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1、新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book2Unit7教案讲稿Book 2 Unit 7 Women: Making a difference today周次第18-20 周课时数8 hours教学章节Text A Woman at the management level女性管理者Text B A proud homemaker自豪的家庭主妇教学目标和要求Objectives:After completing Text A, students should be able to:1. To know the names of common occupations2. To be acquainte

2、d with characteristics of feature story 3. To be able to express ideas concerning womens role at management level After completing Text B, students should be able to:1. Cognitive objectives: to get familiar with the phenomenon and history of homemakers2. Linguistic objectives: to understand and use

3、the words, phrases, and structures, in the text3. Communicative objectives: to be acquainted with the reading skillsPredicting the authors ideas时间安排Text A Woman at the management level女性管理者Pre-reading Activities (1st class period ) 1 . Warm-up Questions (15M) 2. Words & Expressions checkup (30M)Whil

4、e-reading Activities (2nd class period ) 1. Overview of Unit 1 (5M) 2. Culture Notes (5M) 3. Difficult Language Points (25M) 4. Comprehension Check (8M)5. Assignment (2M)After-reading Activities ( 3rd class period ) 1. Class presentation (15M) 2. Exercises (20M) 3. Structure analysis (10M) After-rea

5、ding Activities ( 4th class period )1. Paragraph writing (10M) 2. Translation (30) 3. Assignment (5M) 时间安排Text B A proud homemaker自豪的家庭主妇Pre-reading Activities ( 5th class period ) 1. Reading Skills (5M) 2. Background Information (5M) 3. Words & Expressions for checkup (35M) While-reading Activities

6、( 6th class period) 1. First reading for general understanding (15M) 2. Second reading for specific understanding & Difficult Language Points (30M)After-reading Activities (7th class period ) 1. Class presentation (15M) 2. Check exercises after Text B. (20M) 3. Unit project (10M):Working on a talk s

7、houw about management stylesAfter-reading Activities (8th class period )1. Unit project (continued) (15M) 2.Thematic study (15M) 3. Language feature analysis (10M)4. Written homework assessment of Text A (5M)教学重点Text A1. Master the usage of the following new words and phrases: be disposed to do sth.

8、, on both counts, feel at ease with sb, make a concession / concessions to, come down to, take exception to sth, burst into, administrative, attorney, accommodation, segment, tolerance, dispose, sector, precede, flourish, bystqander, hrness, symbolic, plausible, hirerachchical, diplomatically, etc.2

9、. Master the functional patterns:sb. would rather do sth., sb. do sth., by contrast, sb. else do sth. else., Some proclaim / announce / reveal / state / propose / indicate / post / declare, There is no dispute thatText B1. master the usage of the following new words and phrases: work full time, craw

10、l into bed, quality time, trim the unnecessary things, joint understanding and respect, converted to, an ounce of, supplement ones income, domastic, disgusting, condemn, duration, crawl, calendr, overflow, fuss, compound, conscience, wrinkle, etc.2. Master the functional patterns:1.Sb remembers his

11、own days or time before he did sth.as2. Even more importantly, sb does sth when3. Sb is revolted by the notion that 3. Reading Skills Predicting the authors ideas难点Text A1. How to analyze the text structure and generalize the main idea of Text A;2. How to develop an essay with examplesText B1. How t

12、o predict the authors ideas2. How to work on a talk show about management styles教学方式 课堂讲授 小组活动 提问使用媒体 文字教材 电子教案作业Review: the new words and phrases in the texts Preview : the content of the next 2 class hoursWritten homework 1 Finish translation practice on P.188Written homework 2 Write a paragraph o

13、f developing an essay with examples based on P.186Unit 7 Text AWoman at the management level女性管理者(1st -2nd class-hour)I. Pre-reading Activities: 1.1 Warm-up questions (15 M) Whats the respective role your father and mother in your family? Whats your opinion of the traditional family roles/division?

14、How would you perceive the womens role at the management level in the future?1.2 Words & Expressions checkup (30M)Check if the students have mastered the new words, which are required to be previewed before class.1.2.1 New Words1. flourish: To develop quickly and be successful; to grow well 近义词thriv

15、e, bloom 繁荣,兴隆;茂盛 Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate. These plants flourish in a damp climate. He is alive and flourishing. 他还活着,并且混得不错。2. harness: If you harness something such a natural source of energy, you bring it under your control and use it 利用(自然能源) Techniques har

16、nessing the energy of the sun are being developed 马具 To harness a horse ( to put a harness on a horse , to attach a horse or other animal) 3. hierarchy: A system of organization in which people or thins have different ranks or positions depending on how important they are. They became very conscious

