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1、英文信篇英文推荐信(8篇)英文推荐信(8篇)更多资讯请继续关注信栏目!英文信In apait as Professor of Mathematis at Fudan Universit I m riting to remend Mr. Wang Gesintosour PhD program in Computer Siene. I have knon Mr. Wang sine his sophomore ear of ollege and have ated as his thesis advisor and mentor. In m experiene he is a gifted an

2、d diligent student and an admirabl hard orker.Wang is an impressive student beause he has been fored to overe the signifiant hallenge of a serious illness during his freshman ear. When I first met Wang in m Disrete Math lass he did not appear to be anthing speial to me. While his exam sores ere good

3、 the ere not as high as I ould no expet of him. What I didn t kno then as that due to his illness Wang as attempting to take all of the diffiult earl mathematis ourses at one time inluding Disrete Mathematis Advaned Mathematis Linear Algebra and Possibilities. While most students found preparing for

4、 just one set of these exams diffiult Wang as overhelmed b four of them. But in the end he ahieved an impressive sore on the final exam hih made me onsious of his unusual determination he demonstrates hen onfronting diffiult hallenges.Mr. Wang and I have often talked about a variet of mathematis and

5、 puter siene onepts and problems. During these disussions I alas found him to be delightfull intelligent. Not onl does he quikl understand the onepts and problems presented to him he is able to analze these problems and present solutions. But perhaps most important is that Wang s thinking is intense

6、l rigorous. When looking at an question he arefull srutinizes it and if he finds an unertain issues he lears them up immediatel. I believe this kind of thought is essential to bee an exellent puter programmer.Serving as his thesis advisor I had a first-hand opportunit to observe the a in hih Wang s

7、mind orks. In his senor thesis Mr. Wang mainl disussed to hallenging questions in regards to ANN . In our books in China knoledge of ANN and its uses are ver rare. Fe people in China have studied this topi and onsequentl the materials that are available on ANN are limited. Working on this diffiult p

8、rojet not onl did Mr. Wang rise to the hallenge but he ent above and beond the all of dut to analze his seondar soures and test them for aura in pratie. In this a he found mistakes in the book that e use. His diligene and hard ork made me extremel proud of him.Mr. Wang is an intelligent motivated an

9、d industrious individual. Teahing and advising him has been a delightful pleasure. I kno that if given the hane to stud abroad in Ameria he ill arm himself to bee a great programmer he dreams of being. He has the intelligene and bakground to ahieve these goals - no all he needs is the opportunit. I

10、ask that ou look upon his appliation favorabl and grant him a hane to stud in our universit.英文信At the request of Mr. Xizhen Chen, m former student in the Department of Computer Siene, Beijing Univ. of Sienes, I am glad to rite this letter furnishing m evaluation ofhis XXdemi aptitude for our referen

11、e. Mr. Chen is interested in our graduate program in Computer ame to kno him in September87 hen Mr. Chen enrolled in m lass on FORTRAN IV Programming, a three semesters the lass he as one of the most outstanding students. At the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, hih should be A aording to

12、 our grading sstem. I also ound him good at other the lass, he had personal talks ith me several times. He indiated a great interest in puter hardare, In m opinion, Mr. Chen has a potential in Computer Siene, hih an be further vie of his previous ahievement s in this College, I am firml onvined that

13、 Mr. Chen ill make a suessful graduate student. Your favorable onsideration of his admission ill be highl appreiated.英文信It gives me a great pleasure to remend Mr. Cheng as a transfer to the Shool of Business Administration of our Universit in the summer quarter of8 XXdemi ear80-1984, he as a student

14、 in our Department, World College of Journalism. I found him ver diligent and intelligent. He often partiipated in extraurriular ativities ontributing a great deal to munit affairs. Though Mr. Cheng graduated from this ollege 5 ears ago, he keeps, ontat ith me ver often. Worth of mention also is his

15、 personalit, honest, reliable, responsible and mature. I strongl remend this promising oung man and our favorable onsideration and assistane to him ill be ver muh appreiated.英文信I am pleased to rite this letter for m former student Miss Nan Li, ho graduated from this College ith an . degree in June7

16、Li as admitted to the Department of La of this College in74 through highl petitive entrane examination hih is onduted annuall and is open to the hole nation. Even in suh a seletive group. Miss Li made herself distinguished. As professor and dean of the College, I have aess to her reords of XXdemi or

17、k and moral ondut, In her fourth ear stud, I instruted her in Anglo-Amerian Las on Trespass. So I have knon her quite ell. Miss Li s performane, like that in man other ourses she taken, as exellent ith a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the seond semester. In our universit and

