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1、上海中级口译考试真题答案及解析2012年9月中级口译考试真题+答案+解析(汇总版)Spot Dictation:We all have problems and barriers that block our progress, or prevent us from moving into new areas. Our problems might include the fear of speaking in front of a group, anxiety about math problems, or the reluctance to sound silly trying to sp

2、eak a foreign language. Its natural to have problems and barriers, but sometimes they limit our experience so much, we get bored with life. When that happens, consider the following three ways of dealing with the problem or barrier.One way is to pretend it doesnt exist. Avoid it, deny it, and lie ab

3、out it. Its like turning your head the other way, putting on a fake grin, and saying, See, theres really no problem at all. Everything is fine.In addition to looking foolish, this approach leaves the barrier intact, and we keep bumping into it. So, a second approach is to fight the barrier, to strug

4、gle against it. This usually makes the barrier grow. It increases the barriers magnitude. A person who is obsessed with weight might constantly worry about being fat. He might struggle with it every day, trying diet after diet. And the more he struggles, the bigger the problem gets.The third alterna

5、tive is to love the barrier. Accept it. Totally experience it. Tell the truth about it. Describe it in detail.Applying this process is easier if you remember two ideas. First, loving a problem is not necessarily the same as enjoying it. Love in this sense means total and unconditional acceptance. Se

6、cond, unconditional acceptance is not the same as unconditional surrender. Accepting a problem is different than giving up or escaping from it. Rather, this process involves escaping into the problem, diving into it headfirst, and getting to know it in detail.Often the most effective solutions come,

7、 when we face a problem squarely, with eyes wide open, then we can move through the problem, instead of around it. When you are willing to love your problems, you drain them of much of their energy.【评析】本文选自Dave Ellis 的著作Becoming a Master Student其中的一个章节:Love your problems and experience your barriers

8、,本文主要介绍了解决问题的三种办法,第一种是直接无视它,就当不存在;第二种是正视它,挑战它,第三种则是爱上困难,充分体验。然后又 给出两个观点,教你更容易地应用这些办法。总体而言,难度不大,文章选材方面还是比较中规中矩的,关于问题和困难的相关话题也是考生比较熟悉的部分。词汇方面也没有什么难词偏僻词,考生应该不会感到太难。Statements:Question1:Obviously Kell has been unhappy with her present job. She works as a nurse but she would drop a teacher at a primary o

9、r secondary school.Question2:We dont have enough information for our financial plan, but its due tomorrow. Im afraid well just have to make do with what we have got.Question3:There is more pressure than ever in the competitive job market to stand out from the crowd. Continuing your education is one

10、way to get that extra edge.Question4:Our production supervisor warned John to punch in on time, dress appropriately for the job and stop taking extra breaks.Question5:The ability to work effectively with people from other countries is especially important if you plan a career in MMC management where

11、 international experience is an essential prerequisite.Question6:Now it is common to find fast food restaurants everywhere. These restaurants serve people who are too rushed to find time to eat a proper meal.Question7:Makinen hit what appeared to be oil on the road,and his car slammedinto a concrete

12、 barrier, tearing the right rear wheel almost completely off his Mitsubishi Lancer.Question8:One of the greatest public health successes has been the massive decline in smoking rates, which are now translating into reduced deaths from cancer and heart disease.Question9:In modern society, private hou

13、ses are not just places for people to live in. Rich people have long-viewed real-estate as a suitable vehicle for their earnings.Question10:You need to draw a vertical line two inches from the left edge of your note-taking page. With this line, you still have six inches of space on the right to writ

14、e down you notes.【评析】1. 此题描述对现在工作的不满和宁愿做的工作。重点在but后面。2. 此题描述利用现在资源做经济计划的事。考生应注意due(到期)以及make do with(勉强应对)便可知题意。3. 此题描述如何应对就业压力大的一种方法。难点在extra edge (额外的奖励或优势)。4. 此题描述主管对John的要求。找准三个并列动词就易于理解。5. 此题描述什么情况下同外国人有效地工作很必要。题中有个从句,where,修饰MMC。6. 此题描述快餐店服务的人群。重点在第二句,fast restaurant 应为熟知单词,根据意思也能理解题意。7. 此题描述M

15、akinen 撞车的原因和结果。难点是单词,concrete barrier (水泥栏杆),rear wheel(后轮)。8. 此题描述公众健康取得的一大成就。难点是要了解一些普通疾病的说法以及death rate(死亡率),decline(下降)。9. 此题描述私人住宅不仅是用来居住的现状。real-estate(不动产),vehicle (工具,媒介)。10. 此题描述划线的问题。掌握单词vertical (垂直的),考生还应注意具体数字。Talks and Conversations 1W: Ah, Bill, have you got a minute?M: Yes, but can

16、you make it fast? Im pretty busy.W: OK. Ah, Im sorry about this, Bill. I know youre busy but Ive got to go somewhere this afternoon. Can I take the afternoon off?M: Oh, come on, Helen!W: But its really important. I mean it is really something urgent.M: Look, Im sorry Helen but I cant. Ive got two pe

17、ople off sick.W: Well, how about a couple.M: Look, weve got to finish this report today. The boss has been waiting in the office.W: I know that, Bill. How about just an hour?M: Yes, all right. I suppose so. But next time I want a bit more warning.Questions:11. Why did Helen want to talk to Bill?12.