17、 of the lack of females in the hierarchy. Create, establish Military 军衔制 4. plausible: Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful =reasonable :Such a theory seems very plausible. A plausible answer Be, seem, sound 可信,好像有理,听起来有理 Find/judge/think sth. plausible 认为似乎有理 Barely, hardly 几乎没有道理 Extremel

18、y, highly, terribly 非常可信5. diplomatic: Means relating to diplomacy and diplomats 外交;Be able to say or do things without offending people 有交际手腕的 The secretary is diplomatic on the telephone. We are looking for a peaceful, diplomatic solution. Diplomat 外交官 Foreign diplomat 外国外交官 Senior diplomat资深外交官 d

19、iplomatically: ad.讲究手腕地;灵活变通地;外交地You can say it diplomatically and with love by telling your kids the reasons why you had to cancel the plan for a party.你可以灵活她、满怀爱心地告诉你的孩子为什么你不得不取消聚会计划。6. echo: A sound which is caused when a loud, sharp noise is reflected off a surface 回音; An expression of an attitu

20、de or opinion which has already been expressed by someone else 附和,呼应 Her footsteps echoed in the empty room. The gunshot echoed through the forest. 7. concession=compromise: Something that you agree to do or let someone else do or have, esp. in order to end an argument or conflict. Ending the disput

21、e was worth almost any concession. Make a concession/concessions to 作出妥协 Our company has made a concession to them in order to reach a settlement and to continue with business as usual. 8. violate: Fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns 违反;侵犯 Violate an agreement/ Law/ Promi

22、se/privacy This did not violate international agreements. She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy. 同源词:Violation Violation of human rights 9. dispute: =quarrel: An argument between two or more people 争吵; Disagreement about the facts or truth of sth. 辩论;争论 The couple lived happil

23、y together without dispute. There has been much dispute, and the question is certainly not yet settled. 10. consultant: A person who gives expert advice to people who need professional help顾问 He got a job with a firm of public relations consultants. Consult : to go to sb. for information or advice I

24、f the pain persists you should consult your doctor. Consult about 就请教 I need to consult my teacher about changing my course 1.2.2 Phrases and Expressions 1. administrative assistant: Staff who provides various kinds of administrative support to people and groups in business enterprises. 行政助理 Other p

25、ositions in a company:Sales executive 销售主管Sales manager 销售经理Secretary 秘书Typist 打字员AssistantManager副经理AccountingClerk记帐员ChemicalEngineer化学工程师CivilEngineer土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist职员/接待员MaintenanceEngineer维修工程师PersonnelManager人事部经理2. would rather 宁愿;宁可 Would rather+动词原形 Iwouldratherstaythango.我宁愿留下不愿去。3

26、.feel at ease with sb. :feel relaxed with sb., esp. in a situation in which people might feel a little nervous 不拘束,(与某人在一起)感到放松 If you want to get well again, it is essential to feel at ease with your therapist 4. stem from : develop as a result of sth. else源于;来自于Customs which stemmed from circumsta

27、nces that have long since changed. His love of writing , he believes, stems from analytical training at university.5. reach extent达到的程度At sths fullest/greatest extent 在的全盛时期To the same extent 在相同的程度上People no longer live in small communities to the same extent as they used to.6. At ease: You are fee

28、ling confident and comfortable, and are able to talk to people without feeling worried or anxious.He was at ease with strangers.My smiling face set her at ease.With ease 轻松的They passed the exam with easeEase of 的方便The car brings ease of access to the countryside.REFERENCES1. employee n.C sb. who is

29、paid to work for sb. else受雇者;雇员Knowing what an employer is looking for in a potential employee can help someone to prepare for an interview.了解雇主在寻找什么样的潜在雇员可以帮助人们准备面试。2. accommodation:n1)sing., U(fml.)a change in behavior or attitude that helps people work together or end a disagreement迁就;通融;调和The tw

30、o sides failed to agree onevery point,but they settled on an accommodation for their differences.双方未能对所有的意见都达成一致,但对他们的分歧达成了和解。2) Ua place for sb. to stay, live, or work住处;工作场所Having decided to find an appropriate accommotion we set about contacting all the rental agencies in the city. 我们决定要找一个合适的住处之

31、后,就开始联络这个城市所有的租赁公司。3segment: nCa part of sth. that is different from or affected differently from the whole in some way部分;段;片Black people constitute the poorest segrnent of society in the country.黑人在该国社会中构成了最贫穷的阶层。4. tolerance: n1) U willingness to allow people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them忍受;容忍;宽容Tolerance is the quality of allowing other people to say and do as tbey like. even

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