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本文(高中英语新教材选修第1册同步课件-Unit-1-People-of-Achievement.pptx)为本站会员(wj)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、People of AchievementUnit 1Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life.Thomas Edison有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。爱迪生爱迪生单元主题语境人与社会Tu Youyou was given the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 for discovering a new drug for malaria,a deadly disease caused by the bite of some types of

2、mosquito.She is the first Chinese citizen to win a Nobel Prize in science.“It is the pride of the whole Chinese science community,which will inspire more Chinese scientists,”China Daily noted.Malaria is a disease that infects around 200 million people1 and kills about half a million people each year

3、,according to the Economist.Tus discovery has saved millions of lives,especially in the developing world.According to the World Health Organization,by 2013 malaria deaths had fallen by 47 percent compared with 2000.话题导入But the road to this achievement was a tough one to travel.In the late 1960s,duri

4、ng the 19661976,Tu joined a government project on which she began research on a new malaria drug.2“This was the most challenging stage of the project,”Tu told The Beijing News.“It was a very labor-demanding and dull job,in particular when you faced one failure after another.”1.First and foremost,the

5、 competition that is going to be held in our school stadium will begin at 2 pm and last for roughly 3 hours.(2019全国全国,书面表达,书面表达)2.A wide range of sports events are able to be held,of which pingpong enjoys great popularity.(2018全国全国,书面表达,书面表达)靓句运用于写作Period OneReading and ThinkingComprehending语篇理解 精读精

6、练 萃取文本精华读前清障 识记单词 快速顺畅阅读内容索引匹配左边的单词与右边的汉语意思匹配左边的单词与右边的汉语意思 第一组第一组 mitted A.至关重要的;关键性的至关重要的;关键性的2.artemisinin B.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的 C.生理学;生理机能生理学;生理机能4.physiology D.研究院;学会;专科院校研究院;学会;专科院校5.crucial E.药药青蒿素青蒿素读 前 清 障识记单词快速顺畅阅读 第二组第二组 6.malaria A.评价;评估评价;评估7.objective B.性质;特征;财产性质;特征;财产8

7、.evaluate C.目标;目的;客观的目标;目的;客观的9.extract D.疟疾疟疾 E.提取物;摘录;提取;提炼;提取物;摘录;提取;提炼;(用力用力)拔出拔出 第三组第三组 11.botanical A.承认承认(属实、权威等属实、权威等);(公开公开)感谢感谢 12.liquid B.清晰的;清楚的;有区别的清晰的;清楚的;有区别的13.obtain C.植物学的植物学的14.acknowledge D.液体;液体的液体;液体的15.distinct E.获得;赢得;存在;流行获得;赢得;存在;流行 第四组第四组 16.defeat A.坚持;坚决要求坚持;

8、坚决要求17.apparently B.科学科学(上上)的;关于科学的的;关于科学的18.scientific C.失败;挫败;战胜失败;挫败;战胜19.insist D.结论;推论结论;推论20.conclusion E.显而易见;看来;显然显而易见;看来;显然返回Step 1Fast-reading1.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.Tu Youyous problems in discovering artemisinin.B.Introduction about Tus research team.C.Behind Tu Youyous Nob

9、el Prize and its value.D.Tu Youyous personal life.语 篇 理 解精读精练萃取文本精华2.Match each paragraph with its main idea.Para.1A.Tu Youyous evaluation of the award.Para.2B.Tu Youyou won Nobel Prize.Para.3C.The introduction to Tu Youyou and her team.Para.4D.How artemisinin was discovered.Step 2Careful-reading.Ju

10、dge whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.Tu Youyou won Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine on October 6th,2015.()2.Over 200 million people around the world get malaria and about 60,000 die from it each year.()3.The Chinese government formed a team to discover a new treatment

11、for malaria.()4.Tus team tested a collection of dried wormwood leaves but found no effect.()5.Using the higher temperature to draw out the extract leads to a success of the research.()FFTTF.Choose the best answer.1.Why did Tu Youyou win Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine?A.Because she saved mill

12、ions of people around the world.B.Because she discovered artemisinin which has saved thousands of lives.C.Because she formed a team to discover a new treatment for malaria.D.Because she tested countless wormwood and was not afraid of failure.2.Which of the following are NOT true about Tu Youyous lif

13、e?A.She was born in Ningbo,China on 30 December 1930.B.She graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955.C.She worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing after graduation.D.She became the head of the team to discover a new treatment for malaria in 1967.3.How art

