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1、广东省天河区普通高中高一英语上学期综合测试题06整理广东省天河区普通高中2016-2017学年高一英语上学期综合测试题06 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(广东省天河区普通高中2016-2017学年高一英语上学期综合测试题06)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为广东省天河区普通高中2016-20

2、17学年高一英语上学期综合测试题06的全部内容。2016-2017学年高一上学期英语综合测试题06一、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)。1。Do you want tea or coffee?_.I really dont mind.A。 Both B. None C。 Neither D。 Either2. Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience. A。 / , the B。 /, an C. an, an D. the , the3._ of the land in that

3、district _ covered with trees and grass。A。 Two fifth;is B. Two fifth;areC. Two fifths;is D. Two fifths;are4.The mother didnt know _ to blame(责备)for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.A。 how B。 when C. who D. what5. The Great Wall is _tourist attraction that millions of people pour in

4、every year。A. so a wellknown B. a so well-knownC. such wellknown a D. such a wellknown6. He asked _for the computer. A。 did I pay how much B.I paid how much C。 how much did I paid D. how much I paid7。 Tell him _ his bike when he leaves. A. not to forget locking B。 dont forget locking C。 not to forge

5、t to lock D. dont forget to lock8. I will never speak to anyone like that _ they say something unpleasant to me。 A. because B。 as if C。 even if D. since9. We should _ to study. A. make time good used B. make good uses of time C。 use of time D. make good use of time10。 The lady insisted that the youn

6、g man _ her wallet and that he _ to the police station at once. A. had stolen, be sent B。 should steal, should be sent C。 had stolen, sent D。 had stolen, must be sent11。 Finally they changed _ and decided to take my advice. A。 mind B. minds C。 their mind D. their minds12。 You must practice _ English

7、 more。Ato speak B. speaking Cspoke Dspeak 13. Instead of _water _their hands, they used a kind of chemical。Ause, to wash Busing, to wash Cto use, washing Dused, washing14. I shall never forget those years _ I lived in the country with the farmers, _has a great effect on my life。A。 that;which B. when

8、;who C. which;that D. when;which15。The old farmer has two daughters, _ is kind to him, _ makes him very sad. A。 neither of whom, which B。 neither of them, who C。 both of whom , which D. both of whom, that二、完形填空(每小题1。5,共30分).A house in Clarkstown caught fire on Christmas Eve, 1982。 The woman who live

9、d in the house was already in 16 Being in poor health, she had trouble in 17 even when things were on fire. 18 her house burning down around her, she was not able to go 19 。The smoke 20 her choke(窒息)。 The fire was very hot。 Fire fighters 21 the house. They started to put the fire out。 They didnt kno

10、w the old woman was still 22 . Then people 23 her crying for help。 The fire was still very hot and there was lots of 24 . A man 25 like Santa(圣诞老人)Clause was passing by. He was 26 to give gifts to poor families。 Hardly had he heard the old womans cry when he ran into the 27_ house. After a while he

11、rushed out with the old woman on his back and _28_her to safety。 Then, as 29 as she had come by, the man left。 No one knew the real name of the hero who had 30 the old womans life. The man went on and took the gifts to the poor children. He did not return home 31 it was dark. He told his 32 what had

12、 happened。 She decided that she 33 to keep the story a secret. She told people that Santa Clause was 34 Paviel Rodriguez, her husband. Mr Rodriguez is a music teacher 35 he is not playing Santa Clause.16. A。 the eighty B 。her eighties C. her eighty D. the eighties17. A. laughing B. thinking C. speak

13、ing D. walking18。 A。 With B。 For C. Because D。 During19. A。 everywhere B。 anywhere C。 somewhere D。 there20。 A. suffered B. broke C。 forced D。 made21。 A. looked for B。 searched through C. set up D. go to22. A。 out of doors B。 in the open air C。 inside D。 outside23. A. felt B。 stopped C 。 heard D. kep

14、t24. A 。air B. steam C。 smoke D. dust25. A。 dressed B。 close C 。looked D。 acted26。 A。 at the gate B. on his way C。 in the distance D. at the corner27. A. burning B. crowded C. burnt D. empty28. A。 carried B。 led C。 showed D. sent29. A。 bravely B。 carefully C. quickly D. proudly30。 A. given B. defend

15、ed C。 saved D. lived31。 A。 for B. unless C. while D。 until32。 A。 wife B。 son C. daughter D。 friend33. A. ought B。 had C. shouldnt refuse D. didnt need34。 A。 nearly B。 really C. impossibly D。 probably35. A。 so that B. even if C. since D。 when三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A Languages are always changing。 The Engl

