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译林版6B Unit6 An interesting country优秀教学设计.docx

1、译林版6B Unit6 An interesting country优秀教学设计Unit6 An interesting country单元教材分析一、教学内容: 本单元的话题是关于一个位于南半球的主要英语国家澳大利亚。教师可以结合五年级上册Unit6(My e-friend)中国家名称在词汇导入本单元话题。本单元的新语法是一般将来时的肯定句,教师可以利用本册Unit 5的be going to结构导入新语法。二、教学目标:1.能正确理解、朗读Story time 和Cartoon time,并了解澳大利亚、英国等西方国家的风土人情。 2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写country, will

2、, learn, welcome, visitor, like, month。 3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写Ill ask my e-friend in Australia. What do you think? 4.了解字母组合air在单词中的读音。三、课时安排:4课时四、教学建议:为了帮助学生更好的理解和运用一般将来时,教师可以将这一时态与之前学过的一般现在时、现在进行时和一般过去时对比呈现,并设计综合操练活动。教师可以在课前准备一些关于澳大利亚风土人情的图片和视频,作为拓展内容,丰富学生的视野。单元课题Unit6 第1课时(总4课时)课 题An interesting country授

3、课日期2015年 月 日教学内容Storytime教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读单词: find out, magazine,kangaroo,koala,sport-lover,Australian,football,exciting,Sydney,2.能流利地朗读课文并复述课文。3.通过学习课文能了解有关澳大利亚的知识。4.帮助学生初步形成了解其他国家,了解世界的意识。教学重点1.能听懂、会说、会读单词: find out, magazine,kangaroo,koala, sport-lover,Australian,football,exciting,Sydney,2.能流利地朗读课文

4、并复述课文。教学难点1.能听懂、会说、会读单词: find out, magazine,kangaroo,koala,sport-lover,Australian,football,exciting,Sydney,2.能流利地朗读课文并复述课文。教学过程反思与讨论Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morningafternoon,boys and girls,Ss: Good morningafternoon, Miss Mr. 2. Free talkT:This is a map of the world, which foreign country do

5、you know? (Say some foreign countries.)Today we will Learn about a very beautiful country-Australia. I told you to know something about it. How can you know about Australia? Ss: Surf the internet./Watch TV/ read some books about Australia.T: You are hard-working students. We can know a lot from them

6、.Step2. Presentation 1. T: The children will learn about Australia next week. They want to find out about this country before the lessons. How can they know about Australia? Lets watch the carton and try to know.看课文卡通,学习课文第一部分 教师播放课文第一部分的动画,要求学生捕捉关键词,了解四个人物查阅资料的方式,然后完成表格。WhoHowMikeWang BingLiu TaoYa

7、ng Ling 2.T: What do you know about Australia? What do you want to know about Australia?Ss discuss in groups.小组汇报他们要了解澳大利亚的那些方面,生说,教师在黑板上画思维导图。 T: You want to know a lot about Australia. Lets read the passage and try to know about them.小组合作学习:阅读课文第二部分,理解大意,并结合思维导图了解澳大利亚。Learning tips:1.遇到不会的单词可以结合上下

8、文理解并询问同伴。2.结合思维导图在文中找一找,划一划。3.小组内交流,组长负责组织语言,进行汇报。Group show: What do you know about Australia?小组汇报:文本中主要介绍澳大利亚的三个方面:animals, sport, cityAbout animals: There are many kangaroos and koalas in Australia.T: Can you teach the two words?指导学生读kangaroos and koalas 两个单词。The same way to learn : Australia foo

9、tball, Sydney。 组长进行汇报本小组的成果,其他组可以进行相应的补充。Step3. Consolidation1. Read the passage in different ways. a. Read after the tape. b. Read one by one. c. Read in paragraphs.2. Do some tasks: 1.完成书60页的True or false 2. Group work: introduce Australia. 介绍澳大利亚 T: Australia is very beautiful, many people want t

10、o go there and enjoy the views. Lets to be the Australia tour guides. Work in groups: 1. Work in groups of four. 2. Each student introduces one aspect of Australia. 3. You can add your own ideas. Maybe the exercise on page 60 will help. You can do it first.Group show: Ask some groups to show.Step 4.

