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1、格莱斯合作原则理论指导下的生活大爆炸言语幽默研究英语论文本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 XXX学院 专业 英语教育 班级 XXXX级英语教育X班 学生 XXX 指导教师 XX XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目:格莱斯合作原则理论指导下的生活大爆炸言语幽默研究 学院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXX级英语教X班 学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXX 指导教师: XX职称:副教授_论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是探讨生活大爆炸中,违背合作原则产生的幽默。其主要任务是通过分析这些幽默产生的原因帮助观众更好的理解幽默并培养幽默感。2、论文(

2、设计)的主要内容 本论文分为四章,第一章介绍进行该研究的原因、合作原则和生活大爆炸,第二章文献综述,第三章对生活大爆炸中违背合作原则产生的幽默案例。最后一章是对本论文的总结。3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线 本论文的基础条件是不同的学者对生活大爆炸中产生的幽默从不同角度进行研究。 研究路线是对生活大爆炸中违背合作原则产生的幽默的目的进行阐述,并将其分别应用在日常生活中和之后幽默情景剧的台词设计中。4、主要参考文献 Attardo, Salvatore. 1994. Linguistic Theories of Humor. New York : Mouton de Gruyter. Chi

3、aro , Delia. 1992. The language of Jokes: Analyzing Verbal Play London and New York: Routledge. Grice, H. P. 1975. Logic and Conversation. New York: Academic Press. 何兆熊,1989,语用学概要,上海:上海外语教育出版社。 胡壮麟,2006,语言学教程,北京:北京大学出版社。5、计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目3月16日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字3月16日-3月23日3提交论文提纲3月23日-3

4、月30日4交初稿和文献综述3月30日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日前指 导 教师: XX 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书XXX 学院 英语教育 专业 XXX 届学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目格莱斯合作原则理论指导下的生活大爆炸言语幽默研究指导教师XX专业职称XXX所属教研室英语基础教研室研究方向语言学课题论证:从违背格莱斯合作原则等方面论证违背合作原则在生活大爆炸中产生的幽默及其应用。方案设计:第一章介绍研究该论题的原因、合作原则和生活大爆炸,第二章文献综述, 第三章对生活大爆炸中违背合作原则产

5、生的幽默进行个例研究, 第四章对本论文进行总结。进度计划:3月16日前确定初步论文题目 3月23日前写开题报告、任务书3月30日前提交论文提纲4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述5月8日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述Literature ReviewThe notion “context” has a long history. Different linguists have different understandings about it. Context only refers t

6、o the neighboring sounds, words, or phrases in Saussures modern linguistics. In his 1923 The problem of meaning in primitive languages, Malinowski first used the notion “language context”. In his opinion, language is a mode of action other than a symbol of thought. The function of language is to org

7、anize humans common action. Malinowski argues that the utterances itself becomes only intelligible when it is placed within its context of situation. According to him, there is no way to categorize the meaning of utterances or the basis of internal considerations of language alone, and the meaning o

8、f its functions in the particular situation, with reference to the given culture (Hu zhuanglin, 1988:35). There is no doubt that the meaning of language is situation and culture. However, it also resides in the relation to the linguistic context. Linguistic context here refers to the internal consid

9、eration of language. Linguistic context cannot entirely take the place of physical and cultural contexts, but it often helps in understanding the particular meaning of the words, phrases etc. Utterances are also never detached from the linguistic context. Based on these theories, Firth forms and dev

10、elops his own context theory. Firth believes that context has different levels and that the “sound context” is the most fundamental one in the context system and there is no lower contextual level. Firth denies that the meaning of a language comes from the language itself. On the contrary, he thinks

11、 that “each word when used in a new context is a new word” (Firth, 1957:190). Firth views that a context of situation for linguistic work brings into a relation of the following categories: A. the relevant features of participant: persons, personalities. (i) the verbal action of the participants; (i

12、i) the non-verbal action of the participants; B. the relevant objects; C. the effect of the verbal action. He claims that the meaning of the language should be studied through a hierarchy of contexts in the sense that meaning may be defined as the relationship between an element of any level and its

13、 context on that level: (i) the relationship of each phoneme to its phonetic context; (ii) the relationship of each lexical item to the others in the sentences; (iii) the morphological relations of each word; (iv) the sentence type of which the given sentence is an example; (v) the relationship of t

