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1、马克吐温英文名言马克吐温英文名言(实用版)编制人:_审核人:_审批人:_编制单位:_编制时间:_年_月_日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用范文,如句子大全、名言大全、语录大全、格言大全、说说大全、诗句大全、签名大全、口号大全、祝福语、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after

2、 you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides various types of practical sample essays, such as complete sentences, famous saying

3、s, quotations, aphorisms, sayings, poems, signatures, slogans, blessings, other models, etc. If you want to know more Please pay attention to the different formats and writing methods of the model essay!马克吐温英文名言马克吐温英文名言 1、每个人都是月亮,总有一个阴暗面,从来不让人看见。 Everyone is a moon, there is always a dark side, neve

4、r let people see. 2、首先去取得你的事实,然后你才能够随心所欲的扭曲误解它。 Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as you please. 3、想出新办法的人,在他的新办法想出以前,人们总说他是异想天开。 People who come up with new methods, before his new method think, people always say he is. 4、人生在世,必须善处境,万不可浪费时间,作无益的烦恼。 Life is alive, we must be good a

5、t the situation, million can not be a waste of time, do not worry. 5、他的样子与神情活像一只灰色的大蜘蛛,沾沾自喜地望着一只不幸落到他网中的小虫。 His appearance and look like a big grey spider, pleased with oneself looked at a net bug on his misfortune. 6、在世间所有生灵中,当属人最残酷,只有人在施加痛苦时还能沉迷于其中的乐趣。 All creatures in the world, most people only

6、when human cruelty can inflict pain when indulging in the fun. 7、皱纹应该只是微笑留下的印记。 Wrinkles should just leave a smile on the mark. 8、人类有一种真正有效的武器,那就是笑。 Human beings have a really effective weapon, that is to laugh. 9、以前的梦想是多么快乐,可现实却是这么可怕。 Before the dream is how happy, but the reality is so terrible. 1

7、0、善良是一种聋子能听见、盲人能看见的语言。 Kindness is a deaf can hear and the blind can see the language. 11、一个青年要是相信他日后必定成个不朽的文学家,他心里自然会感到无比的快慰:这可以说是人生再甜蜜不过的时刻。这种抱负的确是很高贵,然而可惜的是,根基往往是太不牢靠了。 A young man if you believe he future will surely become an immortal literary home, his heart will naturally feel very comfort: i

8、t can be said that is life is sweet, but the moment. This ambition is indeed very noble, but unfortunately, the foundation is often too unreliable. 12、每当你发现自己和大多数人站在一边,你就该停下来反思一下。 Whenever you find yourself standing on the side with most people, you should stop and reflect. 13、试图在这篇故事寻找动机者将被起诉;试图从中寻

9、找寓意者将被放逐;试图从中寻找阴谋者将被枪毙。 Trying to in this story for motive will be prosecuted; trying to from looking for meaning in them will be banished; try to find plot will be shot. 14、为了练习,首先神造了傻人,然后祂创造了教育委员会。 In order to practice first, God made idiots. Then he made the education committee. 15、当一个人阅读圣经时,他对上帝

10、所知程度的惊讶是低于他对上帝所不知程度的惊讶。 When a man reads the Bible, his knowledge of God is less than what he does not know. 16、时光荏苒,生命短暂,别将时间浪费在争吵、道歉、伤心和责备上。用时间去爱吧,哪怕只有一瞬间,也不要辜负。 Time flies, life is short, dont waste time arguing, apology, sad and blame on. A time to love, even for a moment, dont live up to. 17、每一

11、个人一生都有两种时候不应该投机冒险:一是他有本钱投机的时候,二是他干不起的时候。 Every persons life there are two kinds of time should not be speculative Adventure: first, he has a cost of speculation, the two is that he can not afford to do. 18、人类是唯一如此的动物:他爱护他的邻居就如同爱护他自己一样,但是如果对方的宗教神学有问题,他会割断对方的喉咙。 Man is the only animal: he loves his ne