18、 in other universit here, 80 is onsidered A , the highest level. As far as I kno, Miss Li ishes to ontinue her stud in La for an advaned degree. I am sure she has had suffiient prerequisite knoledge for the subjet and ertainl has the abilit to undertake the st ud. I remend Miss Li ithout reservation

19、 and shall appreiate our favorable onsideration of her appliation英文信Dear SirMadam:In the apait of the former dean of Dalian Management Shool of Dalian Universit of Tehnolog, I am riting ith pleasure to remend Mr. Cai to our esteemed universit.I got to kno him personall hen he as taking the ourse-Met

20、hodolog of Management Researh , a ourse I taught, onerning basi researh methods, espeiall quantitative approah to management researh. Then he took one of m other ourses-Advaned Strategi Management. Mr. Caleb shoed great aptitude on both ourses and he got 78 on both, hih seem a bit loer, but if ou ta

21、ke the diffiult of the test papers and m strit grading into aount, ou ill understand h suh sores are still among the top five. Undoubtedl, he got exellent sores on other ourses and ranked among the top 5% of his lass after the first ear of graduate stud.To m knoledge, Mr. Cai is not onl strong in XX

22、demis, but also in sports and soial ativities. He as the aptain of the soer team of graduateshool of DUT and led the team to pla in the soer league of our universit for to suessive ears. He as also one of the main founders of the first XXdemi lub- Management Forum of the Dalian Management Shool of D

23、UT.After I left DUT, he still keeps in touh ith me from time to time and I am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding apabilit in both researh and teahing position. Therefore I feel ver delighted hen he told me he ould like to pursue his advaned studies in our honored program. I am onfident th

24、at Mr. Caib ill ontribute greatl to our program as ell as he did in the DUT. Please don t hesitate to ontat me if ou need more information.Trul, ours XXX英文信Dear Admission Committee:Miss Pan Bei requested a letter of remendation from me to support her appliation for graduate program at our universit.

25、 As her teaher, I am pleased to pl ith her request.I first got to kno Miss Pan hen she enrolled at universit and I as the assistant diretor of her lass at that time. Being a professor for several ears, I notied that due to the lak of self-learning abilit, it is reall hallenging for students, even th

26、ose performing exellent in senior shool, to keep up ith the ollege speed. Hoever, as a diligent girl ithout an solid bakground in Computer Siene before ollege, she adapted quikl to the espeiall petitive environment in our department. At the end of the first ear, she earned the 5th rank in her lass,

27、hile ranking 1st among the girls. I as fairl impressed b her self-learning tehnique and exeptional efforts. Hene, I believe, goal-oriented, not afraid of inhoateness and ith persistene, she has the qualit to make ahievements.What distinguished her among her lassmates, I think, as that she ent far be

28、ond aquiring exellent sores in the exams and instead got her range of knoledge enlarged. In spring, 201X, Miss Pan took the ourse I taught named Algebrai Strutures and Combinatorial Mathematis . This inquisitive and assiduous oung oman as sometimes the last to leave after m lass, raising novel quest

29、ions related to the subjet. I found that she understood the knoledge in depth and detail. Furthermore, I still remember during the spring voation in Ma, due to the break-don of m mail box, I missed her mails to disussing some questions. But the folloing eek during the ourse time, she asked me diretl

30、. Her zeal for knoledge and the spirit to explore ansers reall leave me a deep impression. Finall, she as among the fe students ho got almost full marks in ever test in lass hih shoed her exeeding grasp of ever hapter. Thus, I gave her 98100 for the exellent performane in m ourse.In summar, I have e

31、ver reason to believe that Miss. Pan ill make outstanding performane at our universit as a graduate. I ould appreiate greatl if ou give her a favorable onsideration. Please feel free to ontat me diretl if more assistane is needed. Faithfull ours,Wanling Qu, ProfessorDepartment of Computer Siene and

32、tehnolog Peking UniversitEmail: 英文信Dear SirMadam:As a teaher at xxxx shool, I am riting to provide ou a remendation for so as to help ou assess herhis appliation for aeptane into our program and onsideration for finanial aid.Considered a promising student ith originalit and sophistiation in herhis t

33、hinking, . From analzing user s requirements to designing the hole sstem, from the detailed designing to the final programming, she as ver level-headed and full of innovation ever step of the a. Taking full advantage of her abilit and reativit, she firml foused herself on her objetive and gnored all distrations. She suessfu

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