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本文(高考英语英语江苏译林版练习必修1 Unit 3 Looking goodfeeling good Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语英语江苏译林版练习必修1 Unit 3 Looking goodfeeling good Word版含答案.docx

1、高考英语英语江苏译林版练习必修1 Unit 3 Looking goodfeeling good Word版含答案单独成册对应学生用书第205页.单项填空(建议用时8)1The whole team _ Cristiano Ronaldo,and he seldom lets them down.Await on Bfocus onCcount on Dcall on解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:整个球队依靠Cristiano Ronaldo,而他很少让他们失望。wait on服侍,焦急地等待;focus on集中于,关注;count on依靠,指望;call on拜访,号召,呼吁。答案:C

2、2The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to _ its reality.Amake up Bfigure outClook through Dput off解析:句意为:现在的情形太复杂了,所以我要花点时间弄清楚真实情况。make up组成,弥补;look through看穿,浏览;put off推迟;figure out想出来,弄清楚,故B项符合题意。答案:B3The government must have taken measures to lower the house p

3、rices next year,_ it?Yes.I guess so.Adidnt BhasntCmustnt Dwont解析:考查反意疑问句。must have taken是对过去已经发生的并且对现在产生影响的动作作出的肯定推测,因此反意疑问句的疑问部分应该是现在完成时,不可误选一般过去时。答案:B4Last week,only two people came to look at the house,_ wanted to buy it.Anone of them Bboth of themCnone of whom Dneither of whom解析:此处考查“of关系代词whom”

4、引导非限制性定语从句;两者的否定用neither。答案:D5Poor and backward area _ western China is,many college students are willing to work there after graduation.I cant agree more.More chances of employment are available.Asince BasCalthough Dwhile解析:考查状语从句。连词as引导让步状语从句,从句需倒装。“名词as主语谓语”相当于“though/although主语谓语名词”。答案:B6Your ed

5、ucation will _ you to earn a good living.Work hard from now on.Aassociate BequipCrelate Dfeed解析:句意为:你所受的教育会使你过上富裕的生活。从现在开始努力学习吧。associate使联合(系);relate联系,使相互关联;feed喂养。equip使有能力,符合语境。所以答案为B。答案:B7After the collision,he examined the considerable _ to his car.Aruin BdestructionCdamage Dinjury解析:句意为:撞车后,他

6、检查了车子受的严重损害。四个选项都有“破坏”之意。ruin指“毁灭,崩溃;毁坏”,程度很深;destruction指毁灭性的破坏、摧毁;damage指“使质量受损害,破坏”,意味着损坏后质量或价值降低;injury主要指“对人、动物躯体的部分伤害”,也可指“对名声、感情的伤害”。所以答案为C。答案:C8Different tastes among tourists from outside the mainland _ the list of the countrys attractions.Atop BshapeClead Dshow解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:大陆以外的不同兴趣爱好的游客打

7、造出了该国的旅游景点的名录。top高出,超越;shape形成,塑造,使成形,使符合;lead领导,通向,引导,指挥;show展示,说明,演出。答案:B9The old man,the hair of whom has _,made great contributions to the development of the local economy in the 1970s.Afallen over Bfallen outCgone out Dpicked out解析:句意为:这位老人的头发已脱落,他对20世纪70年代当地的经济发展做出了重大贡献。fall out(头发等)脱落,符合句意。fa

8、ll over跌倒;go out熄灭;pick out挑出。答案:B10Mr.Bell pretended to be very poor._,he was a millionaire.AAnyway BAnyhowCAs a matter of fact DAlthough解析:句意为:贝尔先生假装很穷,事实上,他是一个百万富翁。as a matter of fact事实上,实际上,符合句意。答案:C11I reminded you not to forget the appointment._.But I did forget.ASo did you BSo you didCSo I di

9、d DSo do I解析:答句句意为:你确实提醒我了,但我确实忘了。So you did用来表示对前面的情况予以肯定。答案:B12William found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to _.Adisappear BfallCfail Ddamage解析:句意为:威廉发现阅读越来越困难,因为他的视力开始下降了。disappear消失;fall落下,下落,跌倒,(数量)减少,下降;damage损失,损坏,均不合题意。fail除有“失败,不及格”等含义外,还有“(健康、视力、记忆力等)衰退”之

10、意,故选C。答案:C13He prefers _ indoors _ out this afternoon.Ato stay;to go Bstaying;to goingCstaying;to go Dto stay;to going解析:考查固定结构prefer doing to doing.。答案:B14A Russian plane broke up in the air,_ all 224 people on board,which was believed _ by a bomb planted by Islamic State.Akilling;to have been caus

11、edBhaving killed;to have been causedCkilling;to be causedDhaving killed;to have caused解析:考查非谓语动词。第一空用现在分词作结果状语,因kill的动作发生在break up之后,故用现在分词的一般式,排除B、D两项;be believed to后接完成式时,表示动作已完成或发生。故选A。答案:A15In some places women are expected to earn money _ men work at home and raise their children.Awhile Bthough

12、Cbecause Dbut解析:句意为:在有些地方,妇女外出挣钱而男士在家干家务并照看孩子。while而,却,符合句意。答案:A.阅读理解(建议用时10)I lost my left eye just after my first birthday Id fallen seriously ill.My artificial eye was very convincing and I usually wore glasses over it even my boyfriend,Mick,didnt really notice.I told him I was blind in one eye j

13、ust before we got married I was 19 at the time.He said he didnt care and that he loved me just the same.The day before we married,I was at my parents house,when my other eye suddenly went blurry (模糊的)My dad phoned the doctor,who told him it was probably nerves (神经紧张) and Id be fine by morning.He was

