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1、情态动词详解及相关高考练习题情态动词概述:情态动词顾名思义表示情感和态度的动词,比如must可以表示一种不理解“非要”、“偏要”,或者“一定要”、“必须得”等;will可以表示一种“意愿”、“请求”;should可以表示“建议”;shall可以表示“允诺”;can可以表示“许可”;may可以表示“请求”。另外大部分情态动词还可以表示一种推测和可能。但是情态动词不能单独作谓语,后面必须跟动词原形。一、must (一)、must/ have to Must着重表示说话人主观上的看法,有很强的个人色彩。Have to 则着重表示客观上的“必须”,如其他人、法律、自然规律、政府要求的事。1. I mu

2、st be off.2. Mrs. Cherrell and I have to go to a meeting now.3. We have to pay our taxes to the government.(二)、must not/ do not have to/ neednt 作“必须”解的must, 其否定形式must not (mustnt), 并不是“不必要”的意思,而是“不许”(表示绝对禁止)的意思。当表示“不必要”的意思时,只能使用do not have to/ neednt。 1. You mustnt park here. (You are not allowed to

3、 park here.) 你不许在这儿停车。 2. You mustnt go swimming today. 你不许去游泳 3. He doesnt have to go there. 他没有必要去那儿。 4. So you neednt hurry with your meeting. 你不必着急去参加会议。(三)、 must have done / must be 对现在的情况的推测或估计时,要使用must be或must be doing, 而对过去的情况或完成的状态进行推测或估计时,则使用must have been(done) 1. She must be over seventy

4、 now. 2. You must have been mad to speak to the servant! She might have called for help.(四)、must have done / may(might) have done May+完成式与must+完成式所表达的意思是不同的。前者表示从现在看来过去可能发生过某事,而后者表示“逻辑上的必然性”,即说话人推断过去肯定发生过某事。 1. He may have cone by train. 2. He must have cone by taxi. 3. You may have read about it in

5、 the papers.(五)、must have done / cant have done当must表示“肯定”或“很可能”时,must have+过去分词表示“肯定已经-”。否定式是cant+动词原形(推断现在)和cant have+过去分词(推断过去)。 1. They must have got lost. 2. They cant have got lost.(六)、关于must的注意点 1. must 还有表示“偏要”,“非得”的意思,在考试中也出现。2. must表义务或许可,后跟动词原形,可用于肯定句和疑问句。 3. must 表推测,暗含很大的可能性,只用于肯定句 4. 在

6、否定句中表示“不许”时,多用must not或can not, 少用may not.试题: 1. Johnny, you play with the knife, you hurt youself. A. wont; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; must D. cant; shouldnt 2. “May I stop work a little earlier tonight?” “No, you .” A. neednt B. mustnt C. wont D. shouldnt 3. “Must we do it now?” “No, you .”

7、A. wont B. neednt C. cant D. dont 4. “ Must we take a bus?”No, you . You can walk from here.” A. must not B. dont must C. dont have to D. had better not to 5. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he your lecture. A. couldnt have attended B. neednt have attended C. mustnt ha

8、ve attended D.shouldnt have attended 6. I was really anxious about you. You home without a word. A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D. neednt leave 7. - Is John coming by train? - He should, but he not. He likes driving his car.A. must B. can C. need D. may 8. There was a lot

9、 of fun at yesterdays party. You come, but why didnt you?A. must have B.should C. need have D. ought to have 二、will (一)、will表习惯、重复 情态动词will有一个很重要的用法,就是表示习惯性、重复性或典型性的动作。一般现在时也表达习惯性、重复性的动作,但是,使用一般现在时在于强调“描述性”,而是是使用will+动词原形则在于强调“预断性”:动作如此经常发生,如此具有习惯性或重复性,以至我们可以预断它肯定会继续发生。(二)、 will表规律 当表示某些根据自然规律必定会发生的

10、事情时,常常使用will.当然也可以用一般现在时来代替它。在这点上它们是同义的。 A. If the pure water is heated to 1000C, it will boil (boils).(三)、will 表推测 表示说话人对推测或估计的确信程度最大的是must, 其次是will。下面是英语中表示推测的情态动词,其确信程度由左向右递增:might, may, chould, can, should, ought to, would, will, must 1. There is a ring at the door. That will be the postman, I s

11、uppose. 2. Thatll be my husband. He said he would phone at this time.(四)、will have done 例句中的will不是用于构成时态的助动词,而是情态动词,它在这里表示推测。与have done连用,表示对业已完成的动作的推测:与be doing连用表示对正在进行的动作的推测。 1. They will have arrived home by now. 这时他们可能已经到家了。 2. We worked together for a year. He wont have forgetten me. 我们在一起工作过一

