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1、高考英语一轮复习Unit23Conflict讲义北师大版选修8 Unit 23 Conflict 一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1memorial n纪念碑2.prejudice n偏见3racial adj.种族之间的 munity n社区5departure n离开,离去 6.acquaintance n相识的人7nutrition n营养 8.criticise vt.批评9slavery n奴隶制度 10.draft vt.起草(二)表达词汇写其形1justice n公正,正义 2.classify vt.把分类3betray vt.出卖,背叛 4.greet vt.

2、问候,致意5sponsor vt.赞助 promise n妥协,让步7despite prep.不管 8.intend vt.想要,打算9expense n费用,开支 10.subscribe vi.订阅(杂志或报纸)(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.expose vt.显露;使置身于危险中exposure n暴露*2.appoint vt.任命,委任appointment n任命,委任;约定appointed adj.约定的*3.possession n私有物品possess vt.拥有;占有*4.representative n代表represent vt.代表5.distribute vt.分发

3、,分配distribution n分配;配给6.consume vt.喝;消费,消耗consumer n消费者consumption n消费7.strengthen vt.(使)变强,加强strength n力量;力气strong adj.强壮的*8.intend vt.想要,打算intention n意图;意向;目的9.socialism n社会主义socialist n社会主义者society n社会10.furnished adj.配有家具的furnish v在(房屋等)布置家具;提供*11.remark v谈到;谈论,评论n.谈论,评论remarkable adj.不平常的;值得注意的

4、用上面加*号的单词的适当形式填空1Obama made a remarkable speech after being elected president a second time. His remarks_ inspired many American people.2He was appointed as headmaster and wanted to tell his girlfriend the good news at the appointed time, but she missed their appointment somehow.3Since he is a repre

5、sentative of our company, what he says and what he does represent our company.4Prolonged exposure to harmful radiation will cause great harm to your health, so never expose yourself to it.5They went into town with the intention of visiting the library, where they could borrow the books intended for

6、children.6One should never make public property ones private possessions. We should possess what we want by working hard.话题单词积累1peace /pis/ n 和平2war /w(r)/ n. 战争3weapon /wepn/ n. 武器4battle /bt()l/ n. 战斗;战役5terrorism /terrzm/ n 恐怖主义,恐怖行动6conflict /knflkt/ n. 冲突,争执,争论7incredible /nkredbl/ adj. 难以置信的,惊

7、人的8rescue /reskju/ v. 营救,援救9extent /kstent/ n. 程度,范围10rebel /rbel/ v. 反叛11declaration /deklren/ n. 宣布,宣告12civilian /svln/ n. 平民,老百姓13protest /prtest/ n. 抗议,反对14investigate /nvestget/ v. 调查15restriction /rstrk()n/ n 限制,约束,束缚16council /kansl/ n. 委员会,理事会17estimate /estmt/ n. 估计18opponent /pnnt/ n. 对手;反

8、对者;敌手19fierce /fs/ adj. 猛烈的20surrender /srend(r)/ v. 投降;放弃 21delegation /delgen/ n. 代表团;授权,委托22proposal /prpzl/ n. 提议,建议23withdraw /wdr/ v. 撤退,离开24military base 军事基地25bomb /bm/ vt. 轰炸,投弹于 n. 炸弹26explosion /kspln/ n. 爆炸;爆发27violence /valns/ n. 暴力28argue /ju/ vi. 争辩,争论 29argument /jmnt/ n. 争论,辩论 30for

9、ce /fs/ vt. 强迫,迫使 31quarrel /kwrl; (US) kwrl/ vi. 争吵,吵架 32fight /fat/ (fought, fought) v 打仗(架),与打仗(架)33fighter /fat(r)/ n. 战士;斗士 34defend /dfend/ vt. 防守;保卫 35guard /d/ n. 警卫二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语1.be_exposed_to处于可能受伤害的境地 *2.hand_over 把交给*3.stand_up_for保护,维护;保卫 *4.put_forward 提议,提出*5.send_for派人去

