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1、教案四年级上课 题Unit 1 My Classroom A Lets learn. Lets do.第 1 课时教学内容the new words: window, classroom, floor, light, door, board, and picture. 教学目标1 能听懂、会说:Whats in the classroom? Aboard, two lights, many desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中运用。2 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light。3 能听懂并能按照指令做

2、事情。教学重点学习Whats in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light。教学难点1 window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆,教师在教学中应及时纠正。2 在回答Whats in the classroom?时,注意单词复数的读音。教学准备1 教学课件Unit 1 Lets learn/A2 教材相配套的教学录音带3 单词卡教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Teaching steps:Step 1:Greetings the question “Whats the weather like

3、today?”Step 2: Presentation1. Present the new words.2. Choose several students who knows the answers to answer by using the words theyve just learned. asks the students to Step 3. Practice1.Group workThe teacher asks some groups to show the work.2.Practice(1)Lets do. (2)Then does the actions again .

4、 (3) Choose several pairs of students to do it like her. Step 4:. HomeworkAsk the student to remember the new words and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the American accent. Listen to the tape.The teacher asks the question : “What day is it today?”The teacher reads the words like th

5、at the classroom, the windows, the door, the floor, the board and the lights in English one by one. Then the teacher asks students to read after him.The teacher shows the cards of the words. Then the teacher points at the cardTeacher makes an example.The teacher hands the cards of the bloom, the pie

6、ce of cloth, the picture and the board-wiper to the students.Then the teacher does the actions again.The teacher says something about the verbs like open, turn, sweep, clean and put.The student answers : “Today is Monday.”The student asks:” Whats in the classroom?”The students are answering and read

7、 after her one by one.One student asks the question and the other answers.The student asks them to read after her. Then the students listen to the tape while the teacher is doing the actions.Students follow to the teacher.Listen to the tape and read after it.复习旧知,为下面的学习新知做准备。整体呈现新知识,让学生在不自来不觉中学习了新知识

8、。培养学生的理解能力。让学生在实际的情景中操练巩固所学单词和句型。让孩子们在做做唱唱中复习一节课的学习,既活跃了课堂气氛,同时为本课内容的学习做下铺垫。培养学习学习英语的语感与语调.课后作业把课堂学习延伸到课后,让学生有更多练习的空间,学有所用,给学生予学习策略的指导,让学生学会自主的学习。布置作业Ask the student to remember the new words and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the American accent. Listen to the tape.板书设计 教学后记:课 题U

9、nit 1 My Classroom A Lets talk. Lets chant.第 2 课时教学内容运用We have.这一句型, 学习用near表示方位。 教学目标1 听懂、会说并能在日常生活中运用We have.这一句型。2 听懂、会说表建议的句子Lets go and have a look. 3 能听懂、会说并能恰当使用表示方位的词near。教学重点学习句子We have a new classroom. We have 6 new lights;学习用near表示方位。教学难点学生对our 和my 的表达要比理解稍难些。our 一词的发音对学生来说读准不太容易。教学准备1 有关

10、已学过的英文单词卡。2 Amy, Mike 和Zhang Peng的面具。3 一张画有教室的大幅图片。4 自制课件教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Teaching stepsStep 1:Greeting Step 2:Revision Listen to the music and do the action开门,开灯,擦窗,擦黑板 and ask the students to say them in English.Step 3:PresentationStep 4:PracticeStep 5:Chant Step 6:HomeworkListen to the tape after

11、class and try to imitate the accent.Read the text smoothly.T Teacher says “Hello” to each other.-What day is it today? -Whats the weather like today?The teacher hands the cards and asks all the students to read them one by one as quickly as they can.The teacher shows the text sentence on the blackbo

12、ard using the computer sentence by sentence and ask who can read them.Divide them into some small groupsListen to the tape and ask the students to imitate.The students ask:-It Its Tuesday today.-Its sunny today.The students listen and do.The student who can read them to read and then choose 2 or 3 s

13、tudents to read after him. After that the teacher reads the sentences and let them follow him. Then listen to the tape and follow it.Practice in groups and then asks some of them to show the text.Practice the chant in pairs by clapping hands. After that, choose 2 groups to play this game in the fron

14、t of the classroom.组织教学,集中孩子们的注意力,让孩子们把注意力转到课堂上来。.培养了孩子们仔细观察和用英语思考的能力.还复习了上节课的内容,同时也为本课内容的学习打下牢固的基础。通过提问复习,学生熟练地掌握了本节课的句型。通过这个活动,引入了新知识 的用法.让学生理解会用。孩子们喜欢唱歌,表演,在唱唱玩玩中,巩固了本节课的重点句型,既强化了重点,又弱化了难点。布置作业Listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the accent.Read the text smoothly.板书设计 教学后记:课 题Unit 1

15、My Classroom A Read and write.第 3 课时教学内容学习书写英文字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee的大小写, 学习单词beef, doctor, bed。 教学目标1 能认读并会书写大小写Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee.能听懂、会说单词:beef, doctor, bed2 能根据单词的发音,判断单词的第一个字母和所含的元音字母。3 进一步培养学生良好的书写习惯。教学重点学习书写英文字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee的大小写, 学习单词beef, doctor, bed。教学难点大写C和D, 小写b和d易混淆; 大写B和E的笔顺教学准备1 写有大小