14、he sentence to its context of situation. Both Malinowski and Firth regard language as a social process and a way of living. They both choose the actual language used in a certain context as their researching objects. Another linguist who has made great contributions to linguistics is Halliday. He re

15、ceives and develops Firths two basic theories: “context of situation” and “system”. He thinks that language is a form of doing, not a form of knowing. In his opinion, language only differs in linguistic behavior potential and actual linguistic behavior. Language is the product of social process (Hal

16、liday, 1978: preface), and it is not a kind of knowledge or competence. Different with the traditional view that context acts only as a background, Halliday treats context as importantly as language. Context and language affect each other. Contexts determine the ways of language expressions whereas

17、specific language expressions methods create certain contexts. Hallidays another contribution to linguistics is the development of the notion “register”. By virtue of its use, various languages can be distinguished. Language varies as its function varies; it differs in different situations. Accordin

18、g to him, register involves what features of context determine the choice of language in the particular context and it can be classified in terms of field of discourse, tenor of discourse, and mode of discourse. These three dimensions of classification collectively define the context of a discourse.

19、 After Halliday, another great linguist needs to be mentioned is Hymes. He is an American socialist and classifies the context into eight components: setting; participant; ends; art characteristics; key; instrumentalities; norm of interaction and of interpretation; genres. He analyses context and la

20、nguage together other than treating them as related opposites. He believes that there is no language that can exist without context and no context that has nothing to do with language. His notion of context has some similarities with that of Halliday. It is concerned with what determines the appropr

21、iateness of the utterances in the particular context , just as himself says, “In expecting to find a scientific theory of such interaction of language and social setting, one in effect expects theory based where and when, for what purpose and with subject to what norms of interaction and of interpre

22、tation; as instances of what speech acts and genres of speaking? How do community and personal beliefs, values and practices impinge upon the use of language?” (Hymes, 1967:20-25) Some linguists describe context as the knowledge held by language users and think that it is an important part of people

23、s communicative competence. Lyons is one of them. He lists six kinds of knowledge exemplify the components of context as the following: (i) each of the participants must know his role and status. (ii) the participants must know where they are in space and time. (iii) the participants must be able to

24、 recognize the situation in terms of its degree of formality. (iv) the participants must know what medium is appropriate to the situation. (v) the participants must know how to make their utterances appropriate to the subject matter. (vi) the participants must know how to make their utterances appro

25、priate to the province or domain the situation belonging to (Lyons, 1997:574-585).In this thesis, context is classified as intra-linguistic context and extra-linguistic context. Intra-linguistic context refers to the relevant texts based on which a certain expression can be used to express a certain

26、 meaning in communication. It contains words factors (words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and styles) and sounds factors. Extra-linguistic context refers to the objective and subjective environment based on which a certain meaning gets its best expression in communication. It includes dominant fac

27、tors, such as places, times, participants, natural environments, etc. and recessive factors, such as politics, economics, cultures, customs, conventions, etc. In other words, intra-linguistic context focuses on the factors within the language used in communication while extra-linguistic context conc

28、erns about the environment in which the communication takes place. 本科生毕业论文题目:格莱斯合作原则理论指导下的生活大爆炸言语幽默研究作者姓名: XXX 指导教师: XX 所在学院: XXX学院 专 业: 英语教育 班 级: XXX级X班 完成日期 2013 年 5 月 8 日 On Verbal Humor in Big Bang Theory under the Theoretical Framework of Grices Cooperative PrincipleBYXXXProf. XX , TutorA Thesi

29、s Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A. in English At XXXXUniversityMay 8th, 2013AbstractHumor,as the obbligato means of daily communication, has attracted much attention from academia for a long time. Life withou

30、t humor is tedious and boring; People without humor are rigid and unpopular. Therefore, in order to have a better communication with others, people have to build the sense of humor. In this way, he/she can improve his/her personal charisma. Humor helps us live in harmony with others. It is unavoidab

31、le to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study. But humor can ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels. With it you can always keep on good terms with others.This paper analyzes the humor generated by violation of Cooperative Principle, using Big Bang Theor

32、y as a corpus. The aim of this paper is to discover how the humor is generated by the violation of the Cooperative Principle. The author downloaded the video and subtitle firstly, based on the background laughter, analyzed the language humors in this TV series.This paper tests and verifies the emerging of humor by violating the Cooperative Principle. The author hopes tha

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