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新初一分班考试英 语真题.docx

1、新初一分班考试英 语真题 新初一分班考试英 语真题 新初一分班真题卷 第一部分 客观题(0 60 分) 单项选择,把正确答案填写在括号里。 (20 分) 1Some friends of have gone to Japan to watch the 2019 FIFA World Cup. Ahis Bhe Chim Dhimself 2Could you tell me to do next, please? Ahow Bwhat Cwhere Dwhen 3Be quick, well be late for the meeting. Aand Bbut Cso Dor 4Must I

2、get up so early, Mum? No, you . Acant Bmay not Cmuch too Dneednt 5The old man cant carry the box. It is heavy. Atoo much Bso much Cmuch too Dmuch 6 What did Mr. Jones do before he moved here? He a city bus for over twenty-five years. Ais driving Bdrove Chad driven Ddrives 7Walk along the road and yo

3、ull find the hospital. Ain the end Bto the end Cby the end Dat the end 8 of our earth is covered with water. ASeven-tenths BTen-sevenths CSeventh-tenths DSeven-tens 9 of us has read the story, so we know nothing about it. ASome BBoth CNone DAll 10Hurry up! The play for the minutes. Ahas begun Bhad b

4、egun Chas been on Dbegan 11The 2019 World Cup Soccer Match for over 20 days since May 31st. Ahas begun Blasted Cbegan Dhas lasted 12I saw accident when I went to school yesterday. Aan; happen Ba; happen Ca; happening Dan; happened 13Give the girls two bananas . Aall Beach Cboth Devery 14Ann is an Am

5、erican, and . Aso does Lucy BSo is Lucy Cso Lucy does Dso is Lucy 15The train is leaving right now, but David hasnt arrived yet. Well, he said he here on time. Acame Bwill be Cwould come Dcan be 16The weather in summer in Beijing is cooler that in Shanghai. Athis Bit Cthat Done 17Lin Tao will go to

6、England with Jim. Really? How long ? Half a month. Awill they be away Bwill they be back Cwill they fly to London Dwill they arrive in London 18He told me that the earth round. Awas Bis Care Dhave been 19Youd better football in the street. Anot play Bnot to play Cdont play Dnot playing 20More than a

7、 month_ since the foreign friends came here. Ahas passed Bhave passed Chas past Dhave past 完形填空。 Dear Susan, Thank you 1 your last letter. I have been here for over a year now 2 I left Shanghai 3 Japan. Now, let me tell you 4 about Tokyo. I enjoy 5 all places of great interest here very much. But it

8、 is difficult 6 me to find my way around the city. In Tokyo, only the important streets have names, and houses are numbered by age, 7 when the first house was built in a place, it was Number One, and the second was Number Two. Sometimes, the second house may be over a kilometer 8 form the first hous

9、e. Most of the people here are happy to help others. One man even drew a map for me when I asked him how I could 9 the station. How kind he is! Please write to me soon. 10 , Fangfang 1Ato Bfor Cof Dwith 2Awhen Buntil Cafter Dsince 3Afor Bto Cin Dfrom 4Asomething interesting Binteresting something Ca

10、nything interested Dinterested anything 5Aa visit Bvisiting Cto visit Dvisits 6Ato Bof Cbefore Dfor 7AAt time BBy the way CFrom now on DFor example 8Afar Blong Caway Dwide 9Areach to Barrive Cget to Dget 10AYour BYou CYours DYourself 阅读理解。 (30 分) A Dear Rose, I like your programmes very much. Im now

11、 writing to ask you something about American social customs(社交习惯). My American friends want me to join them in their dinner party. I am very happy and have decided to go, but Im a little worried about it, too. The social customs in my country are very different from here, so Im afraid of making mist

12、akes. Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that Im thankful for their kindness? Wang Lin Dear Wang Lin, Its a good idea to bring a small present whe

13、n you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friends drink it. You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Dont get here early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them. Try to be f

14、ree at the dinner table. If you dont know about choosing the right fork or knife, just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you. If you like the food, say so. Of course youll thank them for the meal and for their kindness. Its also

15、a good idea to send a thank-you card the day after. Rose 1Wang Lin wants to . Amake friends with Rose Bknow some social customs for a dinner party Cmake her friends happy Dgive her friend a surprise 2Rose is possibly . Aa good housewife Ba TV hostess(主持人) Ca member of a dinner party DWang Lins class

16、mate 3If you are asked to a dinner party but not sure about what to bring a present, its good to bring . Asome fruits Ba bottle of wine Csome flowers Da knife and fork 4Which of the following is not proper for joining in a dinner party? AGet there 15 minutes earlier. BMake yourself at home. CFollow

