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081206 词汇111115题及答案.docx

1、081206 词汇111115题及答案三、词性转换强化试题 p111用括号内所给词的正确词性填空:1The game had to be(abandon)_because of crowd trouble1. abandoned 比赛因观众闹事而被迫中断。2She has demonstrated her(able)_to get things done2. ability在办事方面,她显示了非凡的能力。3After a long(absent)_,he has returned t0 doing TV work3. absence 他长期没有露面,现又回来做电视工作了。41 was(abso

2、rb)_in a book and didnt hear your callabsorbed 我(当时)正专心读一本书,没有听见你叫唤5The country has an(abundant)_of skilled workers,but not enough jobsabundance 这个国家有许多熟练工人,但工作岗位不够 6 For a long time she could not(acceptance)_the fact of her husbandS death accept她很长时间都不相信丈夫已经死了这一事实。7 A manager should be(access)_to h

3、is staff accessible经理应该让职员感到平易近人。8I had a slight(accidental)_in the kitchen and broke all the glasses. accident我在厨房里闯了祸,把玻璃杯全打碎了。9The travel agent fixed up our(accommodate)_accept她很长时间都不相信丈夫已经死了这一事实。10I dont feel our visit really(accomplish)_anything accomplished 我觉得我们的访问没有成效。 11In English law a man

4、 is(account)_innocent until he is provedaccounted在英国的法律中一个人在没有证明有罪之前都认为是无罪的。12Despite this(accumulate)_of evidence,the Government persisted in doing nothing accumulation政府无视越来越多的证据,仍不采取任何行动。 13The computer can predict changes with a surprising degree of(accurate)_ accuracy计算机能以惊人的准确度预测变化。 accustom 我

5、需要时间来适应变化。14When he spoke his tone was(accuse)_ accusatory他说话时带有谴责的语气。 15It11 take time for me to(accustomed)_myself to the changes accustom 我需要时间来适应变化。16Ive been feeling tired and(ache)_all morningachy 整个早上我感到又累又痛。1 7Before you set your targets,make sure that they are(achieve)_achievable在你制定目标之前,要先

6、确定它们是可以达到的。18We sent her a copy of the book in(acknowledge)_of her part in its creation acknowledgment 我们给她寄了一本书,以感谢她在创作过程中的参与。19The museum has been heavily criticized over its(acquire)_of the fourmillion-dollar sculpture acquisition 这个博物馆由于购置了一件四百万美元的雕塑而受到了严厉的批评。20She emphasized that it was importa

7、nt to educate children before they became sexually (act)_active 她强调在孩子们性活跃以前对他们进行性教育是很重要的。2 1Many software companies have(adaptation)_popular programs to the new operating systemadapted 许多软件公司改编通用程序以适应新的操作系统。22There will be an extra charge for any(add)_passengersadditional 对于任何超额的乘客将会收取附加费。23So why

8、did you open a letter that was(addressee)_to me?addressed 你为什么拆开了写给我的信?24,While some patients can be(adequate)_treated and cared for at home, others are best served by care in a hospitaladequately有的病人在家中可得到充分的治疗和照顾,而有的病人只能在医院里得到照料。25She made a few minor(adjust)_to the focus of her cameraadjustments

9、她对照相机的焦距作了一些调整。26The police did an(admire)_job in keeping the fans calmadmirable警察出色地使狂热者保持冷静。27Each ticket(admission)_one member and one guestadmits每张票允许一位成员和一位客人进入。 28Several suggestions have been offered for(adopt)_by the paneladoption专门小组提出了几条建议以供采纳。 29He came here not for personal(advance)_,but

10、 to help improve the well-being of the peopleadvancement他到这里来不是图个人升官发财,而是为造福人民出一份力。 30I think Ill try the snails for lunch-Im feeling(adventure)_todayadventurous我想午餐尝试一下蜗牛_今天很想冒险。 31We decided to(advertisement)_our car in the local newspaperadvertise我们决定在当地报上为汽车做广告。 32She is employed by the presiden

11、t in an(advise)_capacityadvisory她被总裁聘为顾问。 33I dont know how he can(affordable)_a new car on his salaryafford 我不知道他的工资怎么能买得起汽车。 34The talks are aimed at finding a mutually(agree)_solutionagreeable会议旨在找到一个能够共同接受的解决方法。 35Taxpayers should claim as many as(allow)_expenses as possible against their taxed

12、incomeallowable 纳税人对他们的税后收入要求有尽可能多的免税消费。 36She was(amazement)_at how calm she felt after the accidentamazed 她对自己在事故后的平静感到吃惊。 37By the age of 1 1,she was(ambition)_attempting to compose orchestral piecesambitiously1l岁的时候,她雄心勃勃地想谱写管弦乐曲。 38I play the pianojust for my own(amuse)_amusement我弹钢琴是为了自娱自乐。 39

13、Some students have a more(analysis)_approach to learninganalytical 一些学生会采用分析的方法去学习。 40It makes me so(anger)_when people are so thoughtlessangry 人们如此自私自利,这使我非常气愤。 41It is really(annoy)_when a train is late and theres no explanationannoying 当火车晚点而又不解释原因时。确实令人恼火。 42The postponement of the new film has

14、held cinemagoers in eager(anticipate) _for several monthsanticipation 这部新影片的推迟上映,使观众急切地盼等了几个月。 43I hope he was suitably(apology)_for breaking your glassesapologetic 我希望他能对弄坏你的眼镜作道歉。 44South Aica has submitted an(apply)_to host the World Cupapplication 南非已提交了主办世界杯赛的申请 45The new(appoint)_will be worki

