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1、牛津英语假期作业4B牛津英语假期作业课题Module1 Using my five sensesUnit1 Look!日期必会单词thick thin paint brush crayons听写: 必会句型1. Look! Those crayons are thin. Those crayons are old.2. What have you got , Ben? Ive got these crayons. Theyre thick.背写:随课练习一、写出下列反义词thin-_ short-_ old-_long-_ big-_ fat-_ hard-_hot-_ rough-_ sha

2、rp-_二、用am 、is 、are填空1. The flower _ red.2. The flowers _red. 3. There _ a crayon.4. Miss Li and Lily _ swimming. 5. They _ on the mountain.三. 单项选择6. Whose pens are _?A、these B、this C、that 7. Theyre _ crayons.A、Betty B、Bettys C、Bettys8. I am _ .A、write B、wrting C、wrteing 四、写出下列单词的ing形式 play-_ write-_

3、 run-_ talk-_ dance-_ swim-_ Sing-_ do-_ read-_完成情况4B牛津英语假期作业课题Module1 Using my five sensesUnit2 what can you hear?日期必会单词piano recorder violin guitar triangle drum听写:必会句型1.Can you hear a noise? Is it your violin? No, it isnt my violin.2. Whose guitar is it? Its Eddies.背写:随课练习一、 选择正确的答案,将序号填在题前括号内。(

4、)1. The mouse is _. A. run B. running C. runing( )2. What can you _? A. play B. plays C. playing( )3. Kitty _ some water. A. want B. wants C. have( )4.Is it _ recorder? A. you B. your C. yours二、写出下列方位词1. 上面 _ 2 .下面 _3. 里面 _ 4. 旁边 _ 5. 后面 _ 6. 顶端 _三、左右连线1. What are they doing? A. Yes, it is. 2. What

5、have you got? B. Here you are.3. Is it his guitar ? C. Theyre playing.4. Can I have some juice? D. Weve got some water.完成情况4B牛津英语假期作业课题Module1 Using my five sensesUnit3 What can you feel?日期必会单词donkey tail blunt sharp 听写:必会句型1.This is a donkey. This is its tail.2.Can you see? -No, I cant.背写:随课练习一、填空1

6、.-Show two _ . A. card B. cards C.cardes2.-This is _ donkey. A. a B. an C. some3.Put the tail _donkey.A、in B、on C、in 12. Ketty _some rubbers.A、likes B、like C、liking 13.What _ they doing?A、am B、is C、are 14. Ben _ got some water.A、had B、has C、have 15. Whose balloon _ this?A、am B、is C、are 完成情况4B牛津英语假期作

7、业课题Module1 Using my five sensesUnit1 What can you smell and taste?日期必会单词biscuit orange pear pineapple banana听写:必会句型It is small. It is rough. It is yellow. Smell it. Its nice. 背写:随课练习一、 单项选择1. It is _ umbrella.A. a B. an C. some2. A fox is looking _ the grapesA. on B. at C. in3.Those balls _ blue.A.

8、are B. am C.is4. I do my homework _ the afternoon. A. at B. in C. on5. The cat chases some _.A. duck B. chick C. pigs6. He is blind. He cannot _. A. see B. hear C. smell二、根据表格填空get upgo to schoolcome homewatch televisiongo to bed6:307:305:007:009:30I am a boy. My name is Ben. I get up at half past s

9、ix in the morning. I go to school at_. I _at fiveoclock.I _I _.完成情况4B牛津英语假期作业课题Module2 My favourite thingsUnit1 My pet.日期必会单词pet colour its giraffe brown name how manychild children听写:必会句型1.Have you got a pet , Petter? -Yes. Ive got a dog.2.What colour is it? Its brown.3.Whats its name? Its names To

10、m.背写:随课练习一. 选出不同类单词( ) 1.A. shoes B. bag C. shirt( ) 2.A.ruler B. crayon C. dress( ) 3.A. bottle B. juice C. water( ) 4.A. milk B. ruler C. crayon( ) 5.A.white B. purple C. table二、 写出下列单词的复数形式 desk-_ orange-_ brush-_ rubber-_ book-_ box-_child-_ chair-_ crayon-_leaf-_ hole-_ lion-_watch-_ clock-_ mo

