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1、四级词汇特训含答案序 言英语与您已经有了“超友谊的感情”,她正潜移默化的融入您的生活,影响您的思维和举止。相比之下,四、六级只是一个小插曲。付博为您所能做的是把握考试的脉搏,帮助您向四、六级的顶峰冲击;帮助您将这“超友谊的感情”发挥到极致。我们共同协作,每天把英语挂在嘴边,藏在梦里总有一天,您会突然发现您已经完全主宰了她,拥有了她。God helps only those who are diligent! (天道酬勤!)少年时,我们都受尽了“泥土英语”、“教条英语”的摧残,企图在“This is a apple. Those are apples”之类的乏味句子中了解一门语言。毫无文化背景的

2、文字和教条的教学给我们造成了心理上的隔阂。步入大学以后,一个突如其来的形式化、指令性的“四级”让我们的大学生活黯然失色。但是,英语必定是一个必不可少的东西,就像我们生活中的手机短信、酷哥靓女、QQ、“泡泡堂”一样。我们有必要对英语冷眼相看吗?不妨我们一起坐下来,共同演绎英语四、六级考题里所涉及的异国风情,共同领略相关的人生哲学,共同嗤笑命题的荒谬纰漏顺便共同积累素材并总结应试思路。在这里,我们用英语来憧憬另外一个远离功利的世界。别忘了,兴趣是最好的老师。Get out teeth into English study!(全情投入英语世界!)在电影Philadelphia(费城故事)里,Tom

3、Hanks有一句台词:Every problem has a solution.(每个问题总有对策)。如果我们一味回避,总有一天会变成无法生存的边缘人。Where there is a will, there is a way!(有志者,事竟成!)Section A: Vocabulary and StructureUnit 1alter v.改变associate vt.使发生联系,使联合n.合作人,同事bound adj.开往去的;被束缚的;一定的build up变得更大,更多conform to符合,遵照convert vt.使转变,使、改变信仰n.皈依者involve vt.包括,卷入

4、,使陷于vi.(in)make up 构成,化妆,编造make up for 弥补,补偿stand for 代表tie n.领带vt.系,打结vary vi变化, 不同various adj.多样的1.A healthy life is frequently thought to be with the open countryside and homegrown food.A. tied B. bound C. involved D. associated2.In Britain today women 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mo

5、thers with children are in paid work.A. build up B. stand for C. make up D. conform to3.Features such as height, weight, and skin color from individual to individual and from face to face.A. change B. vary C. alter D. convertUnit 2abuse v.滥用,虐待,辱骂n.滥用,虐待,辱骂attempt vt.尝试,企图n.努力,尝试(to do sth)call for

6、要求call off 结束,取消call on号召,呼吁;访问call up召唤,使想起,打电话给desire n.愿望,欲望vt.想望employ vt.雇用;使用employment就业, 雇佣 ee 雇员er 雇主intention n.意图,目的overlook vt.忽略,俯瞰purpose n.目的,意图on 故意地1.A well-written composition good choice of words and clear organization among other things.A. calls on B. calls for C calls up D. call

7、s off2.It has been revealed that some government leaders their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overlook3.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first .A. intention B. attempt

8、C. purpose D. desireUnit 3considerable adj.1.值得考虑的2.相当大(或多)的,相当可观的considerate adj.体贴的,为别人着想的enormous adj.巨大的,庞大的lay aside 搁置lay down放下,放弃lay off 裁员,解雇lay out 安排,布置numerous adj.众多的,许多的,无数的rack n.架rainbow 彩虹n.ribbon n. 丝带rush n. 勿促,冲进,急流vi.冲,奔,涌现significant adj.有意义的,重大1.The store had to a number of cl

9、erks because sales were down.A. lay out B. lay off C. lay aside D. lay down2.Writing is a slow process, requiring thought, time, and effort.A. significant B. considerable C. enormous D. numerous3.Lightning is a of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another.A. rush B.

