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1、六级级听力原文六级听力原文Long conversationConversation 1M: Hi, Janet. Have you seen the exam schedule for this term yet? W: No, I havent. How bad does it look? M: Well, it all depends on the classes youre taking and whether your professors are giving final exams. W: I know that! And thats why lm so nervous. I t

2、hink Ive got tests in every class Im taking. M: Would you believe that I have four exams scheduled for the same day? W: Youve got to be kidding. Isnt there some school regulation about thatyoure not required to take more than three on the same day? M: Well if there is a rule. Im certainly going to f

3、ind out about it. Im not sure I can even handle two or three tests, much less four. W: You really should check with the Dean of Students Office. The same thing happened to Richard last year and he was able to reschedule one of his. M: By the way, do you want to know when our anthropology and psychol

4、ogy tests are? W: Sure, why not? M: Anthropology is 4th period on Tuesday the 15th and psychology is 2nd period on Wednesday the 16th. W: Im not much worried about the psychology test, but Professor Gore said that the anthropology test was going to be on everything we covered this term. You know tho

5、se anthropologists. M: Yeah. That sounds terrible. My calculus and chemistry tests are probably going to be tough. W: Lets get together when its all over. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. Why is the man upset? 2. What does the woman suggest to the man? 3. Which o

6、f the following can be inferred about the two students? 4. What exam does the woman think will be especially difficult? Conversation 2W: Oh hi, Daniel. Are you going to the in-service training today? M: You bet. I missed the training session last month, so I have to be sure to make this one. Arent y

7、ou excited about the program? W: Not really. Before I became a nurse I drove an ambulance and had a lot of emergency medical training. Practicing basic first aid techniques is kind of boring for me. M: Well I can understand that. But you know, its amazing how quickly you get out of practice. As nurs

8、es in a hospital, we have all the fancy equipment for medical emergenciesand plenty of doctors around, so we hardly ever get a chance to practice basic techniques. Theyre really easy to forget. W: I can see your point, and it never hurts to review what youre already supposed to know. By the way, who

9、s teaching the class this time? M: Dr. Huston. Shes the new emergency room physician. W: Well, she certainly ought to know what shes talking about. Ive heard shes a really good surgeon. M: Thats right. Ive been taking care of some of the patients she worked on, and they all think highly of her. W: W

10、hen are you going to head over to the classroom? M: Immediately. Do you want to walk over together? W: Sounds good to me. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. Where is this conversation probably taking place? 2. Who will attend the training session? 3. Why will the m

11、an and woman study basic first aid techniques? 4. What are the man and woman probably going to do next? Conversation 3M: I heard Professor Humphreys lecture on literary criticism yesterday was really interesting. I missed it because I wasnt feeling well. Could you summarize it for me? W: Well, thats

12、 not easy. But youre right, it was interesting, so maybe I remember more than I usually do the day after a lecture. Lets see. First of all, like last week, she distinguished between traditional criticism and contemporary criticism. M: You mean between the understanding of stories and poems as pure l

13、iterature or historical fact as opposed to other types of interpretations? W: Thats right. She emphasized that there are basically two types of traditional criticism: aesthetic criticism, which means criticism of literature as art, and historical criticism, which means criticism of literature as his

14、torical documents. M: Okay, so far so good. I remember that. And what did she say about contemporary criticism? W: That was more difficult to understand. She divided contemporary criticism up into a number of different kinds, such as feminist criticism, gender criticism, and political criticism. M:

15、Political criticism? W: Basically, she defined political criticism as critique that analyzes the economic significance of a work-the kind of society which the story presents as natural to the reader. Every work of art, according to Professor Humphrey, has political implications and contains assumpti

16、ons about class, economics, and privilege. M: Wow. They sure dont talk about that in the art department. You remember anything else? W: Thats about it. If you want to, though, you could borrow my notes from the lecture. They may be more accurate than my memory. M: Say, that would be really great. Ar

