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自考高级英语下册 Lesson 12 The Everlasting Witness.docx

1、自考高级英语下册 Lesson 12 The Everlasting Witness自考高级英语下册 Lesson 12 The Everlasting Witness大耳朵英语 2011-01-22 20:15:02 【打印】Lesson Twelve The Everlasting Witness永恒的证据12-1 The three were eating breakfast on the terrace, a thousand and one felicitous birds in the garden trees.三个人正在阳台上吃早餐,花园里的树上有千百只欢唱的鸟儿。In unsu

2、llied damp brown circles of soft earth the roses bloomed serenely against the pink Mexican wall.在未受污染的圆形花坛潮湿柔软的褐土上,映衬着粉色的墨西哥墙,玫瑰花安详地开放。Marians brother-in-law read the English page, as dedicated(專注) as a nice little boy reading the funnies,玛丽安的妹夫在读报纸的英文专页,就像听话的小男孩在看滑稽连环画时那么专注,and Theresa, Marians sis

3、ter, chatted softly and merrily (愉快地)about their next week-end holiday.玛丽安的妹妹特丽萨正在低声愉快地谈论下周末的假期。Theresas bright smile had always been her mark and now, childless and with a husband beyond war age, and a life both ordered and gay(快樂的), it looked as if that smile had justified itself.特丽萨脸上欢快的笑容一直就是她的特

4、征,现在她没有孩子,丈夫又已过了入伍的年龄,生活井井有条而且快乐,因此她的笑容看起来是有充分道理的。12-2 Marian opened her mouth to tell them what she had done the night before and then she closed it on brioche, no words.玛丽安张开嘴想告诉他们她前一天晚上做了什么,可是她咬了一口黄油点心把嘴闭上了,什么也没有说。What she had done was to try and find the film again, the war newsreel in which she

5、 had seen Jerry, her son.她前一天晚上做的就是试图重新找到那部电影,那部战争新闻短片,她在里面看到过她的儿子杰里。Or had she seen him? They ought to be told that the uncertainty had not been removed by this trip to Mexico.可是她看到他了吗?应该告诉他们这次旅行并没有消除她心中的疑惑。But her next and clearer thought was that this matter was all her own and had to be accompli

6、shed without help.但接下来她有了更明确的想法,这件事是她自己的事,不需要别人来帮助她完成。Evidence of that was her husbands letting her come down alone ;丈夫让她独自一人到墨西哥就证明了这一点;the trip to Mexico was for her to find herself, get back on her feet , return to him healed.这次来墨西哥就是为了让她弄清自己的处境,重新站起,抚平心灵的创伤后回到他身边。12-3 The night before the first

7、night her sister and brother-in-law had left her alone she had gone to the dictionary and got the two words cine and guerra,前一天晚上她的妹妹和妹夫让她独自呆着的第一个晚上她去查字典,找到电影和战争两个词,and combining them with a question mark had asked them over and over on the phone, going down the movie houses in the yellow section of

8、 the book.然后将他们与疑问语气组合在一起,按着黄页电话簿上列的电影院的电话,一家接一家地打电话。At one of the box offices a golden Mexican voice told her in perfect English that the word she wanted was not cine but noticias.在其中的一家电影院的售票处一个洪亮的墨西哥声音用完美的英语告诉她她想说的那个词不是电影而是新闻短片。She now knew, whether correctly or not, that three places had newsree

9、ls about the war.不管正确与否,她现在知道有三个地方放映有关战争的新闻短片。12-4 The Olimpia, the del Prado, and the Cine Mexico. She found out exactly whereeach one was on the map in her red guidebook.奥林匹亚电影院、普拉多电影院和墨西哥电影院。在她的红色旅游指南上的地图里她找到了三个电影院的准确位置。For that matter she would drive herself and keep the whole event within her c

10、ontrol.同样,她宁愿自己开车,将整个事情置于自己的控制中。Maybe this was why she had brought her car to Mexico. She knew that her husband (who was Jerrys stepfather and therefore involved multifoldly in her suffering, not singly as a real father would have been ) had let her go away from him only because her sister was in Me

