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1、牛津小学英语4B8Unit 7 At a snack bar Something to drink ?How much is it / are they ?Its / Theyre .教学后记:这节课主要是学习食品类单词,每个新单词的呈现我都采用了丰富变化的方法,给学生留下深刻的印象。1. 游戏猜谜引出新单词 chocolate。2. 创设情景引出饮料的单词,让学生观察,尝试的方法感知新单词。总之,借助各种教学手段,创设情境,学习新知。 第三课时 教学目标:1.巩固前两课所学的食物类单词,能用What would you like ?询问他人,并会用Id like 进行回答。2. 能用What

2、 can you see in the picture ?How many ?正确询问并回答。3能熟练朗读小诗,并能自编小诗。教学准备:1.食物或食物的图片,录音机、磁带。2.学生自备食品.教学过程:Step 1.Revision.通过图片复习食物类单词。T:What can you see in the picture?S:I can see Listen to the tape (Say a rhyme),and say after it .Students make a new rhyme.(教师给予一定指导)Model: What would you like ?Id like som

3、e orange juice .What would you like ? Id like some milk .Sure , theyre very nice . Free talk :T:Shall we go to the KFC , A?S:Great.How do we go there ?T:Shall we go to the KFC by bus ?S:No,lets go by minibus .T:OK . Lets go .Step 2 Look at the picture of Part G 2Ask Questions:(1) What can you see in

4、 the picture ? I can see some (2) How many ?(3) Do you like sandwiches?(4) Id like 2. Students ask in pairs and fill in the blanks of the table.3. Teacher asks the students and check the answers.Step 3:Presention and practice:T:Lets go and buy something to eat.Ss:Great!T:Who act the waiter and the w

5、aitress.(Two students act the waiter and the waitress.)1. Teacher makes a model with some students.S1:What would you like ?T:Im hungry .Id like a humburger. S1:Anything else ?T: Im thirsty , too.Id like a glass of juice .S1:Hot or cold ?T:Hot , please.S1:Here you are .T:Heres my humburger and a glas

6、s of juice. Thank you.How much are they ?S1:Theyre 18 yuan .2. Students go to buy something to eat in a group.3. Act out the dialogue.Step 4:Consolidation:Look at the book of page 56.Act a waiter or a waitress , ask your classmates and fill in the blanks.Homework:1.Oral homework:Ask the friends and

7、family members :If they go to the KFC or Mc,What would you like ?2. Written homework:Finish the Part D of the workbook.教学后记: 儿童的注意力可持续时间是有限的,除了可以用游戏调动他们的积极性以外,还应适当地增强他们的成就感和自信心,设计游戏可以激励他们大胆实践、体验成功。课前让学生自带食品或图片,对于课堂上的英语单词和句型的学习起到了很大作用。第 四 课 时教学目标:1.巩固本单元所学的内容,了解字母组合ds, ts 的发音。2. 完成练习册上的练习。教学准备:磁带,录音机

8、, 单词卡片等。教学过程:Step 1.Revision.Hungry,hungry ,Im Hungry,Humburger,humburger,heres a humburger.Thirsty ,thirsty ,Im thirsty,Coffee,coffee,heres some coffee.(pies, juice;biscuits, milk)2. Free talk:T:Do you like biscuits?S:Yes , I do.T:Me,too.Do you like sweets?S:Yes,I do.T:Oh,no .I dont like sweets.Ste

9、p 2:Look at the picture of Part F:T: Look at those boys. What are those in their hands?Ss: Theyre biscuits and sweets.T: What are those flying in the sky?(教师边说边做动作)Ss: Theyre birds.Read the words and sentence.birds friends biscuits sweetsMy friends like birds ,sweets and biscuits.学生列举含有该发音的其他单词。Step

10、 3:Read and act:1.师生交流,在情景中引出新句子.T: Hello,whats the time ?S:Its T:Lets go and play basketball.S:OK.Lets go.T:I cant move now . Im hungy.Teach the phrasesgo and playand the word move.2.Listen to the tape and answer some questions:What do they want to play ?What does Gao Shan want?Does Go Shan go to p

