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1、秋上海教育版英语六年级上册第一单元测试题沪教版六年级英语第一单元参赛试题听力部分(共三大题,计40分)、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词(10分) 1. Is this a (A、refrigerator B、stove)?2. Are these clothes (A、wet B、dry)?3. Its (A、7:00 B、12:00)、4. The (A、kitchen B、chicken)is big、5. This(A、couch B、watch)is in the living room、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是( )否( )相同(15分)( )1、Did you have

2、a good trip?( )2、Ill show you the rooms in my house、( )3、I would like cereal,please、( )4、You have jam on your hands、( )5、The carrots are on the tables、听录音,选择正确答语(15分) ( )1、A、I live in China、 B、I am from Canada、 ( )2、A、Its Sunday、 B、Its 5:15、 ( )3、A、I would like eggs,please、 B、No,I dont like eggs、 (

3、)4、A、She is cooking、 B、I am going to play the piano、 ( )5、A、My favourite shape is a circle、 B、This is a circle、笔试部分(共四大题,计60分)、根据要求写单词(15分) 1、dry(反义词) 2、write (现在分词) 3、mine(对应词) 4、dish (复数) 5、clean(反义词) 6、put (现在分词) 7、is not(缩写形式) 8、loud(副词) 9、open (反义词) 10、sit(现在分词) 、单项选择(15分)( )1、 She is reading 、

4、A、quiet B、loud C、quietly ( ) 2、 Please the peas、 A、passing B、 passed C、 pass ( ) 3、 Jenny in Canada、A、lives B、 live C、 living( ) 4、 Time breakfast、 A、for B、to C、 on ( ) 5、 What would you like breakfast?A、of B、 for C、on( ) 6、 Supper is 、 A、red B、read C、ready ( ) 7、 These are 、A、dish B、dishs C、 dishes

5、 ( )8、 I like 、 A、sing B、 to sing C、 singer( )9、 Lets vegetables、 A、wash B、 to wash C、 washing( )10、The red bicycle is 、 A、 I B、my C、mine .连词成句(15分) 1、 time, is, What, it ? 2、 please, I, like, would, and, bread, juice, some 、 3、 trip, Did, you , have,a ? 4、 are, the, on ,The, peas, stove 、 5、 washin

6、g, am, the, dishes, dirty, I 、 、阅读短文,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)(15分) Mr、White looks young,but he is fiftysix、 He has some children、 One of his sons is a doctor、 The other two are studying in England、 The daughter is working with her father、 Now,Mr、White works in a factory near here、He thinks Chinese people are

7、 friendly and Chinese food is very good、He can speak a little Chinese、So he goes to Chinese classes every day、He says it isnt too easy to learn Chinese、And he must study hard、( )1、 Mr、White is a young man、( )2、 Mr、White likes China because he likes Chinese people and food、( )3、 Mr、White speaks Chine

8、se very well、( )4、 Chinese is hard to study、( )5、 He has three children、 笔试部分(80分)一、词组互译(12) 1、take off his costume 2、 a VCD of Chinese cartoons 3、make noise_、 4、 blow out the candles 5、the twentieth of November 6、 Lets wait and see、_7、 look around _ 8、pick up_ 9、禁止乱扔垃圾_ 10、保持安静_ 11、散步 12、一份生日礼物 13、

9、放学后 14、在三月一日 15、 (使)不接近_ 16、 公共标志_ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空(12%)1、 There are lots of children at _ (Ben) birthday party、2、 Look ! Yang Ling _(draw) a picture、3、 Can you_ (make) a model plane for me ? Yes, I _(make) a model plane now、4、 There _(be) lots of public signs in the park、 5、 Ben _(take) a walk with he

10、r mother now 6、 Jack often _ (ask) his cousin many _ (question)7、He is giving Ben some _ (cartoon)、8、It is the _ (five) of October、9、We often _(buy) fruit at the supermarket、10、My birthdays coming、 Lets_(have) a party、 三、选择题(13)( )1、 Public signs _ different things、 This sign _ “No parking”、 A、 mean