10、请/叫 6.call_in_请(某人)7.have_a_gift_for有的天赋 *8.hold_out_ (在困境中)坚持9.look_down_on看不起 10.keep_ones_word遵守诺言*e_about发生 12.in_peace和平地*13.look_into调查 14.give_in让步,屈服(二)用上面加*号的短语完成下列句子1I wrote a letter of complaint, and the manager has promised to look_into the matter.2He wanted to_stand_up_for what he belie

11、ved in. 3The present leaders have to decide whether to hand_over to a younger generation.4To be honest, I dont think highly of the plan put_forward at the meeting.5They held_out against enemy for six months.6As soon as a kid falls behind, parents tend to send_for a private tutor.7How did the acciden

12、t come_about since he drove at a speed of forty miles per hour?,话题短语积累1be arrested for 因为被逮捕2be charged with 被控告3vote on就 表决,投票表决4be keen on sth./to do sth. 渴望(做)某事5take security measures 采取安全措施6set out for 出发去7blow up 爆炸8in the form of 以的形式9claim responsibility for 声称对负责10make ones way 去,前往11threat

13、en ones security interest 威胁某人的安全利益12declare war on . 向宣战13be sentenced to 宣判,判刑14put down 镇压15fight to the end 战斗到底三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1no sooner .than“一就”例句No sooner had they moved in than the noise began and rarely did they get a full nights sleep.仿写我们一得出这个结论,他们就同意了。No_sooner_had_we_reached_this_conclu

14、sion_than they agreed to it.2the比较级 .,the比较级 .“越越”例句In fact, the more I use the bike, the more weight I seem to put on, despite following the instruction manual carefully.仿写一个人学的越多,越会看到自己的无知。The_more a man learns, the_more he sees his ignorance.3现在分词短语作原因状语例句Yang Mings neighbours say they were being

15、 driven mad being exposed to such noise.仿写正受到大暴雨的袭击,他们感到很无助。Being_struck_by_the_heavy_storm,_ they felt helpless.话题佳句背诵1Lets work harder to get rid of any kind of fights and conflicts.让我们共同努力消除各种战争和冲突。2Most of the people around the world are enjoying the peace which everybody longs for.世界上大部分人都爱好和平。

16、和平是人人都向往的。3No Peace, No Development.没有和平,就没有发展。4Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome. 一般而言,战争令人憎恶而和平受人欢迎。5To reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have two suggestions.要将战争的可能性降至最低程度,我有两点建议。四背语段语感流畅No sooner had Li Ming gone to work in the company than it met with many p

17、roblems. Exposed to so many difficulties, he talked them over with his colleagues and put forward his suggestions, remarking that they should look into the matter and find out how it came about. Then he intended to send for the technicians to help sort out the problems. At last, he pointed that ever

18、ybody should hold out and never give in to any difficulty.李明刚到这家公司工作,公司就遇到了很多问题。面临着如此多的困难,他与同事们进行了详细的交谈,并提出了自己的建议。他说应该先调查一下问题并找出它是如何产生的。然后他打算请技师来帮忙解决问题。最后,他指出大家要坚持下去,绝不向困难屈服。 第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1expose vt.显露,暴露;使置身于危险中;揭露;使接触(新事物)教材原句Yang Mings neighbours say they were being driven mad being exposed to

19、 such noise.杨明的邻居们说处于这样的噪音中他们快要被逼疯了。(1)expose . to . 使暴露于/面临/遭受(be) exposed to . 暴露于;处于可能受到伤害的境地expose sth. to sb. 向某人揭发某事expose sb. to sth. 使某人接触到某物; 使某人面临/遭受某事(2)exposure n. 暴露;揭露Doctors warn people that one may develop skin cancer with his skin exposed (expose) to the sun too much.医生警告人们,皮肤过多的暴露于

