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高中英语 全套单词语法详解及高考题型单元专题练习含答案 BOOK 2 Module 4.docx

1、高中英语 全套单词语法详解及高考题型单元专题练习含答案 BOOK 2 Module 4.核心必记单词1like n爱好;嗜好dislike(反)n.憎恶;不喜欢2artist n艺术家artistic adj.艺术的,艺术家的3colourful adj.彩色的4drawing n图画5paint vt.绘画;(用颜料)画painter n画家painting n绘画;油画6scene n景色;风景7traditional adj.传统的;习俗的tradition n传统8alive adj.有活力的;有生气的9observe vt.观察;注意到10reality n真实;现实;逼真reali

2、se vt.领悟;了解;实现;实行realistic adj.现实主义的;写实主义的11style n风格12adopt vt.采纳;采用;收养adoption n采纳;收养adoptive adj.收养的13aim vi.以为目标;打算;意欲14stand vt.忍受stood(过去式、过去分词)15unusual adj.不寻常的;非凡的usual(反)adj.普通的;寻常的16exhibition n展览exhibit v展览;展出17expression n表现;表达express vt.表达18destroy vt.破坏;毁坏destruction n破坏;毁坏.阅读识记单词19co

3、ntemporary adj.当代的20delightful adj.令人愉快的;可爱的delighted adj.高兴的delight n乐趣;vt.使高兴21aspect n方面22imitate vt.临摹;仿造;模仿;仿效imitation n模仿;仿制品 23landscape n风景;景色;风景画;山水画24portrait n画像;肖像;人像25watercolour n水彩画语境活用用所给词的正确形式填空1I was delighted(delight) at the presence of such a student.(2016全国)2Im writing to invit

4、e you to see the Chinese papercutting exhibition(exhibit)(2017全国)3Now,the website BookC turns the page on the traditional(tradition) idea of a book group.(2016全国)4Van Gogh is probably the bestknown painter(paint) in the world.5I found out that I have no artistic(artist) ability at all,and now I know

5、 for sure that I do not want to be an artist.(2015湖南)6Mann thinks Terrafugia has come closer than anyone to making the flying car a reality(realise)(2017全国)7When the salesgirl walked into the shop,she sensed something unusual(usual)Can someone have got in?8The president flew in to look at the destru

6、ction(destroy) caused by the earthquake.1种种“快乐”(1)delight n高兴;快乐(2)happiness n快乐;幸福(3)joy n愉快;喜悦(4)pleasure n快乐,愉快(5)cheer n愉快,振奋,欢呼2各种“忍受”(1)stand v容忍;站立(2)bear v忍受;承担(3)tolerate v容忍;容许(4)endure v忍耐;持续(5)put up with容忍;忍受3名词后加tic构成形容词(1)artartistic艺术的,艺术家的(2)realityrealistic现实主义的(3)energyenergetic精力

7、充沛的(4)fantasyfantastic极好的,美妙的4“ity名词”荟萃(1)reality现实(2)equality平等(3)popularity流行;普及(4)security安全1aim to do sth.力争做到某事2be/get tired of对厌烦3all the time总是,一直4cant stand (doing) sth.无法容忍(做)某事5be fond of喜欢;喜爱6tell by从可以看出7put off推迟;延期8take turns轮流9at ones best处于最佳状态;最优秀10a series of一系列的语境活用选用上述黑体短语的正确形式填空

8、1If you do the same thing for a long time,you will be/get tired of it.2Its a silly idea to put off doing something until a future time.3The kids parents hadnt come yet,so we had to take turns to look after him.4We can tell by their appearance that the two girls are twins.5To my annoyance,my grandfat

9、her is very fond of handing out advice to my friends.6The psychologist Michael Tomasello has studied this cooperativeness in a series of experiments with very young children.(2016江苏)1“喜欢做某事”小结(1)like to do/doing sth.(2)feel like doing sth.(3)be fond of doing sth.(4)be interested in doing sth.2“对厌烦”短

