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1、中央电大英语教案电大英语教案授课教师 高维锋第一部分课程特色与目的要求及教学方法课程特色:英语的突出特色主要有三点:1、课文的语言文字。2、课文的多样性和实用性。3、阅读技巧。目的要求:按照电大英语教学大纲的规定,英语的教学目的是,在学完前三册的基础上进一步重点培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力,使学生完成本课程后能够借助工具书,阅读有关专业的一般英文资料。教学方法:1、一种是传统方法,通过学习词汇和进行语法分析来学习阅读。2、通过学习阅读技巧达到提高阅读理解能力和阅读速度。英语采用这种教学方法。第二部分教学内容英语的主要内容分为三部分,归纳总结如下:阅读技巧第一到第十五单元讲授了十五种阅读技巧。1

2、、Overlooking inessential words2、Guessing new words3、Wording recognition4、Dictionary skills5、Initiating6、Skimming7、Scanning8、Surveying a book9、Inferring sentence stricture10、Predicting what comes next11、Recognizing topic sentence12、Reference13、General and specific statements14、Expansions of topic sen

3、tences15、Recognizing sequence词汇学习:词汇学习是第四册的另一个教学重点,通过例句及用法对比或对同意词进行区别或分辨一词多义的语言现象,要从意义和用法上区别一词多义和同义词,不要死记硬背,此中还有另外一个内容就是常用的前缀和后缀,这部分内容对“猜生词”很有用。语句例解:语句例解不是本册教学的重点,这部分内容主要用于讲解课文中出现的有关语法及语言现象,学习语句例解的目的是为了复习、巩固并适当扩展已学过的语法及语言知识,为提高阅读理解能力服务。第三部分教学时数英语共十八个单元,前十五个单元讲授,后三个单元学员自学,分为54学时,具体分配如下:教学内容课内学时录像课IP课

4、件第一单元Overlooking inessential words411第二单元Guessing new words41第三单元Word recognition421第四单元Dictionary skills411第五单元Anticipating41第六单元Skimming421第七单元Scanning411第八单元Surveying a book421第九单元Inferring sentence structure41第十单元Predicting topic sentences421第十一单元Recognizing topic sentences3第十二单元Reference421第十三单

5、元General and specific statements421第十四单元Expansions of topic sentences321第十五单元Recognizing sequence421总计5420131、课程概况。中央广播电视大学英语是基础英语的阅读阶段,以培养学员的阅读能力为重点,可供电大理工文经各类学生使用,也可以供社会上具有中级英语基础,想进一步提高阅读能力者自学使用。第四册教材为18课,按照教学要求,前15课为辅导内容,本书分为三部分:是对教学目的和学习方法的指导;分课辅导;是附录,包括教学进度安排、复习提要、自我测验题题型示例。2、课程教学说明。本课程课内学时54学时



8、教”、“学”、“考”的体系,以便顺利完成课程的教学任务,此外,本课程还将每周组织一次网上辅导,按学习进度进行直播课堂学习辅导。4、教学模式。学生的模式主要包括以下几个环节:以自主学习法为核心学习各种学习材料,认真做好学习笔记。以合作学习法为核心参加小组协同学习。以刺激学习法为核心参加教师的集中面授辅导。以教育技术为核心,充分利用中央电大提供的各种教学服务。Unit 1 Two TalesLesson 1Reading skills: Overlooking inessential wordsFirst: Introduce a new kind of reading skill- overlo

9、oking inessential words.1. 1. The usual life span for Shanghai men is 72 years.2. 2. An Asian camel has two humps; but an Arabian camel has only one.3. 3. Im skeptical about the weather improving.Second: do some exercisesLesson 2First: Read Text A and understand the text, then answer the questions a

10、s follows:1. 1. How many men said that they had caught the trout?2. 2. Why was the writer interested in the trout?3. 3. Why did George climb on to a chair?4. 4. How did George break the trout?Second: Notes on the text:1. 1. I caught it sixteen years ago, next month.2. 2. I hope not I hope I have not

11、 damaged the trout.Lesson 3Word study 1. 1. stranger 2. 2. stranger 3. 3. wayUnit 2Lesson 1Reading skills: Guessing new words First: Introduce the new kind of reading skills.1. 1. The disease is not contagious: you can not catch it by touching sb.2. 2. 使用同义词3. 3. 使用that is, in other words, or等词语4. 4

12、. 使用this is called, this is known as等句型5. 5. 用for example, for instance或 such as引出例子6. 6. 用namely, i.e.等进一步说明Second: Do some exercisesLesson 2Read text A, and answer the questions.1. 1. Do hedgehogs eat insect?2. 2. What do mammals with hoofs eat?3. 3. A mammal that lays eggs.4. 4. Why do mice and r

13、ats never lose their teeth.Language studyNotes on the text:1. 1. pocket, long, sharp, teeth, carnivorous, herbivorous, front, curling2. 2.egg-laying, sea-living, meat-eating, record-breaking, heart-breakingLesson 3Word study:1. 1. belong, include, consist of2. 2. containUnit 3Lesson 1Reading skills:

