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1、土石方工程施工合同中英文土石方工程施工合同(中英文)CONTRACT OF EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION 本合同系中译英,翻译:张云军Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune.日 期: 年 月 日 The date of 甲 方: Party A乙 方: Party B甲方委托乙方负责完成土石方工程(包括挖土、填土、石方爆破凿除、外运)。就施工中的有关事项,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议。Party A hereby commissioned party B responsible for completio

2、n and accomplishment of earthwork including excavation, filling, chiseled rock blasting and conveying out. Parties hereto, through amicable negotiations, reach the agreement on the respected items of construction as follows:第一条 工程范围 Article One Project Scope以甲方提供的地勘资料、原始地形地貌自然地面标高图以及场内地面的设计标高施工图(设计标

3、高是指总平面图室外地面设计标高)为依据,完成地面设计标高以上的挖运土方(石方爆破凿除)及地面设计标高以下回填夯实土方。Party B should complete the earthwork excavation and transport out include rock blast chiseling and earth backfill compaction under the around elevation by design on the basis of data which provided by party A , on the geological survey, the

4、 original natural ground elevation topography maps and the ground floor elevation design construction plans (design elevation refers to the total outdoor floor plan design elevation).第二条 施工内容 Article Second Construction Contents一、地表青苗、杂物及垃圾(迁坟)等清运红线外,挖土(或石方爆破凿除)、边坡修整(如果需要)、装卸、运输。乙方自我合理确定红线内土方平衡调配施工方

5、案,高挖低填、分层摊土(含人工摊土)、分层碾压(或夯实)平整,余土和爆破后的石头(块)或石渣外运至红线外弃土石堆放点。Removal of seeding, debris and garbage, graves migration, excavation (or chiseled rock blasting), slope trimming , if required, load and unload, transportation, Party B at its sole option determine the construction program of earth balance w

6、ithin the red line, to deploy high-digging low fill, layered soil booth (include manpower soil), leveling by the layered grinding (or tamp), remained soil and stones (block) after blasting or gravel conveyed to discarded stone pile outside the red line point.二、做好工作区内所需的临时道路的修理、维护(包括铺防滑、防陷材料)。做好场内土石方

7、施工期间排水。Do the repair and maintenance of temporary road within the work zone include laying the material for anti-slip and anti-pit trapping, as well as drainage during construction within work zone.Article price, total price, settlement第三条 单价、总价、结算 Article Three Unit Price, Total Price and Settlemen

8、t 一、综合包干单价:Lump sum price1、挖(爆破)土石方(含红线内运输回填压实): 元立方米The price of digging ( blasting) earthwork including transportation and backfill compaction within red line: Yuan / Cubic Meter. 2、剩余土石方(挖或爆破)外运红线外: 元立方米The price of transportation of remain earth (digging or blasting) beyond red line : Yuan / Cub

9、ic Meter.综合包干单价不分土壤(淤泥)及岩石类别,不分含水率(干湿程度),不论挖填土和石方爆破凿除深度(高度)、 不分运距,以及现场地表地下的实际情况,均按第二条施工内容,包括但不限于人工费、机械费、材料费、管理费、利润、规费、水电费、税金以及有关部门收取的 渣土垃圾处理费等,并已充分考虑了必要的施工费用增加及所有不可预见费用(含风险包干费)在内,综合单价一次包干,结算时不作调整。The unit price of comprehensive lump sum shall, regardless of the category of soil/silt, moisture (in wh

10、ich wet and dry degree), regardless of depth / height of digging or filling chiseled, regardless of transport distance and actual situation on and under ground at site, be subject to the stipulations of Article Second thereby any and all fees including labor, machinery , material, management, profit

11、s, miscellaneous, water / electricity, taxes, and fees of garbage / waste disposal charged by authority. The lump sum, including all costs and fees and has been taken full consideration of necessary increase for construction and all unforeseen costs, shall not be made any adjustment.二、合同总价:Lump Sum

12、of Contract 计算程式:土石方总量综合包干单价Calculation: gross earthwork lump sum price工程量计算原则:根据甲方提供的原地形地貌标高图和施工后的设计标高图计算挖(爆破)土石方量。计价时只有挖(爆破)及红线范围内土石方平衡后剩余外运土石方量才计算工程量,回填土石方已经在包干单价里已综合考虑,不再不计算工程量。Principle of calculation of engineering sum shall be pursuant to the original elevation topography maps and elevation a

13、fter construction design diagram by which to calculate the earth amount of digging (blasting). Respect to price calculation only digging (blasting) and out-transportation of remain earthwork after balance within red line shall be calculated into engineering sum. Earth backfill has been taken into ac

14、count in the lump sum price so shall not be calculated again.三、结算 Settlementl、结算总价原则上不变,只有下列情况存在时才可以调整。The total price of contract is unchanging in principle, only except following circumstances, may be adjusted: A、当设计标高发生变更。 Where the design elevation having been alteration or amendment. B、土石方运出红线外

15、。Translation of earthwork to beyond red line.C、甲方提供的原地形地貌标高图,乙方进场施工时甲乙双方和勘测单位联合重新测量核对标高确实存在差距的。Actual existence of diversity and difference being found between the original terrain elevation chart provided by party A and the elevation of united re-measurement by parties hereto jointing surveying com

16、pany at the time of party Bs entering for construction.D、乙方不全面履行合同。 Party Bs failure of full performance of contract. 2、如果因工程设计变更(标高发生变化)或剩余土石方运出红线外产生的费用按天然实方体积乘以综合包干单价,即得合同调整价。Any and all costs which occurred arising out of alteration or modification of engineering design (elevation changes) or tra