11、Summary 小结Today, we know a lot about Australia, I find that your English is wonderful. You can read, write and discuss with others. What have you learned from this lesson?T:(PPT播放一些世界名胜古迹的图片,学生欣赏)The world is colorful and wonderful, lets enjoy our life. Read more and travel more!作业设计1.Listen and rea

12、d the passage.2.Try to know more about Australia on the Internet. 板书设计 Unit 6 An interesting country教学后记 在教这篇课文的时候,我分为两个部分,第一个对话部分作为第一课时,以问题“How to know about the country ?导入,引出文中的查找资料的方法,如何去了解澳大利亚:第一种是问澳大利亚的朋友、老师;第二种上网搜集资料;第三种看书与杂志查询资料。告诉孩子们方法,孩子就利用这几种方法去查询资料。 第二课时,一上课学生们先说,自己是通过何种途径搜集资料的,经过调查,以上三种

13、方法竟然都有:有的学生问国外的阿姨,有的看书查找资料,最多的是上网查询资料,是同学们用的最多的方法。然后,让学生交流自己搜集查找的资料,学生们的能力只是厉害,搜集了超过文本的这么丰富的资料,还有的孩子做了课件,更是异彩纷呈!在学生们自学的基础上,我再学了文本,这个时候学的课文简单了,孩子更了解文本了,跟容易掌握了! 把学习的自主权教给孩子,六年级的的孩子真会给我们一个意外呀!单元课题Unit6 第2课时(总4课时)课 题An interesting country教授日期2015年 月 日教学内容Grammar time, Fun time and Checkout time教学目标1.能听说

14、读写人称代词和will的缩写形式。2.能了解并熟练运用构成一般将来时的时间状语。3.能用一般将来时写一段话教学重点1.能听说读写人称代词和will的缩写形式。2.能了解并熟练运用构成一般将来时的时间状语。教学难点1.能听说读写人称代词和will的缩写形式。2.能了解并熟练运用构成一般将来时的时间状语。教学过程反思与讨论Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morningafternoon,boys and girls,Ss: Good morningafternoon, Miss Mr. 2. Lets review.T: Last lesson, we learn

15、ed an interesting countryAustralia. I think you know a lot about it. Can you say something about something about Australia? S: I knowT: What a beautiful country!Step2. Presentation 1. Answer some questions about the passage:T: The children want to learn about Australia. When do they learn about this

16、 country?S: They will learn about Australia next week.(PPT shows the sentence.) T: There are some questions about the passage. Lets discuss in pairs and try to answer.How will Mike know about Australia ?How about Wang Bing / Liu Tao /Yang Ling? Ss discuss in pairs and answer.PPT show the sentences:M

17、ike will ask his e-friend in Australia.Wang Bing will ask Mr Green.Liu Tao will read about it on the Internet.Yang Ling will go to the library.Read the sentences together.2.呈现grammar time中的第一个板块 a. Read the sentences. b. Try to find out the rule. Lets look at the blackboard .there are some sentences

18、 .Read them first and then think what can you find?小组内谈论一般将来时的另一种表达方式。小组汇报:1.除了be going to ,还可以用will 来表示一般将来时。2.在句子中,人称代词和will可以缩写在一起。Read together:Ill=I will well =we will hell=he willyoull=you will theyll=they will shell=she willT: We should pay more attention to them.3.PPT 呈现:将ll 和next week , tom

19、orrow变成红色T: When can we use simple future tense ?S: tomorrow, next week, next month, next yearT: We often use “will” with these words and phrases.拓展:还有其他表示将来的时间,如this Sunday,in和一段时间连用等4. Try to use.a. T: Can you make some new sentences with the words and sentences?S: Yes.T: You made a lot of sentenc