16、ish of today is very different from the English of 500 yeas ago. In time, some languages become more important and others become less important。 Some even die out completely. About 1, 000 years ago English was a little known language.If a language has a large number of speakers, or if it is very old

17、, there may be differences in the way it is spoken in different areas。 That is, the language may have several dialects。 Chinese is a good example of dialect differences。 Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of speakers. The differences between the dialects of Chinese are s

18、o great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China cannot understand each other.There are other kinds of dialects. In some languages we find words or expressions and even grammatical forms which are used only by men and others used by women。 Whats more, each generation(一代人) uses its own expre

19、ssions and grandparents and grandchildren may sometimes have difficulty in understanding each other. 36The English of today is quite different from that of 500 years ago because _。 Apeople are no longer what they were B it develops at great speedClanguages are changing all the time Dit has many spea

20、kers to use it around the world 37Some languages may even die out. “Die out” means _。Abe out of use Bused once more Cappear again Dused by some people living far away .38Why doesnt a grandfather understand his grandson? Because his grandson _。Acan speak English Bis from the country Clives in another

21、 place D. uses childrens language39People of the same country may find it difficult to understand each other because _。 Asome people are not open enough Bthey dont like to speak to each other Cthey speak in different ways Dthey have different opinionsBForeign attacks on U S soil(美国领土遭受的外来袭击) 1812 -

22、During the War of 1812, British forces(军队) burned the new capital at Washington, D C They also attacked Baltimore and New Orleans and captured(占领) Detroit, which at the time was a remote military outpost (前哨基地) 1846 - A brief invasion(入侵)by Mexican troops across the Rio Gande began the U S Mexican W

23、ar in 1846 But the remaining action in that conflict(冲突) occurred in California, New Mexico and in Mexico California and New Mexico belonged to Mexico at the time 1916 - Mexican revolutionaries led by Pancho Villa attacked the town of Columbus, N M, on March 9, 1916 1941 - Japan attacked Pearl Harbo

24、r(珍珠港)in Hawaii on Dec 7, 1941, killing nearly 2,400 people and forcing America into World War II 1993 - Terrorists(恐怖主义者) blew up a truck bomb in the basement(地下室)of the World Trade Center in February 1993, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000 2001 - Terrorists hijacked(劫机) several plane

25、s on Sep11, 2001 Two ploughed into(撞入) New Yorks World Trade Center (WTC), toppling the two highest buildings in the city; a third seriously damaged the Pentagon(五角大楼) The fourth hijacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania Several thousand people were killed in the attacks40During the War of 1812, Britis

26、h forces did the following except that _ Athey captured Detroit Bthey attacked Baltimore and New OrleansCthey burned the new capital at Washington, D C Dthey attacked the town of Columbus, N M 41During the September 11th terrorist attacks, _ Aterrorists hijacked three planes Bdestroyed the Pentagon

27、completely Ckilled six people and injured more than 1,000 Dtwo planes knocked into New Yorks World Trade Center42The underlined word “toppling” in the last paragraph means _ Areaching the highest point of Bknocking into Ccausing to fall Dbuilding43How many foreign attacks mentioned in the passage di

28、d the US have? A5 B6 C7 D8C The Great Hanshin-Awaji(阪神)Earthquake at 5:46 a。m。 on January 17,1995,Kobe(神户)and its surrounding areas suffered a killer earthquake. Only two other events in this century, the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and World War caused more deaths in Japan than this earthquake。

29、The epicenter(震源)was at the northern tip of Awaji Island。 The quake registered(记录)7.2 on the Richter(里氏震级).The greatest amount of damage was seen in the Japanese port city of Kobe, and at final count 6348 people had lost their lives. The people of the area were quite unprepared for such a big earthq

30、uake。 Experts had said that most modern buildings would be quite safe even from an earthquake as strong as the Great Kanto Earthquake。 This was clearly not true。 Television cameras showed the many buildings that had fallen over on its side looking as if it had been pushed over by a giant(巨人). Thousa

31、nds of people were homeless. However, some of the finest human qualities were seen in the time of crises (moment of great danger)。People formed long lines for water and other supplies. They shared what they had with one another。 People from young to old stopped to talk to each other and give a few encouraging words. The people living in the area knew that their old life had been destroyed。 They believe they can rebuild th

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