17、e you sure you wouldnt mind? Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What can be inferred about the relationship between the man and woman? 2. What is the womans opinion of the lecture? 3. How did the professor define political criticism? 4. What will the man probably d

18、o next? Conversation 4M: Are you enjoying your zoology seminar? W: You bet. Its about time I was able to get out and do some real field-work rather than just read books and take tests. M: Well, I guess you have to know a lot before you can do decent research. W: Youre right about that, but in the zo

19、ology department you have to take too many lower-level classes before you get to do your own research. M: Well, what are you doing thats so interesting? W: Each student has to do a population and behavior study of one particular animal. Im working on raccoons. M: Raccoons? Why raccoons? W: One reaso

20、n is that therere a lot of them living around here. Theyre no longer even considered a forest animal but have adapted to agricultural areas and even small towns. M: I guess so. I saw a family of raccoons one night last week raiding my neighbors garbage cans. W: Im not surprised. One problem, though,

21、 with studying raccoons is that theyre nocturnal animals-theyre really not out much during the day. So you dont get a lot of sleep when youre trying to observe them. M: But cant you use video cameras or something? W: Sure. I have some remote cameras set up in some corn fields, but a camera cant foll

22、ow an animal around. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What does the woman say about the zoology department? 2. What do the students in the womans class have to do? 3. Why does the woman say she is studying raccoons? 4. When are raccoons most active? Conversation

23、5M: This article in the newspaper should cause quite a stir. W: Really? Whats it about? M: Well, it claims that the city park is built on an old Indian grave site. W: No kidding. M: Yes. And an archeologist at the university wants to excavate a portion of the park. W: Whats wrong with that? M: Nothi

24、ng, according to him. But the descendants of the Indian tribe that used to live here arent very happy about the bones of their ancestors being dug up. Theyre threatening to sue the city. W: Oh my. But how did that land ever get to be a park in the first place? M: Thats one of the interesting things.

25、 Apparently, no one wanted to develop the land because there was a legend that it was haunted. People used to hear strange noises there at night, and sometimes see mysterious lights moving over it. About fifty years ago, a retired businessman who owned the land died and in his will donated it to the

26、 city. Thats how it got made into a park. W: I guess everybody forgot about that history until now. Do you see any good coming out of this controversy? M: Well, its certainly going to add to our knowledge of local history. And maybe well learn more about the people who lived here long before we did.

27、 Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. Where did the man learn about the topic discussed in the conversation? 2. Why does the professor want to do research in the park? 3. What unusual things did people observe on the land before it became a park? 4. Who donated the l

28、and for the park? Conversation 6M: Wasnt that lecture interesting? I didnt know there are so many different kinds of elephants. W: Maybe you should say were so many different kinds of elephants. Professor Rockwell made it pretty clear that many species are now extinct. And the remaining ones are end

29、angered. M: Its pretty depressing to think about how humans have wiped out the large land mammals on most continents. Ten thousand years ago the world was certainly much better for animals such as elephants. W: It sure was. I thought Professor Rockwells explanation of how the smaller forest elephant

30、s in Africa are now threatened was especially interesting. M: Yes. It seems like the ivory hunters will stop at nothing. Now that so few of the big bush elephants are left theyve moved on to killing the smaller elephants. W: Right. And theyre even hunting pygmy elephants, the smallest of all, for th

31、eir tusks. To tell you the truth, I never even knew pygmy elephants existed. M: Well, according to Dr. Rockwell, naturalists werent sure themselves until fairly recently. The pygmy elephants are so small, as he said, that they were often mistaken for young forest elephants. W: So what do you say we

32、visit the zoo this weekend? M: Good idea. And we can check out what species of elephants are there. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What do the man and woman conclude from the lecture? 2. According to Professor Rockwell, why were the elephants being killed? 3. What do the man and woman say about pygmy elephants? 4. What do

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