11、xico.也许这就是为什么她将自己的车开到墨西哥来的缘故。她知道她丈夫(他是杰里的继父,因此是多方面地卷入她的痛苦之中,而不是像亲生父亲那样单一地牵连进来)之所以让她离开他到墨西哥来就是因为她的妹妹在这里。He was also pretty sure she wouldnt be able to see the film there. But that part had not worked because she hadnt been able to let it work.他也很有把握在墨西哥她看不到那部电影。但是这一问题上并未起作用,因为她没有让它起作用。12-5 Five month

12、s ago she had the notice that Jerry was missing inaction.五个月前她接到通知,说杰里在战斗中失踪。Twenty-and-a-half years old.二十岁零六个月。His father had died early in the other war.他的父亲很早就死于另一场战争之中。Jerry was seven then and she had had to manage him alone, had sometimes failed him , had sometimes been burdened too greatly, b

13、ut she had always loved him.杰里当时只有七岁,她不得不独自照顾他,她曾经让杰里失望过,也曾经觉得自己负担过重,但她一直很爱他。She had married again when he was seventeen but this had not given him a retroactive father for the twelve-thirteen-fourteen-year-old times of crisis .当杰里17岁时她再婚了,但这并没有为他带来一个能倒回去重新对他在12、13和14岁转折时刻给予影响的爸爸。So he was not ready

14、 for the army when he had to go.所以当不得不入伍时,他毫无准备。He had been mixed up and scared .他感到迷茫和恐惧And in six months he was missing in action.六个月后他在战斗中下落不明。12-6 She could hardly remember now what happened to her right after the notification .她几乎记不清在刚刚接到通知时她是怎么样的了。Nightmares of looking for him over hills of th

15、e rubbled dying, finding the hand to give it warmth, reaching to the wrist; and then the sweat of terror which brought her back to what she supposed must be reality .噩梦中她在满是碎石的山坡上找到他,他就快要死了,她摸到他的手给他温暖,触摸他的手腕;恐惧的汗水将她带回她猜想可能是现实的那个地方。12-7 It was like that until she saw the picture the first time.一直到第一次

16、看到那电影之前她一直都是这样。They went to the movies fairly often.他们经常去看电影。Her husband always knew what they were going to see, asked the times carefully, got to the main picture and avoided newsreels.她的丈夫对于他们将要看什么总是很清楚,仔细地问好时间,去看正片而不看新闻短片。Once two indolent people in the seats next to theirs delayed them, and the

17、 newsreel started.一次坐在他们旁边的两个懒人让他们耽搁了一会儿,新闻短片开始了。From the beginning it was about the war. She sat down again, her hands right in her lap.一开始就是关于战争的,她又坐下来,她的手就放在膝盖上。Her husband was lost to her. She was alone. They were showing the finest new weapons, grand, shining, and built perfectly for death.对她来说

18、,丈夫已经不存在了,她是独自一人。他们在展示最好的新式武器,威风凛凛,闪闪发光,专门为死亡而制造的。Her hands and her neck began to sweat. But she knew that no emotion was pertinent.她的手和脖子开始流汗,但她知道任何一种感情都难以描述她此时的心情。12-8 And then some soldier boys came on the screen. They were prisoners of war. Someone had got a chance to take their pictures at a pr

19、ison-compound gate.接着银幕上出现了一些士兵,他们是战俘。有人得到机会在监狱大门处将他们拍摄下来。They were thin, young, sick American soldiers moving bemused.他们是些茫然移动着的削瘦的、生病的年轻美国士兵。She felt her blood pricking along her temples(太陽穴) and there was pressure in her chest below the hollow.她觉得血涌向太阳穴刺痛了她,胸口凹处往下闷得慌。Jerry could be there. So stro

20、ng a hope must play delaying games. He was not there.杰里有可能在那里。这样强烈的希望一定会起到推延他出现的作用。他不在那里。12-9 He was there. One boy stood with his back to the camera, leaning stooped against a gate lintel, and on the finger of the hand that held the post there was a ring she recognized.他在那里。一个男孩子背对着摄像机站着,弯身靠着大门的门楣,

