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1、九年级英语短语过关1. 和朋友一起学习work with friends 2.制作单词卡片make word cards3.读课本read the textbook 4.听录音listen to tapes5.向老师寻求帮助ask the teacher for help 6.大声读 read aloud 7.有点紧张 a little nervous 8.不得不读完书 have to finish reading a book9.听起来很糟 sound too bad 10.一个字一个字(读) word by word11.耐心些 be patient 12-越多-越快 the more -

2、the faster13. 别急 It takes time. 14.就像一场噩梦be like a bad dream15.那么快以至于so quickly that 16.害怕问问题 be sfraid to ask questions17.爱上 fall in love with 18.在字典上查它们 look them up in a dictionary 19.这样;以便 so that 20.练习讲话 practice speaking 21.怎样提高我的阅读速度 how to increase my reading speed22.犯错 make mistakes 24.参加英语

3、俱乐部 join an English club23.一起练习英语的伙伴 a partner to practice English with25天生的 be born with 26. 依赖、依靠depend on 27有共同点.have -in common 28.对感兴趣be interested in 29注意;关注pay attention to 30.很长一段时间for a long time 31.与联系connect with 32.用英语in English33.擅长be good at 34.害怕be afraid of35. 通过写下关键词by writing down

4、the key words36.例如for example 37.寻找.look for38.课后atfer class *把短语抄写在作业本上上1. 和朋友一起学习_ 姓名_2.听录音_3.向老师寻求帮助_ 4.不得不读完书 _5.听起来很糟 _ 6.-越多-越快 _7.就像一场噩梦_8.那么快以至于_ 9.在字典上查它们 _ 10.这样;以便 _ 11.练习讲话 _12.怎样提高我的阅读速度 _13.参加英语俱乐部 _14.天生的 _ 15. 依赖、依靠_ 16.对感兴趣_ 17.注意;关注_ 18.很长一段时间_ 19.与联系_ 20.擅长_ 21.害怕_22. 通过写下关键词_1.多么

5、美好的一天!What a great day ! 2.最喜欢 like best3.增加(体重);发胖 put on 4.两周以后 in two weeks 5.与-相似 be similar to 6.交好运 have good luck7.在中秋之夜 on the Mid-Autumn Day8.为了感谢他给了他仙药 give him magic medicine to thank him9.拒绝把它给他 refuse to give it to him 10.喊叫 call out 11.摆开;布置 lay out 12.结果 as a result13.食物多么美味啊! How del

6、icious the food is !14.(两个中) 一-另一个 one - the other15.带他们出去吃午饭 take them out for lunch16.越来越流行 more and more popular17.许多表达爱的方式 many ways to show our love18.不必 dont have to = neednt19.认为 think of 20.关灯 turn off the lights 21.乔装打扮为 dress up as 22.寻求;要求 ask for 23.开玩笑 play a trick on sb.24.叫做吝啬鬼的老头 an

7、old man named Scrooge25.关心 care about 26.过去常常做某事 used to do 27.最终成为;最终处于 end up 28. 使记起 remind -of-29.需要 in need 30.警告某人做某事 warn sb to do sth31.期望某人做某事 expect sb to do sth 1.多么美好的一天!_! 2.最喜欢_3.两周以后 _ 4.在中秋之夜 _5.为了感谢他给了他仙药 _6.拒绝把它给他 _ 7.食物多么美味啊! _!8.(两个中) 一-另一个 _9.带他们出去吃午饭 _10.越来越流行 _11.许多表达爱的方式 _12.

8、不必 _ = _13.乔装打扮为 _ 14._ play a trick on sb.15.叫做吝啬鬼的老头 an old man_ Scrooge16.关心 _ 17.最终成为;最终处于 _ 18. 使记起 _-19.需要 _ 20.警告某人做某事 _21.期望某人做某事 _ 1.一双鞋 a pair of shoes 2.怎样到达书店 how to get to the bookstore3.在你的右边 on your right 4.向右转 turn right5.路过 go past 6.由-开始 start with7.没有问题 No problem 8.你不必着急 You dont

9、 need to rush.9.-怎么样? What about 10.首先 at first = first of all11.咱们走吧 Lets go. 12.在-的途中 on ones way to 13.路过 pass by 14.在门边 at the door15.早些来占座 come a little earlier to get a table16.吃的东西 something to eat 17.抱歉;请再说一遍 Pardon me18.询问 ask about 19.告诉某人做某事 tell sb to do sth20.一个吃饭的好地方 a good place to ea