17、others to use forks and knives. DThank your friends for the meal. 5From the letters weve learned that to know some social customs is . Avery difficult Bvery friendly Cvery enjoyable Dvery helpful B Almost everyone likes to eat apples. Apple trees grow in nearly every part of the world. The United St

18、ates produces mort apples than any other country except France. The states of Washington and New York grow the most apples. New York is on the east coast and Washington is on the west coast near Canada. Apples are red, yellow or green. Apples are very popular in the United States. Many people like t

19、o take apples to work or to school to eat with their lunches. Most American people are often too busy or too tired to cook dinner, so they often have their lunches very simply(简单). Apple juice is also a popular drink and apple pie is the favourite dessert (饭后的甜食)of many Americans. The state of Washi

20、ngton is proud of its apples. The trees there produce nearly five billion apples very yearone apple for every man, woman and child in the whole world. 1The sentence Apples are every popular in the United States means . AAmerican apples taste good BWe can see apples everywhere in America CAmericans l

21、ike to eat apples DAmericans regard apples as their best food 2From the passage we all know . AFrance produces the most apples in the world Bthere are more apples in America than in France Cthe apples in France are better than those in America Dapple trees are easy to grow in New York 3Many American

22、s like to eat apple during lunch, because they . Aeat nothing but apples at noon Bfeel it better to eat apples than anything else at noon Calways eat simple food at noon Dcan get apples easily at noon 4The underlined sentence means . Anot many Americans like to have apple pies after dinner BAmerican

23、s like apple pies better than any other sweet dish CAmericans think of apple pies as the best fruit Dapple pie is the only food for dessert 5The state of Washington is proud of its apples because they think . Aeveryone in the world can share their happiness Btheir apple trees are the best in the wor

24、ld Ctheir apples are better than any of the other fruits Dthey can produce as many apples as people all over the world C One day a doctor was starting his mornings work. Suddenly a man ran into his room. His face was red and he could only say Quick, quick. The doctor thought he must be very ill. His

25、 assistant helped him make the man sit in a chair. The doctor gave the man something to make him sleep. Then he looked into the mans mouth and pulled out all the bad teeth. As soon as the man woke up, he said Quick, doctor, quick in a low voice. Its all right now, the doctor told him. Its over. You

26、dont understand, said the man, I came to tell you your house is on fire(着火). True of False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。 符合的用T表示, 不符合的用F表示,填入括号内): ( )1The doctor is a dentist. ( )2The doctor pulled out all the mans teeth. ( )3The man woke up and still said Quick. ( )4The man came to tell the doctor that there was

27、 something wrong with his house. 第二部分 主观题(0 60 分) 根据句意,写出单词。 (10 分) 1To be a scientist is his d . 2The moon moves around the earth once a m . 3Failure is the mother of s . 4These shoes are w out. I want to buy a new pair. 5Im looking for a new shirt? What s do you want? 6How much does your car c ? 5

28、0000 yuan 7Ill remember this special trip f . 8The woman who is f the chicken is my mother. 9Big things look s when they are far away. 10N is difficult if you put your heart into it. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (10 分) 1This packet of money must be returned to the (own) as soon as possible, said the taxi-driver. 2

29、As we all know, China has the largest number of (smoke). 3You have no (choose), Im afraid. Youd better do it at once. 4I find it (convenience) to take the underground there. 5A great deal of (person) information can be stored in the card. 6The air in many big cities is (serious) polluted. 7Look! How

30、 (greed) the baby pigs are eating! 8My father is very (please) with my (honest). 9Remember the (say), Never trouble a trouble until a trouble troubles you. 10Students should do some (review) after school every day. 根据要求,改写句子,每空一词。 (10 分) 1She has no sisters. (改写句子,使两句意思相同) She have sisters. 2Jane li

31、kes basketball. John likes basketball. (把两个句子连成一个句子) Basketball. 3This is a knife. (改成复数形式) some . 4Lily and Lucy are never late for class. (改为反意疑问句) Lily and Lucy are never late for class, ? 5My uncle visited our school yesterday. (就画线部分提问) Our school yesterday? 6Canada has a lot of beautiful mount

32、ains and lakes. (改写句子,使两句意思相同) In Canada a lot of beautiful mountains and lakes. 7I did my homework by my self yesterday. (一般疑问句) you homework by yesterday? 8Could you tell me how to get to the Peoples Park? (改写成另外一种问路方式) Could you tell me the Peoples Park ? 9Zhang Jing did some washing this morning. (一般疑问句) Zhang Jing some washing this morning? 10He likes the sweater, too. (改为否定句) He the sweater, . 根据上下文章,完成对话,每空填写一词。

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