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高三英语Module 5Module 6外研社知识精讲.docx

1、高三英语Module 5 Module 6外研社知识精讲高三英语Module 5 Module 6外研社【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Module 5 The Great Sports Personality Module 6 Animals in Danger二. 知识点梳理Key words athlete n. athletic adj. athletics n. stadium n. train vt. training n. trainer n. perform vi. performance n. retire vi. retirement n. score n. symbol

2、n. advantage n. disadvantage n. design vt. designer n. specific adj. victory n. guarantee vt. ministry n. minister n. quality n. protest vi. lay vt. energy n. drama n. dramatically adv. declare vt. declaration n. compete vi. competitor n. competition n. danger n. endanger vt. protect vt. extinct adj

3、. extinction n. struggle n.& vi. ideal adj. spot n.vt. condition n. worth adj. worthy adj. worthwhile adj. aim n. vi. involve vt. branch n. live adjadv. wonder n. vt. focus waste vt. adj. n. Useful phrases on the increase rise to ones feet be concerned about feed on stand for set upacross the

4、worldall over the world six out of sevensix in seven even thougheven if a sense of make a choice of have an advantage over win the victory against wait for sb. to do endangered animals increase to/by on a freezing cold day shout to/at at a time/at one time/at times on the spot take an active part in

5、 get tough with in danger/in danger ofImportant sentences 1. But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport,Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. 2. But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life. 3. He decided to launch

6、 a new brand of sportswear,competing with global giants like Nike and Adidas. 4. And if you are a great sportsperson,anything is possible,as Li Nings advertising slogan says.5. Although surprised,the poachers had an advantagethere were more of them. 6. Often working at night,the poachers shoot whole

7、 herds of antelopes at a time,leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much.Grammar and usage adverbial clausesattributive clauses要点归纳(一)重点词汇1. advantage n.优势,长处归纳总结:at an advantage占优势be of advantage to对有利take advantage of乘机利用gain/win/have an advantage over胜过;优于to ones advantage对某人有利例句:He

8、 always makes full advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.他总是充分利用对手所犯的错误。He has an advantage over me in English,but I gain an advantage over him in math.他比我在英语上有优势,但是我比他在数学上有优势。His disability to speak English was of advantage to me.他不会说英语对我有利。【相关链接】 派生词:disadvantage n.不利之处,劣势 to ones disadvant

9、age对不利 put sb. at a disadvantage置某人于不利境地 例句:There are several disadvantages with students going online.学生上网有几个不利之处。His errors in the match put him at a disadvantage.他在比赛中的失误使他处在劣势。2. guarantee vt.保证、担保、允诺n.担保物,抵押物;保修单,保证书的承诺,保证归纳总结:guarantee sb.sth. against/from保证不受免遭be guaranteed to do sth.必定做某事gua

10、rantee sth. to sb.向某人保证某事 guarantee sb. against/ from loss保证某人不受损失 be under guarantee在保修期内 give sb a guarantee that.向某人保证 stand guarantee to sb.替某人担保 guarantee fund保证金例句:As a guide,you must guarantee the tourists from/against any injury.作为一个向导,你必须保证游客不受任何伤害。The shop guaranteed the device for five ye

11、ars to the customers.这个商店对这件器具质保5年。I guarantee that you will be given back all the refund at the end of term.我保证在学期末退还给你所有的款项。The TV set comes with a two-year guarantee.这台电视机有两年的保修期。 3. specific adj .(用于名词前)特定的,特有的;具体的,明确的 be specific to仅限于,只对有影响 例句:Luis Armstrong is popular all over the world for h

12、is specific singing style.路易阿姆斯特朗因为他特有的演唱风格在全世界深受欢迎。We should treat the patients according to specific circumstances.具体病人具体治疗。The disease is specific to horses.这种疾病只感染马。【相关链接】 辨析:specific和special specific强调“特定的,具体的”而special意思的重点在于“与众不同,特殊性”。 A special hospital was set to treat patients suffering a s

