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1、,Body Language,Unit 4,To communicate successfully,you must also learn the“body language”of that culture.为了成功地交流,你还必须学习那种文化的“肢体语言”。,单元主题语境,人与社会肢体语言,Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another.It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood.While talki

2、ng with others1,you are not just using words,but also using expressions and gestures.For example,waving ones hand is to say“Good-bye”,a smile and handshake shows welcome,and clapping hands means congratulations.Nodding the head means agreement,and shaking the head means disagreement.The gestures are

3、 accepted by both Chinese and some foreigners as having the same meanings.,话题导入,Different countries have different body languages.For example,men in Russia,France and Arab countries kiss each other when they meet,but men in China or Australia shake hands instead of kissing.People in Puerto Rico like

4、 touching each other,but people from English-speaking countries do not touch each other.If you touch an English person,you should say“Sorry”.People in Arab countries like standing close to one another when they are talking,but English people must keep a distance away when they are talking.In some As

5、ian countries,you must not touch the head of another person.In Arab countries,you eat using the fingers of your right hand;the left hand is not used at all.In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.,When you use a foreign language,it is very important to know the me

6、anings of gestures and movements in the foreign country.Following the customs2 will help you communicate with people and make your stay there much more pleasant and comfortable.,1.While working,I realized how hard it was to work in the fields under the hot sun.(2019北京,书面表达)2.Apparently,blindly follo

7、wing others advice will affect our own judgment.(2018江苏,书面表达),靓句运用于写作,内容索引,Period OneReading and ThinkingComprehending,语篇理解 精读精练 萃取文本精华,读前清障 识记单词 快速顺畅阅读,读 前 清 障,识记单词 快速顺畅阅读,匹配左边的单词与右边的汉语意思第一组1.interactionA.赞成;同意;批准;通过2.appropriate B.手势;姿势;姿态3.approve C.把理解(解释)为;口译4.gesture D.交流;相互影响5.interpret E.合适的

8、;恰当的,第二组6.witness A.隔阂;障碍7.demonstrate B.使用;应用;雇用8.identical C.当场看到;目击;见证9.barrier D.表现;表达;说明;证明10.employ E.相同的,第三组11.differ A.可靠的;可信赖的 12.favour B.(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向13.vary C.(根据情况)变化;改变14.reliable D.较喜欢;选择;有利于15.bend E.相异;不同于,返 回,Step 1Fast-reading1.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.Communication

9、.B.Spoken language.C.Body language.D.Different cultures.,语 篇 理 解,精读精练 萃取文本精华,2.Match each part with its main idea.Para.1A.The same gesture may have different meanings in different countries.Para.2 B.Smiling has many different uses.Paras.34 C.Body language varies from culture to culture.Para.5 D.Both

10、 words and body language are of importance in interactions with others.Para.6 E.Some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere.,Step 2Careful-readingChoose the best answer.1.In which countries are men and women not permitted to make eye contact?A.China and Japan.B.Middle Eastern countries.C.

11、Brazil and Germany.D.Bulgaria and southern Albania.,2.How does the passage develop(展开)?A.By giving examples.B.By giving data.C.By giving definition(定义).D.By analysing facts.,3.What can we learn from the passage?A.In all countries,shaking the head means“No”.B.A smile can get a person into difficult s

12、ituations.C.In Russia,people favour bowing from the waist when they meet someone else.D.If a person moves his hand in circles over his stomach after a meal,that means he is full.,4.Which proverb can best describe the main idea of the passage?A.Never too old to learn.B.When in Rome,do as the Romans d

13、o.C.Four eyes see more than two.D.Every country has its own customs.,5.Which of the following can NOT be conveyed(传达)through the gesture of“smiling”?A.Apology.B.Greeting.C.Anger.D.Asking for help.,Step 3Post-readingAfter reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks.Gestures can 1.(use)to

14、express peoples thoughts and opinions in their interactions 2.other people,but in different countries the same gesture may have different meanings.For example,in some countries,looking into the eyes of the person you are talking to 3.(be)a way to display interest,but in many Middle Eastern countries