12、年,他大概不会不记得我。 (五)、wont 表示“愿意”的will 及其否定形式通常用于有生命体。但是,有时候也可以用于无生命体。这种用法是把无生命体拟人化了。 1. This shirt wont iron. 2. The door wont open. 3. This watch wont work. (I cant make this watch work.) (六)、will 祈使句之后的附加疑问句 A. 在肯定的祈使句之后,通常使用will you? can you?此外,还可用would you? could you? 1. Bring the fruit up to the di

13、ning room, will you? 2. Teacher: Get out your books, will/ would/ can/ could you? B. 在肯定的祈使句之后,也可以使用wont you? cant you? 1. Doctor: Keep still, wont/ cant you? 2. Have a chocolate, will/ wont you? C. 在否定的祈使句之后,只能使用will you? can you? 1. Dont forget your key, will you? 2. Dont make a noise, will you/ c

14、an you?三、would (一)、常见用法 A 表示过去习惯动作 One day a week he would spend the whole day in silence. B. would用于if的条件状语从句,也表示意愿If you would stand by me I should have another try. 如果你肯支持我,我就再试一次。 C. would 有一个很常见的用法:表示“猜测”、“猜想”,可以译为“可能”,“也许”、“大概”、“想必”。Would接动词原形,表示对目前情景的猜测。 Would接完成式,表示对过去发生的事情的猜测,并没有“委婉、客气”的意思。

15、 “Who is the man you want to speak to?” “You wouldnt know him.”大概不认识I thought you would have finished this by now. D. would 用于wish后的从句中。如:I wish the rain would stop for moment. 我希望雨停一会儿。 E. will和would都可表示请求,指将来,用于疑问句,但用would,则语气更客气。如:Would you mind closing the door? (二)、虚拟语气中的would/ might/ could/ sh

16、ould 中国学生在学习英语虚拟语气时有一个误区:认为would是“也许”、“可能”的意思。其实,would在这里是表示“肯定”意思的:说话人认为,如果if从句所表达的虚拟条件实现的话,则主句所表达的结果必定实现。而might仅仅表示“可能”,could表示“能力”或“可能”。Should在英国英语中用于第一人称,而在美国英语中第一人称也用would.If you tried again you would succeed. 如果再试一次的话,你一定成功。If you tried again you might succeed. 如果你再试一次的话,你有可能成功。If I knew her a

17、ddress,I could write to him. 如果我知道地址的话,我就可以给她写信了。 (三)、would/ used to Would只能用于表示过去习惯动作,而不能用于表示过去的状态,而used to却可用于两种情况,would常和often, sometimes, always, for hours, of a day连用。Used to和would之不同在于used to有现在已无此习惯的含义,并可表一次性的动作。Used to和would同义,表示过去经常重复的动作;在表示过去的习惯时,used to用于较规则的习惯。 1. He would sit here for h

18、ours sometimes, doing nothing at all. 2. I do not swim so often as I used to. (此处不能用would) 注意:used to不能跟表确定时间段的状语连用。 He used to live here for twenty years. (错)四、ought to (一)、ought to与should Should和ought to在表示“义务”、“职责”、“推论”时具有相同的含义,但should比ought to更为常用。Ought to表示主语的义务或责任,但与must不同,它不涉及说话人的权威,也于have to

19、不同,它不涉及外界权威。说话人仅仅提醒主语注意其义务或提出劝告,或者指出一个正确或明智的行为。Ought to+完成时一般可表达两种完全不同的含义。 A. 表示“本应该做,而实际没有做某事”,相当于should+完成时 B. 表示推论或推测某事已经发生,含有说话人不能肯定其说法是正确的含义 Ought to 应该必须,比should语气强。Neednt表示某一动作不必要做;oughtnt to表示某一动作是错误的,与shouldnt类似,语气更强。Ought to+动词原形,表示现在或将来的动作;ought to+have done是虚拟语气,表示与事实相反,这一形式和should hae d

20、one相同。Ought to着重表示客观要求,含有法律上或道义上的责任。Should往往表示说话者的主观意见,表示一种必要性。 1. Henry ought to be here soon - he left home at six. 2. “I ll start the work tomorrow.” - “I think you should start at once.” (二)、ought to have done/ must have done Must have done与 ought to have done都是推测“已经做-”, 但是说话人对陈述的肯定性程度却有很大区别。Mus

21、t have done表明说话人对自己所描述事件确信无疑,也就是说,说话人完全肯定其说法的正确性。而ought to have done则表明说话人对自己所描述的事仅仅是个猜测而已,也就是说,说话人并不能完全肯定其说法的正确性。 Ought to have done 往往表示“本应该做某事但实际上并没有做”,有时含有批评、责备之意,而ought not to have done则表示“本不应该做某事但实际上却做了”,即指“某人做了错事、傻事或蠢事”,因而往往含有批评、责备之意。五、should(一)、should/ must/ ought 三者均表义务,但must最强烈。而should和oug