13、pecific disease-SARS.建了一个特殊医院治疗患一种特定疾病的病人SARS。4. score vt.(比赛、考试)得分;给打分评分vi.获胜,得奖 n. 分数;二十(单复数相同) scores of许多,大量的 例句:Michael Jordan is the only second player to score over 60 points in a game.迈克尔乔丹是在比赛中唯一得分超过60分的第二位选手。The judge scored the young singer 15the highest mark.评委为这位年轻歌手打了最高分15分。His total s

14、core is over 3000 points in the basketball season.在本篮球赛季中他的总分超过了3000分。He has won awards scores of times and he scored again with another book.他已经获奖多次了,以另一本书他又一次获了奖。There are two score of students in his class.在他班上有40个同学。【相关链接】 辨析:point,mark,grade和score point表示具体的得分和两者之间的分数差距;mark表示学习成绩或考试分数,good mar

15、k, high mark, low mark; grade强调学校的评分等级;score表示考试的分数或比赛的得分及比分。 注意:score“二十”的用法与dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion用法相同;即:与数词及表示数量的词连用用单数;与表示不确定的数目连用用复数并加介词of.【真题链接】 【例】David Beckham is famous for his hair-cuts and lifestyle as well as for _ goals.A. playing B. scoring C. making D. having 【解析】答

16、案为B本题考查词义辨析。“大卫贝克汉姆因他的发式而出名,正如他的进球得分。”score是“得分”的意思。5. declare vt.宣布,发布声明declare war on.对宣战;声称,宣称 例句:The use of certain chemicals has now been declared illegal.某些药品的使用现在被宣布为非法。The government of New South Wales declared 8000 hectares of forest(to be)a national park.新南威尔士政府宣布8000公顷森林为国家公园。“On that poi

17、nt,I can not agree with you,” he declared.“在那点上,我完全不同意你的看法,”他宣称。Jane declared that she would rather resign than change the decision.珍尼声称她宁可辞职也不改变决定。【相关链接】 派生词:declaration n.重要声明,宣言,公告 a cease-fire declaration停火声明 issue a declaration of war宣战 the Declaration of Independence独立宣言 辨析:declare和announce de

18、clare为正式用语,常用于政治社交等场合,可译为“宣称、声明、宣布”;announce是常用语,表示宣布让人知道,可用于各种场合,可译成“宣布、通知、告知”。【真题链接】 例The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ open, the whole world cheered. (2006年福建卷)A. declared B. have been declaredC. have declared D. were declared 【解析】答案为D。the moment引导的状语从句的主语the 28th Olympic Games与谓语动词是被动关系,因为主句用了

19、过去时,所以declare应用一般过去时的被动语态。 6. reserve n.保护区;自然保护区;储备,储量vt.保留,储备;预订,订购 all rights reserved版权所有 例句:Some nature reserves have been built to protect the endangered animals.建一些自然保护区来保护濒危的动物。Reserve your strength for climb.保留些力气爬山。The seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位给特殊的客人预留。We offer help to res

20、erve tickets and rooms in hotel.我们提供订票和在宾馆预订房间的服务。7. struggle n. vi. 挣扎,奋斗,斗争struggle for为而奋斗struggle against同作斗争struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来 例句:They had to struggle for their lives against weather and wild animals.他们必须与气候和野生动物斗争来维护生存。Seeing his boss come to visit him, the patient struggled to his fe

21、et to greet him.看到老板来看望他,病人挣扎着站起来迎候他。Walking along the river bank one day, I found a child struggling in the water.有一天沿着河边散步的时候,我发现一个孩子在水中挣扎。We are sure to win the struggle against pollution.我们肯定会赢得针对污染的斗争。8. worth adj .值钱;相当于的价值;值得 n.价值例句:The ring is worth 2000 pounds but I dont think the device is

22、 worth anything.这个戒指值2000英镑但我认为这个器具不值什么钱。The book is worth reading a second time.这本书值得再读一遍。The palace is well worth another visit.这座宫殿值得再参观一下。Its worth all the efforts you put in when you see so many happy children.当你看到这么多幸福的孩子,你付出的所有努力都是值得的。The storm caused 1,000,000 pounds worth of damage.这次暴风雨造成了