10、rainbow C. rack D. ribbonUnit 4arrange v.安排,排列classify vt.分类gap n.缺口,间隙,差距glimpse n.一瞥,一看v.瞥见interval n. (时间)间隔 幕间休息 at s每隔(一段)时间length n.长度occupy vt. 占用,占领,占据rank n. 等级,阶级vt. 把分等 rate n. 比率,费用scene n.现场,景色,戏剧布景vision n.视力;视觉;想象力;幻想1.New York second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000

11、 pounds this year.A. ranked B. occupied C. arranged D. classified2.I caught a of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.A. vision B. glimpse C. look D. scene3.Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular .A. gaps B. rate C.

12、 length D. intervals Unit 5alike adj.相同的,相似的adv.以同样的方式equivalent adj 相等的,相当的(to)n.等价物,相等物flat adj.平坦的,扁平的n.公寓harsh adj.粗糙的,苛刻的,刺耳的likely adj. 很可能的adv.或许,很可能take effect v.见效,生效take part (in)v.参加take place v.发生take turns v.轮流(to do sth.)tedious adj.乏味的uniform adj.统一的,相同的n.制服vigorous adj.精力旺盛的1.Physics

13、 is to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.A. alike B. equivalent C. likely D. uniform2.The new appointment of our president from the very beginning of next semester.A. takes effect B. takes part C. takes place D. takes turns 3.The president made a speech at the opening ceremo

14、ny of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.A. vigorous B. tedious C. flat D. harshUnit 6hang up终止,挂断hang about 闲晃,闲逛hang on 坚持,不挂断raise vt举起(sth.),抚养(sb),筹集spoil vt.搞糟,宠坏,溺爱tear vt.撕坏arouse v.唤醒,激起(情感)arise vi.出现,发生,起因于rise n.上升,增加vi.升起,起义,增长wreck n. 失事船(或飞机),残骸vt.破坏,拆毁injure v

15、t.损害,伤害1.It is not easy to learn English well, but if you , you will succeed in the end.A. hang up B. hang about C. hang on D. hang onto2.Last year the advertising rate by 20 percent.A. raised B. aroused C. arose D. rose3.The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villages: several fishing

16、boats were and many houses collapsed.A. wrecked B. spoiled C. torn D. injuredUnit 7approachable adj.可接近的available adj.可买到的,有用的 ,有空的crash n.碰撞,坠落v.碰撞,坠毁mind n.头脑,智力,精神vt.注意,留意介意mood n.心情,情绪passion n. 激情,热情(for) pollute vt.弄脏,污染probable adj.很可能的,大概的ready adj.有准备的,准备完毕的,现成的,迅速的spot n. 点,污点,地点,场所,现场v.沾污

17、,弄脏,侦察vt.认出,发现stain n.污点,瑕疵(不易清除的)v. 染污,沾污temper n.性情,脾气,情绪lose 发脾气1、The manager lost his just because his secretary was ten minutes late.A. mood B. temper C. mind D. passion2.Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in cooking in case you _ the carpet.A. crash B. pollute C. spot D. stain3.Con

18、venience foods which are already prepared for cooking are in grocery stores.A. ready B. approachable C. probable D. availableUnit 8acceptable adj.可接受的,合意的advisable adj.可取的,明智applicable adj.可适用的,可应用的available adj.可买到的,有用的,有空的capacity n.容量,能力length n.长度,(时间的)长短possibility n.可能性,可能发生的事物resist vt.抵抗,忍得住

19、strength n.力量,力气,实力sustain n.支撑(重量),持续tolerate vt.忍受,容忍undergo vt.经历,遭受1. Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant so much noise.A. resist B. sustain C. tolerate D. undergo2. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total _ for living e

20、xpenses.A. acceptable B. applicable C. advisable D. available3. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full .A. strength B. capacity C. length D. possibility Unit 9adapt vt.使适应,改编 adapt oneself to使自己适应adopt vt.采用,收养consider vt.考虑consider doing 认为 consider to do