20、阳光下可能引发皮肤癌。In my opinion, it is important to_expose_children_to good books in their childhood. 在我看来,让小孩子在童年接触好书是很有必要的。The little boy has been exposed to English for five years.这个小男孩已经接触英语达5年之久。2appoint vt.任命,委任;安排,确定高考佳句Im writing to apply for “wild release”, in which you can put the books in the ap

21、pointed place, and other participants can have free access to them.(2015重庆高考写作) 我写信是想申请“自由分享”活动,在这项活动中你可以把书放在指定位置,其他参与者自由获取。(1)appoint sb.(to be/as) sth. 任命某人为appoint do sth. 委派某人做某事(2)appointment n. 任命,委任;约会make/have an appointment with . 与有约会keep/break an appointment 守/违约by appointment 按约定It

22、s reported that two experts have just been appointed to_look (look) into food safety.据报道,两名专家已经被任命负责调查食品安全。Sam has_been_appointed_(as/to_be) manager of the engineering department to take the place of George.山姆已经被指定代替乔治担任工程部经理。Now that you have_made_an_appointment_with your friend, you should keep it

23、.既然你已经和朋友约好了,你就应该守约。3possession nC私有物品; U拥有,占有教材原句Youre always going off with my possessions and not giving them back.你总是拿我的东西却不归还。(1)take/have possession of 占有,拥有 in possession of 某人占有/拥有某物sth. be in the possession of sb.sth. be in ones possession 某物为某人所有(2)possess vt. 具有;占有;控制be possessed of

24、拥有,具有,占有We cant take/have possession of the house until all the papers have been signed.We cant be_in_possession_of the house until all the papers have been signed.The house cant be_in_the_possession_of us until all the papers have been signed.所有的文件都签字以后,我们才能拥有这所房子。Our company is_possessed_of some h

25、ighquality talents on management, advanced production facilities and abundant technique force. 我们公司拥有高素质的管理人才、先进的生产设备以及雄厚的技术力量。4remark vt. & vi.说起,谈到;谈论,评论;察觉 n谈论,评论经典例句She remarked how tired I was looking.(牛津P1681)她说我看上去显得特别累。(1)remark that . 评论remark on/upon sth./sb. 就某事/某人发表评论(2)make a remark on/

26、about 就发表意见;对品头论足(3)remarkable adj. 不平常的;值得注意的be remarkable forbe known/famous for 因而著名He remarked_on/upon the difference in security measures at the two airports.他讲到了两个机场安全措施的不同之处。Its bad manners to remark on/about the appearance of others.Its bad manners to make_a_remark_on/about the appearance of

27、 others.对别人的相貌品头论足是没有礼貌的。These cars are remarkable (remark) for the quietness of their engines.这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响。5compromise n& v妥协,让步,和解高考佳句Most important of all, it is always wise to make decisions by compromise and agreement.(2015江苏高考满分作文)最重要的是,通过相互妥协和相互协商来做决定总是明智的。(1)reach/arrive at/come to a co

28、mpromise 达成妥协make a compromise with 与妥协(2)compromise with sb. on/over sth. 和某人就某事达成妥协;与某人和解If we all agree to make_a_compromise_with each other when we are in disputes, wars are forever gone and we are surely living in peace.如果我们在有争端时彼此之间作出妥协,就不再会有战争,我们就一定会和平地生活。Ive spared every effort to compromise

29、 with my parents on/over this issue. 在这一问题上我已是竭尽全力与父母达成妥协。Having held a series of facetoface meetings in recent weeks, the two parts finally reached_a_compromise.近几周双方经过一系列面对面的会议后,最终达成了妥协。6intend vt.想要,打算;设计,计划教材原句Unless I receive a positive reply within the next three weeks, I intend to take further action.如果在三周之内得不到肯定答复,我将采取进一步行动。(1)intend do sth. 打算让某人做某事intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事intend that . 打算从句动词一般用 (should)动词原形had intended to do sth.intended to have done sth. 本打算做某事(2)intended adj. 打算的;计划的be intended for 专供使用;专为设计(3)intention n. 意图,打算

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