10、t 21.什么种类的食物 what kind of food 22.有礼貌地需求帮助 ask for help politely 23.不够礼貌 less polite = not so polite as 24.互相了解 know each other 25.有礼貌的多 much more polite 26. 例如 such as 27. 花费时间导入 spend time leading in to28.很抱歉打扰你 Im sorry to trouble you29.与交流 communicate - with30.按时 on time 31. 匆忙的;仓促的 in a rush 32

11、.第一次 for the first time 33.想要做某事 would like to do34.因为谢谢你 thank you for 35.盼望look forward to doing 1.一双鞋 _ 2.怎样到达书店 _3.在你的右边_ 4.路过 _ 5.由-开始 _6.你不必着急 _.7.在-的途中 _ 8.早些来占座 _9.吃的东西 _ 10.抱歉;请再说一遍 _11.告诉某人做某事 _12.一个吃饭的好地方 _ 13.什么种类的食物 _ 14.不够礼貌_ 15.有礼貌的多_16. 例如 _ 17. 花费时间导入 _18.很抱歉打扰你 _19.按时 _ 20.想要做某事_21

12、.因为谢谢你 _ 22.盼望_ 第四单元1. used to过去常常 2. be afraid of害怕3. Whats he like now? 现在他什么样? 4. in class在课堂上5. get good grades取的好成绩 6. from time to time = at times时常;有时7. such a great idea 多棒的一个想法 8. so much那么多9. turn red变红 10. talk to girls和女孩聊天11. see him reading看见他在看书 12. wear glasses戴眼镜13.take up 开始从事 14.

13、deal with 应付;处理15.dare to sing 敢于唱歌 front of her class 在她的同学们前面17.the whole school 整个学校 18.not-any more 不再 able to travel 能够旅行 20.all the time 一直 21.tons of 许多22.too much 太多 careful 小心24.worry about 为担心 25.hang out 闲逛26.give up 放弃 27.hard work 重活;难活28.a number of 大量的 29.make it 做到;

14、成功 least 至少 public 在公共场合32.on the soccer team 在足球队 33.Me too 我也是36.a 15-year-old boy 一个15岁的男孩 well in = be good at 擅长;做得好38.It is hard to believe 很难相信 39.take care of = look after 照顾; 照料 absent from 缺席;旷课41.make a decision=decide 决定 42.make friends(with) 与交朋友 person 亲自 44.

15、even though=though 即使;虽然45.take pride in = be proud of 为-自豪 worried about 为-担心 the last few years 在过去的几年里 48.tell jokes 讲笑话1.过去常常 _ 2. Whats he like now? _ 3. 多棒的一个想法 _ 4.看见他在看书 _ 5.开始从事 _ 6. 应付;处理_7. 敢于唱歌 _ 8. 不再 _ 9.太多 _ 10.为担心 _ 11. 放弃 _ 12. hard work _13. 做到;成功 _14. 在公共场合 _15. 一个15岁的男孩

16、 _16. 擅长;做得好 _17. 很难相信 _18. 缺席;旷课 _19.与交朋友 _20.亲自 _ 21.为-自豪 the last few years _ 第五单元 made of 由-制造 (可以看出原材料) made from 由-制造 (不能看出原材料) made in- 在某地制造 made by- 由某人制造 famous known for 因-而闻名 the past 在过去7. as far as I know 据我所知8.on the sides of mountains 在山坡 hand 手工; 用

17、手10.It seems seemed that 好像11.all over the world 世界各地 good for 对-有好处13.both-and -两者都 (谓语动词用复数) for 寻觅 matter what = whatever 无论什么16.a 17-year-old student 一个17岁的学生 many 那么多 a toy for my cousin 给我表妹买个玩具19.most of 大多数 20.can hardly 几乎不能 21.avoid doing 避免做某事 fact 事实上

18、 good at = do well in 擅长;做得好24.everyday things 日常用品25.before buying 在购买之前26.try to find out 尽力弄清楚27.think about = think of 考虑28.many different kinds of 许多不同种类的 29.learn to fly kites 学会放风筝30.go on vacation 去度假31.turn into 变成32.according to 根据33.send them out 送它们出去 trouble 处于困境 covered

19、with 由-覆盖36.rise into 升入 37.paper cutting 剪纸 allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 a very high heat 高温 used for 被用来做某事五单元 : 1._由-制造 (可以看出原材料)2._在某地制造3._ 因-而闻名4._ 好像5._对-有好处6._两者都 (谓语动词用复数)7._无论什么8._a toy_ my cousin 给我表妹买个玩具9._几乎不能 10._ 避免做某事 11._ 事实上 12._ 擅长;做得好13._ 日常用品14._ 尽力弄清楚15._学会放风筝16._ 去度假17._ 变成18.according to _19._处于困境20._由-覆盖21._ 被允许做某事22._被用来做某事 第六单元 with special heels 带特殊鞋跟的鞋子 a house with

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