21、 sthreceive vt. 收到,接收(被动接受)regard n. 关心,尊重,致意for sb/sth.vt.看待,当作reveal vt.展现,提示,暴露reverse n.相反,背面adj.相反的,颠倒的vt.颠倒revise vt.修订,校订rewrite v.重写,改写be supposed to do th.应该,一定1.I have people who the end of a film that you havent seen before.A. revise B. rewrite C. reveal D. reverse2.Hes watching TV? Hes t

22、o be cleaning his room.A. known B. considered C. regarded D. supposed3.The old couple decided to a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own.A. adapt B. bring C. adopt D. receiveUnit 10accuse vt.控告,谴责,非难charge n. 费用,掌管v.控诉,收费 sb.with sth.收费extent n. 范围,程度to到程度heighten v.提高,升高increas

23、e n.增加,增大,增长vt.增加,加大vi.增加,繁殖level n.水准,标准,级别promote vt.促进,促销,提升,提拔punish vt.惩罚,处罚quantity n.量,数量range n.范围,射程scold v.责骂,申斥,斥责1.The government is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the two countries.A. raise B. increase C. heighten D. promote2.The newspaper did not mention the _

24、 of the damage caused by the fire.A. extent B. increase C. range D. quantity3.The soldier was of running away when the enemy attacked.A. accused B. charged C. scolded D. punished Unit 11break down v.垮掉,(机器)停止运转break off v.中断,折断,突然停止break out v.突发,爆发break up v.打碎,拆散,分裂,结束by means of 凭借,依靠by way of经由i

25、n place of取代in terms of就而言stand for代表strive for奋斗,争取strike at 打击,敲击stick to v.粘住,坚持1. Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he his opinion.A. stuck to B. strove for C. struck at D. stood for2. Which sport has the most expenses training equipment, plays personal equipment and unif

26、orms?A. in place of B. in terms of C. by means of D. by way of 3.The car halfway for no reason.A. broke off B. broke down C. broke up D. broke out Unit 12adapt vt.使适应,改编coordinate vt.调整,协调grasp vt.抓住,掌握,领会n.抓住,抓紧,掌握regulate vt.管制,控制,调节response n.回答,响应,反应(to)result n.结果(result of)result from 起因,由于ear

27、n vt.挣(钱)gain n. 财物的增加 ,收获vt.得到result in 导致seize v.抓住,夺取settlement n.解决,和解solution n.解决办法 (solution to)suit v.合适,相配,适宜于 n.一套衣服1.The newcomers found it impossible to themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.A. suit B. adapt C. regulate D. coordinate2. A to thi

28、s problem is expected to be found before long.A. result B. response C. settlement D. solution3. You have nothing to by refusing to listen to our advice.A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earnUnit 13compress vt.压缩,摘要叙述shrink v.收缩,(使)皱缩,缩短drop v.滴下,落下,(使价格等)下降n.落下,下滴decrease n.减少,减少之量v.减少exchange vt.交换,兑换,交

29、流,交易n.交换,兑换,交流,交易transmit vt.付输,转送,传播vi.发射信号,发报transfer n.迁移,调任vi.转移,调任,转学,换车remove,开除,移交vi.迁移,搬家set about v.开始,着手set down v.放下,记下,制定set out v.出发,开始set up v.设立1.As a result of careless washing, the jacket to a childs size.A. compressed B. shrank C. dropped D. decreased2.He hoped the firm would

30、 him to the Paris branch.A. exchange B. transmit C. transfer D. remove3.Having decided to rent a flat, we contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.A. set about + ing B. set down C. set out +to do D. set upUnit 14come about v.发生,产生can you tell me how the accident come about? come across

31、v.偶遇come after v. 追逐The farmer come after the dog with a e after v.袭击charge v.控诉,收费n费用,主管cost n.成本,价钱,代价vt.价值为(使)花费(金钱,时间)expend vt.花费,支出extremely adv.极端地,非常地intensively adv.强烈地,集中地,细致入微的offer n. 出价,提议vt.提供,出价originally adv.最初,原先violently adv.猛烈地,激烈地,极端地1. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied .A. originally B. extremely C. violent

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