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8 血拼购物下.docx

1、8 血拼购物下Chapter 7 Shopping【Section 1 本课导读】境外旅游讨价还价注意事项国外观光区的商品定价通常偏高,游客向老板杀价或者讨折扣,几乎是不可避免的过程。但若是商家已经在门口或者墙壁贴上Fixed Price(不还价),表示不愿意降价,游客就不应该再开口杀价,以免显得不礼貌,成为不受欢迎的游客。【Section 2 场景一 购物 (化妆保养品)】Part 1 Vocabulary图解词汇1 perfume 香水2 cosmetics 化妆品3 mascara睫毛膏4 lipstick 口红5 eye shadow 眼影6 nail polish 指甲油7 foun

2、dation 粉底8 blush 腮红9 lip gloss 唇蜜10 loose powder 蜜粉11 brush 刷子12 lotion 乳液13 cream 面霜14 gel 凝胶15 facial mask 面膜Part 2 Important Words and Phrases 延伸词汇短语1 cologne 古龙水2 scent 香味3 light 味道淡的4 strong 味道浓的5 top note 前味6 middle note 中味7 base note 后味8 floral scent花香调9 woody scent 木质调10 citrus scent 柑橘调11 e

3、yebrow pencil 眉笔12 concealer 遮瑕膏13 eyeliner 眼线笔14 lash curler 睫毛夹15 puff 粉扑16 moisturizer 保湿用品17 essence精华液18 oily skin 油性皮肤19 dry skin 干性皮肤20 sensitive skin 敏感性肌肤21 acne 痘痘22 blackhead 鼻头粉刺,黑头Part 3 Conversations 会话练习1 Buying Perfumes 买香水Store sales: May I help you?Amy: Yes. Im looking for some per

4、fume. Do you have perfumes with a light scent?Store sales: How about this one? It smells like green tea and is our best seller. Try it.Amy: It does smell good. How much is it?Store sales: It goes for $40.Amy: OK. Ill take this one.店员:有什么可以为您服务的吗?艾美:我想买香水,你们有没有清淡一些的?店员:这瓶怎么样?它是绿茶的味道,卖得非常好。你可以试用看看。艾美:

5、真的不错,这瓶多少钱?店员:40美元。艾美:好,那就这一瓶。2 Buying Lipsticks 买口红Store sales: May I help you?Amy: Do you have the latest lipstick from Christian Dior?Store sales: Yes. What colors do you like?Amy: Any special colors?Store sales: How about this one?Amy: Can I try it on and see how it looks?Store sales: Of course.

6、 This product moisturizes at the same time.Amy: Looks good. Ill take it.店员:请问需要什么?艾美:你们有迪奥最新出的口红吗?店员:有啊,你想要什么颜色?艾美:有没有特别一点的颜色?店员:这只好不好?艾美:我可以试擦看看吗?店员:当然可以啊。这一款口红的滋润度很好。艾美:看起来不错,就买这只。Part 4 Useful Expressions旅游实用句1 买香水买香水Im thinking of getting some perfume.我想买香水。制定品牌Do you carry the latest Chanel per

7、fume?你们有没有卖香奈儿最新出的香水?特定香味Which perfume has a rose scent?哪一瓶香水有玫瑰的味道?味道淡Id like a little lighter scent of perfume.我想要清淡一点的。询问后味What is the base note on this perfume?这瓶香水的后味是什么?试用品Do you have a sample of this?这个有没有试用品?试闻香水Can I smell this bottle of perfume?可以试闻吗?试喷香水Can I try this bottle of perfume?可以

8、试喷吗?畅销品Which perfume is your best seller?哪一瓶香水卖得最好?询问容量How many milliliters are there in this container?这瓶香水是多少毫升?2 买化妆品或保养品询问肤质What is your skin type?请问您是什么肤质?For oil skin, dry skin or sensitive skin?请问是油性皮肤、干性皮肤还是敏感性皮肤要用的?油性皮肤For oily skin, please.油性皮肤用的。My skin is oily.我是油性皮肤。干性皮肤My skin is dry.我

9、是干性皮肤。敏感性皮肤My skin is sensitive.我是敏感性皮肤。询问产品功能How does this product work?这种产品有什么功效?询问产品用法How do I use this lotion?这种乳液怎么用?买乳液Id like two bottles of lotion.我要买两瓶乳液。买防晒粉底I am looking for a foundation with sun protection.我想找有防晒功能的粉底。彩妆颜色This color suits you.这个颜色适合你。Id like a brighter color.我想要亮一点的颜色。Do

