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1、磨削GRINDING TECHNOLOGYTheory and Application of Machining with Abrasive磨料加工理论与应用1 Introduction1引言uestion:(1) What does the abrasive process mean?(2) Does the abrasive process is a kind of new or old machining technique?(3) How many types of abrasives which people can be used for abrasive processes or

2、 grinding ?(4) According to the abrasive process or work piece ground, how many kinds of abrasive processes do you know?问题: (1)磨料加工是什么意思? (2)磨料加工是一种新的或旧的加工技术吗? (3)有多少种磨料可用于磨料加工或研磨? (4)根据磨削加工或工件研磨,你知道有多少种磨料工艺?1.1 Historical Development of Grinding Process磨削加工的历史发展a) Natural abrasives: quartzprehistor

3、ic man, using stone as tools; emery (刚玉砂) ancient Greeks and Romans (impurecorundum), adamant; garnet (石榴石) ancient times; diamondfound in 800-600 BC in India, asabrasive in 15th century; corundumfound in 19th century;a) 天然磨料: 石英史前人,以石头为工具; 刚玉砂(古地中海),古希腊人和罗马人(不纯刚玉),坚定不移; 石榴石(古代);古代; 钻石发现于公元前800年至公元前

4、600年,十五世纪为磨料; 十九世纪刚发现的刚玉;b) Synthetic abrasives: silicon carbide = carborundum ( 碳化硅) found by E.G. Acheson in 1891; aluminum oxide = corundum ( 刚玉) found by C.B. Jacobsin in 1897.b)合成磨料: 碳化硅碳化硅(艾奇逊),例如由1891发现; 氧化铝=刚玉(South-Field-)-由C.B.Jasbin在1897发现。c) Superabrasives: man-made diamondinvented in 19

5、55 and commercially used in the late 1950s ; cubic boron nitride ( CBN, 立方氮化硼 )invented in 1957 and commercially used in 1969.C)超硬磨料: 1955世纪发明的人造金刚石,20世纪50年代后期商业使用; 立方氮化硼(CBN,South-Office)发明于1957,商业应用于1969。Producing process of aluminum oxide abrasives:Bauxite(铝矾土) dehydrated fused (electric furnace)

6、Coke and iron Alumina sinterd (fused) Product刚玉磨料的生产工艺: 矾土(脱水)熔融(电炉) 焦炭和铁矾土烧结(熔合)产品Producing process of silicon carbide abrasives:碳化硅磨料的生产工艺:SiO2 (sand) + 3 C (coke) electric furnace SiC + 2COProducing process of Synthetic Diamond:人造金刚石的生产工艺:Graphite high pressure(75-95Kbar) + high temp. Catalyst (n

7、ickel) (触媒) DiamondProducing process of CBN:立方氮化硼的生产工艺:Boron nitride 90Kbar + high temp. CBNalkali metals (碱金属)1.1.2 Bond history1.1.2 粘结剂发展历史bond-binder-bonded material ( 结合剂 - 粘结剂 结合剂材料)粘结剂粘结剂材料Gum-resin shallac (橡胶树脂)19th century in India; Oxychloride ( 氢氧化物) bindermiddle of 19th century in Engla

8、nd; Rubber bonded wheelmiddle of 19th century in US and France; Silicate (硅酸盐) bondslater in 19th century; Vitrified bond1870s in Norton Company in US; Resin-bonded wheel1923; Phenol-formaldehyde ( 苯酚 - 甲醛 ) resins = Bakelite (酚醛树脂) ; cast-iron bond1800s in Belgium; metal bonded wheel for diamond194

9、0s.树胶树脂夏洛克(印度)十九世纪 十九世纪中旬英国氯氧(粘结剂)粘结剂; 橡胶粘合轮十九世纪中旬在美国和法国; 十九世纪晚些时候的硅酸盐(债券)债券; 玻化18-70年代在美国诺顿公司; 树脂粘合的车轮-1923; 酚醛树脂(酚醛树脂)=酚醛树脂; 在比利时铸造铁质1800钢; 金刚石-40年代的金属粘结轮。Producing process of Vitrified bond:陶瓷结合剂的生产工艺:Clay +Feldspar (长石) + Frit +(organic binder) high temp. Product粘土+长石(长石)+自由+(有机结合),高的温度。制品grindi

10、ng wheel industry is in the later half of the 19th century with the development of bonds.砂轮行业是在十九世纪下旬随着债券的发展而发展起来的。1.1.3 Grinding history1.1.3加工历史 Stone (crude mill) primitive times; Grinding metal in ancient Egypt (2000 BC) using hand-operated wheel which was made by sandstone; Water-driven grindin

