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1、仪容仪表标准解读Grooming Standard仪容仪表标准An elegant and professional image represents the quality of the hotel and also creates a positive impression of service. As a service provider, our grooming, appearance and hygiene are always observed by our guests. These grooming standard are developed to help enhance

2、 your appearance and establish your self-confidence in order to present a Shangri-La Ambassador image.优雅及专业的形象不但代表了酒店的素质, 同时亦能建立一个正面的服务印象。作为一位服务提供者, 我们的仪容,外表及个人卫生时刻会被客人留意着。这套仪容标准将协助各位同事改善仪表及提升自信,从而呈现出香格里拉大使的形象!A. Grooming & Appearance - Uniformed Colleagues (Level 3,4, 5 colleagues, Trainees and Par

3、t-time helpers) 仪容及外表 - 穿着制服的同事 ( 三级至五级同事、培训生以及小时工) Hairstyles 发型Narrative文字描述Picture Guidance图片指导Male 男同事1. Keep hair clean & tidy. Brush your hair before going on duty 保持头发清洁及整齐。值班前必须梳理头发2. Colored or tinted hair is only permitted in natural Tones. Extreme color styles (eg. yellow or red etc.) or

4、two color tones are not permitted只允许使用自然色染发。不得使用夸张的色彩(如黄色、红色等),或染双色3. Hair is neatly cut, and cannot cover eyebrows, ears and collar. Sideburns are cropped at least 2cm above the bottom of earlobes 头发短而整洁,头发长度应前不过眉、侧不过耳、后不过领。鬓角不得长于下耳垂以上2cm处4. No spiky hairstyles 不得留尖刺状发型5. Shaven hairstyles are not

5、acceptable, minimum length is 1 cm unless for medical reasons 除医学原因外,不得留光头,发长至少1cm 6. No extreme wet look or overly gelled hairstyles 定型发胶使用不得过度或有过“湿”的造型 7. Must always be clean-shaven. Moustache, beards & side-burns are not allowed 每天剃须。不可留胡子Hairstyles 发型Narrative文字描述Picture Guidance图片指导Female 女同事1

6、. Keep hair clean & tidy. Brush your hair before going on duty 保持头发清洁及整齐。值班前必须梳理头发2. Colored or tinted hair is only permitted in natural Tones. Extreme color styles (eg. yellow or red etc.) or two color tones are not permitted只允许使用自然色染发。不得使用夸张的色彩(如黄色、红色等) 或染双色3. Fringe must not be longer than eyebro

7、w level or fall over or cover the face. Long fringe must be secured in place with only plain black barrette刘海不可长及眉毛,遮盖或滑落至面部。长刘海必须以设计简单的黑色发夹夹好4. Long hair must be tied up in one of the following methods (refer to the photo below): 长发只可以下列其中一种方式束好(参看附图): A) a French Twist 法式发髻 B) a Butterfly Twist 蝴蝶

8、发髻 C) a bun with the hair ornament provided by the hotel(a black velvet hair bow barrette with net) 用酒店提供的黑色天鹅绒发网网好 D) simple bun 简单发髻5. Ponytails are not permitted 不得留马尾发型 6. Short hair should not exceed shoulder length. Need to comb tidy, and hair style should be simple and gracious 短发不应长于肩部,应梳理整齐

9、,发型要简单大方 7. Extreme hairstyle such as frizzy perm, heavily gelled hair or exaggerated/messy hair style are not acceptable 另类发式,例如蓬松卷发,擦太多定型啫喱或夸张/散乱的发式均不能接受Long Hair Standard 长发标准 Standard Hair Barrette 有网黑色天鹅绒发网 French Twist法式发髻 Butterfly Twist 蝴蝶发髻 Simple Bun 简单发髻Short Hair Standard 短发标准Hands & Nai

10、ls 手及指甲 Narrative文字描述Picture Guidance图片指导Male 男同事1. Hands and fingernails must be clean at all times 手及指甲须保持清洁2. Fingernails must be well trimmed and maintain no longer than 1mm指甲须定时修剪整齐,不得长于1毫米For all colleagues related with food & beverage (Kitchen, F&B Service, Health Club, ENG Kitchen Maintainer