16、写Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd., Ee的字母卡2 单词卡3 教材相配套的教学录音带4 自制课件教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Teaching stepsStep 1:Greeting Step 2:Revision .Step 3:PresentationStep 4:Practice1. Fill in the blank2.Bingo Step 5:HomeworkLet the students to memorize the words.Recite the whole dialogue.Says Good morning! to everybody and talk someth

17、ing about the weather and the date.Let the students listen to the tape and follow it sentence by sentence.Next, ask some ones to read the text.The teacher asks the students to look at the board while he writes Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee . Then ask some ones to come to the board and write the letters to them.The

18、 teacher gives the students several letters of a word. Ask them to fill in the blanks. Do exercises about the 6 words. Then the teacher checks the answers.Let the students look at the Bingo in the book and the teacher explains it to them.Then Choose the students who do it very quickly and finally be

19、 winner.Students answer.All the students read the text together.At last, ask some questions and let them answerThe students to practice them on their exercise-books. Let students see weather there is mistake.Let the students guess what the word is. Listen to the tape and ask the students to do the s

20、tudents book.Listen to the teacher and cross it.自由对话,活跃气氛。在说说、做做中复习旧知,为本课开展做好铺垫。以过关的形式来串联整堂课,更富有整体性,目的性,同时也激发了学生的兴趣,培养他们自主学习。先示范,再小组合作,增强合作的目的性。通过看看说说,激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣的同时,也培养了孩子们仔细观察和用英语思考的能力。布置作业Let the students to memorize the words.Recite the whole dialogue.板书设计Unit 1 My classroom. A Read and writeAa

21、 Bb Cc Dd Ee教学后记:课 题Unit 1 My Classroom B Lets learn. Lets play.第 4 课时教学内容学习句型This is my classroom The wall is white. The floor is green;学习单词:computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor 教学目标1 能听懂、会说:This is my classroom. The wall is white. The floor is green.并能用This is.和表示颜色的词来描述教室中的事物。2 能听、说、认读本课主要单词

22、:computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor教学重点学习句型This is my classroom The wall is white. The floor is green;学习单词:computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor教学难点the 的发音与运用表达复数时be动词的运用教学准备1课件2教学录音带3单词卡教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Teaching steps:Step 1:Greetings Step 2:RevisionStep 3:Presentation Step 4:Practice1.Sa

23、y something.2.Group work.3.GameStep 5:HomeworkAsk the students to memorize the text and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the tape. Say ”Good morning” to the class and ask them “ How are you?” After getting the answer the teacher talk about the date and the weather.Ask one student to

24、 say the furniture in his houseReads the text first. Then ask the students to read after her sentence by sentence.writes” clean, Good idea, Good job, All right” on the blackboard. Then explain these words and expressionsMake an example.Divide the whole class into several groups.Then choose 2 or 3 Gr

25、oups to act it.Choose 1 student to come to the teachers desk. The teacher shows the pictures one by on eStudents answer.Describe its colour in his house.students are reading the text themselves.LearningLet them practice the story in groups.The students guess what the picture is. Play the game some t

26、imes.自由对话,活跃气氛。复习旧知,为本课开展做好铺垫。整体呈现新知识。先教师介绍教室再到学生介绍教室及自己理想中的教室,由易入难,引导学生用所学语言介绍教室,真正实现学以致用。以歌曲形式操练新单词及句型,既复习了旧知,又为下节课英语教学作铺垫。通过比赛形式,让学生在活动中,巩固新知识。延伸英语课堂,让学生养成课前预习、课后复习的好习惯。布置作业Ask the students to memorize the text and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the tape.板书设计 教学后记:课 题Unit 1 My

27、Classroom B Lets talk. Lets play.第 5 课时教学内容学习Lets 和Let me及其表示赞同的回答:Good idea.和All right.学习词组clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the window, clean the board. 教学目标1 能听懂、会说Lets. 和Let me.及其表示赞同的回答:Good idea.和All right.并能在日常生活中区分和正确使用这两个句子来表建议和意愿。2 能听懂、会说clean the classroom, clean the

28、desks and chairs, clean the window, clean the board.并能在日常生活中用到这些表示动作的词组。3 能听懂会用Its nice and clean和Good job!夸奖某物或某人。4 通过学习本课内容,教育学生要热爱班集体,热爱劳动。教学重点学习Lets 和Let me及其表示赞同的回答:Good idea.和All right.学习词组clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the window, clean the board.教学难点1.区分和正确使用Lets与Let

29、me2.clean在本课中具有两种含义,教师要在学生不理解时进行解释。3.单词job的发音有些难,特别是字母j的发音。教学准备1 课件2 教学录音带3 图片(图片可表示出本课所学的词组)教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Teaching steps:Step 1:Greetings Step 2:Revision Step 3:Presentation Step 4:Practice1.Listen to the tape.2.Watch the video.3.Group work.4.Acting.Step 5:HomeworkListen to the tapeRead the dialogue.Say ”Hello” to one of the students. Talk about the weather and the date.Ask one student to wipe his table with the tablecloth. Choose another student to speak the action of the first student. Then ask the monitor to Prize him ”Good job!”Teacher do the action.Ask some questio

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