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1、论文模版英文原创性声明(黑体、小2号、加粗、居中)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)本人呈交的毕业论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本毕业论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本毕业论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。(宋体 小4号)本人签名: (手签) 日期: 摘要(黑体小2 居中)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)德伯家的苔丝是19世纪英国批判现实主义小说家托马斯哈代的代表作。哈代将其与其他几部作品一并归类于“性格与环境的小说”。


3、利用生态批评主义文学理论, 并通过文献综述法,从男性与女性关系和人类与自然关系两方面来揭示哈代德伯家的苔丝中苔丝的悲剧根源。通过揭示苔丝悲剧的根本所在不仅能够警示读者认识到人类文明进步是以对自然环境的破坏为代价的,而且使人类意识到保护自然环境,与自然和谐相处的重要性。 (宋体小4,1.5倍行距 )中间无标点符号关键词:生态批评主义苔丝悲剧根源女性和自然和谐(黑体4) (宋体小4)(所有文本页边距:上边距为25mm,下边距为20mm,左边距为25mm,右边距为20mm)顺序为:中英文摘要、中英文目录、这四页页码为罗马数字ABSTRACT (Times New Roman 小2加粗) (段前为0.

4、5行、段后为0.5行) Tess of the DUrbervilles is the representative works of Thomas,the British critical realist in the nineteenth century. Hardy classified it with the other works in the novels of Character and Environment. The critical studies of Thomas Hardy have always tended to find the root of Tesss tr

5、agedy from the Marxist,consumerist or feminist perspectivesHowever, this paper will find out the tragic fate of Tess in Tess of the dUrbervilles from the perspective of Ecocriticism. In his eyes,historical changes in transitional society dont necessarily mean development and progress,but imply failu

6、re and regretIndustrial civilization and modern life separate them from nature. Throughout his writing career, he has given much attention to the relations between human and nature, men and women. He believes that the nature and human are closely linked, which means that natural is fertile ground fo

7、r the survival of women, moreover, women are the symbol of natural. They are the unity of experience, and their fate is complementary. Not only nature can get rid of the fate of being exploited, but also women can get the complete liberation. This thesis just attempts to apply the theory of Ecocriti

8、cism to reinterpret and analyze Tess of the dUrbervilles, namely, one of the masterpieces representing his highest achievements. By using the literary theory of Ecocriticism and Literature analysis,the author analyzes the root of Tesss tragedy from the relationships between men to women and man to n

9、atureThrough the analysis of the root of Tesss tragedy, readers can not only deeply understand the fact that civilization is built up at the cost of destruction of natural beauty and ecological equilibrium,but also realize the importance of being in harmonious relationship with nature (Times New Rom

10、an 小4号,单倍行距)Key words: Ecocriticism root of Tesss tragedy female and nature harmony (Times New Roman体小4 加粗) (Times New Roman体小4)关键词之间无标点符号,空一个字符(即两格)目录其他基本要求:1.目录页排版只排到二级标题,如果有三级标题,仅在文中出现,不需要在目录中出现;2.排版时每个次级标题比上级标题缩进一次(按Tab键);目录不宜过长,一般控制在一页之内;3.一级标题中的介词(含五个字母和多于5个字母)该介词的首字母也需要大写;4各级标题尽量用名词性短语,做到言简意赅


12、城译站的实习生们。1 Introduction (Times New Romans加粗小2加粗)(章标题段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)左对齐Thomas Hardy has a strong interest in the description of nature in his novels. In the beginning of 20th century the environmental consciousness trend has developed and has become popular in human culture,the study of nature has b

13、egun to cause great influence on humanities under the influence of the ecologists discourse. Under this literature tendency influence,Thomas Hardy began to wrote a series of brilliant picturesque novels,which provide readers with a brand new perspective of observing the universe or the nature with t

14、he hearts of human beings and these natural descriptions usually have a very close relationship with the characters in the novel. For example,in Tess of the dUrbervilles, a lot of hints of the heroineTesss tragic life can be found through the environmental description The critical studies of Thomas

15、Hardy have always tended to find the root of Tesss tragedy from the Marxist, consumerist or feminist perspectives. However,one thing which maybe neglected by the previous scholars is that the nature is the overall background of these characters activities, the women and nature have a natural connect

16、ion. So the same attention should be paid on nature.This paper will find out the tragic fate of Tess in Tess of the dUrbervilles from the perspective of Ecocriticism, particularly, from the following two aspects: the relationship between women and nature; man and women.From the analysis of Tesss tra

17、gedy in ecocriticisits perspective, one can share and appreciate Thomas Hardys aesthetic charm and further more from an ecocritical perspective one can understand the function of environmental description in the novel better.(正文全部用Times New Roman小4,每段开头首行缩进两个字符,正文行间距固定为23磅,字符间距为标准) 2 Brief Introduct

