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1、九年级第二次自主学习调研英语试题考试时间:90分钟;试卷总分:90分。I 单项选择题(15题,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1. Tiger Watch, _one-hour documentary, won _award for its amazing photography. A. a; an B. the; a C. an; an D. an; the2.1n the United States, 27% of the people_ the age of 18 and 34 live with their parents. A. between

2、 B. at C. from D. on3. Susan_ her friends invitation to a party because she had to look after her little sister. A. received B. refused C. replied D. returned4. Lincoln came from nothing, yet he did_ that changed the world. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything5. - Excuse me, can I have

3、a talk with Mr. Miller this afternoon? -A moment, please. Let me check_. A. if Mr. Miller will be free B. when will Mr. Miller have time C. if Mr. Miller had a meeting D. when does Mr. Miller come back6. - Steve, _ do you play basketball after school? - Twice a week. It can keep me healthy. A. how f

4、ar B. how soon C. how long D. how often7. - Is _here? - No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave. A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody8. - Wow! You are cool! -I_ wear my school uniform, but its washed and wet. A. should B. can C. may D. will9. In a traditional Chinese wedding, the newly married

5、 couple are usually _in red. A. worn B. had C. dressed D. put10.1f this football match can be covered_, we will know the results in time on TV. A. alive B. live C. lively D. living11. He could hardly work alone, _? A. could he B. couldnt he C. didnt he D. did he12. The crying boy had rushed out of t

6、he classroom_ the teacher could stop him. A. before B. until C. after D. when13. Scientists from different countries are trying to_ a good way to solve the energy problem. A. keep up with B. come up with C. catch up with D. meet up with14. With a record of more than 90 goals in 2012, Messi is consid

7、ered as the_ football player in the world. A. successfully B. successful C. most successfully D. most successful15. - Why not get our son a Giant bike for his birthday? -_ Thats too expensive. A. Good idea! B.I agree with you. C. No way! D. Not at all.II 完形填空题(10题,满分10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C

8、、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Hi, Mommy, what are you doing? asked Susie. Im making a cake for Mrs. Smith next door, said her mother. Why? asked Susie, who was only six years old. Because Mrs. Smith is very sad; she 16 her daughter and she has a broken heart. We need to take care of her for a little while. Why, Mo

9、mmy? You see, Susie, when someone is very, very sad, they have trouble 17 the little things like making dinner. Because were part of a community and Mrs. Smith is our neighbor, we need to do some things to help her. Mrs. Smith wont ever be able to talk with her daughter or hug her or do all those 18

10、 things moms and daughters do together. You are a very smart girl, Susie, maybe youll think of some way to help take care of Mrs. Smith.” Susie thought 19 about it and how she could do her part in caring for Mrs. Smith. A few minutes later, Susie knocked on her door. After a few moments Mrs. Smith a

11、nswered the knock with a Hi, Susie. Susie noticed that Mrs. Smith didnt have that 20 musical quality about her voice when she greeted someone. My mommy says that you lost your daughter and youre very, very sad with a broken heart.” Susie held her hand out shyly. In it was a Band - Aid(创可贴)“This is 2

12、1 your broken heart. Mrs. Smith 22 her tears. She knelt down and hugged Susie, saying Thank you, darling girl, this will 23 a lot. Mrs. Smith accepted Susies act of 24 and took it one step further. She bought a small key ring with a picture frame(相框).She put Susies Band - Aid in the frame to 25 hers

13、elf to heal (治疗)a little every time she saw it16. A. killed B. beat C. lost D. missed17. A. to make B. to do C. making D. doing18. A. wonderful B. terrible C. bad D. harmful19. A. highly B. hardly C. seriously D. poorly20. A. familiar B. surprising C. strange D. ordinary21. A. of B. for C. in D. bey

14、ond22. A. went back B. put back C. kept back D. held back23. A. make B. have C. help D. give24. A. kindness B. words C. idea D. medicine25. A. warn B. forgive C. remind D. makeIII 阅读理解题(15题,满分15分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。2019-2020年九年级第二次自主学习调研英语试题 If you want to become a fluent(

15、流利的)English speaker you should take some advice: There are four skills in learning English. They are reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The most important thing you must remember is that if you want to improve your speaking and writing skills you should first master the skills of reading and listening. Read as much as you can. But your reading must be active. It means that you mus

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