied hard day and night;

7、 as a result, he passed the exam.12. You should stick to your plan and carry it out.13. There are fifty students or so in our class, and a number of them are League members.14. He saved her son, and in return she gave him some gifts.15. After a long walk, he was tired out.16. I thought he had found

8、a new job but in fact he lost his job again. 17. With the help of the teacher, I have made great progress in my English.18. He has promised me to do better in the future. 19. John has admitted breaking the windows.20. This young man went to town in search of a good job.21. Please give back the book

9、to the person whom it belongs to.22. Father tells me not to lose heart at anytime.23. This English song is familiar to us high school students.24. Your uncle came here to see you on purpose.25. What he said will have a great effect on us.26. The people here live in peace.27. All the people present a

10、t the meeting were moved by what the person said.28. I am determined to do better than Mike.29. I met our old headmaster in the street by chance the other day.30. Are you willing to finish the difficult work with me?31. So far, our hometown has built 10 schools.32. Listen! The class meeting is being

11、 held. Lets take part.33. People admire Yaoming for his performance on the NBA court.34. There is plenty of rain this year, so that people got a good harvest in agriculture.35. His good health benefits from giving up smoking.36. Dont refer to the matter again. I dont want to hear a word of it.37. Ti

12、me doesnt permit me to stay longer. / Time doesnt permit my staying longer.38. Because the nurse lacked patience, she got into trouble.39. Careless driving accounts for many accidents.40. In recent years, great changes have taken place in China.41. Ive been trying to get the hang of the knowledge of

13、 astronomy.42. I dont want to depend much on my parents.43. As far as I know, he has a gift for business.44. I cant figure out how beautiful the Three Gorges will be in the future.45. Who will care for these children if their mother dies?46. We are trying to rid our country of poverty.47. I am tired

14、 of eating instant noodles.48. She was fortunate to star in this film. / It was fortunate for her that this film starred her. 49. I was not content with my marks of last term.50. I dont want to argue with you about this. 51. The new rules confused the drivers. 52. Though he is busy, he devotes every

15、 Saturday afternoon to staying with his family.53. A good student should always be curious to learn.54. It is likely that he will succeed. / He is likely to succeed.55. I often go hiking because I like getting close to nature.56. It happened that the electricity was cut off because of the snowstorm

16、on that night.57. The blind man often walks with a walking stick to avoid bumping into something or someone.58. In the past thirty years, we have introduced/brought in a variety of advanced techniques. 59. You must keep your word if you promised to take the children to the cinema.60. Most people here earn their living by growing rice.61. Now that you have finished your homework, you can watch TV.62. She felt as if they were all against her.

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