18、What is the relationship between the man and the woman?13. At last, how long was Helen permitted to take her leave?14. What did Bill want Helen to do next time?【解析】本篇属于情景对话,首先应当抓住关键词组take off(请假),接下来就很好理解了。对话中女士因为下午紧急要去某地向男士请假,但是男士一开始因为手上的报告必须要在今日之内完成交给老板而没有准假。之后女士告知实在佷重要,能否请一个小时的假,男士最终答应了。关键词:take

19、off:请假 urgent:adj. 紧急的 warning:adj. 警告的;引以为戒的Talks and Conversations 2Hi, welcome, today I am going to talk about how children learn social behaviors. Especially how they learn lessons from the family, which is the most basic unit of our social structure. There is a lot of discussion these days abou

20、t how families are changing and whether non-traditional families have a good or bad effect on children. But it is important to remember that the type of family a child comes from is not nearly as important as the kind of love and support that exist in a home. There are three ways by which children a

21、cquire their behavior through rewards, punishments and finally modeling. In todays lecture, lets first discuss rewards. A reward can be defined as a positive reinforcement for good behavior. An example of a reward is when a parent says, “If you eat your vegetables, you can have ice cream for dessert

22、”. Or a parent might say, “Finish your homework first, then you can watch TV.” Most parents use rewards unconsciously because they want their children to behave well. For example, a parent might give a gift to a child, because the child behaved well. Or parents may give a child money for doing what

23、the parents asked.Questions:15. What is discussed in the lecture?16. According to the talk , what is more important for children to learn good social behaviors?17. There are three ways by which children acquire their behavior. Which one is discussed in detail in the talk?18. Which of the following i

24、s not a positive reinforcement for good behavior?【评析】本篇文章内容难度适中。虽然其中穿插长句子。但是问题答案都是文章中可以直接听出来的。举例说明能帮助大家很好的理解内容。因此在听的时候,要有上下文的概念,前面如有长句没听懂,注意后面的例子说明。全文的意思就一目了然了。本篇话题是“孩子如何学习社会行为”。主要集中的讲的是家庭这个社会单元对孩子行为的影响。并且提到孩子学习社会行为的三种方式:奖励、惩罚、模范。本课中主要讲的是“奖励”这种方式。关键词:Social behavior 社会行为,社交行为 Social structure 社会结构Ta

25、lks and Conversations 3John: Good morning, Betty. Do you know what the assignment is for our term paper in history?Betty: Sure John. But werent you in class on Monday? Thats when it was given out.John: No, I missed that class. Was there a handout?Betty: No, the instructor just wrote the assignment o

26、n the board.John: Could I copy the assignment from your notes?Betty: You could if I had copied it all down, but I just wrote down the part that I wanted.John: Oh no.Betty: You see, there were four choices of topics for the term paper, but when I saw them, I knew which one I wanted, so I didnt copy t

27、he others down.John: Can you remember any of the others?Betty: Lets see. There was one about World War I, something about it, but I dont remember what. And there was one called the idea of progress in the 19th century.John: And what was the last one?Betty: I cant remember. My mind is a complete blan

28、k. Maybe you could ask someone else.John: Yes, I will. Anyway, those are certainly broad topics.Betty: Yes, but you can focus on a special area within them. Which one would you take?John: Of course, I dont know what the last one is, but of these three, I think Id take the idea of progress.Betty: Tha

29、ts very abstract.John: Yes, but it is one of my interests and Ive read a lot on the subject. Ive never written a term paper on it though.Betty: Me neither. I havent even read about it. Are you going to class on Wednesday?John: Yes.Betty: Maybe hell write it on the board again.John: I hope so. Good l

30、uck with your paper.Betty: Same to you.Questions:19. How many topics did the teacher give for the term paper?20. How was the assignment given out by the instructor?21. Why cant John copy the assignment from Bettys notes?22. Why does John choose to write on the idea of progress in the 19th century?【评

31、析】本段听力讲述的是男同学周一没有去上课,来询问女同学老师给出的期末论文题目是什么。恰巧老师给出的是4个话题以供挑选,女同学没有记下所有的话题,只是凭 记忆讲述了两个话题给男同学听。男同学在已知的话题中倾向于写“the idea of progress in the 19th century”,因为他喜欢这方面知识,而且之前也有阅读。问题都是常见细节题,涉及所给话题数目、话题告知方式等,难度不大,只要认真听不难得出答 案。Talks and Conversations 4Welcome to my lecture on interpreting. Interpreting is a relat

32、ively new area of research. It is all too often subsumed under the heading of translation. For example, many translators associations include interpreters. Many books on translation include a section on interpreting. Many translators do some interpreting work and vice versa. Of course, there is an overlap between the two areas that are so alike and yet so different. All of this means that interpreting is still in the process of establishing it

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