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八年级上册英语Unit 2知识点及练习题新版新目标.docx

1、八年级上册英语Unit 2知识点及练习题新版新目标八年级上册英语Unit 2知识点及练习题(新版新目标)Unit2 How often do you exercise? 单元知识讲解 1. help with housework 帮助做家务 (1) help with sth. 意为“帮助做某事” 拓展:help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 Eg: I often help him with his English. = I often help him (to) learn English. 我经常帮他学习英语。 (2)hous

2、ework 意为“家务劳动”。不可数名词。 1. They have housework to do. A. many B. much 2. sometimes 有时 辨析:sometimes ,some times ,sometime , some time sometimes 有时候。=at times也是“有时”的意思。 some times 几次。time作可数名词时可作“次数”解;表示“时间”时是不可数名词。 sometime 某个时候。可指过去或将来的某个时候。 some time 一段时间。常与for连用。对它提问用how long 。 口诀记忆:分开“一段时间” ;相聚“某个时

3、候”。 练习: We plan to stay in Hainan for . 我们打算在海南呆一段时间。 I am sure that we have met before. 我肯定我们之前见过几次了。 I have letters from him. 有时我会收到他的来信。 3. hardly ever 几乎不 hardly ever相当于hardly eg:There is hardly any food left. 几乎没有食物剩下。 辨析:hardly 与hard hardly 几乎不,一般位于动词之前。 hard 努力,位于动词之后。 eg:He hardly works. 他几乎

4、不工作。 He works hard. 他工作努力。 4. use the Internet 用互联网 use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事 eg:I use a knife to cut bread. 我用刀切面包。 短语:on the Internet 在网上 , surf the Internet 网上冲浪,上网 5. Whats your favorite program? 你最喜欢的节目是什么? 句型:Whats your favorite.? =What. do you like best?你最喜欢的.是什么? 1.Whats your favorite anima

5、l?你最喜欢的动物是什么? = _ 6. Are you free next week? 你下周有空吗? ,反free 意为“空闲的,有空的”义词busy。 be free 意为“闲着,有空” eg::He is free now.他现在有空。 拓展:free还可译为“免费的” Eg:The tickets are free. 票是免费的。 7. . next week is quite full for me. 下周对我来说相当忙 quite full 很忙,相当忙. 拓展:1.full 还可译为“满的,充满的”。 Eg:The bus was full when they got ther

6、e. 翻译_ 2.full 还可译为“饱的”。 Eg:I cant eat any more,I am quite full. 我不能再吃了,我相当饱了。 8. How come? 怎么回事?怎么会? 本句用来表示对某事感到很奇怪,有点想不通。 9. I have dance and piano lessons. 我要上舞蹈课和英语课。 have 在此意为“上课”。 Eg: Theyre having an English lesson. 他们正在上英语课。 扩展:have lessons 上课 , have dinner/lunch 10. Well ,how about Tuesday?

7、哦,那周二呢 How about.? (=What about.?) 意为“怎么样?”,用来征求对方的意见。 Eg: How about this book? 这本书怎样? How / What about doing sth. .? 做怎么样? Eg:-What will we do on Sunday? 星期天我们什么? -How about visiting the museum? 去参观博物馆咋样? 1. Its sunny today,What about _(play)tennis? 11. I go to the movies maybe once a month. 我大概每月去

8、看一次电影。 go to the movies _ maybe 意为“也许,大概,可能”,常位于句首。 Eg:Maybe he knows Tom. 也许他认识Tom。 辨析:maybe 和may be maybe “也许,大概,可能”。(一般放句首) Maybe you are right. 也许你是对的。 may be “可能是,也许是”。 为“情态动词+be动词”结构。(位于句中) You may be right. 你也许是对的。 1. Lily an English teacher. Lily可能是一名英语老师。 =_ 12. He plays at least twice a we

9、ek. 他至少每周踢两次(球)。 at least 意为“至少”。其反义词为at most “最多”。 Eg:There are at least 1,500 students in our school. _。Section B 1. But my mother wants me to drink it. 但我妈妈想让我喝它。 want sb. to do sth. 意为“想让某人做某事”,否定形式为want sb. not to do sth. 意为“不想让某人 做某事”。 Eg:She wants me to bring him some pens. 她想让我给她带些钢笔。 拓展:1.w