14、 Guessing new wordsIntroduce the new kind of reading skills1. 1. The Government hopes to better the conditions of the peasants.2. 2. important- unimportanttie- untiearrive-arrivalfriend- friendly3. 3. After he had been on the USA for a week, he began to feel homesick.Please avoid traveling during th

15、e rush hour.Do some exercisesLesson 2Notes on the text:1. 1. unwell, unable, unselfishly, unwilling2. 2. courage, discourage3. 3. suspect, suspicion, suspicious4. 4. excite, excited, exciting, excitable, excitement5. 5. attention, attentive6. 6. placeRead the text A then answer the questions concern

16、ed with the textLesson 3Word study:1. 1. un-able/unable, easy/uneasy, true/untrue2. 2. in-formal/informal, complete/incomplete3. 3. dis-loyal/disloyal, honest/dishonest, like/dislike4. 4. mis-use/misuse, print/misprint, lead/misleadUnit 4Lesson 1Reading skills: Rapid reading word recognitionIntroduc

17、e the new kind of reading skillsMy brother was photographed in front of the hotel.They were married on Friday, the twelfth of November.Do some exercises.Lesson 2Language study:1. 1. Notes on the text1) 1) 凡是课文后要求记录阅读速度时,都要认真做记录。2) 2) 注意内容结构2. 2. Read the text A and answer the questionsLesson 3Word s

18、tudy:1. 1. clocks and watches My watch says ten oclock It is ten oclock by my watch. My watch is right.2. 2. time to have a good time = to enjoy oneself in time = after a period of tome all the = always, constantly at the time = at that time for the time being = for the moment, for a short whileat o

19、ne time = oncethree at a time = in groups of threenow is the time = It is a good moment on time = at the time arranged, not early or lateon tine = with enough time, early enoughUnit 5Lesson 1Reading skills: Dictionary skillsIntroduce this reading skills by giving some examples. Besides, as well as,

20、in addition to, except, not including, but, notAll of us passed the exam besides John.All of us passed the exam except John.Second: do some exercises.Lesson 2First: let the students read the Text A, and try to understand the text as much as they can, then answer the questions concerned with the text

21、.Second: notes on the text.1. 1. I intransitiveT transitive T of 表示作及物动词用时后面跟介词OF T+to+V 表示作及物动词用时后面跟不定式 +V-ing 表示后面跟动名词2关于英国英语与美国英语拼法的不同Lesson 31. 1. 动词+介词The sun broke through the clouds.2. 2. 动词+副词A thief broke in and stole the money.Word study:1. 1. vocabularyobjects, potato, shell, lighter, lig

22、hthouse, knife, fan, fridge, spade, crane, thermometer3. 3. go over the old words and remember the new words.4. 4. explain the following wordsalgebra: part of mathematicsAncient: oldArea: part of a town Bungalow: a house on one floorCipher: secret writingCommon: happening oftenConquer: to attack and

23、 take a countryCotton: cloth made from white hair from a plantExit: way out of a buildingFormal: seriouUnit 6Lesson 1Reading skills: AnticipatingFirst: Let the students read this n w kind of reading skills Anticipating.1. 1. 在阅读时,如果能预先对所要阅读的文章内容有所了解,就显然会提高阅读效率。2. 2. 我们练习如果利用文章的大标题与小标题和重点句,预先估计所读文章的有

24、关内容。3. 3. 学会预先估计所读文章的内容必将提高阅读理解能力和阅读的速度。Second: do some exercises.Read the text A then answer the questions concerned with the text.Lesson 2Notes on the text.1. 1. rely heavily on: very much2. 2. branches of studyHe is studying an interesting branch of physics the Guangzhou branch of the Band of Chi

25、na.3. 3. be of:4. 4. a great deal:= a lot of, considerable, a large amount of5. 5. The body is no discovered until a long time after death.= The body has been dead a long time before it is discovered.Lesson 3Word study:1. 1. steal, robHe stole my watch. Steal- sth.He robbed me of my watch. Rob- sb.2

26、. 2. kill, murder, assassinate3. 3. wound, injure, hurt, scratch, cutThe soldier was wounded in the battle.A passenger was injured in the car accident.He cut his finger on the broken glass.Careful of the cat, hell scratch you.Unit 7Lesson 1Reading skills: skimming.Introduce this new king of reading

27、skills- skimmingDo some exercises according to this new kind of reading skills.First: Read the text A, then answer some questions about the text.Second: try to translate the sentences.Third: notes on the text1. 1. a future: the future:2. 2. via:3. 3. I took a long time to mend the bike.The bike took

28、 a long time to mend.4. 4. aloud, loud, loudlyLesson 2Word study:Via, a report, a bulletin, an article, a review, distribute, convenient, a minor, a viewer, portable, room, spaceUnit 8Lesson 1Reading skills: scanningExplain the new reading skills-scanning: it is not to read quickly to get the main i

29、deas, but to go through a text to find a particular piece of information.Do some exercises on the text.1. 1. Translate some sentences.2. 2. Answer some questions about the new reading skills.3. 3. Give a short article, then use this reading skills to find some information.Lesson 2Read the text A the silver screen and answer some questions about the text.1. 1. What two problems were there in adding sound to films?2. 2.

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