10、 you have the latest lipstick from Christina Dior?你们有没有迪奥最新出的口红?拭擦指甲油Can I try this nail polish?我可以拭擦这瓶指甲油吗?买睫毛膏Whats the difference between these two mascaras?这两瓶睫毛膏有什么不同?This one makes your eyelashes look longer, and this one creates a curly effect.这款是加长型,这款是卷翘型。Eye brow 眉毛Eye lash 睫毛【Section 3 场景

11、二 购物(逛超市)】Part 1 Vocabulary图解词汇1 supermarket 超市2 grocery store 杂货店3 shopping basket 购物篮4 shopping cart 购物推车5 potato chips 薯片6 instant noodles 方便面7 chocolate 巧克力8 shampoo 洗发精9 hair conditioner护发素10 toothbrush 牙刷11 toothpaste 牙膏12 sanitary pads 卫生棉13 tissue 面纸14 deodorant 止汗剂15 razor 刮胡刀16 shaving cre

12、am 刮胡乳液17 sun protection 防晒油18 mineral water 矿泉水19 juice 果汁20 apple 苹果21 orange 柳橙22 grape 葡萄23 kiwi fruit 猕猴桃24 watermelon 西瓜25 pineapple 菠萝26 banana 香蕉27 strawberry 草莓28 lemon 柠檬29 cherry 樱桃30 coconut 椰子31 melon 甜瓜32 peach 桃子33 tangerine 橘子34 pear 梨子35 passion fruit 百香果36 mango 芒果37 avocado 鳄梨Part

13、 2 Conversations 会话练习At a grocery store 在杂货店买水果Amy: Excuse me, do you sell apple?Store sales: Yes. They are over there.Amy: Do you sell them individually or by weight.Store sales: By weight. 60 cents per pound.Amy: Could you weigh these, please.Store sales: $4.55, please. Anything else?Amy: A sack o

14、f cherries, please.Store sales: Here you are.艾美:请问你们卖苹果。店员:有,苹果在那边。艾美:是论个卖还是论斤卖? 店员:论重卖。每磅60美分。艾美:请承一下这些好吗?Part 3 Useful Expressions旅游实用句寻找超市Is there a supermarket around here?这附近有没有超市?营业时间What time do you close?你们几点打烊?推车Wed better go and get a shopping cart.我们还是去推一辆推车吧。是否有卖某产品Do you carry sanitary

15、pads?你们有没有卖卫生棉?询问商品位置Where can I find the shampoos?洗发精在哪里?Which aisle can I find the toothbrushes in?请问哪一条走道有牙刷?买整箱饮料Its cheaper to buy beer by the case.啤酒论箱买比较便宜。按重量出售This is sold by weight这个按重量计价出售按数量出售This is sold by package.这个是一包一包卖的。买水果What about some of these lemon?买一点柠檬好吗挑水果Please help me to

16、pick out the best one.请帮我挑个最好的。Pick me out a good one, please.请帮我挑一个好一点的。Pick out larger ones, please.请挑大一点的。买蛋Id like to get half a dozen eggs.我要买半打鸡蛋。是否有打折Is the toothpaste on sale today?牙膏今天打折吗?Are these on sale only today?这些只有今天特价吗?有效期Whats the expiration date?有效期限到什么时候?【Section 4 场景三 杀价与付款】Part

17、 1 Vocabulary图解词汇1 cash 现金2 cash register 收款机3 credit card 信用卡4 credit card register 刷卡机5 bar code 条形码6 bar code scanner 条码扫描仪7 discount 打折8 price tag 价格标签9 calculator 计算器10 cheap 便宜的11 expensive 贵的12 margin 利润13 receipt 收据14 plastic bag 塑料袋15 paper bag 纸袋16 gift 礼物Part 2 Conversations 会话练习1 Can you

18、 make it any cheaper? 能不能算便宜一点?Jennifer: Could you show me the T-shirt on the model?Store sales: Here you are. We have three different colors: white, blue and pink.Jennifer: Whats the price?Store sales: $12.Jennifer: Can you make it any cheaper?Store sales: It is cheap.Jennifer: Ill take it if you g

19、ive me a discount.Store sales: $10. Thats the best I can do.Jennifer: OK. I will take the blue one.珍妮弗:我想看一下模特身上那件T恤。店员:好的,这是你要看的T恤。一共有三种颜色:白色、蓝色和粉红色。珍妮弗:多少钱?店员:12美元。珍妮弗:能不能算便宜一点?店员:已经很便宜了。珍妮弗:你帮我打个折我就买。店员:最低就10美元。珍妮弗:好吧,那我要蓝色的。2 How much is that one? 那一个多少钱呢Andy: Im looking for a string of pearls f