10、语小结(1)be/get tired of(2)be/get bored with(3)be fed up with(4)be sick of1现在分词短语作后置定语Do you like traditional Chinese art using brush and ink?你喜欢使用画笔和墨水创作的传统中国画吗?2sb./ considered to be.某人/某物被认为是This is a painting by the Spanish artist,Pablo Picasso,considered to be the greatest western artist of

11、the twentieth century.这是西班牙画家巴勃罗毕加索的一幅油画,他被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的画家。3with复合结构Cubist artists painted objects and people,with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time.在描绘物体或人的时候,立体派画家会同时展现对象的多个不同侧面。4What.make of.?认为怎么样?What do you make of it?你认为它怎么样?句式仿写1门上贴着一张纸条,写着商店再开业的时间。There is a

12、 note pinned to the door saying when the shop will open again.2马克吐温享有良好的声誉,他被认为是美国最伟大的作家之一。Mark Twain,considered to be one of the greatest American writers,enjoys a good reputation.3我住在门朝南的房子里。I live in the house with its door facing to the south.4你认为他的新小说怎么样?What do you make of his new novel?dislik

13、e v不喜欢;讨厌n憎恶(1)dislike doing.不喜欢做dislike itwhen/if.不喜欢(2)have a dislike for不喜欢;讨厌(1)Some people avoid small talk because they dislike discussing(discuss) things like traffic or weather.有些人回避闲聊,因为他们不喜欢讨论交通或天气之类的事情。(2015安徽)(2)I dislike it when people speak with their mouths full of food.我不喜欢人们嘴里塞满食物说话

14、。(3)I dislike/have a dislike for cold weather. 我讨厌严寒天气。易错点拨dislike后跟动词时,要跟动名词形式。dislike后不直接跟宾语从句,要先接it再接从句。 拓展词:observation n观察observatory n天文台;气象台写出下列句子中黑体词的汉语意思(1)Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still observe traditional customs.遵守(2)As often happens,people with good eyesight fai

15、l to see what is right in front of them,for they have too much to observe.观察(3)Could you tell me how you usually observe Thanksgiving Day in your country?庆祝(4)The police observed a man enter the bank.看到;注意到observe sth.观察/注意到某人做了某事强调看到动作的全过程observe sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事强调看到动作正在进行易错点拨observe sb

16、.do sth.改为被动语态时,省去的不定式符号to要还原上,即 observed to do sth.。 拓展词:adopted adj.被收养的;被采用的adoption n收养;采纳;采用adoptive adj.收养的;有收养关系的(1)adopt an approach/a policy采用某方法/政策(2)an adopted son养子(3)an adoptive father养父(1)Pauls mother had him adopted(adopt) because she couldnt look after him herself.保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养

17、他,便将他送给别人收养了。(2)He was cheated into believing that he was an adopted(adopt) son.他被骗得相信自己是个养子。(3)Having adopted(adopt) a new method,they worked more efficiently.采纳了新方法后,他们工作更高效了。熟词生义写出句子中黑体词的汉语意思(4)Congress has adopted the new measures.通过;批准stand v忍耐,忍受;站立;位于(某处);经受n态度,立场;货摊(1)stand doing/to do.容忍做(2

18、)stand for代表;象征;支持;主张;容忍(用于否定句)stand by站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持stand out突出stand up站立;站起来(1)The letters PLA stand for the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army.(2)How can you stand by and see such cruelty?(3)Her blue hair made her stand out in the crowd.(4)I cant stand working/to work(work) with Jane in the same offic

19、e.She just refuses to stop talking while she works.熟词生义写出句子中黑体词的汉语意思(5)Shes not intending to stand at the next election.竞选;参选 拓展词:express v表达;表示;n.快车;快递;adj.快递的;直达的;明确的(1)beyond expression无法形容without expression毫无表情give expression to表达;表现;把表达出来(2)express oneself表达自己的思想感情(1)He looked at me without exp