11、g at the end of the Middle Ages; Grinding machine industrial revolution (1500), sharpening/polishing weapons, tools, armor, et cl. First solid-bonded abrasive wheel 19th century, in India for hand grinding gems with binder of gum-resin shellac.石头(粗磨)-原始时代; 在古埃及(公元前2000年)用砂轮手工操作的砂轮磨削金属; 在中世纪末期水驱动研磨;

12、磨床-工业革命(1500),磨砺/抛光武器,工具,装甲,等。 第一个固体粘结磨料砂轮-十九世纪,在印度用于手工研磨宝石与粘胶树脂紫胶的粘结剂。1.2 Abrasive Processes1.2磨料工艺1.2.1 Classification of abrasive processes1.2.1磨料工艺的分类a) Classification by abrasive tools Grindingwheel; Honinghone, stick; Super-finishinghone; Band Grindinggrinding band, abrasive band; Lappingloose

13、 abrasives; Polishingloose abrasives, abrasive paste; Abrasive-blast treatmentloose abrasives; Abrasive-jet machiningloose abrasives;a) 磨具分类 砂轮; 珩磨珩磨; 超精磨; 砂带磨削带、砂带; 研磨松散的磨料; 抛光松散磨料、磨料膏; 磨料冲击处理松散磨料; 磨料喷射加工松散磨料;b) Classification by grinding motion:c) 磨削运动分类:(a) horizontal spindle surface grindertrave

14、rse grinding(a) 水平主轴平面磨床横向磨削(b) horizontal spindle surface grinderplunge grinding(b)水平主轴磨床磨削表面-暴跌在(c) vertical spindle rotary table surface grinder(c)立轴回转工作台平面磨床(d) center type cylindrical grinder- traverse grinding(D)中心型外圆磨床横向磨削(e) center type cylindrical grinderplunge grinding(E)中的圆柱型grinder -将磨(f

15、) internal grinder- traverse grinding(F)内圆磨床横向磨削(g) internal grinder- plunge grinding(g)内圆磨床切入磨削(h) centerless grinder- traverse grinding(H)无心磨床横向磨削(j) ceterless grinder- plunge grinding(j)无级磨床切入磨削1.2.2 Specific Features of Grinding1.2.2磨削的特殊特性 The abrasives (tools) are random no shaped cutting edge

16、s, more points; There are three stages in grinding1 )elastically rubbing2 )plastically scraching3 )cutting; Undeformed chip is very small in order of m; Vs is very high higher than 30 m/s till 200m/s; Allowance of machining is small in order of 1/10mm.磨料(工具)是随机的-没有形状的切削刃,更多的点; 磨削有三个阶段: 1)弹性摩擦 2)塑性剥落

17、 3)切削加工; 未变形的芯片非常小-m量级; VS非常高,高于200m/s,直到200m/s; 加工余量很小,按110mm的顺序加工。1.2.3 Application of Abrasive Technology One of main precision machining methods1.2.3磨料技术的应用 主要精密加工方法之一(materials, precision,) One of main ultra precision machining methods(materials, precision,) Abrasive grinding and high efficienc

18、y grinding(creep feed grinding, high speed grinding,)(材料,精度,) 一种主要的超精密加工方法 (材料,精度,) 磨料研磨和高效研磨 (蠕变进给磨削,高速磨削,)2 Grinding WheelsComposition and Properties2砂轮的组成与性能2.1 Introduction2.1.1 Composition of grinding wheel Generally a grinding wheel consists of abrasive grain, gaps or pore (porosity) and bond.

19、( three key factors )2.1引言 2.1.1砂轮的组成一般由砂轮组成 磨料颗粒, 间隙或孔隙(孔隙率) 和债券。 (三个关键因素)2.1.2 Properties of grinding wheel2.1.2砂轮的性能The properties and performance of the wheel depends on the following five parameters:车轮的性能和性能取决于以下五个参数:1 )Type of abrasive grain material;2 )Size of the grit (grain);3 )Bond materia

20、l;4 )Porosity or structure;5 )Hardness.( five basic parameters )1)磨料颗粒的类型; 2)砂砾粒径; 3)粘结材料; 4)孔隙率或结构; 5)硬度。 (五个基本参数)StructureDensity of grain in grinding wheel砂轮中颗粒的结构密度HardnessDegree of easiness or difficulty that grits come off from grinding wheel砂轮磨出砂砾的硬度或困难程度2.1.3 Type of abrasive for grinding wh

21、eel Types according to the hardnessConventional wheelaluminum oxide, ,silicon carbide ,Super-abrasive wheeldiamond ,CBN Types according to the natureNatural abrasivesemery ,diamond ,Synthetic abrasivesaluminum oxide, ,silicon carbide, , 2.1.3砂轮磨料 根据硬度类型 传统的车轮氧化铝, 碳化硅, 超硬砂轮金刚石 根据自然类型 天然磨料金刚砂、钻石、 合成磨料