11、lay basketball?3.Read the dialogue after the tape .4.Read in pairs.5.Make a new dialogue and act it out.Step 4:Consolidation:Look at the workbook ,listen and do .Listen ,find and circle .Listen and match .Listen match and write.Step 5:Homework:Make a new dialogue according to the real life.教学后记: 我在英

12、语课堂上的操练、巩固环节中,尽量组织学生在各种富有趣味性、实用性、形式活泼、多样的活动中活学、活用知识让学生从机械、呆板的满堂灌解脱出来。我力主能在我的英语课堂上多给学生一些自由轻松的空间。单元后记:在本单元的教学中,我为了让学生主动去探究知识,促进认知、情感、个性行为等的全面发展,更好地丰富课堂内容,活跃课堂气氛,我多以游戏活动为主,孩子的英语知识是在游戏活动中学会的,教师要以学生的兴趣为出发点,为学生创设适合学生实际的教学情景,内容和方式尽量贴近学生的真实生活,符合儿童的认识水平,我一般用表演、对话、猜字谜、唱儿歌、画画等方式有效地调动学生积极主动地参与学习活动。Unit 8 Open D

13、ay一、教学内容九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语4B第八单元第一课时二、教学目标 1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground 2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 Theres a / There are some .in/ on/ near.3、 熟悉歌曲 In the classroom三、教学重点1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a

14、 classroom, an office, a playground 2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 Theres a / There are some .in/ on/ near.四、教学难点1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground 2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 Theres a / There are some .in/ on/ near.五、课前准备 教具准备 :课前准备 本课的单词图片 及磁带录音机,教学挂图。六、教

15、学过程Step1. Free talk:1.师生用Good morning/afternoon. How are you?互相问候。2.复习句型:Lets go to the. Great! How do we go there? Shall we go to the . by .? 练习there3.看图片复习学过的单词(食物类、水果类、职业类、家庭用品类)。重点复习本课中的复现单词:a computer, a chair, a bookcase.Step2. Presentation and practice1、 出示第六课中的地点类的图片。 T: Look at my picture.出

16、示单词picture 并领读S: 跟读. T:(指图片) Whats it?S: Its a library.T: What can you see in the library?S: I can see a chair , a computer and some books.(同样复习an airport, a station, a park, a zoo.)T:(出示音乐教室图片)Whats it?S:.T: Its a music room.出示单词 a music room 示范朗读S:跟读2.T: What can you see in the music room? S: I ca

17、n see a piano, a chair , a violin and an accordion. T: So you can say: There is a piano. There is a chair. Can you say like me? S: There is an accordion. There is a . 出示句型: There is a/an. S:造句练习。 There is a piano .T: There is a piano in the music room. Can you say like this? 出示句型:There is a/ an . in

18、 the. S:造句练习。3、T: 出示办公室图片 T: Whats it? S: . T: Its an office. 出示单词 an office 并领读 S:跟读 T: What can you see in the office? S: Theres a bookcase in the office. T: What can you see in the bookcase? S: (在教师帮助下 ) There are some books in the bookcase. 出示句型 同法教 a classroom, a playground, a blackboard.Step3

19、A short break1、Enjoy a song 欣赏本课的歌曲 In the classroom2、A game Magic ears游戏规则:教师说本课单词,不发出声音,仅让学生看口型,学生根据教师口型猜测是什么单词。Step 4. Learn to say1、在黑板上写出课题Unit8 Open day 并领读2、出示本课单词图片。学生看图说单词。3、T:(示范)This is an office. There is a/ an. on/ in the. There are some .on/ in the . Can you say something like that? S:

20、模仿教师练习句型。Step5 Consolidation1、看图说话比赛教师出示情景图:杂乱的房间内有很多物品。学生分两大组比赛哪组说的多,说的好。用句型: There is /are. in / on the.Step 6 Homework1、听磁带,跟录音读对话。2、单词抄写,各三遍。教学后记: 我认为任何一节课教师只要能采用学生乐于和易于接受的教学方法和手段,学生就能够在轻松愉快的氛围中较好地接受更多的语言信息,从而使学生的发散思维得到培养,创造力得到更好的发挥。第二课时一、 教学内容九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语4B第八单元第二课时二、 教学目标 1、 能听懂、会说,会读,