11、s; mean B、 mean; means C、 means; means D、 mean; mean( )2、 I know_about public signs、 A、 lots of B、 many C、 a lot D、 a lots of( )3、 Can I play computer games? _、A、 No, you cant B、 Yes, I can C、 No, I cant D、 Yes, she can、( )4、 There is a house_、 A、 nearly B、 near C、 nearby D、 about( 5、 Your book is u

12、nder the chair、 Please_、 A、 pick up it B、 pick it up C、 pick them up D、 pick up them( )6、 Grandma is sleeping、 We_make noise、 A、 should B、 shouldnt C、 can D、 must( )7、The boys _books in the classroom now、A、 are looking B、 are reading C、are seeing D、are watching( )8、 Ben, open the window please、 _ cl

13、ose it、A、 Dont B、 Arent C、 Not D、 Doesnt、( )9、 My birthday is the 4th of January、 A、 B、 in C、 on D、 at ( )10、 Would you like _my home? Yes,_A、 to come to, Id like to、 B、 coming, Id like to、 C、 to come, I do、 D、 coming, I do、( )11、 Do you usually watch cartoons? 、 A、 Yes, I do、 B、 Yes, I dont、 C、 No,

14、 I do、 D、 No, I cant、( )12、 _that sign interesting? Yes, I think so、A、 Does B、 Whats C、 Is ( )13、Its time _lunch、A、 for B、 to C、 for have D、 have四、根据中文意思完成句子(15)1、河边有个标志“危险”。我们要远离那里。_ a sign Danger near the river、 We should _ _ _ it、2、这个标志是什么意思?它的意思是你不应在这里拍照。_does this sign _? It _ you _ take _ here

15、、3、杨铃正在问李老师一些有关数学的问题.Yang Ling is _ Miss Li some _ about _、4、今天是几月几日?6月6日。今天星期几?星期日。_ _is it today? Its _sixth_ _、 _ is it today? Its_、5、你的生日是什么时候?是月日。_ your birthday? Its_ the 21st of_、6、你想要什么作你生日的礼物?你想要一些书吗?不,我想要一支新的钢笔。-What _ you like_ a birthday _ ? _ you like _ books? No, Id like a _ _、五、根据上下文或

16、图片, 完成下列对话(13%)1、 Dad: Your birthday coming soon, Ben、 you like a cake your party?Ben:Yes, please、 Can I have a cake lots strawberries?Dad: Sure、Ben: Thank you、Mum: Can I give some fish you for your birthday ?Ben: Great!Ron: Fish! Can have one too, Mum?Mum: OK!2、 Jim: Look _ that sign、 Its interesti

17、ng、 Tom: Yes, there is a big _ 、 Jim: _ it mean _ eating here? Tom: I think so、 Lets go and _ Miss Li、 一、 按要求完成句子(5)1、It means “No smoking、(改同义句)It means we _ _ here、2、We should walk on the grass、(改成否定句)We _ _ walk on the grass、3、Li Ming can sing an English song、 (改为一般疑问句)_Li Ming_an English song?4、

18、 It is the second of January today、(对画线部分提问) is it today?5、 My mothers birthday is on the fifth of November、 (对画线部分提问) is mothers birthday?七、从B栏中找出A栏的应答句。(5%)( ) 1、 What does the sign mean? A、 She is reading a book、( ) 2、 What is she doing now? B、Yes, he does、( ) 3 、Does Ben like drawing? C、 It mean

19、s you shouldnt touch it( ) 4 、Whos the boy in black? D、Its a tape、( ) 5 、Whats that over there? E、Hes Mike、八、根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5)Today is Sunday、 Tom hasnt got any homework、 He can go shopping with his mother、 In the shop, they get some bottles of orange juice、 Then they go to the fruit shop、 They can