12、ighbor as much as he loves himself, but if there is a problem with religious theology, he will cut his throat. 19、巨大的财富对于一个不惯于掌握钱财的人,是一种毒害,它侵入他的品德的血肉和骨髓。 A great wealth for the person unaccustomed to it, is a poison, it invades the flesh and bone of his morals. 20、善良,是一种世界通用的语言,它可以使盲人感到,聋子闻到。 Kindne

13、ss is a universal language, it can make the blind deaf feel, smell. 21、我们自己用的得意的词汇,其实绝非来自我们自己。属于我们自己的无非只是依照我们的脾气性格环境教育与社会关系而做的些修改而已。只是这么点修改,使之区别于别人的表达方式,打下了我们特有风格的烙印,暂时算作是我们自己的东西。别的统统都是些陈年旧货,是几千年几百年以来世世代代的人说过的陈词滥调而已。 Our own use of the vocabulary, in fact, not from our own. Our own nothing more than

14、 just according to our temper character environmental education and social relations and do some modification. Just a little change, so that it is different from other peoples expression, the unique style of our brand, as it is our own things. All other things are some old stuff, is thousands of yea

15、rs for several hundred years, generations of people said the hackneyed and stereotyped expressions. 22、你们卑鄙的人类就是这样老是扯谎,老是自以为具有那些实在不具备的美德,却否认那些较高等动物具有它们。野兽从来没有干过一桩残酷的事情这是有道德的动物的专利。一只野兽叫旁的东西受痛苦是出于无意的,这就没什么不对,因为对它来说,根本就汉有“不对”的事情,它叫旁的东西受苦痛,并不是出于高兴只有人才这么干。这就是受了人那种乱七八糟的道德心的鼓舞。 You mean the human is such -

16、 always tells a lie, always think with those who really do not have the virtue, but denied that the higher animals have their. The beast has never done a cruel thing - it is a patent of a moral animal. Suffering a beast called the next thing is for the intention of, this is not what is wrong, becaus

17、e it simply Han have something wrong, it is next to what suffer pain and not for pleasure - only people used to do that. This is the moral heart of the people who were inspired by the mess. 23、一切脆弱的东西之中,最脆弱的就是不曾在烈火中试炼过的道德。 All fragile things, the most vulnerable is not used in the fire test of moral

18、ity. 24、道德是一种获得如同音乐,如同外国语,如同虔诚扑克和瘫痪没有人生来就拥有道德。 Morality is a kind of acquisition, like music, as a foreign language, like a devout poker and paralysis, which has no life. 25、我打四十岁以后,就寝和起床时间就一直很有规律这是一件很重要的事。我还立了一条规则:在没有人陪伴时上床;我还立下了一条规则:在不得不起床时起床。这样就形成了一条不可动摇的没有规律的规律。这条规律使我延年益寿,却会伤害他人。 When I was fort

19、y years old, it was a very important thing to go to bed and get up. I also made a rule: when no one went to bed; I also made a rule: when you have to get up. This creates a unshakable law of. This rule makes my life, it will hurt others. 26、戴维斯的书没有在美国的上层社会里流传。不过只要你穿上潜水衣潜下去,潜下去,一直潜到人口密集的地区,那个永远做苦工,挨饰

20、饿的,见不到天日的地区,你就会发现成百万册他的书。有这个市场的人,财是发定了,黄油面包是稳稳到手了,因为这些人永远不会丢弃它。 Daviess book is not in the upper class society of America. But as long as you wear a wetsuit dive, dive, has the potential to densely populated areas, the one that forever drudge, next to act the role ofing hungry, see the light of day

21、of area, you will found million copies of his books. People who have this market, money is the hair set, bread and butter is firmly in hand, because these people will never discard it. 27、如果你懂得使用,金钱是一个好奴仆,如果你不懂得使用,它就变成你的主人。 If you know how to use it, money is a good servant, and if you do not know h

