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上海市嘉定区和青浦区届高三联考英语试题 Word版含答案.docx

1、上海市嘉定区和青浦区届高三联考英语试题 Word版含答案2019届高三英语模拟试卷考生注意:1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。2. 本次考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上, 在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。I. Listening Comprehension Section ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

2、At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question

3、you have heard.1. A. Librarians. B. Farmers.C. Officials. D. Assistants. 2. A. At the department store. B. From the other customers.C. At the information center. D. From a change machine. 3. A. An English textbook. B. A Japanese textbook. C. A history book. D. A chemistry book. 4. A. 9:00. B. 9:30.

4、C. 10:00. D. 10:30.5. A. Because he is not well paid for his work. B. Because the job is challenging enough. C. Because he cant concentrate on his work. D. Because he lives far away from his company.6. A. He will go for the picnic. B. He will receive a friend. C. He will go to visit Jack. D. He will

5、 stay at home and do nothing.7. A. Its not the children making the noise. B. The children used to be quiet.C. The children are very quiet. D. The children were noisier yesterday. 8. A. He failed the exam again. B. He did very well in the exam. C. He narrowly passed the exam. D. He got the highest ma

6、rk in the exam.9. A. He is pleased to do the task for James. B. He is too busy to do it now. C. He doesnt want to type the report out. D. He doesnt know how to type it.10. A. It cost too much money. B. It will bring huge profit. C. It does harm to the environment. D. He knew nothing about the constr

7、uction.Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you he

8、ar a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following recording.11. A. A wild animal. B. A tiger in need of adoption. C. A tiger without children. D. An adopted child

9、.12. A. Because the zoo wants them to do so.B. Because people dont love Shorty enough.C. Because people dont want to spend too much money on Shorty.D. Because Shortys food is too expensive for one person to afford.13. A. Many people are kind to animals.B. Animals in the zoo dont have enough food to

10、eat.C. Children love animals better than adults do.D. Many zoos are too poor to feed their animals.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following recording.14. A. Because they are ignored by their parents.B. Because they are always troublesome.C. Because they are encouraged to do so.D. Because t

11、hey feel uncomfortable about long flights.15. A. To stop worrying for their kids.B. To find companions for their kids on the plane.C. To book the flight earlier in advance.D. To encourage kids to sleep during the flight.16. A. Never forget how comfortable a long-distance flight itself might be to a

12、person.B. People feel too embarrassed to accept the help from the staff.C. When children feel excited, the best way is to turn to air staff for help.D. Air staff should have many ways to deal with various passengers. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. He is going

13、to the store. B. He is going to see the woman.C. He is going to see Robert. D. He is looking for his calculator. 18. A. The man has lost it. B. Robert has borrowed it. C. The woman has found it. D. Robert will buy one for the man. 19. A. The woman never intended the man to keep the calculator so lon

14、g. B. The man never intended the woman to keep the calculator so long. C. Robert never intended the man to keep the calculator so long. D. The man never intended Robert to keep the calculator so long.20. A. They are too expensive that he cant afford it. B. They are cheap enough to buy some for himse

15、lf.C. They are not so expensive that he can buy one for himself.D. They are not so cheap that he will save money to buy one. II. Grammar and vocabulary Section A Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with

16、 a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Should Video Games Be Art?Back in April this year, film critic Roger Ebert decided to handle the topic of the cultural importance of video games from the perspective

17、 of whether they could ever be regarded as art. Clearly, Ebert (21) _ (convince) that no game so far could even dream of being considered as coming close to a work of art. In todays post, Ebert returns to the topic to put an end to the debate that has been going on ever since: though he stands by (2

18、2) _ he believes in namely that, at least in theory and principle, video games will never be art he can now admit that he shouldnt have expressed his opinion without knowing what he was talking about. And that is his biggest mistake, as far as he is concerned, (23) _ he expressed a judgment on a pub

19、lic forum(论坛)without having played a single video game and all the while (24) _ (insist) that was the last thing on his wish list. He approached the matter strictly from a theoretical point of view and thats not fair (25) _ the gaming industry or the gamers who took offense, for that matter.“I was a

20、 fool for mentioning video games in the first place. I would never express an opinion on a movie I hadnt seen. Yet I have declared that video games (26) _ never be Art. I still believe this, but I should never have said so. Some opinions are best kept to yourself. So far, 4,547 comments (27) _ (rain

21、) down upon me for that blog entry. Perhaps 300 supported my position. The rest were united in opposition. What you see now posted are almost all of the comments (28) _ (send) in. They are mostly intelligent, well-written, and right about one thing in particular: I should not have written that entry

22、 without being more familiar with the actual experience of video games,” Ebert writes about the very post (29) _ started the debate.Most posters pointed to him that he was also doing so without as much as offering a clear definition of Art. “(30) _ gamers experience video games as a form of art, doe

23、s that not automatically make them so?” some said. Others, tired of reading what others had argued before them, were simply content to say “Ebert doesnt get it.”Section B Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one wo

24、rd more than you need.A. biologicalB. energyC. potentialD. deviceE. projectF. decidedG. transformedH. technology I. eventuallyJ. supportK. completelyUsing Plants To Generate ElectricityAs free as they make us, mobile phones still need to stay close to a power source. Soon that may change with green

25、power. Three Chilean students got the idea for a plant-powered (31) _ to charge their cell-phones, while sitting in their schools outdoor courtyard during a break from exams, with dead mobile phones. Then, one of them had an aha moment.“It occurred to Camila to say about plants,” said inventor Evely

26、n Aravena. “Why dont you have a socket, if there are so many plants? After that, we thought, why dont they have a charger? Because there are so many plants and living things that have the (32) _ to produce energy, why not?”Their invention a small (33) _ current they call E-Kaia uses the energy plant

27、s produce during photosynthesis. A plant uses only a part of that energy the rest goes into the soil, and thats where the E-Kaia collects it. The device plugs into the ground and then into your phone. Mauricio Cifuentes of Duoc University said,“Its the most amazing (34) _ Ive ever seen in my life, p

28、lain and simple. At least from my personal point of view I began to (35) _ them. It was transformational.”The device solved two problems for the engineering students they needed an idea for a class project, and an outlet to plug in their phones.“Looking for a place to charge the notebook, which had

29、no (36) _, and the mobile phones, we werent able to find anything because all the other students were in the same state of madness trying to find a place to charge their devices,”said Aravena. But plants are everywhere, and the bio-circuit taps into their excess power.“There is a complete energy cyc

30、le of the plant. We (37) _ to make use of the cycle, then we would not affect the plants growth. The bio-circuit makes an acquisition and that is (38) _ into energy to later make charges for low consumption,” said inventor Camila Rupcich.The E-Kaia doesnt carry much charge but its powerful enough to

31、 (39) _ recharge a mobile phone in less than two hours. The student inventors have applied for patents on their (40) _, and expect the E-Kaia to go on sale in the near future.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The Music Industry A New IndustryNot long ago, most professional musicians lived in a world far remove

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