10、ant sth. 想要某物 Do you want any story books?你想要些故事书吗? 2.want to do sth. 想要做某事 I want to visit my uncle. 我想去看望我的叔叔。 Do you want (tell)me anything? 2. She says its good for my health. 她说它对我的健康有好处。 be good for 意为“对有益”。反义词为be bad for “对有害”。 Eg: Vegetables are good for you. 蔬菜对你有好处。 拓展:be good at 擅长. be go

11、od at doing sth. 擅长做. 1.I am good at (play)basketball. 3. Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. 上个月我们向学生询问了他们 业余活动的情况。 ask sb. about sth. “询问某人关于某事” Eg:I asked my teacher about todays homework. _。 4. Here are the results. 这是(调查)结果。 here 位于句首,句子要倒装。 Eg:Here is your jacket

12、. 这是你的夹克。 5. twenty percent students dont exercise at all. 百分之20的学生根本不锻炼。 1. 百分数由percent来表示,构成:基数词+percent 。 Eg:Seventy percent of the boys like playing computer games. 男生中70%喜欢完电脑游戏。 2. not. at all 意为“一点儿也不,根本不”。 Eg:I dont know about it at all. 对那件事我一点也不知道。 拓展:not at all = you are welcome 意为“不用谢,不客

13、气”。 Eg:-Thank you for your help. -Not at all. 6. Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular. 尽管许多学生喜 欢看运动类节目,但游戏类节目是最受欢迎的。 although 连词。意为“虽然,尽管”。but 意为“但是”。英语中,although与but不能同时 使用。 Eg:Although it rained,the boys still played outside. = It rained,but the boys still pl

14、ayed outside. 尽管天下雨了,但男孩们仍在外面玩耍。 1. My cousin knows a lot about geography, he is only four years old. A. because B. so C. although 7. It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows. 通过上网或看游戏类节目是很好 的放松方式。 句中it 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。此句型结构为:Its+adj+ (for sb.)+to do sth. 意为 “(对某人来说)做某

15、事是的”。 Eg:Its very important to listen carefully in class. 上课认真听讲很重要。 Its easy for us to swim. 对我们来说游泳很容易。 Its very hard for him to study English. _ 1.-I often have hamburgers for unch. -Youd better not. Its bad for you too much junk food. eat C.eating D. ate 8. Exercise such as playing sp

16、orts is fun,and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. 比如进行体育活动这方面的锻炼就是有趣的,当你们一起运动的时候你 可以和朋友、家人一起度过时光。 such as 意为“比如,例如”。 Eg: I have a lot of hobbies, such as reading and singing. 我有许多爱好,比如读书和唱歌。 spend 意为“度过” 或“花费(时间、金钱)”。 Eg: Come and spend the weekend with us. 来和我们一起

17、度过周末吧。 重点:1. spend timemoney on sth. 在.上花费时间或金钱 He didnt spend much time on his homework. 他没在作业方面花很多时间。 I spend 200 yuan on a new coat. _ 2. spend timemoney (in) doing sth. 花费时间或金钱做某事 Dont spend too much time watching TV. 不要花费太多时间看电视。 He always spend his time playing football. _ Eg: I enjoy playing

18、computer games,but I cant too much time that. A.take, doing B.spend, doing C.spend, for doing D.take, to do 9. However,she has some bad habits,too. 然而她也有一些坏习惯。 however 意为“然而,不过”。可以位于句首、句中、句末。但要用逗号与句子的其他部 分隔开。 Eg: She was ill. However, she still went to work. 她病了,然而她依然去上班。 辨析:but和however but “然而,但是”。

19、 可直接连接前后两个句子,表转折关系。 However “然而,但是”。 不能直接连接句子,必须用逗号与句子隔开。 Eg:1.It began to rain, ,we went out to look for the boy. 天开始下雨了,但我们 还是出去寻找那个男孩了。 2. It a sunny morning, very cold. 这是个晴朗的早晨,但是却很冷。 10. She usually watches TV for more than two hours a day. 她通常每天看两个多小时的电视。 more than 相当于over。意为“超过,多余”。 There ar