22、ow to use it, it will become your master. 28、许多年轻人通过一个笨拙的粗制滥造的谎言使自己受到了永久的伤害,这是不完善的教育所造成的轻率行为。有些权威人士主张年轻人根本不应说谎。当然,这话说得有点不必要地过头;然而,尽管我不会走得那么远,我却主张而且我认为我是对的年轻人必须克制自己,不去使用这项异乎寻常的技艺。 Many young people through a clumsy, shoddy lies make their own by the permanent damage, which is imperfect education caus

23、ed by the reckless actions. Some pundits claim that young people should not lie at all. Of course, saying it is not necessary to head; however, although I would not go that far. My opinion is - and I think I am right, young people have to restrain myself, not to use the extraordinary skill. 29、每个人都是

24、一轮圆月,有自己不示人的阴暗面。 Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he does not show people. 30、有两种基督教道德,一种是私德,一种是公德。这两种道德如此不同,如此不相干,以致彼此之间像大天使和政客一样毫无关系。一年中美国公民有三百六十三天恪守基督教公德,使国家的完美性质保持纯洁无瑕;然后,在余下的两天,他把基督教私德留在家里竭尽全力去破坏和毁灭他整整一年的忠实而正当的工作。 There are two kinds of Christian morality, is a private, is a kind o

25、f morality. These two kinds of morals are so different that they are so different that they have no relation to each other as big as an angel or a politician. A year in the United States citizens has 363 days with Christian morality, to keep immaculate perfect nation nature; then, in the remaining t

26、wo days, he put Christian private morality at home. Go all out to destroy and destroy his faithful and proper work for a whole year. 31、人人都是月亮,都有不愿让人见到的阴暗面。 Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which people dont want to see. 32、真实比虚构更陌生。 Truth is stranger than fiction. 33、面对生死绝境,人性就彻底暴露在每个人的眼前。那种

27、人吃人的血腥场景,赤裸裸地展示了人类动物性的一面,令人反思。 In the face of death despair, human nature is thoroughly exposed in front of everyone. The bloody scenes of the people who eat, naked display of the human animal side, it is a reflection of. 34、当你为爱情而钓鱼时,要用你的心当作饵,而不是用你的脑筋。 When you fish for love, bait with your heart,

28、not your brain. 35、有一只苍蝇落在他面前的座椅靠背上,它从从容容的搓着双手,伸出胳膊来抱着头,拼命使劲的摩擦,以致它的头几乎好像是要和身子分家,像一根细线似的脖子显露出来,可以看得清清楚楚;它又用后腿拨弄翅膀,把翅膀向身上轻轻地摸,好像那是礼服的后摆。它逍遥自在的老在那儿做着这一全套梳装打扮的功夫,似乎是明知自己绝对安全无事一般。 A fly landed in front of him on the seat back, it from calm content, rubbing his hands, stretched out his arm to embrace a h

29、ead, desperately hard friction that its head almost seems to be to body and separation, like a piece of thread like neck exposed, you can see clearly; it used fiddle with the hind wings, the wings to gently touch, as if that were the coat tails. It easygoing old there doing the full set of comb dres

30、s of Kung Fu, seems to be knowing that their absolute safety in general. 36、人抛弃理智就要受感情的支配,脆弱的感情泛滥不可收拾,象一只船不小心驶入深海,找到碇泊处。 Abandoned reason will be affected by emotional domination and vulnerable feelings flooding unmanageable, like a boat accidentally sailed into the deep sea, find the anchorages. 37

31、、当掉那把剑吧,他又想到这是与自己的荣誉分手,他可以少穿一些衣服是的,可是如果那样的衣服也卖得掉的话,那么疾病也可以很容易地找到买主了。 When the sword out, he thought this is breaking up with their honor, he can wear less clothes - yes, but if that kind of clothes also sell off, then the disease can also easily find a buyer. 38、他的指甲看不出多少黑人的血统,那只有很少一点可是这也足够把他的灵魂涂黑了。 His nails see little black blood, that only a little - but it is enough to put his blackened soul. 39、友善是一种语言,失聪的人和失明的人也能感受。 Friendship is a kind of language, the deaf and blind people can feel. 40、人是唯一会脸红的动物,或者说是唯一需要脸红的动物。

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