20、ression.他面无表情地看着我。(2)The art world gave me a chance to express myself without words.艺术世界给了我一个不用语言表达自我的机会。(2016天津)(3)Hes not educated enough to express/give expression to all his thoughts.他受的教育有限,难以表达出自己的所有想法。熟词生义写出句子中黑体词的汉语意思(4)He came by the midnight express.快车易错点拨express表示“表达,表示”等意时,习惯上不接双宾语,可用exp

21、ress sb.,且express后一般不接that从句,可接疑问词引导的从句。 拓展词:tired adj.疲倦的;疲劳的tiring adj.累人的;辛苦的tire v疲劳(1)be tired from/with因而疲倦be tired out精疲力竭;十分疲劳(2)tire out使疲惫不堪(1)You must be tired from/with the long flight.Please take a rest today.长时间搭乘飞机您一定累了,今天就请好好休息吧。(2)Tired of the tiring journey,my father decided

22、 to stay at the hotel,watching TV. (tire)对这个累人的旅程感到厌烦,我的父亲决定待在旅店里看电视。句式升级(3)She is tired of dancing but she continues for the sake of money.Though tired of dancing,she continues for the sake of money.(改为含though的省略句)Tired of dancing,she continues for the sake of money.(用形容词短语作状语改写)易错点拨表示因某原因而疲惫,tired

23、后通常接介词from/with;表示厌烦或厌倦做某事,英语习惯上用be tired of doing sth.,不用be tired to do sth.。 put away把收起来,放好;储存put aside储存;把放在一边;忽视;不理睬put forward提出意见、建议等put up with忍受,忍耐put on穿上;上演put out熄灭;扑灭;关灯put through接通电话用上述短语的正确形式填空(1)Far water doesnt put out near fire.(2)Encourage children to put aside/away some of their

24、 pocket money to buy Christmas presents.(3)We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,when the weather may be better.(2016天津)(4)Class Three has put forward a reasonable proposal.(5)We cant put up with such terrible noises. take turns to do./in/at doing.轮流做in turn依次;轮流;反过来out of turn不按顺序地

25、;不合时宜地by turns轮流地;交替地Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事。(1)They answered the teachers questions in turn.他们依次回答老师的问题。一句多译(2)他们轮流开车。They took turns to drive the car.They took turns (in/at) driving the car.They drove the car by turns.This is a painting by the Spanish artist,Pablo Picasso,considered to be

26、the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.这是西班牙画家巴勃罗毕加索的一幅油画,他被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的画家。(1)在sb./ considered/said/thought/believed/supposed to do/to be doing/to have done结构中,根据动词不定式和considered等动作之间的时间关系来断定使用不定式的一般式、进行式还是完成式。(2)此结构可改为It is considered that.人们认为;It is said that.据说;It is thought

27、that.大家认为;It is believed that.人们相信;It is supposed that.据推测。(1)In modern day consumer society everyone is considered(consider) to be middle class.(2015广东)(2)He is said to have written(write) a new book about workers.同义句改写(3)He is supposed to be working in that big company.It is supposed that he is wo

28、rking in that big company.单句语法填空1Its delightful(delight) to see so many beautiful flowers.(2016全国)2Among the works and masterworks on exhibition the visitor will find the best pieces,most importantly The Persistence of Memory.(2015全国)3It is never rare to find that Mozart packs Japanese concert halls

29、,as Japanese painter(paint) Hiroshige does Paris galleries.(2015重庆)4Many students are getting tired of the school life because of so much stress.5The adopted(adopt) child has the right to see his birth certificate.6If we observe someone running(run) a red light,we should stop him.7To realize(realize

30、) her ambition of becoming a professional singer,she has been training very hard since an early age.8In England,its easy to tell a persons class by his speech.9The flight had to be put off because of the heavy snowstorm.10The man reading(read) the newspaper there is our English teacher.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)1The thief was observed open the window and run away.2I cant stand people w

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