14、emisinin was discovered by Tu Youyous research team?A.They reviewed ancient Chinese medical texts to find traditional botanical treatments.B.They discovered and tested 380 distinct Chinese medical treatments.C.They drew out the extract from wormwood using a lower temperature and failed over 190 time

15、s.D.They tested a collection of dried and fresh wormwood.4.Where does this text probably come from?A.A TV interview.B.A medical report.C.A book review.D.A newspaper.Step 3Post-readingAfter reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks.Tu Youyou,a famous female chemist and 1.(scientific),wa

16、s born in Ningbo,Zhejiang Province on 30 December 1930.In 1951,she was 2.(admit)into Beijing University,majoring 3.making medicine and graduated in 1955.After 4.(graduate)she worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing.In 1969,she became 5._ head of the project and perform

17、ed numerous tests.In 1971,Tus team succeeded in 6.(discover)and developing artemisinin to cure those patients of malaria in different places of the world,for 7.she won many big awards.scientistadmittedingraduationthediscoveringwhichTo our excitement and delight,she 8.(award)the Nobel Prize in Medici

18、ne on October 5th,2015,becoming the first Chinese woman 9._(win)the Nobel Prize.We are called on to learn from her and devoted scientific research.was awardedto winourselvesStep 4Sentence-learning1.This years Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou(co-winner),whose

19、 research led to the discovery of artemisinin,a crucial new treatment for malaria.句句式式分分析析 本本句句是是 句句,whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin是是定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰先先行行词词 Tu Youyou(co-winner),a crucial new treatment for malaria是是 的同位语。的同位语。自主翻译自主翻译 _复合复合artemisinin 今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了屠呦呦今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖

20、授予了屠呦呦(共同获奖者共同获奖者),她,她的研究促成了青蒿素的发现,一种治疗疟疾的关键新药物。的研究促成了青蒿素的发现,一种治疗疟疾的关键新药物。2.In 1967,the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria,and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen.句句式式分分析析 本本句句是是 句句,the Chinese government formed a

21、 team of scientists是是前前面面的的简简单单句句,with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria作作定定语语,修修饰饰a team of scientists,Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen是后面的简单句,过去分词是后面的简单句,过去分词 作定语,表被动。作定语,表被动。自主翻译自主翻译 _ 1967年,中国政府组建了一支以探索治疗疟疾新方法为目的的年,中国政府组建了一支以探索治疗疟疾新方法为目的的科学队伍,屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人

22、员。科学队伍,屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人员。并列并列chosen3.They then tried boiling fresh wormwood,and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria,but this did not work either.句句式式分分析析 本本句句是是 连连接接的的并并列列句句,句句中中boiling fresh wormwood和和using the liquid作作tried的的并并列列 ,obtained from this是是过过去去分分词词短短语语作作定定语语,修饰修饰liquid,to

23、 treat malaria是不定式短语作是不定式短语作 状语。状语。自主翻译自主翻译 _but目的目的 然后,他们试着把新鲜的苦艾煮开,用从中提取的液体来治然后,他们试着把新鲜的苦艾煮开,用从中提取的液体来治疗疟疾,但这也不管用。疗疟疾,但这也不管用。宾语宾语4.She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties.句句式式分分析析 本本句句是是 句句,concluded后后的的that引引导导的的是是 从从句句,其其中中boiling the sweet wormw

24、ood是是 作作主主语语,在在宾宾语语从从句句中作谓语。中作谓语。自主翻译自主翻译 _复合复合动名词短语动名词短语destroyedk她得出结论说,煮青蒿显然破坏了它的药用价值。她得出结论说,煮青蒿显然破坏了它的药用价值。返回宾语宾语Period TwoReading and ThinkingLanguage Points互动探究 探究重点 互动撞击思维基础自测 自主学习 落实基础知识达标检测 当堂检测 基础达标演练内容索引1.adj.至关重要的;关键性的至关重要的;关键性的2.adj.必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的3.n.目标;目的目标;目的 adj.客

25、观的客观的4.n.性质;特征;财产;房地产性质;特征;财产;房地产5.n.提取物;摘录提取物;摘录 vt.提取;提炼;摘录;提取;提炼;摘录;(用力用力)拔出拔出6.n.蒿;洋艾蒿;洋艾重点单词crucialvitalobjectiveproperty extractwormwood基 础 自 测自主学习落实基础知识重点单词7.vt.&vi.(使使)沸腾;煮开;烧开沸腾;煮开;烧开n.沸腾;沸点沸腾;沸点8.n.液体液体adj.液体的;液态的液体的;液态的9.vt.(尤指经努力尤指经努力)获得;赢得获得;赢得 vi.(规章、习俗等规章、习俗等)存在;流行存在;流行10.n.失败;挫败失败;挫败