20、see many fresh fruits in it、 Tom and his mother get some apples and bananas there、 Tom helps his mother carry the fruit, but he doesnt carry the bottles of orange juice、 ( )1、 Today is the day of the week、 A、 first B、 last C、 second ( )2、 Tom his homework today、 A、 doesnt do B、 does C、 is doing ( )3

21、、 They buy first、 A、 meat B、 juice C、 books( )4、 The fruits in the shop are A、 big B、 small C、 fresh( )5、 Tom carries home、 A、 the juice B、 the bottles C、 the fruit六年级英语Unit12听力材料及参考答案一、选出你所听到的内容,并将序号填入括号内。(听两遍)(4)1、cousin, 2、grass, 3、 litter, 4、quickly 5、 No littering, 6、keep off, 7、should, 8、alway

22、s二.根据所听到的问题,选出最佳的回答.(听两遍)(5%)1.Can I clean the blackboard, Miss Li?2。What does the sign Keep off the grass mean?3.Whats on the grass?4.Theres a sign on the wall、 What does it mean?5。Are there any public signs in the park?三、听对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的选项中选出最佳选项.(听两遍)(5%)1、 A: Look, there is a sign over ther

23、e、B: Yes, we shouldnt eat or drink here、Q: What does the sign mean?2、 A: What is the boy in the yellow sweater doing?B: Hes shaking his head、Q: What colour is the boys sweater?3、 A: Dad, dont smoke in the cinema、B: Sorry, Nancy, I see、 Theres a sign on the wall、Q: Where are Nancy and her Dad?4、 A: C

24、an I watch TV, Mum?B: No, you cant、 Its ten to nine、 You should go to bed、Q: What time is it now?5、 A: What day is it today?B: Its Sunday、Q: What day is it tomorrow?四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听三遍)(6)1、 It means we shouldnt smoke here、2、Whens your birthday? Its on the twelfth of May、3、How about a big cake with l

25、ots of grapes?4、 What date is it today? Its the ninth of October、5、 What does this sign mean? It means “Danger”、听力部分一、1-8 BAAC BAAB二、15 BABCB三、CBAAC四、1.shouldnt 2、 Whens on twelfth 3、 How lots of 4、 date ninth 5、 does sign means笔试部分一、略二、1、 Bens 2、 is drawing 3、make, am making4、 are 5、 is taking 6、 a

26、sks, questions7、 cartoons 8、 fifth 9、 buy 10、 have三、B C A C B B B A C A A C A四、1、 Theres, stay away from 2、 What, mean, means, shouldnt, photos3、 asking, questions, Maths 4、 What date, the, of, June, What day, Sunday5、 Whens, on, April 6、 would, as, present, Would, some, new, pen五、1、 is, Would, for,

27、 with, of, to, for, party, I、2、 at, hamburger, Does, No, ask六、1、 shouldnt smoke 2、 should not3、 Can, sing 4、 What date5、 When your七、1-5 CABED八、15 AABCC一、英汉互译。201、公共标志 2、Dont make noise 3、禁止乱扔垃圾 4、stay away from 5、举行生日派对 6、the twenty-first of May 7、在一月一日 8、talk about 9、在星期四的下午 10、as a present 二、选出最佳答

28、案。20( )1、The sign on the wall No smoking、 A say B says C tell D tells ( )2、Mum,give ten yuan ,please!A me B I C mine D my( )3、Can I ,Dad ?A watching TV B watches TV C watch TV D watch tv( )4、Would you like to play basketball with me ? 、A Yes,I like B Yes, Id like 、 C Yes, Id like to D Yes, I would like 、( ) 5、Aladdin is his costume 、 It is Mike !A taking off B putting off C taking out D putting away( ) 6、On of June we have a good holiday 、A one B first C ones D the first( ) 7、Mums coat is black 、 is white 、A H

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