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1、九年级unit1unit10词汇1. Taiwan b to China forever.2. Jack is still standing outside b of his being late.3. He r me of my maths teacher.4. The Great Wall is f in the world.5. She m the bus and went late to school.6. I am very h_. Give me some food, please.7. Its Friday today. Dont p_ off it any more.8. He

2、 is a v_ , and he often treats some animals.9. My computer is broken. He is r_ it for me. 10. His father is able. He can s_ this problem by himself.11. There is a s_ . It says“No Smoking!”.12. His grandfather is tired and wants to sit in a c _.13. I love dogs because they never _ ( 抱怨) and theyre gr

3、ateful.14. Lucy and Lily are twins, so they are s_ in many ways.15. He is my best friend. We all b_ in him.16. Alexander Graham Bell i_ the telephone in 1876.17. Do you know how to o_ on the machine?18. I can see an i_ in the middle of the lake.19. They like the fish and potato c_ in the shop.20. Th

4、e soup isnt s_. Put some salt again, please.21. Have you b_ the babys milk yet?22. He was wearing a new cap, but I didnt even n_ it.23. Salt is p_ in East and South China.24. A machine is made of m_.25. We took the pictures with the new c_ last month.26. She had her ears p_ so that she could wear ea

5、rrings.27. My mom have some rabbits, my dog always likes c_ them everywhere.28. Lu Xun is my favorite a_. I have lots of his books.29. The book b_ to Tom. It has his name on it.30.Have you seen the film c_ “Hero”?31. As the name s_, the band has lots of energy.32. This is a very_(宁静的)village , the p

6、eople are very happy.33. There are many _(猴子 )in the zoo.34, At the meeting, Li Ming c_ up with a great idea where to plant trees yesterday35,You should g_ the book back to the library when you finish reading it.36.In f_ , we have a lot of homework to do every day.37.We must p_ off the sports meetin

7、g because its raining.38,He is a v_ who treats animals39. In your spare time, what do you like for _ besides watching TV? (entertain)40. Gu Changwei is one of the top _ in China. (photograph)41. My father likes French food, while my mother prefers _ food. (Italy)42. Kevin is _ in stamp collection. (

8、interest)43. Look at these _! I took them in Paris. (photo)44. Are there many _ students in your university? (India)45. We will consider your _ later. (suggest)46. As is _ to all, the earth is round. (know)47. There will be a Chinese painting _ in the national museum next week. (exhibit)48. We had a

9、 great time with the _in this village. (fisherman)49. Dont w our time. As you know, time is money.50. We students always feel s after a long week of classes.51. As a student, we should o the school rules.52. You will s if you keep on trying.53. In America, people often r their pets as members of the

10、ir families.54The pen isnt mine, but I cant find the (own).55.I cant see the words on the blackboard.(clear)56.Beethoven was one of the most famous in the world(music).57.That girl always wears clothes that are (usually).58.Little Tom enjoys novels and story books.(read)59. When I was a child, I was

11、 in music. (interest)60. We are learning English, so we are all English . (learn)61. Our English teacher often teaches new words by showing f .62. At last, I r I was wrong.63. I will go to Chibi u it rains tomorrow.64. His s English is very poor.65. Even t I was tired, I kept working.66. The more ca

12、reful you are, the fewer m_ youll make.67. There are four p_ in my family.68. Put these books on those s_, please.69. Well a our dreams if we try our best.70. I always r_ Lin Tao as my best friend.71. A fire was c_by a careless smoker.72. Ill go to the park u_it rains.73. Just now I r_that I had lef

13、t my book at home.75. My head teacher always _ (熬夜) till 11:00 pm.76. Students shouldnt be allowed to have _ (业余的、兼职的) jobs.78. -Whose books are these? - They must _ (属于) Jims.79. _ (老实说),I didnt study hard before.80. Im afraid of exams. What about you? (take)81. The girl was about the result of the

14、 test. (excite)82. You must tell us what you would like to do. (exact)83. Sorry, my is so poor. Can you help me? (pronounce)84. The little boy is quite shy. He is of speaking in public. (terrify)85. It may take a long time to find a to the problem. (solve)86. We need a on this by next week. (decide)

15、87. How could she act ? (different)88.He thinks_(学习英语语法) is too boring.89.The best way to learn new words is by_(读英语杂志).90.Youd better_(大声朗读) to practise pronunciation.91.He said he couldnt_(记忆单词).92.They gave us many_(详细的建议).93._(看英语电影) is also a good way to learn English.94.Amy often_(做笔记) in clas

16、s.95.The students want to write_(完整的句子).96.Students in school might feel they have _(好多工作要做).97.When I was a child,I liked reading_(连环画).98.Teenagers should stop wearing_ (耳环).99.Show me your_ (执照).100.Dont make friends with that_ (愚蠢的;傻的) boy.101.What would you do if you_(有很多钱)?102. These _( teenag

17、er )like to go out at night.103. He thinks this is his _( success) lifestyle.104. He thinks young people today show that they are cool with their_( personal ).105. We would feel more _( comfort ) and that is good for studying.106. He goes to help the old man _( one ) a week.107. We are very _( sleep

18、 ) in spring.108. H cant speak in front of people. He is s_.109. Ill study hard. I dont want to let my parents d_.110. He is _(自信的)to pass the exam.111 Without my _( 允许), dont touch my things.112. I am very busy. Dont b_ me, OK?113. The population of the world i_ very fast.114. He is _(精力充沛的). He ca

19、n do everything well enough.115. Do you know the h_ of the basketball?123.He has lots of energy,and his parents are _ +_.124.It suggests me a lot.And I often get good _.125.He is an Italian,and he lives in _.126.They are fishermen,and they are _(German).127. Parents should buy some e_ programs for c

20、hildren to study.128. Do you know C_? Hes an important Chinese thinker.129. Tom often s_ the Internet on weekends.130. I like going hiking. I can always e_ new places.131. The diamond ring is really f_.132. How p_ it is in the countryside!133. My brother told me a t_ story of ghosts.134. Besides zoo

21、s, children should also visit some b_ gardens to see some plants in their spare time.135. This underground doesnt go d_.136. How many official languages are spoken in S_?137.Have you ever been to Niagara_(fall)?138.Hawaii is a_ (tourist) place.139.Every year many _(tourist) go there for their vacati

22、on.140. Do you know who the computer was i _by?141. The seat belt on a plane are a _.142. It was a big m_ to leave my umbrella at home.143. A c_ is a hundred years.144. Boys, stop t_ stones to the poor dog.145. I got up late yesterday because I o_.146. He gave me a r_ when he saw me walking alone.14

23、7. She didnt s _up at his party.148. Lucy is so e _now that she isnt going to do anything.149. Mr. Wang a _that we well have a picnic tomorrow.150. What words can you use to d _surfing?151. Only Tony didnt f_ from that house while the earthquake took place.152. His sister is going to m _a businessman next week.153. I phoned him many times but he didnt r_ even once.154. The truth will be r _ someday.

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