11、nkey-_pig-_ tree-_ cloud-_完成情况4B牛津英语假期作业课题Module2 My favourite thingsUnit3 My toys日期必会单词bear doll mask robot soldiers boat caraeroplane puzzle听写:必会句型1.How many bears are there?-There are twenty-five.2.How many puzzles are there?-There is one.3.How much is it? Its thirty-six.背写:随课练习一、 写出下列数字11-_ 12-_

12、 13-_ 15-_20-_ 30-_ 50-_ 80-_91-_ 47-_ 63-_ 75-_三、 对话配对( )1. Do you like chickens ? ( )2. What do you have ? ( )3. How much are the masks ? ( )4. Here are some books . ( )5. Is there a kite in the sky ? ( )6. How many students are there in the class ? ( )7. What can you do ? ( )8. Wheres the mouse?

13、( )9. Whats under the bed? ( )10. Can you ride a bike?A. Its in the cats mouth.B. Eight yuan , please.C. No , we dont.D. There are forty.E. Theres a ball.F. Yes, I can.G. We have some flowers.H. No, there isnt.I. Thank you.J. I can dance.完成情况4B牛津英语假期作业课题Module2 My favourite thingsUnit3 A busy family

14、.日期必会单词uncle aunt cousin singer pilot student听写:必会句型1、This is my aunt. Her name is Susan.Shes a singer. She can sing.2、This is my uncle. His names Tony. Hes a student. He can draw.背写:随课练习一、 写出下列ing短语看电视-_ 洗盘子-_读书-_ 做她的作业-_写一封信-_ 洗她的脸-_弹钢琴-_ 开汽车-_开飞机-_ 骑马-_二、假设现在是晚上9点,回答下列问题1、What are you doing? _2、W

15、hat is your mother doing ? _3、What is your father doing? _4、What is your pet doing?(选做) _完成情况4B牛津英语假期作业课题Module3 Things around us.Unit1 Colours and places日期必会单词Leaf leaves evening sailing his boatLizard rock beach shine sea collecting shells听写:必会句型We are at the beach.Im swimming in the sea.Janes col

16、lecting shells on the beach.Dads sailing his boat.背写:随课练习一、读课文,回答下列问题(答出关键词即可)1、 Where are the Tans?_2、 Who is swimming?_3、 What is Mr Tan doing?_4、 What colour is the sun? _5、 Is the sun shining? _2、根据本单元内容判断正误1、 The cat is chasing the bird. ( )2、 The leaves are brown and yellow. ( )3、 The sun is y

17、ellow in the evening. ( )4、 Mums sitting under an umbrella. ( )5、 The bench is between the table and the tree. ( )完成情况4B牛津英语假期作业课题Module3 Things around us.Unit2 Listen!日期必会单词Half past time oclock get up late听写:必会句型1. What time is it? Its five oclock. Its half past two. 背写:随课练习一、 写出下列时间1:00 Its _ ocl

18、ock.3:00 _11:00 _4:30 Its half past _6:30 _2:30 _ 6:15 Its a _ past _8:15 _10:15 _三、附加题What time is it?5:45 _12:45 _9:45 _2:41 _12:02 _9:17_10:59 _完成情况4B牛津英语假期作业课题Module3 Things around us.Unit3 Weather日期必会单词抄写:1-12月,星期,天气的单词_听写:必会句型I have a brother. I live in Shanghai.The weather in Shanghai is nice

19、. In spring it is sunny, rainy, warm and wet. 背写:随课练习一、选择1. We are _.A、run B、runing C、running 2. The cat _ for the rat now.A、wait B、is waiting C、are wait3.What _ you doing? B. are C. is 4.What are you doing? I am _ a B. reading C. reads二、填空1.It _(have) long legs and long _(arm)2.It _( live) in the jungle.3.It can climb _(inat) the top _(onof)the tree.4.He can _ (playplays) the piano.5.Kitty is _(watchwatching) the television.6.Some _(monkey) live _ (underin)the jungle.三、写出下列单词的形容词形式eg. cloudcloudyRain-_ sun-_ wind-_完成情况

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