20、es just now. Can you do some exercises? 给出若干句子,要求学生用由will构成的一般将来时改写。1. He usually goes to school by bike. (tomorrow)2. He visited London last year. (this winter)3. Mary is having a dancing lesson. (next Saturday)4. Mr Green often tells us about his country. (next time) b. Work in groups四人一组,用所给出A、B、

21、C三组词汇或短语, 从每组中任意选择一个词汇或短语,用will组成一般将来时的句子。c. Read and writeT: You made a lot of good sentences. Now, lets complete the passage with “will” and the correct words.1. Ss do it in groups .2. Check the answers.3. Read this part.Step3. Fun time.1. T: Do you know why I will go to the library? I will look f

22、or some books and magazines about the UK. Now I will show you something about the UK.PPT shows some pictures about the UK.Learn some words: Oxford, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge.PPT shows the information of the UK.T: Look at the information on the card, can you be a tour guide and introduce the

23、UK?Group work:a. Four students in a group.b. Read and discuss in groups, then try to introduce .Each student can introduce one aspect about it.Group show.2. Introduce our country.T: There are many beautiful countries in the world, but in my heart, China is the most beautiful country in the world. It

24、 is very interesting, too. Can you make a information card for China and introduce our motherland?四人小组合作,仿照62页的信息卡为我们的祖国制作信息卡,并做介绍。 小组展示。Step4. Summary 小结Today, we have learned some sentences and know a lot about our country and the UK. What have you learned from this lesson?Ss: 作业设计1.Copy and remem

25、ber sentences we have learned today.2.Try to write a short passage about China. 板书设计 Unit 6 An interesting countryIll=I will well =we will hell=he willyoull=you will theyll=they will shell=she will教学后记单元课题Unit6 第3课时(总4课时)课 题An interesting country时间2015年 月 日教学内容Sound time and Cartoon time.教学目标1. 学生能知

26、道字母组合air在单词中的读音。2. 学生能自主阅读cartoon time内容, 理解并能朗读、表演故事。3. 学生能运用所学句型编写对话,通过合作进行表演。4. 学生能进行自我练习并能同他人合作交流。教学重点1.学生能知道字母组合air在单词中的读音。2.学生能自主阅读cartoon time,读懂内容,体会乐趣,提高自主阅读能力。3. 学生能进行自我练习并能同他人合作交流。教学难点 学生能用所学语言表演对话并能熟练掌握将来时的用法。教学过程反思与讨论Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morningafternoon,boys and girls,S:Goo

27、d morningafternoon, Miss Mr. 2. Free talkT: What will you do tomorrow/next week?S: I willT: What will he/she do tomorrow /next week?通过Free talk融洽课堂气氛,通过复述,复习上节课的知识。从而能很好的进行导入。Step 2 Sound time1.T:From the passage, we have learned a lot about Australia. What do you know about Australia? S: . T: Look

28、at the blackboard, there is something about Sydneya famous city in Australia, lets read it.PPT shows the sentences.T: Now, show me your hands and follow me.Ss read the sentences in different ways. Lets have a competition: Group work and group show. T: Can you find out the pronunciation of “air”? 学生读

29、Sound time 里面的句子,再让学生总结字母组合air的发音规则。 T: Can you say some other words just like this?S:.T: Maybe you can make some new rhymes with these words.Step 3 Cartoon time a. T: Do you know Billy? What does he want to be? Lets watch the cartoon and find the answer. b. Read it by yourselves carefully and under

30、line the sentences. c. Listen to the tape and answer the question: What does Billy like? Where does find out about cooking? What will Billy cook? Is he a good cook? d. Answer the question: e. Listen and read this cartoon together. Pay attention to the intonation. f. Dub for the cartoon. Practice in

31、groups of three. g Lets have a happy reading: Act out the story. With books. Without books. Add your own words. h. Summary T: What do you learn from this cartoon? What do you want to say to Bobby? S: He should learn how to cook.T: Yes, he will practice and practice. Because “Practice make progress.”

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