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1、高考英语完形填空系列训练212014高考英语完形填空系列训练(21)完形填空练习I guess I should look upon it as a sweet proof of my tastes. My 17-year-old son, who had for so long 1 my choice of clothing, now 2 searches through my closet. Wasnt it only yesterday that he had turned up his 3 at my clothes? When Scott was in middle school a

2、nd 4 beginning to look at his 5 as a creature from outer space, I had once 6 to suggest buying a pair of chions (斜纹棉布裤) while we were 7 . He said nothing but selected a pair of Jeans. He tried it on. “Too 8 ,” I 9 “just right,” was his reply, 10 he admired himself in the mirror, completely 11 with t

3、he image. I think that set the tone for the next four years. When it 12 to clothing, the divide seemed 13 .I was chinos, he was outsized jeans; I was neatly pressed shirts, he was loose Ts. 14 began to change about a year ago. I remember the 15 day. I had gone to my 16 in search of a favorite T-shir

4、t. I couldnt find it, but it appeared later when Scott returned home from school. “Thats my shirt,” I said. “Yeah, I know,” said Scott as he 17 for the fridge. Since that time, he oftenand 18 warningsearched for the new and different in my closet. I asked Scott why he wore my clothes. “I like some o

5、f them,” he smiled. 19 by this words, I 20 my tongue as he slipped into a pair of my trousers.1. A. thought highly of B. looked down on C. set on D. based on2. A. interestedly B. hurriedly C. disappointedly D. unwillingly3. A. head B. eyes C. hand D. nose4. A. also B. soon C. just D. almost5. A. cla

6、ssmates B. teachers C. father D. mother6. A. attempted B. managed C. longed D. persuaded7. A. reading B. walking C. wandering D. shopping 8. A. big B. tight C. cheap D. expensive9. A. pronounced B. announced C. declared D. added10. A. because B. though C. until D. as11. A. worried B. satisfied C. pr

7、oud D. nervous12. A. belonged B. talked C. came D. happened13. A. opposite B. slight C. unbridgeable D. unthinkable14. A. Things B. Times C. Manners D. Tastes15. A. first B. exact C. only D. single16. A. house B. store C. office D. closet17. A. headed B. looked C. searched D. walked18. A. about B. w

8、ith C. on D. without19. A. Encouraged B. Disappointed C. Annoyed D. Warmed20. A. took B. held C. got D. moved完形填空练习(五十一)15 BADCC 610 ADAAD 1115 BCCAB 1620 DADDB 完形填空记叙文Yesterday I was returning from Boston by bus. My wife was planning to leave work to1me up from the the bus station. I called her to

9、say not to bother, I would just2the local bus to her.While I was sitting on the bus a young woman with a dog3. She was carrying several bags of heavy books. I noticed the dog was an emergency dog, one that is trained to4the owner of a possible seizure.I5the young women mention to someone else that s

10、he6had two miles to walk with the7books after she got off the bus. I thought maybe I should ask if she wanted a ride but I wasnt sure which8she was getting off at so I9and didnt ask.The bus dropped me off at the stop where my wife was10. As we were driving home, all of a sudden I saw the11young lady

11、 with her dog.I asked my wife to12and I asked the young lady if she would like a13. She said she would love a ride but she was14about the dog who was quite big and a little on the feeble side. I asked if the dog could get in the15. He tried to do it by himself but in the end I had to lift him in. 16

12、, the dogs name was Sam!The young lady got in and I17. There was Sam, sitting very proudly in the back seat with his18. It was quite a sight! We took them both home and the lady was very appreciative. When reflecting on this19 I was a little sad that I did not act the first time on the bus. But I wa

13、s very happy to have had the second20to do what I should have done the first time. 1. A. cut B. pickC. turn D. bring 2. A. urgeB. drive C. takeD. expose 3. A. relied on B. put on C. got onD. lived on 4. A. impressB. guess C. changeD. warn5. A. heardB. sawC. touchedD. smelled 6. A. stillB. thenC. eve

14、nD. already 7. A. interestingB. heavyC. useful D. easy 8. A. doorB. stand C. stopD. time 9. A. supportedB. agreed C. moved D. hesitated10. A. waitingB. buildingC. working D. repairing 11. A. sameB. similar C. differentD. equal 12. A. think upB. pull overC. think of D. share with 13. A. solution B. h

15、elperC. rideD. reminder 14. A. embarrassed B. relaxed C. puzzledD. concerned15. A. horse B. train C. bus D. car16. A. On the way B. In the way C. By the wayD. In a way 17. A. looked backB. looked upC. looked down D. looked for 18. A. friendB. ownerC. motherD. bags 19. A. mirror B. experienceC. surfa