23、价值1000,000英镑的损失。【相关链接】 派生词:worthless adj .无价值的,不重要的,没用处的 worthy adj. 值得尊敬的 be worthy of sth. 值得 be worthy of being donebe worthy to be done某事值得做 worthwhile suggestion值得花(时间、精力、金钱)的例句:He is a worthy opponent of mine.他是一个值得我尊敬的对手。His plan is worthy of our praise.他的计划值得我们表扬。The movie is worthy of being

24、 read again.=The movie is worthy to be read again.这部电影值得再看一遍。The efforts we made is worthwhile. 我们作出的努力是值得的。Id rather the money went to a worthwhile cause.我宁愿这些钱用在一个有价值的事业上。It is worthwhile to see the film.看这部电影是值得的。9. wonder n.奇迹vt. 想要知道,对感到疑惑 例句:I wonder if I could finish my task.我很想知道我是否能完成任务。I w

25、onder how James is getting on with his work.我很想知道詹姆斯工作做得怎么样。I was wondering at the puzzle when I heard my name called.我正为这难题感到疑惑,这时我听到有人叫我的名字。I am sure that the Great Wall will be listed among the new world wonders. 我确信长城将入选新的世界奇观的名单。(Its)no wonder that you have got a headache.你的头疼不足为奇。【相关链接】 派生词won

26、derful令人高兴的,使人愉快的;令人惊叹的,奇妙的 例句:We had a wonderful time in Spain.我们在西班牙玩得很开心。Its a wonder that the doctors can do what we couldnt do years ago.真是奇迹医生们能做几年前我们不能做到的事。【真题链接】 Just a moment. Ive got a special gift for you.Good. I _ when I was going to be treated well. (2006年重庆市诊断性考试)A. wonder B. was wonde

27、ringC. wondered D. have wondered. 【解析】答案为B“等一会。我有特殊的礼物给你。好,我刚才正在纳闷什么时候我才能被对待得好些。”表示发生在过去某一时刻的动作,用过去进行时。 10. branch n.树枝;分支机构,办事处;支流,支线 vi.分岔,分支 例句:A bird is settling on the branch.一只鸟正停在树枝上。The corporation has branches all over the world,and it has a branch office in our city.这个公司在世界各地有分支,并且它在我们市有办事

28、处。The river is a branch of the Changjiang River.这条河是长江的一条支流。We branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane.我们从主干公路下路驶进一条乡村小巷。11. waste vt.浪费,滥用;adj.废弃的,无用的,荒芜的;n.废料,废弃物;浪费 例句:Its a waste of time to try to invent such a machine. 试图发明这样一种机器是浪费时间。Dont throw the industrial waste into

29、the sea,which does great damage to the environment.不要把工业废弃物扔到海中,这对环境造成很大危害。Dont waste your time writing senseless articles.不要浪费时间写没意思的文章。The tank is used for storing waste materials.这个桶被用来储存废弃材料。(二)重点词组 1. on the increase增加;增长increase by增加了increase to增加到 例句:Plans are made to exploit waste land.制定了计划

30、开发荒废的土地。The number of visitors to the countries is on the income during the recent years.在最近几年,到这些国家的游客数量正在增加。With the production increasing by 50%,our factory will have another harvest this year,with the sales income increasing to400,000,000. 由于产量增加了50%,我们厂今年将有个丰收年,销售收入增加到4亿美元。 2. in danger处在危险中,濒危

31、的 例句:This kind of tiger is in danger.这种老虎处境危险。He is in great danger of failing the college entrance examination.他处在高考落榜的危险中。辨析:dangerous;in danger VS out of danger dangerous表示某人或某物对其他人或某物构成危险;in danger表示某人或某物处境危险;out of danger表示脱离危险。 例句:It is dangerous to go into the deep forest,for the snakes may make you in danger.进入森林深处是很危险的,因为蛇会使你处境危险。

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