15、 men and women should avoid 4.(make)eye contact.In most countries,5.(shake)ones head means“no”,and nodding means“yes”.By 6.(compare),in Bulgaria and southern Albania,the gestures have the opposite meaning.,be used,with,is,making,shaking,comparison,In countries 7.France and Russia,people may kiss the

16、ir friends on 8._ cheek when they meet.Elsewhere,people favour shaking hands,bowing from the waist,or nodding the head when they meet someone else.All in all,body language 9.(vary)from culture to culture,but it is safe 10.(follow)the golden ruleWhen in Rome,do as the Romans do.,like,the,varies,to fo

17、llow,Step 4Sentence-learning1.Words are important,but the way people stand,hold their arms,and move their hands can also give us information about their feelings.句式分析本句是一个由but连接的并列句。后一个分句为 作先行词的定语从句。当the way 作先行词时,从句用 来引导,也可以省略引导词。自主翻译_,the way,that/in which,话语固然重要,但人们站立、握臂以及摆手的方式也会向我们传达他们的感受。,2.In

18、many countries,shaking ones head means“no”,and nodding means“yes”.句式分析本句是一个由and连接的并列句。这两个分句的主语都是。动名词作主语时,谓语动词用 形式。自主翻译_,动名词,单数,在很多国家,摇头表示“否”,点头表示“是”。,3.And if we are feeling down or lonely,there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.句式分析本句是一个复合句。if引导条件状语从句,主句中使用了形容词的 的否定形式,

19、其实表达的是 的含义。自主翻译_,如果你感到沮丧或孤独,最好的事情就是看到好朋友的一张笑脸。,比较级,最高级,返 回,内容索引,Period TwoReading and Thinking&Learning About LanguageLanguage Points,互动探究 探究重点 互动撞击思维,基础自测 自主学习 落实基础知识,达标检测 当堂检测 基础达标演练,重点单词,基 础 自 测,自主学习 落实基础知识,重点单词,1.n.交流;相互影响2.adj.合适的;恰当的3.vt.表现;表达;说明;证明4.n.手势;姿势;姿态5.vt.当场看到;目击;见证 n.目击者;证人6.adj.相同的

20、7.vt.较喜欢;选择;有利于 n.帮助;恩惠;赞同,interaction,appropriate,demonstrate,gesture,witness,identical,favour,8.n.隔阂;障碍9.n.发生的事情;严重事件;冲突10.vt.&vi.(bent,bent)(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向根据情况)变化;改变 adj.各种各样的赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过 approval n.批准;赞成;同意13.vt.使用;应用;雇用 n.使用;雇用,barrier,incident,bend,vary,various,approve,employ,employ

21、ment,14.vt.把理解(解释)为 vi.&vt.口译 n.口译人员;口译者相异;不同于 adj.不同的;相异的 n.差异;不同16.adj.可靠的;可信赖的 v.依靠;依赖;相信17.adj.轻微的;略微的;细小的 adv.略微;稍微,interpret,interpreter,differ,different,difference,reliable,rely,slight,slightly,18.adj.不涉及言语的;非言语的 adj.言语的19.n.评定;评价 v.评估;评价,nonverbal,verbal,assessment,assess,掌握规律巧记单词non-(

22、不,非)verbal(言语的)nonverbal adj.不涉及言语的;非言语的例:nonessential非本质的;不重要的nonprofit非营利的nonstop不停歇的,1.与某人互动2.在到之间变化3.对适合4.相比之下5.往里面看6.赞同7.把理解为8.(与)相比较,interaction with sb.,vary,be appropriate to,by contrast,look into,approve of,,by comparison,核心短语,9.推理;推断10.通过;度过11.消除;分解;打破12.直起来;整理;收拾整齐,ma

23、ke inferences,get through,break down,straighten up,1.the way 作先行词的定语从句,the way 在从句中作状语Words are important,but the way _ _ can also give us information about their feelings.言语固然重要,但人们站立、握臂以及摆手的方式也会向我们传达他们的感受。,people stand,hold their arms,and,move their hands,经典句式,2.动名词作主语的简单句In many countries,means“n