16、ceD. metal 20. A. measureB. wayC. luckD. chance参考答案23.BCCDAABCDAABCDDCABBD: 完形填空记叙文I must share a heart warming experience I enjoyed this week, both as a parent and a human being. My1, Emma, started back to school last week. There is a boy in her class called Jake. He gives the2that hes not a nice g

17、uy, mostly because of the fact that hes constantly picked on.For several nights this week Emma came home from school3about the fact that Jake got picked on so much. She also4that he had no school supplies as his family could not5them. He was constantly asking to borrow paper, which just gave kids ev

18、en more6to pick on him.One night we sat together and discussed the situation in great detail. We devised a plan for Emma to ask Jake what he7for supplies.The next day Emma spent some time with Jake and really came to8that this young man had a heart of gold, but rarely was able to show it9he was alwa

19、ys on the defensive. Emma asked Jake if he needed10 and if he could make a(n)11for her. Emma told him she would12and he was most appreciative.That evening Emma and I went to the store where we13everything on his list and then bought a new pencil box and a schoolbag which were not included14it.Later

20、that day I15Emma up after school and she was all smiles because Jake loved all the supplies bought by us!This was a great16for my daughter. I encourage all the youth of this world to keep your hearts open and never be afraid to show random acts of17to those in need.As for Jake. . . I18him walking ho

21、me yesterday with his19 schoolbag. It was a good feeling to know we had20a difference in his life! 1. A. daughterB. son C. husbandD. wife2. A. expressionB. impressionC. instructionD. imagination3. A. excitedB. happyC. upsetD. interested4. A. advised B. persuadedC. placedD. mentioned5. A. promisedB.

22、solvedC. offeredD. afford6. A. dreamB. hobbyC. reasonD. interest7. A. producedB. neededC. boughtD. fought8. A. rememberB. realizeC. performD. possess9. A. becauseB. butC. whileD. unless 10. A. suppliesB. foodC. drinkD. clothes11. A. ideaB. listC. keyD. note12. A. encourageB. ruinC. helpD. bother13.

23、A. frightenedB. presented C. boughtD. improved14. A. withB. atC. inD. on15. A. broughtB. tookC. put D. picked16. A. adviceB. courageC. contributionD. experience17. A. adventureB. braveryC. kindnessD. benefit 18. A. heardB. sawC. feltD. tasted19. A. newB. strangeC. oldD. clever20. A. madeB. foundC. c

24、ausedD. wondered参考答案24.ABCDDCBBAABCCDDDCBAA: 完形填空记叙文Opportunity knocked on my door last January when I was given a chance to work in another country. Here, I met a group of1friends. They were really niceuntil something unexpected happened!One of our group was2with kidney stones which had to be remov

25、ed surgically as soon as possible. But our friend could not3the surgery. He tried to get help from our other friends but they4to help. My heart cried for him!Our friends5him just when he needed them most. I didnt know how to help him6I didnt have any money either. But, I never lost7. Instead I tried

26、 to think of other options. I told him not to8because everything would be all right.Before I left the9I talked to the surgeon. I asked him to do the surgery and said I would10 the expenses the next day and luckily, the surgeon11!Then, how was I going to get that much money?I tried to12money from oth

27、er friends but I failed. I tried13my things but no one wanted them. Then I had the idea to talk to my14. I asked him if I could have my next two months salary15without even thinking on how I would16for two months with no money.He was surprised and asked me why. I told him that I had a17who was reall

28、y in need. 18, I convinced him too. As soon as I had the19 I ran to the hospital and paid all the bills.My friend didnt know how to thank me. I just said, “Come on!Give me a hug!”Friendship may not only be found in20moments. Sometimes you can find it on the toughest time in your life! 1. A. lastB. r

29、ecentC. oldD. new2. A. appliedB. combined C. associated D. diagnosed3. A. changeB. pauseC. afford D. offer4. A. wanted B. decided C. refused D. forced5. A. preventedB. abandoned C. solvedD. interrupted6. A. becauseB. althoughC. while D. so7. A. decisionB. hope C. dreamD. goal8. A. worryB. regret C.

30、stopD. leave9. A. church B. hospital C. schoolD. company10. A. payB. buyC. cost D. take11. A. resignedB. apologized C. agreed D. injured12. A. sufferB. removeC. save D. borrow13. A. contributingB. buyingC. presenting D. selling14. A. relative B. family C. boss D. workmate15. A. in turn B. in advance

31、 C. in conclusionD. in vain16. A. surviveB. helpC. obeyD. measure17. A. friendB. childC. guard D. policeman18. A. Sadly B. Luckily C. Hopefully D. Thankfully 19. A. planB. support C. belief D. money20. A. meaningfulB. surprising C. happy D. empty. 参考答案25.DDCCBABABACDDCBAABDC: 完形填空练习(九十六) In the city of Fujisawa, Japan, lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki When she was a teenager, she 1 of

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