14、 right when I awoke,I was able to read my good luck cards.The wedding photographer arrived just as I was putting on my dress and I was called into the garden for a preceremony photo.There was no time even to look in a mirror.Afterwards,we drove straight to the church.It was a sunny day,and as we app

15、roached I could see all our friends waiting.The service was delightful,and Mick and I went into the ministers office to sign the register the last thing I ever wrote with my sight.It was only when we reached the hotel,where the reception was taking place,that I started to feel strange.As we waited t

16、o greet our guests,my sight started to become blurry again and I really had to concentrate as our friends and family lined up to congratulate us.Afterwards,we went into the reception room,so the photographer could take our picture as we pretended to cut the cake.Thats when the pain started.“Dont let

17、 anyone know!” my mum said.Shed always blamed herself for the loss of my other eye,wishing shed taken me to the doctor earlier.Only a few family members had ever been told even my close friends had been none_the_wiser.So even as the pain became more severe,I carried on as if nothing was happening.Id

18、 waited so long for this day,and everyone seemed so happy,I didnt want to spoil things.I couldnt make anything out,but I managed to stay calm and made it through the meal and the speeches.I suppose its normal for the bride and groom to stay close together after a wedding,and Mick led me around prope

19、rly.We took regular dance lessons,so the first dance passed without incident,Mick leading me in a slow,graceful waltz.Afterwards,we left the building to see if a bit of air would improve the situation,but it didnt help,and nor did a liedown.I still thought the blurriness would pass,as it had the nig

20、ht before.But I finally accepted that things just werent going to get better on their own I was in so much pain.Mick sent for a doctor,who took one look at me and called for an ambulance.At the hospital,I remember a nurse bursting into tears when she saw me arrive I still had confetti (五彩纸屑) in my h

21、air.I was diagnosed with glaucoma,a disease in the eye that causes terrible pressure it was unrelated to the problems Id had as a child,just a coincidence.An operation to try to save my sight seemed successful at first as the bandages were removed,I remember seeing a vase of flowers at the end of th

22、e bed.But its the last thing I ever saw.It was hard,but I coped,and nearly 40 years on I feel Ive had a full and active life.There are sights Ill always feel sad not to have seen the face of the daughter and my grandchildren.Ill always regret not finding the time to look in the mirror on the morning

23、 of my wedding,too despite everything that happened,I have happy memories of the ceremony.语篇解读本文属于记叙文。记叙了作者在自己婚礼上突发性失明,虽然失明给作者留下了很多遗憾,但是作者依旧怀着婚礼的美好记忆幸福地生活着。16The writers right eye couldnt see clearly for the first time _.Aon her first birthdayBduring her first date with MickCon her wedding dayDon th

24、e day before her wedding解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段首句“The day before we married,I was at my parents house,when my other eye suddenly went blurry(模糊的)”可知答案。答案:D17We can infer from the passage that the writer _.Anever got to see herself as a brideBsigned the register led by MickCheld the ceremony at Micks houseD

25、walked to the church with Mick解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“There was no time even to look in a mirror.”可知,作者穿好衣服之后来不及照镜子就出门了;最后一段的“Ill always regret not finding the time to look in the mirror on the morning of my wedding.”更加证实了这一点,即作者没有亲眼看到自己做新娘的模样。答案:A18What can the underlined part “none the wiser” in Paragraph

26、 6 be replaced by?AMisunderstood. BMisguided.CUnheard. DUntold.解析:词义猜测题。根据上下文可知,只有作者的几个家人知道这件事,甚至连作者最好的朋友都“没有被告知”这个情况。故选D项。答案:D19Before accepting her blindness,the writer tried her best to relieve the pain EXCEPT _.Awalking out to get some fresh airBlying down to have a restCtaking some effective pi

27、llsDasking a doctor for help解析:细节理解题。根据第九段首句“.we left the building to see if a bit of air would improve the situation,but it didnt help,and nor did a liedown.”及第十段首句“Mick sent for a doctor.”可知A、B、D三项提及的内容都是作者为减轻疼痛所作的努力。C项在文章中没有提到。答案:C20Why did the nurse at the hospital cry suddenly?ABecause she felt

28、 sad for the writers experience.B Because she felt amazed at their happy marriage.CBecause she was afraid of the writers appearance.DBecause she was moved by Micks selfless love for the writer.解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第三段最后一句“.I still had confetti (五彩纸屑) in my hair.”可推知,当护士看到作者头发中还留着结婚仪式上所用的五彩纸屑时,就知道作者的眼睛是在新婚典礼

29、上出现了问题,故应是为作者的经历感到伤心。答案:A21What can we conclude from the last two paragraphs?AThe writer accepted her blindness and led a poor life.BLife was challenging to the writer but she kept trying.CThe pain in the writers right eye is linked to her left eye.DThe writer broke up with Mick and lived alone all

30、her life.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段首句“It was hard,but I coped,and nearly 40 years on I feel Ive had a full and active life.”可知,失明后的生活对作者来说是艰难的,但是作者努力应对并过着充实且积极的生活,故B项正确。答案:B.书面表达(建议用时25)请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Lets face it.You are constantly exposed to common viruses.There is nothing you can do about th

31、em.However,you can greatly influence the effect of those viruses on your health.Dont accept that the flu or common cold is something you have to suffer from time to time.Cast off this thought and keep yourself and your entire family healthy regardless of the weather or season.These three easy tips will help you to reduce the number

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