18、ion of Ecocriticism TheoryEcological idea can be dated backed to romanticism in the 18th or the 19th century, in which Keats, Byron, Shelly were the outstanding representatives.2.1 Ecocriticism theory (Times New Roman加粗小3号加粗)Undoubtedly, modernity is an important factor for Hardys works. Ecology is

19、once of its branches. Relevant theories about ecocriticism came forth in nineties of the 20th century. On the one hand, environmental detritions caused by modern industries alarms people to take positive measures; on the other hand, ecocriticism is the powerful opponent of logo centrism which has va

20、riations in different eras. It is worthwhile to reevaluate fore passed illustration is extensive. Logos means context in ancient Greece, later grows into knowledge, essence, structure, entity, God, mentality, etc. In the name of logos, policy-makers in western culture associated to take it for grant

21、ed that logos are the only truth for standardizing their thoughts and be driven out of the legitimacy. To achieve this goal, ecocriticism is introduced to defeat anthropocentrism. Nature should return to the primitive state and humanity should resume its origin. Rationality loses the dominating plac

22、e. On the premise that nature needs saving, it is hopeful for materialized humanity is to be saved.2.1.1 Brief introduction(Times New Roman 加粗4号加粗). Main discinplines (Times New Roman 加粗小4号).(章、节标题要保证段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行) 图1.2进入Symbol操作界面Conclusion (Times New Roman 小2、居中、加粗)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)过渡段Maj

23、or Findings (Times New Roman加粗小3号加粗)前面不需要加数字序号Limitations(Times New Roman加粗小3号加粗)Recommendations(Times New Roman加粗小3号加粗)总结段 Acknowledgements (Times New Roman小2加粗,段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行,居中)This paper is dedicated to XXX, who presented me with many references of great value, without which I would have never

24、finished this article. And with his/her help and guidance, I have learnt how to do the research work. I also extend my thanks to XXX and other teachers for their sincere help. The paper would not have been possible without the painstaking efforts of some classmates of mine who offered me their since

25、re help in my completion of writing this paper. To all of these I owe a profound debt of gratitude, and to my classmates who offered me many help in the proofreading of this paper. References (Times New Roman小2加粗,段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行,居中)1、参考文献要标明引用部分起止页;2、格式及字体(含英文字体)见下。参考文献排列方式:作者名,年份,书名,出版地点:出版社. 卷号/期号

26、,页数起止.所有文献先后排列顺序为:英文文献按作者的姓的第一个字母的字母顺序排列。 中文文献按作者姓的第一个字的拼音字母顺序排列。 参考文献APA写作格式以下所列格式为中英文文献写作统一要求。 原则上标出外国作者姓名时,先写姓,然后写名字的首字母缩写,后面加上句号。两位作者两个姓名间用逗号隔开。所有引用文献第二行起都需要空四格。两位作者或者编者之间,全部用逗号隔开。应用作者或者编者时,先标出姓,后面加上逗号,然后再标出名字,名字一般用首字母缩写,后面加上句号。参考文献中英文字母大写要求: 只有期刊名称所有英文实词的首字母用大写。其他(包括书名、期刊中的文章篇名,或者网页)的英文表示法只有首个单

27、词的首字母和各种专有名词用大写。参考文献要按顺序标出数字。例如:1. 2. 3. 期刊类:1. 纸质期刊写作格式: 模板: Author, A. A., and Author, B.B. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number (issue number), pages. 例子: Kozma, A., and Stones, M.J. (1983). Re-validation of the Memorial University of Newfoundland scale of happiness.Canadian

28、Journal on Aging, 2(1), 27-29. 2. 电子期刊写作格式: 模板:Author, A. A. (Year, month day). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number (issue number), pages. Retrieved from http:/journal homepage address 例子:Henheffer, T. (2009, September 7). Why are the fishermen dying at sea?. Macleans, 122(34), 21. Ret

29、rieved fromhttp:/ 3. 纸质杂志写作格式:对纸质杂志而言,文章页码前需加 p. (表示单页) 或者 pp. (表示多页), 而前面提到的期刊页码无需加这两种符号。 .模板:Author, A. A. (Year, month day). Title of article. Title of newspaper, page number(s). 例子:Sullivan, D.D. (2000, November 15). Teens say theyre battling depression, peer pressure: You kind o

30、f drift apart from your parents, one high school student says. The telegram, p. 17. 4. 电子杂志写作格式:模板:Author, A. A. (Year, month day). Title of article. Title of newspaper, page number(s). Retrieved from http:/newspaper homepage address 例子:Hurley, C. (2009, October 24). Suzuki encourages Newfoundlander

31、s to join the world in demonstration on climate change. The western star, p. 4. Retrieved from _书籍类:5. 纸质书籍写作格式:模板:Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book. Location: Publisher. 例子:Grenfell, W. T. (1919). A Labrador doctor: The autobiography of Wilfred Thomason Grenfell. Boston: HoughtonMifflin Company. 6. 电子书籍写作格式:模板:Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book. Retrieved from http:/URL 例子:Holland, N.N. (1982). Laughing: A psychology of humor. Retrieved from http:/

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