26、 vt.击败;战胜击败;战胜11.n.物质;物品;事实根据物质;物品;事实根据boilliquidobtain坚持;坚决要求坚持;坚决要求13.n.生理学生理学 adj.生理学的生理学的 adv.生理学方面生理学方面14.adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的尽心尽力的;坚定的 vt.承诺;保证承诺;保证 vi.忠于;全心全意投入忠于;全心全意投入 n.承诺;致力承诺;致力15.n.研究院;学会;专科院校研究院;学会;专科院校 adj.学业的;学术的学业的;学术的insist physiologyphysiologicalphysiologicallyc

27、ommittedcommitcommitmentacademyacademic16.adj.植物学的植物学的 n.植物学植物学 n.植物学家植物学家17.vt.评价;评估评价;评估 n.评价;评估评价;评估18.adj.清晰的;清楚的;有区别的清晰的;清楚的;有区别的 n.区别区别19.vt.承认;感谢承认;感谢 adj.公认的公认的 n.承认;感谢承认;感谢botanicalbotanybotanistevaluateevaluationdistinctdistinctionacknowledgeacknowledgedacknowledgement20.vt.分析分析 n.分析分析21.a

28、dv.显而易见;看来;显然显而易见;看来;显然 adj.显而易见的;显然的显而易见的;显然的22.adj.科学科学(上上)的;关于科学的的;关于科学的 n.科学科学 n.科学家科学家analyseanalysisapparentlyapparentscientificsciencescientist掌握规律巧记单词掌握规律巧记单词distinct adj.(有区别的有区别的)iondistinction n.区别区别例:例:attraction吸引,吸引力吸引,吸引力discussion讨论讨论acknowledge vt.(承认;感谢承认;感谢)mentacknowledgement n.承

29、认;感谢承认;感谢例:例:development发展发展agreement同意同意1.成千上万成千上万2.导致导致3.死于死于4.承诺;保证承诺;保证5.起初起初6.一批;一堆一批;一堆7.偶然;意外地偶然;意外地8.超过,多于超过,多于9.坚决要求坚决要求millions of lead todie from/of commit oneself to doin the beginning a collection of by chance more thaninsist on 核心短语1.whose引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句This years Nobel Prize for

30、Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou(co-winner),of artemisinin,a crucial new treatment for malaria.今今年年的的诺诺贝贝尔尔生生理理学学或或医医学学奖奖授授予予了了屠屠呦呦呦呦(共共同同获获奖奖者者),她她的的研研究究促促成成了青蒿素的发现,一种治疗疟疾的关键新药物。了青蒿素的发现,一种治疗疟疾的关键新药物。whose research led to the discovery 经典句式2.过去分词短语作定语过去分词短语作定语In 1967,the Chinese

31、government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria,and Tu Youyou was among .1967年年,中中国国政政府府组组建建了了一一支支以以探探索索治治疗疗疟疟疾疾新新方方法法为为目目的的的的科科学学队队伍伍,屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人员。屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人员。3.where引导定语从句引导定语从句In the beginning,Tu Youyou went to Hainan,_ ,to study malaria

32、 patients.起初,屠呦呦去了疟疾比较普遍的海南,研究疟疾患者。起初,屠呦呦去了疟疾比较普遍的海南,研究疟疾患者。the first researchers chosenwhere malaria was morecommon4.现在分词短语作定语现在分词短语作定语She analysed the medical texts again,and by chance,she found one sentence .她又分析了一遍医学文献,偶然发现了一句话,建议用另一种方法对待艾草。她又分析了一遍医学文献,偶然发现了一句话,建议用另一种方法对待艾草。5.Upon/On doing that.

33、一一就就 she had been awarded the Nobel Prize,she said.屠呦呦一听到自己获得诺贝尔奖,她就说屠呦呦一听到自己获得诺贝尔奖,她就说返回suggesting a different way to treat the wormwoodUpon/On hearing that Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria,and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.青青蒿蒿素素已已经经成成为为治治疗疟疾的重要组成部分,而且人们认为每年仅在非洲就可以挽救十万条生命。疗疟疾的重要组成部分,而且人们认为每年仅在非洲就可以挽救十万条生命。1vital adj.必不可少的;至关重要的;充满生机的必不可少的

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