15、ng closely with both departmentsappointee 就任者将密切联系两个部门进行工作 46Children rarely show any(appreciate)_for what their parents do for themappreciation小孩很难得对父母为他们所做的事情表示感激。 47We11 buy the new computer system as soon as we have the(approve)_of the directorsapproval一经董事会批准,我们将立即购买新的计算机系统。 48The children were

16、 arguing about whose turn it was to ride on the bicycle,so their mother had to(arbitration)_arbitrate孩子们为骑自行车的秩序发生了争吵,他们的母亲只得用好言劝开。 49The book makes some(argue)_pointsarguable 这本书里有需商榷的地方。 50The(assess)_stated that the fire damage was not as severe as the hotels owner had claimedassessor评估员说,火灾损失并不像

17、旅馆老板在索赔中所述的那样严重。 51The company needs more financial(assist)_from the Governmentassistance这家公司需要从政府那里得到更多的财政援助。 52She gave me her(assure)_that she would post the cheque immediatelyassurance她向我许诺将把支票立即寄给我。 53We were(astonish)_to hear youd filled all your exams astonished听说你所有的考试都没及格,我们感到非常意外。 54My son

18、 feels very(attach)_to his old guitar,and hed never sell it attached 我儿子很留恋他的旧吉他,始终舍不得卖掉它。 55There are too many risks(attend)_on such a large investment of moneyattendant如此巨额的投资会产生太多的风险。 56The salary theyre offering is very(attract)_,but I still dont want the jobattractive 他们答应的薪水很有吸引力,但我还是不想要这份工作。

19、57We were speechless at the(beautiful)_of the view from the top of the mountainbeauty从山顶俯视的景观,美得让我们难以用语言描绘。 58After she threatened to leave him,he was on his best(behave)_for a few monthsbehaviour在她威胁要离开他之后,他接连几个月都很检点。59I dont enjoy the film because I didnt think the characters were(believe)_believa

20、ble我不喜欢这部电影,因为我觉得影片中的人物不真实。60The newspaper took a(boldness)_step by publishing the names of the men involvedbold 报纸采取大胆的行动,将涉及者的名字都公布了出来。61They had started quarrelling out of sheer(bore)_boredom他们开始争吵完全是出于无聊。62He seems to do everything(brilliance)_一piano playing,skiing,tap-dancingbrilliantly他似乎能出色地做

21、每件事_弹钢琴,滑雪,跳踢踏舞。63The director took a(calculate)_risk in giving the films main role to an unknown actorcalculated导演大胆冒险用一位不知名的男演员担任主角。64She(careful)_folded the letter and put it in her pocketcarefully她小心翼翼地把信折叠好,放进口袋里。65When we heard shed got the job we aIl went off for a(celebrate)_一drinkcelebrator

22、y听说她得到了那份工作,我们都为她喝酒庆贺。66These memorial(ceremonial)_marked the 100th anniversary of the disasterceremonies 这些仪式用以纪念灾难发生100周年。67A small group of(choose)_soldiers were sent ahead of the main armychosen一小队经过特别挑选的士兵被派遣到主力的前面去。68The terrorist attack on the UN building has shocked the(civilization)_ worldc

23、ivilized恐怖分子对联合国大楼的袭击震惊了文明世界。69Some further(clarify)_of your position is neededclarification 你需要进一步阐明你的立场。70Were holding a(collect)_for charity collection我们正在进行慈善募捐。71Its a pity that Christmas has become so (commerce)_commercialized 令人遗憾的是圣诞节变得如此商业化了。72Anyone caught(commit)_an offence will be punish

24、ed committing 任何被发现的犯法者都将受到惩罚。73I prefer to(communication)_the results by writing rather than by giving them over the telephonecommunicate与用电话传达结果相比,我更满意用写信的方式。74To my mind theres no(compare)_between the two restaurantscomparison在我心里,这两家饭店是根本不能相比的。75The airline received hundreds of(compensate)_claim

25、s following the loss of the luggagecompensation在行李丢失后,航空公司收到了几百项索赔的要求。76How will such a small firm survive in the (compete)_world of business ? competitive这么小的一家企业将如何在竞争激烈的商业社会中取得一席之地呢?77I found it hard to follow what the teacher was saying,and eventually I lost (concentrate)_concentration 我发现自己难以理解

26、老师在讲什么,我终于走神了。78At first I thought he was a bit shy,but Ive come to the(conclude)_that hes simply unfriendly ! conclusion 起初我以为他有点害羞,可经过思考我断定他是不友好的。 79Hes got the (confident)_to walk into a room of strangers and immediately start a conversationconfidence 他有信心步入一间满是陌生人的房间并马上与人聊天。80He used to be quite

27、 interesting as a boy but hes grown really(conform)_ over the yearsconformist他孩提时非常有趣,但这些年变得因循守旧了。81Violent(confront)_between police and demonstrators were reported in the capitalconfrontations据报道在首都警察和示威者之间发生了暴力冲突。82It is worrying that the document contains many(confuse)_confusions这份文件有许多混乱之处,令人焦虑。

28、83He sent her a note of(congratulate)_on her election victorycongratulation他寄去了祝贺信祝贺她选举获胜。84Its thought that his(connect)_with the Mafia helped his singing careerconnection 据认为他和黑手党的关系对他的歌唱事业有帮助。 85After some(consider)_weve decided to sell the houseconsideration经过一番考虑,我们决定卖掉房子。 86I think we need to see a computer(consult)_before we make an expensive mistakeconsultant为了避免犯代价昂贵的错误,我想我们应该请教一下电脑顾问。 87Many of the goods they produce are not for national(consume)_but for exportconsumption他们生产的许多产品只供出口,不供国内消费。 88My computer makes a(continue)_low buzzing noisecontinuous我的

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