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1、米歇尔奥巴马在伦敦一所女校发表讲话,充满热情地以自身经历敦促每个学生认真对待教育。她说这些有才质的一代新人将会缩小现实世界与理想世界的差距。Remarks by Americas First Lady, Michelle Obama at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, Islington, U.K.美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马在英国伦敦伊斯灵顿伊丽莎白安德森女校的演讲 2009年4月3日美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马在英国伦敦伊斯灵顿 伊丽莎白安德森女校的英语演讲稿中英对照:This is my first trip. My first foreign t

2、rip as a first lady. Can you believe that? (Applause) And while this is not my first visit to the U.K., I have to say that I am glad this is my first official visit. The special relationship between the United States and the U.K. is based not only on the relationship between governments, but the com

3、mon language and the values that we share. And Im reminded of that by watching you all today. During my visit Ive been especially honored to meet some of Britains most extraordinary women. Women who are paving the way for all of you.这是我的第一次出访。 是我作为第一夫人的第一次外事出访。 你们能相信这个事实吗? (掌声) 虽然这不是我第一次来英国, 我必须说很高兴

4、我的首次官方访问是来英国。 美国和英国之间的特殊关系,不只是基于政府之间的关系, 而且基于我们有共同的语言和价值观。 看见你们大家就使我想到这一点。 在访问期间我特别荣幸地会见了英国一些最出色的女士。 这些女士在为你们所有女孩子铺路。And Im honored to meet you, the future leaders of Great Britain and this world. And although the circumstances of our lives may seem very distant, with me standing here as the First L

5、ady of the United States of America, and you, just getting through school. I want you to know that we have very much in common. For nothing in my lifes path would have predicted that Id be standing here as the first African-American First Lady of the United States of America. There is nothing in my

6、story that would land me here. I wasnt raised with wealth or resources or any social standing to speak of. I was raised on the South Side of Chicago. Thats the real part of Chicago. And I was the product of a working-class community. My father was a city worker all of his life. And my mother was a s

7、tay-at-home mom. And she stayed at home to take care of me and my older brother. Neither of them attended university. My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of his life. But even as it got harder for him to walk and get dressed in the morning - I saw him struggle more and more - m

8、y father never complained about his struggle. He was grateful for what he had. He just woke up a little earlier and worked a little harder. And my brother and I were raised with all that you really need: love, strong values and a belief that with a good education and a whole lot of hard work, that t

9、here was nothing that we could not do.我也很荣幸见到你们, 这些英国和世界未来的领导者。 虽然我们的生活境况好像相差很远, 我作为美国第一夫人站在这里, 而你们还正在上学。 我想让你们了解我们有很多共同之处。 因为在我生命历程中没有任何东西曾经预示我会站在这里,作为美利坚合众国的第一位非洲裔第一夫人。 我的资历里没有什么东西能使我站在这个位置上。 我不是用财富和资源养大的,也谈不上有什么社会地位。 我是在芝加哥的南边养大的。 那是芝加哥的真实部分。 我出身于工人阶级。 我父亲一辈子是个市政工人。 我母亲是个家庭妇女。 她待在家里照顾我和我哥哥。 我父母都没

10、上过大学。 我爸爸被诊断有多种硬化症,当他壮年的时候。 但就在他变得难以行走,而且早上难以穿衣的时候 - 我看着他挣扎得越来越厉害 - 我父亲却从来没有抱怨过他的困难。 他对于自己拥有的一切心存感激。 他只是起得更早一点,工作得更努力一点。 我哥哥和我在成长过程中得到了人生真正需要的一切: 爱,强有力的价值观,以及一个信念,就是靠着良好的教育,还有大量的辛勤工作,没有什么是我们做不到的。I am an example of whats possible when girls from the very beginning of their lives are loved and nurture

11、d by the people around them. I was surrounded by extraordinary women in my life. Grandmothers, teachers, aunts, cousins, neighbors, who taught me about quiet strength and dignity. And my mother, the most important role model in my life, who lives with us at the White House and helps to care for our

12、two little daughters, Malia and Sasha. Shes an active presence in their lives, as well as mine, and is instilling in them the same values that she taught me and my brother: things like compassion, and integrity, and confidence, and perseverance. All of that wrapped up in an unconditional love that o

13、nly a grandmother can give.我的例子就表明女孩子能创造奇迹,只要她们从生命最开始的时候,就受到周围人的爱护和教养。 我的生命中围绕着非凡的女性。 祖母,老师,姨妈,表姐妹,邻居,她们教会我沉默的力量和尊严。 还有我母亲,我生命中最重要的榜样, 她和我们住在白宫帮着照顾我们的两个小女儿, 玛丽娅和萨莎。她在孩子们和我的生活中都很活跃, 并正在给她们灌输,她教给我和我哥哥的价值观: 同情心,正直、自信和坚定。 所有这些都包含在无条件的爱之中,那是只有一个祖母才能给予的爱。I was also fortunate enough to be cherished and enc

14、ouraged by some strong male role models as well, including my father, my brother, uncles and grandfathers. The men in my life taught me some important things, as well. They taught me about what a respectful relationship should look like between men and women. They taught me about what a strong marri

15、age feels like. That its built on faith and commitment and an admiration for each others unique gifts. They taught me about what it means to be a father and to raise a family. And not only to invest in your own home but to reach out and help raise kids in the broader community.我也很幸运地从一些男性榜样那里得到珍爱和鼓励

16、,包括我父亲,我哥哥,叔伯和祖父。 我生命中的男人们也教会我一些重要的东西。 他们教会我互相尊重的男女关系应该是什么样子的。 拥有一个牢固的婚姻是什么感觉。 就是建立在信念和承诺之上,以及对彼此独特天赋的赞赏。 他们教我意识到什么叫当一个父亲并养育一家人。 而且不只是关注自己的家庭也要伸手去帮助养育更广泛的社区里的孩子。And these were the same qualities that I looked for in my own husband, Barack Obama. And when we first met, one of the things that I remember is that he took me out on a date. And his date was to go with him to a community meeting. (Laughter) I know, how romantic. (Laughter) But when w

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