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Unit 5 Lets celebrate 导学案2牛津译林版七年级上.docx

1、Unit 5 Lets celebrate 导学案2牛津译林版七年级上滨海县第一初级中学初一英语导学案 (7A0501)课题:Comic Welcome to the unit 主备人: 审核人: 班级 姓名 学号 课 时 目 标1 学习中外著名的节日。2 学习新的单词和短语。能力目标1. 根据图片猜测词义。2. 学会谈论最喜欢的节日。情感目标学习重点1. 初步了解庆祝节日的方式。2. 学会谈论最喜欢的节日。学习难点1. 学习中外著名的节日。2. 学会谈论最喜欢的节日。课 前 导 学一、理解对话。读Eddie和Hobo的对话回答下列两个问题并且完成下面一段文章。1. What is Hobo

2、dressing up as?2. What will he dress up then? Today is _. Hobo and Eddie are going to _ it. Hobo_ up as a _, but Eddie thinks that is not very_. Then Hobo wants to dress up as _ _.二、跟读磁带,并且和同桌模仿对话准备上台表演。三、预习57页A部分内容。四、预习B部分的内容完成下面对话。-1._-My favourite festival is Christmas.-2._-It is on 25th December

3、.-_-We often go shopping and decorate(装饰)our Christmas trees.-Do you like decorating Christmas trees?-_-_ 五、生词你掌握了吗?(英汉互译)1. celebrate _ 2. Halloween _3. ghost _ 4. 有趣的 _ 5. 给穿衣服_ 6. Monkey King _7. Christmas _ 8. Dragon Boat Festival _9. Mid-Autumn Festival _10. Thanksgiving Day _11. moon cake _12.

4、 get together _六、补全单词。1. Today is Halloween. Lets c_.2. I like Christmas very much. Which is your f_ festival?3. C_ people often eat moon-cakes at Mid-autumn festival.4. -Why do you like Christmas? - B_ I like Christmas trees.5. Children often d_ up as Monkey King at Halloween.课 堂 活 动一、 看漫画内容然后回答理解对

5、话的两个问题。二、 让各组跟读录音并且表演漫画部分对话。三、 核对57页A的内容四、 表演B部分的对话。五、 展示所预习的生词。六、 找两组展示补全单词。课 堂 反 馈一、把下列句子翻译成英语。1我要装扮成美猴王。I will _ _ _ Monkey King.2你最喜欢什么节日?Which is _ _ _?3你为什么喜欢中秋节?Why _ you like _ _?二、句型转换。1. My favorite food is fish.(对划线部分提问)_ _ your favorite food?2. Children like moon cakes very much. (改为一般疑问

6、句)_ Children _ moon cakes very much?3. He is making a poster. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he _?4. Many people eat turkey on Thanksgiving day. (对划线部分提问) _ _ many people _ on Thanksgiving day?5. She likes Chinese New Year because she likes eating dumplings. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ Chinese New Year? 等第: 日期:教学反思:滨海县第一初级中学

7、初一英语导学案 (7A0502)课题: Reading I 主备人: 王达荣 顾向芹 审核人: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 课 时 目 标知识目标1学习有关万圣节的知识。2学习新的单词和短语。能力目标1了解信件的写作格式。 2培养阅读能力。情感目标通过学习万圣节的文章,点燃对美好生活的热爱之情。学习重难点1了解信件的写作格式。 2培养阅读能力。课 前 导 学一、找出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。二、词组翻译:1举行特殊的聚会 2。在10月31日晚_3敲他们的门 4。和里面的人玩一个游戏_5给我们一些糖作为招待 6。捉弄他们_7装扮并带面

8、具 8。把我们的脸涂起来_9享受美食和热饮 10。制作南瓜灯_二根据首字母用课文中的单词填空:1. We celebrate many f_ in China.2. If you wear a m_, people will not know who you are.3 Tom likes to make a l_ out of an orange.4. He likes to d_ up as a policeman at the party.5. We always have a party on October 31st. Its w_.6. We are going to have a

9、 s_ party this Childrens Day.课 堂 活 动Step Warming up1. Review the important festivals2. Introduce the background knowledge of Halloween.Step Skimming Skim the text and find out the answers to this question “what do we do at Halloween?”A. Dress up (wear masks or paint their faces.)B. Make pumpkin lant

10、ernsC. Play “trick or treat”D. Have a party in the evening1. Give Ss several minutes to skim the text and check their answers.2. Present pictures on the screen to show the four activities.Designing purpose: To cultivate Ss ability in getting the main ideas of the text.Step Listening1. Present severa

11、l questions on the screen2. Listen carefully and find answers to the questions3. Check their answers.Step Reading1. Read the paragraphs one by one.2. Deal with the details about what they do at Halloween. Step V Practice1.Present the topics on the screen and ask them to choose one to say something w

12、ith their partners2.Choose several students to talk about it.Step Homework1. Finish period 2 in Unit 3 on the Handbook of evaluation2. Recite Reading.课 堂 反 馈一用所给单词的正确形式填空:1. Thank you for _(tell) me about Christmas.2. We _(celebrate, not) Halloween in China.3. Mother is busy _(cut) the meat.4. He of

13、ten _(dress) up at Halloween.5. The party usually _(start) at about 8 p.m.6. I know how _(make) a pumpkin lantern.7. The teacher lets him _(tell) us a story.8. Would you like _(play) computer games with me?9. Can I _(have) a look at your new costumes?10.Tom with his sister often (watch) TV on Sunday