20、or my wife.Store sales: Yes, sir. What price range do you have in mind?Andy: Im not sure. I dont know very much about the price of pearls.Store sales: I see. Let me show you some samples of various qualities. This one is very nice. Its three hundred and fifty dollars.Andy: Is there a price reduction

21、?Store sales: We are having a sale now. The price has already gone down.Andy: How much is that one?Store sales: Its two hundred and eighty dollars.Andy: OK. Ill take it. Thank you.安迪:我想帮我太太买一串珍珠。店员:好的,先生。您预计购买的价钱是多少?安迪:还没决定,是这样,我不大清楚珍珠的行情。店员:这样呀。那么我给您看一些不同等级的样品,这串很好看,价格是350美元。安迪:可以打个折扣吗?店员:我们正在打折,价钱

22、已经降低了。安迪:那条多少钱?店员:280美元。安迪:好,我就买这串,谢谢。Part 3 Useful Expressions旅游实用句1 询问产品价格询问价格How much?多少钱?How much is this?这个多少钱?What about the prices?价格多少?How much do you say it is?你说这个要多少钱?Whats the price of this?这个定价多少?How much for two?买两个多少钱?说明价格It would only cost you 10 dollars.这个只要花您10美元。Its one dollar onl

23、y.只要1美元。It sells for eight dollars per pair.这个每双8美元。The original price is 100 dollars and we take 10% off for the sake.原价100美元,现在打九折。The retail price of it is $9.这个零售价是9美元。价格在标签上The price of the shoes is marked on the price tag.鞋子的价格在标签上。总计多少钱How much all together?总共多少钱?How much does that come to?那个

24、总计多少?It comes to ten pounds.一共是10英镑。It adds up to 400 dollars.共计400美元。比价价钱Whats the difference in price between this and that?这个和那个价钱有什么差别?The cheaper one is 30 dollars.比较便宜的这个是30美元。Is that the same price?那件价格一样吗?The price of these two is the same.这两个价格一样。优惠期限The special price will be effective unti

25、l June 20.优惠价只执行到6月20日。2 觉得太贵太贵Too expensive!太贵了!I should call it rather expensive.我觉得这个太贵了。These prices are too high.价格太高了。产品不值这个钱That seems a high price for the brooch.胸针卖这个价格好像太贵了。The price is not reasonable.这价钱不合理。买不起Thats more than I can afford.我出不起这个价钱。3讨价还价有没有打折Any discount?打折码?Are you having

26、 a sale on leather goods today?你们今天皮件在打折吗?打几折How much discount do you give?你们打几折?特价后的价格Is this the sale price?这是特价后的价格吗?再算便宜一点Could you cut the price a little, please?你可以把价格降低一点点吗?Cant you make it a little cheaper?不能再算便宜一点了吗?多买有没有折扣Is there a discount for two?买两个能不能算便宜一点?We can offer you a better pr

27、ice if you buy more.如果您多买一点,我们可以给您更优惠的价格。比别家便宜才要买If you can let us have a competitive quotation, well place our orders right now.如果你给我的价钱比别家低,我们就马上订货。打折就买Ill take it if you give me a discount.你帮我打个折我就买。付现是否比较便宜Could you give me a discount if I pay in cash?付现金有折扣吗?请顾客出价How much are you willing to pay

28、?你愿意出多少钱?Is 20% off OK?打八折好吗?How about 40 dollars?40美元好不好?Can you sell it for 10 dollars?这个10美元卖不卖?30 dollars, OK?算30美元好不好?My past price is 20 dollars.我最多只肯出20美元。老板的价格底线Is that your best quote?你最低只能出这个价钱吗?Thats the best I can do.我不能再降了。This is the lowest possible price.这已经是可能的最低价格了。Im afraid these a

29、re the best terms we can offer.恐怕这些已经是我们所能提供的最优惠的条件了。店家觉得价钱公道Its cheap.很便宜的。The price is not bad.价格不贵。I think these prices are quite reasonable.我觉得这些价格很公道。Our prices are no more expensive than others.我们的价钱不会比别人贵。Youll find our prices are competitive.您会发现我们的价格绝对不会比别家贵。280dollars. You cant be wrong on

30、 that, sir.先生,280美元。这个价钱你绝对不吃亏。折衷价格Well, how about splitting the difference?那么,各让一步怎么样?一分钱一分货The price depends on the quality.看品质,一分钱一分货啦。不还价Our prices are fixed.我们这里不二价的。公定价Its the standard price.4 付款决定要买Ill take it. 我买了。Ill take five of theses. 我要买五个。询问付款地点Where do I pay?在哪里付账?Where is the cashier?请问收银台在哪

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