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7、dingteachingwithresultsgivendirectly.Iftheytwolearnttheteachingideafromeachother,theworldculturewillbefurtherintegration.Also,Chinasfeudalcultureboundwontcontinueforsolong.Lastbutnotleast,theculturalconflictswillbereduced andtheworldwillbemorepeaceful.WhenSocratesmeetsConfuciusInancienttimes,therear


9、oderncommunicationsinthewholeworld. Becausetheirthoughtsarestillhavingaprofoundimpactonmodernpeople.Notonlydidtheyadvocatedbenevolenceandgoodness,butalsotheypaidattentiontohumanismandconcernedaboutpeopleandsociety.Firstly,iimagethattheywouldbecomegoodfriendsandliveinharmonywitheachotherwhenSocratesm





14、ceiveamarriagecertificate,butalsotheycanadoptachild,whichisduetothattheyfocusonpersonality.Thus,theydonotscrupleonpursuingsomething.Allinall,whenSocratesmeetsConfucius,itisnotonlyafeastofideasexchanged,butalsoitisaculturalcollision.When Socrates Meets Confucius Giants always represent their age,and

15、they are always symbols of human civilization.Each nation owns its sages.In the east,Confucius is considered as the greatest saint.He is the major founder of our profound traditional Chinese culture and was rewarded as one of “the Top Ten Cultural Celebrities”. Confucianism, which he established and

16、 developed by his follower, had a significant influence on the formation of our national characteristics.His theory relates to politics,economy ,education and aesthetics.Confucius was respected and remembered by offspring. At the same time ,Socrates was like a star shining in the sky of west.He was

17、known as “the western Confucius”. As an Asian ,I know little about Socrates. But there is always a conventional image in my mind : an old man,barefoot ,in rags ,looking in to the sky and lost in thought.He has contributed to the western culture such as sociology ,education,natural philosophy,ethics

18、and so on .In a word,they both share great fame in history and make significant sacrifices to the world. Although they lived in a different area and had different and created different life path, they shared some points in common. First, they are both not accepted by their age . To some extent,it is

19、 like a tragedy. Socrates accepted the final trial and died by drinking poison. Meanwhile ,Confucius led a vagrant life for years. The roots of their tragedy are that their advanced and profound thoughts conflict with the inherent social institutions and the interests of high ranks. Socrates lived i

20、n Athens where the democratic system has just boomed and the public worship absolute democracy as a guarantee of their happy life. However,there are many inherent errors. The absolute democracy means nothing. People may decided the important social affairs just by wills. Leaders chose by the system

21、might not own the management talent. Socrates observed the fault and pointed it out loud to the public. He promoted that the king or those who had specialized abilities should govern the country. And rulers were ought to make rules and send commands, the ruled were ought to observe the orders. To so

22、me extent,it was the right medicine to the “illness” of the system and emphasized the leaders excellent abilities. However,it went against the public will and sent Socrates to the last trail. So did Confucius. He lived in the Spring and Autumn Period ,which was a famous discord times in history. Eve

23、ry powerful chief set up their own separatist regime by force of arms and competed to enlarge their territory. They regarded the legalism as the only approach to success. Confucius promoted that the king should treat their people by benevolence. They should set the public interests as the first stan

24、dard to make decisions. The thoughts were fit for a peaceful dynasty to consolidate power. So Confucius thoughts can not be employed in this era and he lived a frustrated life. While they were failed in politics, they both played an important role in education and shared great fame . They set the “i

25、t is never too old to learn” as their life motto. When Socrates was young,he was interested in natural philosophy and learned from people in the markets.He never gave up any chance to learn.And Confucius was born in a scholarly family.His mother created a great atmosphere for him to grow up and he r

26、ead a lot at a young age.Then he learned various skills from famous teachers and did a great job.He once went to Zhou Dynasty to discuss issues with Laozi and respected laozi as his teacher.His famous sayingTwo heads are always better than oneperfectly proved this.Both Socrates and Confucius are goo

27、d at teaching.They combined the knowledge with conversations.They did not directly gave the correct answer and just led others to think and comprehensive,which is quite different from the teaching methods of today.Socrates irony was the earliest form of debate.Through the conversation,let others fou

28、nd the contradiction and got the answer.They thought they did not know everything and kept modest.What they did was helping others to develop themselves.Their words were all recorded by their students through conversations.In a word, they spread knowledge. They did not set certain standards for thei

29、r students.No matter rich or poor,they treated them all the same.In face of the knowledge,everyone is equal.And they did not build schools,but taught students everywhere in a causal atmosphere.In the little woods,Socrates talked with his students and discussed the vital issues.Confucius taught his s

30、tudents during the journey around the countries.His students followed him and took care of each other.He promoted that the poor should have the same opportunity to get education.Yan Hui,his favorite student,lived a poor life.Their students played a significant role in history like Plato and 72 persons of virtue. They concentrated more on the ethics and came up with standards to be a gentleman.Socrates thought virtue was knowledge.Only when a person own

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