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IELTS 7 writing范文实例.docx

1、IELTS 7 writing范文实例IELTS 7 test 1 writing task 1The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.The table shows percentages of co

2、nsumer expenditure for three categories of products and services in five countries in 2002.It is clear that the largest proportion of consumer spending in each country went on food, drinks and tobacco. On the other hand, the leisure/education category has the lowest percentages in the table.Out of t

3、he five countries, consumer spending on food, drinks and tobacco was noticeably higher in Turkey, at 32.14%, and Ireland, at nearly 29%. The proportion of spending on leisure and education was also highest in Turkey, at 4.35%, while expenditure on clothing and footwear was significantly higher in It

4、aly, at 9%, than in any of the other countries.It can be seen that Sweden had the lowest percentages of national consumer expenditure for food/drinks/tobacco and for clothing/footwear, at nearly 16% and just over 5% respectively. Spain had slightly higher figures for these categories, but the lowest

5、 figure for leisure/education, at only 1.98%.(Band: 9)IELTS 7 test 1 writing task 2Its generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for music and sport, and others are not. However its sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become good sports person or m

6、usician.Answer 1Every person in the world has special and different skills. Someone is really good at sport, art or other abilities they have. It is claimed that peoples ability is a heritage from their parents. However, the others believe that the ability could be taught to a person to be good in t

7、hat skill. This essay would argue that sport and art or other skills could be learned or improved by people although they do not have that skills since they were born.Some people claim that people were born with certain talents such as sport and art skills. It could be true based on the biology theo

8、ry about genetic that tells about similar character between parents and their children. For instance, a father who has good skill in sport would have children with good skills in sport as well. This argument also could be strengthened by environmental condition of the children. Related to the exampl

9、e above, children would have good ability in sport because they always see their father doing sport, so it is formed in their brain.However, the other people believe that skills could be improved although people do not have that skills since they were born. People are able to learn some skills becau

10、se they have strong willingness to be good in that skills. They could learn from books and practice it. Nowadays, some institutions are established with purpose to train people in special skills. For example, playing guitar course and football school.In addition, the skills could be fully learned by

11、 people because of strong support from their environment such as family. Actually, parents want their children to become good people in the future, so parents should support them in learning special skills. For instance, parents that really support their children to be good football player and their

12、 children work hard to reach it.To be concluded, everyone has special ability such as in sport and art. This skill does not always exist since people were born, but the major factor is strong willingness to learn that skill.Answer 2The natural talent and training are two considerable factors which c

13、an have direct effects on an individuals achievements in various fields like music, sports, and Arts. Some people arguethatnatural characteristics and talents indicate the level of abilities and success. Bycontrast, others claim that practice plays the most significant role in promotion in music, sp

14、ort and art.In this essay these two arguments will be discussed.It is believed that all children can be successful in different fields by teaching and training. Therefore,Educational systems have been founded on this base. That is why people with different levels of talentsand abilities are taught i

15、n the same class. Moreover, there has always been someevidence which demonstrates that by imposing a good condition on individuals they can promote intheir favorable fields regardless of their level of talents. Although, people in developed countries arenot more talented than others, they are consid

16、erably more successful in a vast majority of fields. This isa direct result of perfect teaching, training and educational systems.On the other hand, some people are on this opinion that Talent is the factor which distinguishesindividuals. In other words, there is something beyond training which can

17、determine the mostsuccessful people. For example, in the same situations with the same teaching there are alwaysindividuals with extraordinary abilities. In addition, they claim that training and being taught is just themeans by which talented people are discovered and their abilities are developed.

18、 Hence, themain concentration should be on talented people.Overall, I partly agree with these two opinions. Talents and training in all fields go hand in hand. Eventalented people need to be trained in order to acquire skills. So, they both play significant roles and theyare needed to achieve goals.

19、IELTS 7 test 2 writing task 1The graph below shows the consumption of fish and different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.Answer 1Given is the graph that illustrates h

20、ow the consumption of fish and some various kinds of meat changed in European countries from 1979 to 2004.To begin with, on the premise of shown period, the greatest consumption figures belonged to beef (220gr), which was almost 50gr more than its closest followers lamb (150gr) and chicken (145gr),

21、whereas the amount of fish usage was just 60 grams.It is also visible that, from 1979 on, beef and lamb consumption showed downward trend and both bottomed out in 2004, respectively reaching to 100gr and 60gr. On the contrary, during the given period, the amount of eaten chicken by Europeans rockete

22、d becoming considerably ahead of its counterparts in 2004 when it was equal to 250gr. When it comes to the fish consumption it mainly kept its consistence going down by 10gr, which was very slight in comparison with the changes demonstrated by the types of meat.To sum it up, throughout the given tim

23、e span, in terms of preference by European countries, all the mentioned food categories experienced downfall except for chicken which showed a remarkable rise.Answer 2The graph illustrates the quantities of fish and different kinds of meats consumed in a European country between the time period of 1

24、979 and 2004. Over this span of 25 years, the consumption of beef, lamb and fish have all decreased while the consumption of chicken has dramatically risen.The biggest consumption in 1979 was beef (about 220 grams per person was consumed every week) while the lowest consumption in 1979 was fish (aro

25、und 60 gram per week was consumed by a person). The amount of fish which was eaten has remained almost constant at about 50 grams from 1979 and 2004. The trends of beef and lamb consumption were similar, with decreases in amount in between the years. While beef consumption had declined from over 200

26、 grams per person per week to around 100 grams during 25 years, lambs was starting 150 grams to approximately 50 grams at the same period.In contrast, chicken consumption had grown up gradually to year of 194, reaching a peak at 250grams per person every week in between 1994 and 2004.IELTS 7 test 2

27、writing task 2Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both these views a

28、nd give your own opinion.Crimes are always a mutual concern of many countries in the World. The significance of designed punishment categorized to relevant crimes also is a center of discussion among the Governors in proposing legal actions. It is argued that the Government should issue a uniform pu

29、nishment for each of various crimes; while the others refute that the authority should consider the aspect of individual motives before deciding punishments. Both points of view will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is drawn.Firstly, the advantage of utilizing a standardized punishment for a

30、 certain crime would less complicate the regulatory concept which helps increasing understanding of citizens about crimes and their paybacks. For example, in Japan, people are reminded by public advertisements about regular crimes such as thieves, trash throwers and their potential monetary and publ

31、ic service punishments. By that, the citizens may be more aware of illegal actions; thus, that could lead to decrease in crimes. Therefore, it is essential to apply a fixed punishment for each type of crimes.On the other hand, others argue that each of crime case should be clarified the initiative m

32、otive of the criminal in order to determine the degree of crime. It is obvious, for example, that a person who commits culpable homicide, would have an attentive motive, in comparison to the one unintentionally do so. Thus, the consciousness of initiative motivation differs the degree of crime commi

33、tted in order to determine fair and adequate punishments. Thus, considering a criminals motivation certainly contributes to the authoritys punishment decisions.After analyzing both opposing points of view, it is agreed that the Government should be specific on investigating causes of action before deciding

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