22、-氧化铝, 碳化硅,Features of abrasives :Table 1 Some properties of abrasive materials磨料的特点: 表1磨料材料的某些性能 Hardness Friability (toughness)硬度脆度(韧性) Silican carbide is harder than aluminum oxide; Harder abrasives are generally applied to precision grinding ; Tougher abrasives are more suitable for heaver-duty g

23、rinding.碳化硅石比氧化铝硬; 硬磨料一般用于精密磨削; 较硬的磨料更适合于重型磨削。2.2 Grinding Wheel Specification:-Conventional Abrasives2.2砂轮规格:普通磨料2.2.1 The specification of conventional grinding wheel2.2.1常规砂轮的规格1) type of the abrasive2) abrasive grain size3) the wheels structure4) the wheels hardness5) bond type6) other markers i

24、dentification1)磨料类型 2)磨粒尺寸 3)车轮结构 4)车轮硬度 5)键型 6)其他标志物的识别a) Standard marking system of the wheela)车轮标准标记系统(Prefix)-Abrasive-Grain-Grade (Structure)-Bond-(Makers Code)(前缀)-磨料粒度级(结构-键合(制造商代码)b) Grain or Grit Number:-It is related to the wire mesh number per square inch.There are two sizing methods:(1)

25、Sieving (screening) , used for the grits coarser than 240# grits;(2) Sedimenting for finer grits, used for microgrits.b)颗粒或砂砾数量: 这与每平方英寸的金属丝网数量有关。 有两种上浆方法: (1)筛分(筛分),用于粗粒度大于240的砂砾; (2)用于细砂砾的沉淀,用于微砂。Sizing method for coarser grits粗粒上浆方法Average diameter or size of grits can be defined as砂砾的平均直径或大小可定义为

26、c) Grade or Hardness of the wheel:It indicates the wheel strength and the degree to which grains are tightly held by the bond.Relationship of grade and porosity:车轮的等级或硬度: 这表明车轮强度和颗粒紧密结合的程度。 坡度与孔隙度的关系:olume percentage of grain: Vg (%) = 2 ( 32 - S ) in which, S = 1 16, so that, Vg = 62 32 % ( commonl

27、y, 60 40%)颗粒百分率:Vg(%)2(32s),其中S116,因此,VG6232%(通常为6040%)。d) Bond Materials:V - vitrified;R rubber-based;B resinoid bond (Bakelite, , 酚醛树脂 );E shellac (as elastic bond ) ( ( 虫胶 ) );S silicate( ( 硅酸盐 ) );O oxychloride( ( 氢氧化物,氧化镁结合剂 )d) 粘结材料: V-玻璃化; R -橡胶基; B -类树脂键(酚醛树脂); E -虫胶(作为弹性结合)(Survivin); S -硅酸

28、盐(掺杂); o-氧氯离子2.2.2 Appendix: GB2476-83/GB2484-84 Abrasives:1) Corundum:Brown fused alumina A (GZ)White fused alumina WA (GB)Single crystal fused alumina SA (GD)Micro-crystalline fused alumina MA (GW)Pink fused alumina PA (GG)Zirconia fused alumina ZA (GA)Pr-Nd fused alumina NA (GP)Black fused alumin

29、a BA (GH)2.2.2附录:GB247683/GB2484-84: 磨料: 1) 刚玉: 棕刚玉A(Gz) 白刚玉WA(GB) 单晶氧化铝(Gd) 微晶熔融氧化铝MA(GW) 粉红刚玉Pa(GG) 氧化锆-刚玉-氧化锆(GA) 镨钕熔结Na(GP) 黑刚玉Ba(GH)2) Carborundum:Black silicon carbide C (TH);Green silicon carbide GC (TL);Cubic silicon carbide SC (TF);Cerium silicon carbide CC (TP);Boron carbide BC (TP).2) Car

30、borundum: 黑色碳化硅C(TH); 绿色碳化硅气相色谱(TL); 立方碳化硅SC(TF); 铈-碳化硅CC(TP); 碳化硼BC(TP)。2.3 Grinding Wheel Specification:-Superabrasives2.3砂轮规格:超硬磨料Diamond D; Cubic boron nitride (CBN) B.1) The specification is defined by abrasive,grain size, bond and concentration.2) For electroplating products,only abrasives and grit size are specified.D金刚石;立方氮化硼(CBN)- B的。 1)定义的规范是由磨料,晶粒尺寸,和浓度的债券。 2)用于电镀制品,只读abrasives和grit尺寸是specified。Marking System Char

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