21、抓着门柱的手上戴着一枚她熟悉的戒指。There wouldnt be another like it. She had had it made for Jerrys father.不可能还有另外一个戒指和它是一样的,她特意为杰里的父亲定做的戒指。The boy with his back to the camera began to straighten up; he was turning. But the picture was over.背冲着摄像机的那个男青年直起身来;他就要转身了。但是电影结束了。12-10 The next was a roll-skating race. She

22、got out of the seat still unconscious of her husband , and went to the ladies room where she vomited (嘔吐)and then, immediately, in a renewal of energy, was full of plans.接下来是旱冰比赛。她离开座位,还是没有意识到丈夫的存在,她来到洗手间吐了起来,接着,她的精力马上就恢复了,脑子里充满了计划。12-11 Her husband went with her three times to see the film, and aft

23、er that asked her to promise not to go any more.她丈夫陪她看了三次那场电影,然后让她保证不再去看了。She made the promise but she could not keep it.她许诺不再去了,但她无法实现她的诺言。The first time she saw the picture alone she was sure there was more action, only a flicking motion, but more.她第一次独自一人去看那部电影时,她确信下面还有动作,只是一闪的动作,但还有。That was hop

24、e and she had to feed it.这是希望,她不能不助长它。12-12 She followed the film to every booking in town, second run, in the suburbs, in the drive-ins .她跟着这部电影,电影演到哪里,她就跟到哪里,甚至是第二轮在郊区和露天汽车影院上演。Sometimes she stayed afterwards to see the roller-skating queens. Sometimes she came out quickly, leaving her boys behind

25、 in the dark. She knew them all and they were Jerrys friends.有时她会多待一会看旱冰皇后。有时她很快就出来,把她的孩子们留在黑暗中。She thought they were talking to him, Why dont you turn around, kid? We aint going to play up to this and grin from ear to ear to make out were well off(過得很好), but you better at least turn around. Your mo

26、ther might be glad to see you.她知道他们中的所有人,他们是杰里的朋友。她想他们在同他说话,“为什么不转过去?我们不想顺着他们的心意咧开嘴大笑来证明我们过得很好,但你至少应该转过去。你的母亲见到你会很高兴。”He was obstinate(倔強的) as he always had been, and a little slow, but he had been getting ready to turn. No, she was sure he had turned.他还是像以前那么固执,还有点迟缓,但是他已经准备要转过身来。不,她确定他已经转过来了。12-13

27、 And how could she have imagined that Mexico would be any different? The Olimpia, the del Prado, and the Cine Mexico.她怎么能想像出在墨西哥会有什么不同?奥林匹亚电影院,普拉多电影院和墨西哥电影院。None of them first-run so it was possible.这些影院都不是首轮放映,所以有可能。She wanted to ask her brother-in- law behind his newspaper what they did to America

28、n newsreels here, cut them more? But the risk was too much. They might lie to her or in some other way to keep her from going.她想问问报纸后面她妹夫这里是如何对待美国新闻短片的,删剪很多吗?但是这样太冒险了。他们有可能对她说谎或是用其他的方法阻止她去。12-14 When she arrived a fortnight before she had asked her sister to give her a duty in the house.两星期前她到这里时,她要

29、她的妹妹分配给她一些家务做。So Theresa gave her the flowers to arrange. The house was not far from the flower market. Marian had gone there every few days.于是特丽萨让她帮忙摆花。房子离花市并不远,玛丽安每隔几天就去一次。Up to now Theresa went with her, or dropped her and picked her up. Today she would go in her own car, she told them.到目前为止都是玛丽安

30、陪她一起去,或送她过去再把她接回来。今天她要自己开车去,她对他们说。12-15 Are you sure you know the way, Marian?“你确信你知道路吗,玛丽安?”12-16 Of course, I know it perfectly. Her voice was sensible and secure .“当然,我对这路熟得很。”她的声音理智而且有把握。12-17 But she dallied, first on the terrace and then on the way across the park. This was the day. But what d

31、ay?但是她磨磨蹭蹭,先是在阳台上,然后在去公园的路上。今天就是那个日子。可是是什么日子呢?12-18 Now, stopped by the road in the park, she decided categorically that if she found him, found the picture here and now, she would know he was alive and she would simply make waiting womanly and rational.(耐心而又理智的).现在,她将车停在路边,她断然决定如果她能找到他,现在在这里找到那部电影,她就能知道他还活着

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