24、o”,and _ means“yes”.在很多国家,摇头表示“否”,点头表示“是”。3.形容词的比较级的否定形式表达最高级的含义And if we are feeling down or lonely,seeing the smiling face of a good friend.如果你感到沮丧或孤独,最好的事情就是看到好朋友的一张笑脸。,shaking ones head,nodding,there is nothing better than,返 回,Just like spoken language,body language varies from culture to cultur

25、e.和口语一样,肢体语言也因文化的差异而有所不同。,1,vary vi.(根据情况)变化;改变vary在到之间变化;从到不等vary in sth.在某方面不同vary with.随而变化a variety of/varieties ofvarious多种多样的,互 动 探 究,探究重点 互动撞击思维,重点词汇,(1)These kids vary in height from 100 cm to 120 cm.这些孩子的身高从100厘米到120厘米不等。(2)The students work varies considerably quality.学生作业的质量参差不齐。

26、(3)They discussed(vary)matters all over the world.他们讨论了全世界的各种各样的事件。句型转换(4)The shop offered various goods and attracted many visitors.The shop offered goods and attracted many visitors.,in,various,a,variety,of,In other countries,by contrast,eye contact is not always approved of.相比之下,在其他国家,眼神交流通常是不会得到

27、允许的。,2,approve vi.赞成,同意 vt.批准;通过approve of赞成,同意approval n.赞成;通过;同意;认可;批准meet with ones approval得到某人的赞许give ones approval to sth.批准某事approving adj.赞许的;许可的,(1)Im afraid that your parents wont approve of your marrying him.恐怕你父母不会赞同你跟他结婚。(2)My son made a decision without my(approve).我儿子未经我的许可就做了决定。(3)Sh

28、e didnt give approval her daughter going out at night.她不同意女儿晚上出去。(4)The great success won him many(approve)glances.巨大的成功为他赢得了许多赞许的目光。,approval,to,approving,In Japan,someone who witnesses another person employing the gesture might think it means money.在日本,看到另外一个人在使用这个手势的人可能以为是与钱有关的事情。,3,witness vt.当场

29、见到,目击;作证,见证 n.目击者;证人;证据witness to(doing)sth.作证a witness of/to.的证人/证据bear/give witness(to sth.)(为某事)作证;证明(此短语中witness前不加冠词,而且witness不用复数),(1)The late twentieth century witnessed the rapid development of Chinas economy.二十世纪末见证了中国经济的迅速发展。(2)One witness to the accident said the driver appeared to be dru

30、nk.这次事故的一个目击者说司机看上去喝醉了。(3)His good health is the success of the treatment.他良好的健康状况是治疗成功的见证。(4)The worker witnessed to(see)the accused near the scene of the crime.这位工人作证说看见被告就在案发现场附近。,a witness to/of,having seen,employ vt.雇用;利用(时间、精力等)employ雇用某人作为employ do sth.雇用某人做某事employ oneself in do

31、ing employed in doing sth.employer n.雇用者;雇主;老板employee n.雇工;雇员employment n.职业;工作;使用,从事于/忙于(做)某事,(5)Many local people are employed as guides in the tourism industry.很多当地人作为导游受雇于旅游业。(6)A number of people have been employed(deal)with the work.已雇一些人来处理这项工作。(7)The company has been enlarged and _ _

32、.公司已经扩大了,老板会雇用更多的人作为他的员工。一句多义(8)她忙于保护濒临灭绝的动物。She has employed the endangered animals.She has been the endangered animals.,to deal,the employer will employ many,more people as his employees,herself in protecting,employed in protecting,Even the gestures we use for“yes”and“no”differaround the world.甚至我

33、们用来表示“是”或“否”的手势在世界各地也不尽相同。,4,differ vi.不同,相异,意见不一致differ与在方面不同different adj.不同的be different from.(in.)与(在方面)不同difference n.不同之处make a difference有影响;很重要make no difference to.对没影响;对不重要tell the difference between A and B区分A与B的不同,(1)He differs from his twin brother in character.他与他的双胞胎弟弟在性格上不同。(2)What I will choose what you have suggested.我将要选择的和你建议过的不同。(3)It is how you react to failures that

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