21、会拼写单词our2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 Whats in / on/ near.? Theres/ There are . in/ on/ near.3、 会唱歌曲 In the classroom了解字母组合ch 在单词中的读音。三、 教学重点1、 熟练运用单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground , our2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 Whats in / on/ near.? Theres a / There are some .in/ on/

22、 near.四、 教学难点1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型Whats in / on/ near.? Theres a / There are some .in/ on/ near.五、 课前准备 教具准备 :课前准备:本课的单词图片 及磁带录音机,教学挂图。六、 教学过程Step1. Revision:1.师生用Good morning/afternoon. How are you?互相问候。2. 看图片复习 本课中的单词 A game: guess the word (教师说I am thinking of a word begining with /k/ , 学生猜测本课中由/k/开头

23、的单词。)3、出示一些专用房间图片(如教室,办公室等) T: Theres a table in the office. There are some books on the table. Make some sentences like this, can you? S :造句练习。 Step2. Presentation and practice1、 出示第六课中的地点类的图片。 T:Look at my picture.T:(指图片) Whats can you see in the picture?S: I can see a library.T: Whats in the libr

24、ary?S: Theres a/ an. There are some .in/ on/ near.出示句型: Whats in the library?S:跟读2.T: Whats in the library? S: There is a . There are some. Who can ask me? S: Whats in the library? T: There is / are .in/ on/ near.3、T: 出示办公室图片 Ask and answer in pairs, can you? S:同桌操练句型 Whats in the office? There is a

25、/ an . There are some. Step3 A short break1、Learn a song 学唱本课的歌曲 In the classroomStep 4. Learn to say1、在黑板上写出课题Unit8 Open day 并领读2、出示本课单词图片。学生看图说单词。3、T:(示范)This is our classroom. Its big and bright. There is a/ an. on/ in/near the. There are some .on/ in the . 出示 our , bright 并领读 S:模仿教师练习句型 This is

26、our classroom. T: Whats in your classroom? S: Theres a/ an. There are some. in/ on/ near.4、同法教4、5、6三图。5、看本课挂图听录音。 跟读课文。Step5 Consolidation1、 教师出示情景图 T: Whats in your classroom?S: Theres a/ an. There are some. in/ on/ near.多组操练2、 Work in pairsT:(出示本课C部分挂图) Whats in the classroom? S: Theres a blackboa

27、rd. There are some desks and chairs.T: Talk to your desk mates now.S:同桌操练句型。Step 6 Homework1、听磁带,跟录音读对话。2、根据C部分图片造句并翻译成中文。教学后记: 这一节课中,我设计了几个与课堂教学息息相关的活动,活动的设计都有明确的目标。学生在完成教师设计的一个任务的同时就是一个不断探究、发现、创造的过程。第三课时 一、 教学内容九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语4B第八单元第三课时二、 教学目标 1、 熟练运用单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a boo

28、kcase, a classroom, an office, a playground , our2、 熟练运用句型 Whats in / on/ near.? Theres/ There are . in/ on/ near.3、 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 Ive got a new T-shirt. Its smart. I love China.了解字母组合ch 在单词中的读音。三、 教学重点1、 熟练运用单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground , ou

29、r2、熟练运用句型 Whats in / on/ near.? Theres a / There are some .in/ on/ near.四、 教学难点1、 正确理解和运用句型Whats in / on/ near.? Theres a / There are some .in/ on/ near.五、 课前准备 教具准备 :课前准备F部分单词卡片。师生自带一些新、旧物品。六、 教学过程Step1. Revision:1、Sing a song: In the classroom2. 开火车游戏:看图片复习 本课中的单词 3、出示一些专用房间图片(如教室,办公室等)T: Whats it

30、?S: Its a classroom.T: Whats in the classroom?S: There are some Theres a/ anS :同桌造句练习。4、T:Can you say something about your classroom? S: 用学过的句型描述教室。 Step2. Presentation and practice教师出示一些自带物品,T: Look, Ive got a new T-shirt. Ive got a new出示句型:Ive got a并领读学生用句型Ive got . 介绍自带物品. 然后 出示本课E部分的投影片 T:Look at my picture.T:(指图片) Who can you see in the picture?S: Gao shan and David.T: What ar

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