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1、科技信息类完形填空解题指导与训练科技信息类完形填空解题指导与训练 一、文章特点 科技信息类文章是指介绍当前科学领域的最新科技成果或者正在研发的科技项目的文章。2007年广东高考完形填空题的短文就属这类文章。这类文章有清晰、客观、准确、精练和严密等特点。如果考生对该技术有所了解,对解题是有一定帮助的,但是归根结底还是取决于对文意的透彻理解、对词语的意义和用法的掌握,也离不开解答完形填空的一些技巧。 二、解题技巧 1. 把握语境,一气呵成。 完形填空是要求考生根据上下文语境来进行确定最佳选项的。做题时,必须要结合上下文所给的提示(明示或暗示),对文章整体进行理解和把握。因此,快速浏览全文,掌握短文

2、大意和文中用词习惯是要中之要。做到一气呵成是至关重要的。 2. 先易后难,各个击破。 做题时碰到有充分把握的先做,不确定的姑且先放一放,待处理完其它的答案时,再回头处理,这时由于对文章有了进一步的理解,往往可能会眼前一亮,有“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”之效。 3. 善用文中信息,进行逻辑推断。 做几何证明题时,需要有足够的条件,才能推导出结果。做完形填空时也是如此,需要搜罗证据,再进行逻辑推断,才能得出正确的答案。如2007年广东省高考完形填空的第21空就是应用该能力推敲出来的。 证据一:.we didnt have to remember passwords. 证据二:.uses fa

3、ce recognition technology to log you on to windows. 证据三:.all you need is a webcam and your pretty face. 收集了这三个证据后,推断出automatically就顺理成章了。 4. 善用关联词语,把握逻辑关系。 文章的逻辑关系大多通过一些过渡性的关联词来实现,这些关联词能给考生指明答题方向。常见的表示逻辑关系的关系词有:表并列关系的and, also, as well as等;表转折关系的有but, however, yet等;表因果关系的有because, because of, as, si

4、nce, for that reason, so, therefore, thus, as a result等;表递进关系的有besides, in addition, additionally, moreover, furthermore, whats more等;表选择关系的or, either.or等。 5. 养成阅读习惯,丰富背景常识。 丰富的常识及文化背景知识有利于解题,考生平时要养成课外阅读习惯以扩大自己的知识面。如考生是电脑软件的发烧友,解答2007年广东省高考完形填空题就顺利得多。 三、实例分析 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2130各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项

5、,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Researchers in Japan have designed a robot that can taste and identify dozens of different wines, cheeses and hors doeuvres. The ability to_21_good wine from bad, name the specific brand from a tiny sip and recommend a complementary cheese would seem to be about as_22_a skill as there

6、is. In Japan, robots are doing it. All foods have a_23_fingerprint. The robot uses that data to identify what it is inspecting right there on the spot. When it has identified a wine, the robot speaks up in a childlike voice. It names the_24_and adds a comment or two on the taste, such as whether it

7、is a buttery chardonnay or a full-bodied Shiraz, and what kind of foods might_25_well on the side. The robots could be “personalized”, or_26_to recognize the kinds of wines its owner prefers and recommend new varieties to fit its owners_27_. Because it is analyzing the chemical composition of the wi

8、ne or food placed before it, it can also alert its owner to possible health issues, gently_28_against fatty or salty products. The 2-foot-tall robot also is_29_. Buying one of these would cost about as much as a new car. There is no plan yet to actually_30_the robot, though the sensor could be avail

9、able as early as next year. 21. A. know B. tell C. judgeD. recognize 22. A. machine B. robot C. human D. wine 23. A. unique B. special C. vital D. useful 24. A. fingerprintB. cheese C. brand D. robot 25. A. match B. mix C. come D. go 26. A. programmed B. specialized C. trained D. identified 27. A. c

10、hoice B. taste C. ability D. brand 28. A. defending B. fighting C. warning D. protecting 29. A. inexpensive B. expensive. C. dangerous D. unique 30. A. advertise B. present C. develop D. market 答案与解析: 日本的科学研究人员研制出一种能品酒并鉴别和说出多种葡萄酒名的机器人,非常人性化。它还能说出哪种食品与那种葡萄酒相配更味美。 21. B。由上文的identify(识别,鉴别)可知,此处是指区分酒的优

11、劣的能力;表示“鉴别,区别”是tell.from。 22. C。由下句In Japan, robots are doing it可推知,本题是指人类(human)独有的技巧。 23. A。每样食物都有其“独特的,独一无二的(unique)”指纹编码。 24. C。由第二段name the specific brand.可知。 25. D。句意是指何种葡萄酒和何种食品相配就非常对味,指两种食品配在一起对味或好吃,用go well (with)。而match往往指两件东西搭配起来相不相称,如领带和西装相称与否;mix只是将两种或两种以上的东西混在一起而已。 26. A。由表示进一步解释的or可知,

12、既然“机器人能够个性化”,也就是说,“可以根据主人的口味来设定程序(programmed),以便为主人推荐适合主人口味(taste)的品牌”。 27. B。指给主人介绍适合主人口味的新的酒类。 28. C。指机器人能够温和地向主人发出警示(warning),不要吃肥腻或多盐的东西。 29. B。由后一句Buying one of these would cost about as much as a new car可知。 30. D。由上文的buying和后部分的available等可知,现在还没有打算将这种机器人投放到市场。此处market是及物动词,意为“将投放市场销售(offer for