11、 are not allowed to remain fingernails over 0.5mm and without any nail enamel所有涉及饮食服务的同事(厨房、餐饮服务、健体中心、工程部厨修的同事指甲长度不许超过0.5毫米)Female 女同事1. Hands and fingernails must be clean at all times. 手及指甲须保持清洁2. Fingernails must be well trimmed and maintain no longer than 1mm 指甲须定时修剪整齐,不得长于1毫米。3. Use transparent

12、 or natural colored nail enamel, or wear none at all. (For all food handlers, no nail enamel is allowed)指甲油色调应以透明或肉色为准,或不涂指甲油For all colleagues related with food & beverage (Kitchen, F&B Service, Horizon Club, Health Club, HSKP Amenity Center, ENG Kitchen Maintainer are not allowed to remain fingern

13、ails over 0.5mm and without any nail enamel所有涉及饮食服务的同事(厨房、餐饮服务、豪华阁、健体中心、客房备品中心的同事指甲长度不许超过0.5毫米、不许涂指甲油)Make-up 化妆Narrative文字描述Picture Guidance图片指导Male 男同事1. No make-up in any form is allowed 不准化妆2. Only clear & non-glossy moisturizing lip balms are permitted 只可涂上透明及没有光泽的润唇膏Female 女同事1. Make-up is par

14、t of the uniform. Light presentable make-up must be worn at all times 化妆是制服的一部分。必须化显眼的淡妆2. Foundation should be worn 需涂薄粉底3. Eyebrow and eye shadow make-up must be worn and well-blended. The colors should complement the complexion and the uniform需描眉、画眼影和眼线。颜色应与肤色,面色和制服配合4. Lipsticks that matched uni

15、form and overall make-up must be worn at all times. Lipstick should choose the color of red. Dark red, brownish red or just light color are not allowed. 唇膏应与制服和整体化妆颜色相配。唇膏需用明显的红色,不可用深红、棕红或只用无色或浅色的唇彩。5. Blush should be worn naturally and the color should match the overall make-up需要涂上腮红,而颜色必须跟整体化妆配合Je

16、welry & Accessories 珠宝和饰品Narrative文字描述Picture Guidance图片指导Male 男同事1. Only one simple design watch with a plain face and fitted band can be worn. Diving watches, colored plastic band watches and trendy watches are not acceptable只可佩戴一只设计简单平实的腕表。潜水表、有鲜艳胶表带的 腕表、及设计夸张花哨的腕表均不可佩戴2. Only one wedding ring or

17、 one simple engagement ring can be worn 只可佩戴结婚戒指或一只款式简单平实的戒指3. No necklace can be worn 不可佩戴项链4. No bracelet/bangle can be worn 不可佩带任何手镯或手链5. Earrings are not allowed 不可佩戴耳环6. Facial piercing jewelry are not permitted不得佩带面部穿刺装饰品For all kitchen colleagues, watch, bracelet, necklace earrings and rings

18、etc. are not allowed所有厨房同事不可佩戴手表、手镯、项链、耳环和戒指等任何饰品Female 女同事1. Only one simple and conservative design watch with a plain face and fitted band can be worn. Diving watches, colored plastic band watches and trendy watches are not acceptable只可佩戴一只设计简单平实的腕表。潜水表、有鲜艳胶表带的 腕表、及设计夸张花哨的腕表均不可佩戴2. Only one weddi

19、ng ring or one simple engagement ring can be worn只可佩戴结婚戒指或一只款式简单平实的戒指3. One simple necklace can only be worn 只可佩戴一条设计简单的项链4. Only one bracelet/bangle of simple design can only be worn (not more than 1 cm) 只可佩带一条设计简洁的手镯或手链,不宽于1cm5. One pair of small studded earrings (one earring on each earlobe) is a

20、llowed 可以佩戴一对耳钉式小型耳环(每边耳朵一只耳环)6. Facial piercing jewelry are not permitted. 不得佩带面部穿刺装饰品For all kitchen colleagues, watch, bracelet, necklace earrings and rings etc. are not allowed所有厨房同事不可佩戴手表、手镯、项链、耳环和戒指等任何饰品Glass 眼镜Narrative文字描述Picture Guidance图片指导Male & Female 男同事和女同事1. Spectacle frames: simple a

21、nd conservative design. Loud colors are not acceptable (eg, red, white, yellow orange etc.) 眼镜框:设计须简洁平实,避免夸张颜色(如红、白、黄、橙等)2. Colored eye contact lenses are not permitted 不得佩戴彩色隐形眼镜Uniform 制服Narrative文字描述Picture Guidance图片指导Male & Female 男同事和女同事1. Must be properly fitted, clean and well pressed. Chang

