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1、度PEP小学英语六年级下册期末试题及答案20142015年度小学英语六年级下册期末听力部分(40%)一、 听录音,选择你听到的单词、短语或它们的汉语意思。(5) ( ) 1. A. younger B. stronger C. longer D. thinner ( ) 2. A.牙疼 B. 头疼 C. 喉咙疼 D. 感冒 ( ) 3. A. skiing B. skating C. sick D. swimming ( ) 4. A. 生气的 B. 兴奋的 C.疲劳的 D. 无聊的 ( ) 5. A. eat B. ate C. get D. feet二、听音选择与录音相符的图片(5):1

2、、( ) 2、( )A、 B 、A、B、 3、( ) 4、( )A、B、 A、B、 5、( )A、B、 三、听录音,根据录音将下面各图片的顺序重新排列,并将序号填在各图片下的括号里。(5) ()()()()()四、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在题前的括号内打“”,错的打“”。(5)( ) 1.Sarah, Mike and Amy are cousins.( ) 2.Mike took pictures on his holiday.( ) 3.Sarah is 10 cm shorter than Mike.( ) 4.Sarah likes climbing.( ) 5.A

3、my is from America.五、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。(5)( )1. A. Im 40kg. B. Im 154cm. C. Im 12.( )2. A. Shes fine. B. He has a cold. C. He feels happy.( )3. A. I cleaned the room. B. I clean the room. C. I am cleaning the room.( )4. A. Im going to Hong Kong. B. Im going there by plane.C. Im going to

4、 buy a book.( )5.A.I went to Hainan. B.I will go to Hainan. C. I want to go to Hainan. 六、听录音,填空。(5)1 . Amy is taller and _ than Sarah . 2 . John is sick. His throat is _ . 3 . Zhang Peng _ English book at home last weekend. 4 . Did you _ the room last weekend? 5 . He _ _on his holiday. .七、听录音,找出所听到的

5、句子的汉语意思(5)( )1. A.我的胳膊比你的长 B.我的腿比你的长 C.我的胳膊比你的短。 ( )2. A.如果你病了不用急着去看医生 B.如果你病了就要去看医生。 C.如果病了就吃点药。( )3.A. 妈妈打算给我买条新裙子我很高兴。 B.妈妈不打算给我买裙子 C.妈妈给我了买条裙子我很高兴( )4.A.在上午吴一帆打扫了他的房间,踢了足球 B.在下午吴一帆打扫了房间洗了他的衣服。 C.下午,吴一帆将要洗衣服打扫房间,( )5.A.在星期三,我们打算去唱歌吃美食。 B.在星期三,我们唱歌拍照去了去了。 C.在星期三,我们唱歌跳舞去了。八、听录音补全对话。(5)Liuyun: Wuyif

6、an ,You look so happy today !Wuyifan : Yes ,I have a good time on my holiday.Liuyun: _on your holiday ?Wuyifan : I went to HeilongjiangLiuyun: _there?Wuyifan : I went by train.Liuyun: What did you do there ?Wuyifan: I _ and _.Liuyun: _Liuyun: I go with my parents.Wuyifan: It seams very nice.笔试部分 (60

7、%)九.选出读音不同的一项。(5)( )1. A pain B baby C tail D banana( )2. A coat B know C boat D look( )3. A pear B hair C chair D ear( )4. A work B actor C mirror D doctor( )5. A minute B hungry C must D thus十、按要求改写下列单词:(5)1 heavy_(比较级) 2. big_(比较级) 3 have_(第三人称单数)4. bought_(原形)5.、is_(过去式)十一、Read and choose.(读一读,选

8、择正确答案)(5)( )1.-Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. -How tall is Ted? A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm ( )2、My throat _ sore, my nose _.A. is, hurt B. are, hurts C. is hurts( )3.-_did you go on your holiday? -Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How ( )4. We _ books last night. A. read B. reads C . r

9、eaded ( )5、Did you went swimming last weekend?A Yes ,I didnt B No ,I didnt C No ,I did 十二、根据句意,用单词的适当形式填空 :(5)1. He is _(young) and stronger than me .2. I _(buy ) presents on my holiday .3. What _ (do) you do last weekend ?4. She _ (see) the elephants last Monday . 5. Sarah _(feel) sad, because she

10、failed her math test.十三、根据图片所给的提示,完成句子,使对话合理、通顺。(5) 1. How did you went to Xinjiang? 2. What did you do on your holiday ? 3. What is the matter with Xao Ming ? 4. Did you read books yesterday ? 5、A:_? B: He is excited.十四、Make sentences. 连词成句(5)1、you, much, am, than, I ,stronger。_2、 matter, with ,you

11、r ,whats ,the ,sister?_3、 did, last, read, you, weekend, books_4、my, I, holiday, elephants, saw, on_5、the do you what on weekend do usually?_十五、用所给单词填空,把短文补充完整(5)I have a good friend。 Her name is Lily .I am 158cm ,she is 160 cm tall She is than me . But she is only 13 years old, and Im 14 years old

12、. She is than me . She collecting stamps . We often play together . last weekend, we hiking and _pictures .we had a good time . 十六、根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上。(5)Zip: Hey, Zoom. _?Zoom: I went to the hospital on the weekend.Zip: _?Zoom: Yes, I was sick.Zip: _?Zoom: I had a fever and my throat is sore.Zip: You should do sports and make yourself to be stronger.Zoom: You are right. _?Zip: That

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