13、 sail)”。 四、即时练习 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2130各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 (1) The Shenzhou-7 space module, carrying three taikonauts, landed safely by parachute on Sept. 28 in Chinas northern grasslands after a 68-hour flight. The_21_included the first ever spacewalk by a Chinese astronaut. Chinese sci

14、entists on Monday_22_a box of solid lubricant (润滑剂) samples that were_23_the Shenzhou-7 spacecraft. The solid lubricant samples,_24_outside the Shenzhou-7 capsule in the_25_space for long hours and retrieved (重新找回) by astronaut Zhai Zhigang during his spacewalk, weighed about 2.2 kg. They will study

15、 the material for the next six months. Two types of solid lubricant samples, after being_26_to outer space for 44 hours during the Shenzhou-7 space journey, had shown_27_changes. The appearance of the two types of samples has either turned dark or become rougher. Solid lubricants are widely used in

16、spacecraft to_28_ friction because they withstand high temperatures. Scientists hoped to improve the stability and lifetime of the materials by studying the test samples taken to outer space. Scientists would_29_the samples with those exposed to a simulated space environment in the laboratory. If sc

17、ientists discover the difference between the two exposed lubricants, they might be able to_30_how other materials change in outer space. 21. A. job B. mission C. responsibility D. task 22. A. break B. damage C. removeD. unsealed 23. A. aboard B. abroadC. along D. under 24. A. gathered B. landed C. l

18、oaded D. used 25. A. out B. outer C. outside D. inner 26. A. taken B. uncovered C. stuck D. exposed 27. A. different B. special C. obvious D. rough 28. A. reduce B. increase C. remove D. forbid 29. A. experiment B. compare C. test D. mix 30. A. compare B. advise C. tell D. test (2) This years Nobel

19、Prize in medicine will go to three researchers who found a way to learn about the duties of individual genes. They discovered how to _21_, or knock out (猛烈击打), single genes in laboratory animals. The result is known as “knockout mice”. Capecchi and Oliver Smithies, will_22_he one and one-half millio

20、n dollar prize with Martin Evans of Britain. They will receive what is_23 _called the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine at a ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden, on December In the 1980s, Mario Capecchi and Oliver Smithies both studied cells in mice to find how to_24_individual genes for changes. But

21、the kinds of cells they_25_studied could not be used to create gene-targeted animals. Martin Evans had the_26_. He developed embryonic stem cells that could produce mice that carried new genetic material. The research greatly_27_knowledge about embryonic development as well as aging and disease. It_

22、28_to a new technologygene targeting. And this has already produced five hundred mouse models of human conditions. Knockout mice are used for general research and for the development of new_29_. International efforts aim to make them_30_in the near future for all genes. 21. A. share B. study C. targ

23、et D. inactivate 22. A. presentB. shareC. receiveD. produce 23. A. individually B. inactively C. officially D. willingly 24. A. create B. target C. developD. research 25. A. independently B. willingly C. secretly D. officially 26. A. resolution B. development C. treatment D. solution 27. A. display

24、B. expressed C. expanded D. produced 28. A. exposed B. ledC. applied D. owed 29. A. effortsB. changes C. cellsD. treatments 20. A. available B. individual C. active D. independent 答案与解析 (1)神七安全着陆后,科学家在紧锣密鼓地进行着一系列的研究工作,对润滑剂的研究就是其中之一。科学家试图发现物质暴露于外太空之后变化会是什么样的。 21. B。指“太空飞行任务(the flight into space)”,是T

25、he mission。 22. D。打开(unseal)润滑剂才能研究它。 23. A。只有aboard才表示“在(飞船/飞机/火车)上”。 24. C。指装载(loaded)在飞船外面的固态润滑剂样品。 25. B。因outer space在下文中有。 26. D。上文提到润滑剂装载于飞船的外面。 27. C。从后一句The appearance of the two types of samples has either turned dark or become rougher可以推断出是明显的变化(obvious changes)。 28. A。润滑剂用于减少摩擦是常识,不能去掉摩擦(

26、remove friction)。 29. B。科学家通过比较曾暴露于外太空的润滑剂和一般的样品润滑剂来得出试验结论。 30. C。此处tell表示“断定”之意。 (2)今年诺贝尔医药方面得奖者由三名科学家获得,他们研究单个基因的职责,发现如何在实验室动物的身上阻止基因活动的方法。 21. D。由下文knock out可知,inactivate的意思是make.inactive(阻止活动)。 22. B。由常识可知,诺贝尔奖每年颁奖一次,有奖金颁发,有时由两个人或以上共享(share)奖金。 23. C。诺贝尔奖是正式的官方称谓。 24. B。由下文gene targeting可知,此处tar

27、get的意思是choose someone or something as your target or goal(把选为目标)。 25. A。由上下文可知,他们各自(independently)研究的那些细胞。 26. D。由后文He developed embryonic stem cells that could produce mice that carried new genetic material可推断出该句的意思是Martin Evans有了解决办法。 27. C。由上文可推断出他们的这一科学成果扩大了人们的知识领域。 28. B。由上文可推断出这个研究产生了一项新技术,即gene targeting。 29. D。上文曾提到这三位科学家取得诺贝尔医学奖,自然是为研发新药或疗法the development of new treatments。 30. A。由available的词义“(of things) that you can get, buy or find”可知,从市场上可买到这些药。 责任编校蒋小青

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