17、nsportation of earthwork beyond red line shall be calculated by the means of multiplying the actual volume by lump sum, viz. the calculation thereby is equal to the adjusted price of contract.3、竣工验收合格后,乙方编制结算书报甲方审核。Party B should, after final acceptance, make preparation of Settlement Report for par

18、ty As audit and check.4、投标和签订合同前,乙方已认真详细地踏勘了施工现场,投标时也充分考虑了各种费用及风险。因此不论现场实际情况如何,均不应签证增加工程费用或调整综合包干单价。Party B, prior to bidding and signature of contract, has been make careful and detail reconnaissance of the construction site in addition to take full consideration of all costs and risks thereof, acc

19、ordingly none of any added construction cost or adjustment of lump price shall be signed or agreed.5、结算时提交竣工结算调查审批表。To submit the Statement of Survey / Approve for Completion Settlement.第四条 工期、质量 Article Four Project Term and Quality一、日历工期总天数: 天。开工时间以甲方通知为准。The total calendar days of project term :

20、days. The date of commencement shall subject to the Party As notice.二、挖土质量和石方爆破凿除要求The requirement of excavation and rock blasting chiseling.l、控制挖土和石方爆破凿除标高,尽量避免设计标高以下的土或岩石受到扰动。To control the elevation of excavation and rock blasting chiseling and use its reasonable efforts to avoid the disturbance

21、of soil and rock bellow the designed elevation.2、异常地段应采取可靠的措施,确保边坡不塌方。Taking reliable measurement in the abnormal area for ensuring no collapse of slope.3、清底平整后的地面应满足设计标高要求。The ground after leveling off should be satisfaction of designed level requirement.4、挖土和石方爆破凿除后的的边坡应确保平整,否则由此增加的边坡修整等处理的费用由乙方承担

22、。The slope after making excavation and rock blasting chiseling should ensure smooth and level off, otherwise, added cost for slope trimming shall be born by party B.三、填土质量要求 Quality Requirement of Filling1、填土密实度应达到90以上。每层应按规定进行密实度检验。密实度没有达到90的应补夯碾压,达到要求后才能进行上一层回填。Filling density should reach more th

23、an 90%. The test of density of each level should be carried out. Provided that if failure of density reaching 90%, should be re-tamped and grinding to reach the requirement before backfilling.2、填土之前,将洼坑内的杂物、淤泥清理干净,不得有积水。All debris, silt in the hollow pit should be cleared and moved, without water, b

24、efore felling. 3、以粘性土为填料,碎石、草根、树木含量不大于8。If, with clay as filler among which the content of gravel, grass, trees should be less than 8 %.4、人工蛙式夯实每层20-30CM,夯3-4遍。机械碾压每层30-50CM,夯6-8遍。Each level of 20-30CM filling should be tamped by artificial breaststroke compaction for 3-4 times in addition to each l

25、evel of 30-50CM filling should be tamped by machine compaction for 6-8 times.四、其他技术要求按土方与爆破工程施工及验收规范GBJ201-83执行。The executions of other technical requirement shall subject to EARTH AND BLASTING CONSTRUCTION AND ACCEPTANCE NORMS (GBJ201-83).第五条 工程款支付 Article Five Payment for Project 1、甲方不支付工程预付款。No a

26、dvance payment for project by party A.2、完成至总工程量的20时支付合同总价的15。!5% of total price of project shall be paid by party A for party Bs accomplishment of 20% amount of total project.3、完成至总工程量的50时支付至合同总价的40。40% of total price of project shall be paid by party A for party Bs accomplishment of 50% amount of t

27、otal project.4、完成至总工程量的80时支付至合同总价的60。60% of total price of project shall be paid by party A for party Bs accomplishment of 80% amount of total project.5、工程全部完工后,支付至合同总价的80。80% of total price of project shall be paid by party A for party Bs accomplishment of total project.6、验收合格后,双方办理结算手续,结算价确定后,在壹个月

28、内付清工程款至95,余下工程款5的质量保证金壹年内付清。Parties hereto shall, after acceptance of project, conduct settlement procedures and decide and confirm the settlement price for which shall be paid 95%, however, remain 5 % of quality guarantee shall be fully paid off within one year thereafter.第六条 双方的责任、义务 Article Six R

29、esponsibility and Obligation 一、甲方的责任、义务Responsibility and Obligation of Party A1、向乙方提供地下管线、临近构筑物等地下情况资料。Shall make available to party B with data and information of underground pipelines and other structures close to the project site.2、进行技术交底,提供施工图,指定水源、电源接驳点。Making technical clarification, provide

30、construction plans and drawing, appoint water source and power connection point.3、负责与设计单位及其它单位进行联系,协调有关事宜。Responsible for taking connection with the design unit and other concerned units on related matters.4、提供测量的地形地貌、自然地面标高图以及地面的设计标高施工图。Shall make available to party B with the elevation maps of top

31、ography and natural ground, as well as the construction plans of designed elevation.5、对施工进度及质量进行监督检查。Making supervision and inspection of construction progress and quality. 二、乙方的责任和义务 Party As Responsibility and Obligation1、编制施工组织设计、土方平衡调配施工及现场排水组织方案,报甲方审核。Preparation of the scheme on construction d

32、esign, earthwork balance and site drainage shall be submitted party A for exam and check.2、乙方负责办理爆破等必要的施工手续,严格按国家规定的爆破安全技术操作规程作业。Party B shall be responsible for necessary procedure concerning blasting operation and conduct operations in strict abide by RULE OF BLASTING SAFETY TECHNICAL OPERATION stipulated by State.

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