22、e uniform if it is dirty, stained or wrinkled应当合身,清洁和笔挺。当不清洁,有污渍或弄皱了时,需要更换制服2. Wear uniform properly with no buttons missing. Jacket and shirt must be buttoned. Do not put too many things in the pocket穿着制服时,必须把所有纽扣扣好。不要放太多东西在口袋内3. Clean and clear name badge must be properly worn on the left chest 必须

23、在制服左侧上佩戴干净和清楚的名牌4. Personal mobile phone must not be carried while on duty, unless job duty required and approved by Division Head当值时不能携带私人手机, 除非因工作需要,且得到部门总监批准5. For Male only: Uniform ties must be worn properly and must be clean and wrinkle free at all times男同事:制服领带必须穿戴适当,并保持干净及挺直Shoes 鞋Narrative文

24、字描述Picture Guidance图片指导Male 男同事1. Plain black leather shoes with plain black socks provided by hotel 酒店配发的纯黑色皮鞋和纯黑袜2. All shoes must always be well-polished and in good state of repair皮鞋必须保持光亮Female 女同事1. Plain black leather shoes with 1.5 to 2.5 heels. No sandals or sling-back can be worn. Skin col

25、ored or black pantyhose must be worn (according to the departmental guideline) 酒店配发的纯黑色皮鞋,鞋跟约一寸半至两寸半。不能穿着凉 鞋或吊带鞋。丝袜颜色必须是肉色或黑色(根据部门指引)2. All shoes must always be well-polished and in good state of repair皮鞋必须保持光亮、清洁B. Grooming, Appearance and Business Attires - Non-Uniformed Colleagues (Level 1&2) 仪容,

26、外表及服装 - 不穿制服的同事 ( 一级和二级同事 ) Hairstyles 发型Narrative文字描述Male 男同事1. Keep hair clean & tidy. Brush your hair before going on duty 保持头发清洁及整齐。值班前必须梳理头发2. Colored or tinted hair is only permitted in natural Tones. Extreme color styles (eg. yellow or red etc.) or two color tones are not permitted只允许使用自然色染发。

27、不得使用夸张的色彩(如黄色、红色等)或染双色3. Hair is neatly cut, and cannot cover eyebrows, ears and collar. Sideburns are cropped at least 2cm above the bottom of earlobes 头发短而整洁,头发长度应前不过眉、侧不过耳、后不过领。鬓角不得长于下耳垂以上2cm处4. No spiky hairstyles 不得留尖刺状发型5. Shaven hairstyles are not acceptable, minimum length is 1 cm unless for

28、 medical reasons 除医学原因外,不得留光头,发长至少1cm 6. No extreme wet look or overly gelled hairstyles 定型发胶使用不得过度或有过“湿”的造型; 7. Must always be clean-shaven. Moustache, beards & side-burns are not allowed 每天剃须。不可留胡子Female 女同事1. Keep hair clean & tidy. Brush your hair before going on duty 保持头发清洁及整齐。值班前必须梳理头发2. Color

29、ed or tinted hair is only permitted in natural Tones. Extreme color styles (eg. yellow or red etc.) or two color tones are not permitted 只允许使用自然色染发。不得使用夸张的色彩(如黄色、红色等)或染双色3. Fringe must not be longer than eyebrow level or fall over or cover the face. Long fringe must be secured in place with only pla

30、in black clips 刘海不可长及眼眉,遮盖或滑落至面部。长刘海必须以设计简单的黑色发夹夹好4. Long hair must be tied up. Ponytails are not permitted. 长发须盘束好。不得留马尾发型5. Short hair should not exceed shoulder length. Need to comb tidy, and hair style should be simple and gracious 短发不应长于肩部,应梳理整齐,发型要简单大方 6. Extreme hairstyle such as frizzy perm,

31、 heavily gelled hair or exaggerated/messy updo are not acceptable另类发式,例如蓬松卷发,擦太多定型啫喱或夸张/散乱的发式均不能接受Hands & Nails 手及指甲Narrative文字描述Male 男同事1. Hands and fingernails must be clean at all times. 手及指甲须保持清洁2. Fingernails must be well trimmed and maintain no longer than 1mm指甲须定时修剪, 不得长于1毫米Female 女同事1. Hands and fingernails must be clean at all times. 手及指甲须保持清洁2. Fingerna

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