14、s.二完成句子:1我想在晚会上扮成公主。I want _ _ _ _ a princess at the party.2请告诉我世界上不同的节日。Please tell me _ _ in the world.3. 谢谢你告诉我关于我儿子的学习情况。 Thanks me my sons study.4为什么不跟他们开个玩笑呢?Why not _ _ _ _ them?5听!有人正在敲门。Listen! Someone is _ _ _ _.6你拿什么招待你的朋友们?What _ you _ your friends _ _ _?7在晚会上扮成美猴王怎么样?What about _ _ _ Mo

15、nkey King at the party? 等第: 日期:教学反思:滨海县第一初级中学初一英语导学案 (7A0503)课题: Reading 主备人: 王达荣 顾向芹 审核人: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 课 时 目 标知识目标 1掌握文章中的重点句型和短语。例如:What do we do for Halloween?If they dont give us a treat, we can play a trick on them.能力目标 1能够复述文章。情感目标 通过本课学习,激发对中西方传统节日的热爱。学习重点 继续学习有关万圣节的知识学习难点 学会使用重难点短语和句型课 前 导 学一

16、、讨论题:组内讨论各自喜欢的节日并且谈论在喜欢的节日中做什么和如何庆祝该节日。二、翻译短语。1举行一个特殊的晚会_ 2. 给我们一些糖果作为招待_ 3. 作弄一下杰克_ 4. 敲门 _ 5. 把我们的脸涂上颜色 _ 6. 用南瓜制作灯笼 _ 7. 团聚 _ 8. 我最喜欢的节日_三、根据句意填上适当介词 1、Thank you _telling me about the Mid-autumn Festival. 2、We have a special party_ October 31st. 3、People _the USA wear special costumes with masks.

17、4、We knock _peoples doors. 5、We can play a trick_ them. 6、My friends and I always dress up_ Halloween. 7、My family always have a party _the evening of October 31st. 8、We make out own special pumpkin lanterns _Halloween. 四、翻译句子。1感谢你告诉我关于中秋节。Thank you _ _ _ _ Mid-Autumn.2万圣节我们干什么?What _ we do _ _?3在十月

18、三十一号,我们举行一个特别的晚会。We _ _ _ _ on October 31st.4我们穿着带有面具的特殊服装。We wear _ _ _ _.5为了万圣节,我们制作我们自己的特别的南瓜灯笼。We make our own_ _ _ _ Halloween.课 堂 活 动一、写出并在组内和班内展示讨论题。二、齐读文章,然后让每组出一人,每人读一段。三、找五小组,分给他们每组一段,并且找个代表出来讲解该段重点知识,其余组听讲,如果有疑问可以质疑。四、展示课前自习中的重点短语。五、展示翻译句子。六、展示B3和C部分。并且看C部分内容复述课文。七、展示完成单词。课 堂 反 馈一、完成单词。1.

19、 Halloween is a special f _.2. People in the USA c_ Halloween every year.3. You can make a lantern o_ of a pumpkin.4. You are outside,and she is (在里面)。一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We play a game _ (call) “A cat catches”.2. Their parents often give _(we) candies as a treat on New Years Day.3. Theres some bread

20、and _ (chocolate) in the box.4. Lets _ (buy) some Halloween chocolates tonight.5. Wendy often _(wear) a special costume at Halloween.6. How _ you _ (celebrate) Christmas every year?7. You can _ (make) a lantern out of a pumpkin.二、选词填空。hot drinks dress up play tricks on make for give as a treat knock

21、 on1. The naughty(淘气) boys love_ their teachers.2. If you feel cold, you can have some _.3. Listen! Someone _ the door.4. When the Spring Festival comes, all children _ and wear new clothes.5. His mother is very friendly. She always _ us some sweets _.6. We are _ some beautiful paper flowers _ the c

22、oming new year.三、翻译句子。1我想给你看一张我家的全家福照片。 I _ _ show you _ _ _ _ _.2捉弄你的朋友是不对的。 It is not good _ _ _ _your friends3西蒙在万圣节时化装成美猴王。 Simon _ _ _ _ _ at Halloween.等第: 日期:教学反思:滨海县第一初级中学初一英语导学案 (7A0504)课题: Grammar 主备人: 王达荣 顾向芹 审核人: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 课 时 目 标知识目标 学会用Wh-疑问词提问并回答。能力目标 培养发现规律和认识规律的能力。情感目标学习重难点 Wh-疑问词提

23、问并回答课 前 导 学一、 读下面问题。What is it?Whose pen is it?Where did you buy it?Why do you like it?二、 阅读61页表格,弄清what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how的含义和用法。三、 完成61页A部分和62页B C部分的练习。四、将下列疑问词对号入座。how many; how; when; what; which; who; whose; how much; where; why 1._ will cook the dinner this evening?2._do

24、 you feel today?3._book do you like better, this one or that one?4._ruler is this, yours or hers?5._classrooms are there in your school?6._do you come from?7._is your birthday?8._are you late?9._do you spend on the new dress?10._do you usually do at weekends? 五、句型转换。1. Amy has some cards in her hand

25、s. (改为一般疑问句) _ Amy have_ cards in her hands? Yes, _ _. / No, _ _.2. Amy was late because she was ill. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Amy late?3. The boy goes to school by bus. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the boy _ to school?4. They go to the park on Sundays. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ on Sundays?5. We are playing football with them. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ with them?6. Mr. Green is his father. (对划线部分提问) _ _ his father?7. My bike is under the tree. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your bike?8. He was born on May 6th , 1998. (对划线部分提问) _ _ he born?课 堂 活 动一、 回答问题。二、 找学生说出每个特殊疑问词的含义和用法。三、 让学生展示61页A和62页BC部分的练习并朗读。四、 让各小组讨论用 Wh-

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