22、ht to则是“应当”的意思,当should和 ought to作“应当”讲时,含义相似,常可互换。但ought to更多反映客观情况,表示根据法律、义务“应当”,比should语气强;should表示主观看法,一种建议、劝说。 1. You should come earlier tomorrow. 2. You must do it at once. 3. You ought to help him; he is in trouble.(二)、虚拟语气中的should/ 虚拟语气中的would 虚拟语气中的would表示“肯定”或“必然”的结果,而should表示“应该”“应当”的含义。还

23、可以使用could,表示“能力、允许、可能”或使用might表示“可能性”。 If you loved me, you wouldnt say that. (三)、should的含义 1. 在疑问句中 Should与疑问词(why, how等)连用有时含有“惊奇、意外”等含义,如例1。但是不能认为should凡是与疑问词连用便具有“惊奇、意外”等含义。例2中should就没有此意思,而仅是表“应该”、“应当”,相当于ought to。 2. 在陈述句中 A. 道义上或责任上的“应该”,如例3。 B. 表示估计或推测,如例4。 C. 还可表示“竟然”的意思。 1. “Give me that p

24、hoto.” “Why should I ?” 为什么是要给你? 2. The housekeeper considered how she should answer. 3. You should brush your teeth before you go to bed. 4. So far as I know you shouldnt have any problems there. 不可能有麻烦。 5. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman be so rude to a lady.(2001, 上海) A. might B. n

25、eed C. should D. would 六、Can(一)can与may 表许可 通常用can询问是否许可,而may是个较正式的词。区别是may用于正式语体,而can用于非正式语体,尤其是口语中。(二)can意为“能,可能,可以”,表示一种能力,也表示可能性,有时还可表示许可;may意为“可能,也许,可以”,它不表示能力,常用来表示可能性或许可。(三)can be / cant be 表示可能性和推测 can be也可表示现在或将来的“可能性”,如例1、2。must表“推测”、“估计”意义时表示说话人对自己的“推测或估计”深信不疑,一般译为“一定-”。同样,它的否定式cant也表示说话人对

26、自己的“推测或估计”深信不疑, 一般译为“一定不-”。 1. Noise can be quite a problem when youre living in a flat. 2. So data of this kind can be valuable. 3. You cant be serious. = You must be joking. 4. They cant be teling lies.(三)can have done 表示从现在的眼光看“过去可能发生了谋事”,而且其结果与现在有关。Can have done大都用在否定和疑问句中。Where can he have gone

27、?Shes two hours late-what can have happened?(四)can not(cant) have done/ could not have done can not(cant) have done和could not have done都可以表示以现在的眼光看“过去不可能发生的事”,但是could not have done还可以从过去的某个时间点看“以前不可能发生的事”。还要注意could not have done,有其对应的肯定式,即could have done;而can not(cant) have done却没有其相对应的肯定式,也就是说can+完

28、成体只能用在否定句和疑问句中。(五)cannot (couldnt) help but do 不得不cannot (couldnt) help doing 禁不住做谋事 When a friend gave Jim a ticket to the game, he couldnt help but go. She cannot help smiling.(六) cannot(never) - too - 这个结构并不是表示“不可能太-”,而是表示“无论怎样-也不过分”、“越-越好”。 We cannot work too much for the people. 为人民服务越多越好。 A ma

29、n can never have too many ties. 男人有再多的领带也不算多。(七) wont / cant Will可用作助动词表示“将来”,亦可用作情态动词表“愿意”或“决心”,cant 可以表示“不能够”。I wont do it any more. I promise you.Will you stay for lunch? - Sorry, I cant. My brother is coming to see me.(八) cannot (cant) / must not (mustnt)Can既可以表示“能力”或“可能”,也可以表示“被允许”;cannt表示“不可以,

30、不允许”,或者表推测“不可能-”Mustnt 的意思是“不准”、“不允许”。表推测只有肯定形式。七、could (一)、表示过去的能力 1. Nicola could play chess when he was six. 2. I could run two miles without stopping when I was younger. (二)、表示现在或将来的“能力”、“可能性”、“被允许” A. 指现在或将来的能力 Could you ren the business by yourself? B. 指现在或将来的“可能性” 1. It could be very interest

31、ing to watch an Arab and an Englishman talking together. 2. I could do it now if you like. 3. She could be famous one day C. 指现在或将来的“允许” 1. I wonder if I could use your phone. 2. Permission is granted. We could go next week. 注意:由于could比can更加具有试探性和不肯定性,所以在表示请求和建议时常常有could代替can, 显得更加有礼貌。 Could I possibly borrow your car? (三)、could/ was able to 当be able to用作一般过去时时,则常常不是单纯地表示过去的“能力”或“可能性”,而是把“能力”和“成功(完成)”这两层意思结合起来,而且强调的往往是后者。因此,was/ were abel to 和 could在意义上是有区别的。例1只是说

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