20、e more than 2000 books. _ 11. She says she is afraid. 她说她害怕。 afraid 意为“担心的,害怕的”。 afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 Eg:I am afraid to travel by plane. 我害怕乘飞机旅行。 afraid of sb. sth. 害怕某人某物 be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 Eg:She is afraid of the dog. 她害怕那只狗。 Dont be afraid of asking questions. 不要怕问问题。 be

21、afraid to do sth.= 害怕做某事 12. Less than six. 少于6小时。 Less than 意为“不到,少于”。其反义词为 more than over “多余,超过” Eg:She sleeps less than seven hours every night. 他每晚的睡眠时间不到7小时。 We know Tom for 20 years. 我们认识Tom超过20年了。堂上练习: I用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or _? What are the_ ?(different) 2. Eat

22、ing fruit can help you_ (get) more vitamins. 3. My dad wants me_ (be) a lawyer . 4. The boy is doing_ (exercise) on the. paper. 5. The girl is taking_ (exercise) to keep healthy. 6. The little boy is _(exercise). 7. She_ (say) its good for you. 8. Eating vegetables every day is a_ (health) lifestyle

23、. 9. The old man doesnt have _ (many) money. 10. 1 dont know if Bill is _ ( health). 二、单项选择 选出句中相应空白处的最佳答。 ( )1.Would you like some _ to drink? No, thanks. A. tomatoes B. coffee C. potatoes D. chicken ( )2. She was a quiet girl, but she is very _ now. A. beautiful B. lazy C. friendly D. active ( )3.

24、 Are you tired now, Kate? Sure(当然). I can _ walk on. A. hardly B. often C. usually D. always ( )4 I eat _ meat because I dont want to be too heavy. A. lots of B. much C. more D. less ( )5. Her lifestyle is the same _ her brothers. A. as B. for C. with D. to ( )6. My parents are not at home, so I hav

25、e to _ my little sister. A. look at B. look like C. look after D. look out ( )7. _ hours do you exercise every day? Two. A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How many ( )8. How often does your mother shop? _. A. Once a week B. Three times C. five and six times a week D. For a week ( )9. _more fruit

26、s and vegetables is good _ our health. A. Eating; to B. Eats; for C. Eating; for D. Eat; for ( )10. A lot of vegetables _you to keep in good health. A. make B. want C. try D. help ( )11. Peter is _because he hardly ever exercises. A. tired B. happy C. healthy D. unhealthy ( )12. He knows a lot _he i

27、s still (仍然)a child. A. so B. although C. but D. or ( )13. My dad _a lawyer(律师) when I grow up. A. wants me to B. wants me to be C. became D. wanted ( )14. My mother_ surfs the Internet, she likes watching TV. A. doesnt hardly ever B. hardly ever C. isnt hardly ever D. hardly never ( )15. _does he d

28、o on the weekend? - He often helps his mother with housework. A. How B. How often C. What D. How soon ( )16. - What_ you usually _on weekends? -I usually _guitar. A. did; do; play the B. do; do; play C. do; did; play D. do; do; play the ( )17. -Are you late for class? -_. A. Yes, never B. Yes, somet

29、imes C. No, ever D. No, usually ( )18. _he was tired, _he didnt stop to rest A. Although, but; B. Although, /; c. though; but; ( )19. Can you help me _the house? A. cleaning B. with clean C. of cleaning D. clean ( )20. Lisa _eight hours every night. What about you? A. eats B. drinks C. plays D. slee

30、ps课后练习: 一.根据要求完成句子。 1,_ _ Bill usually do _ _?比尔周末通常做什么? 2_ _ do you _ the Internet? _ a week. 你多久上一次网?每周两次。 3. She often reads English books. (改为一般疑问句) _ she often _ English books? 4. My parents want me to be a doctor.(对划线部分提问) _ _ your parents want you to be? 5. My favorite movie is Mr Bean. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your favorite movie? 6. Do you like to drink milk?(作否定回答)_, I _. 7. My grandpa keeps in good health. (改为同义句) My grandpa _ _. 8. He goes to the park three times a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does he go to the park? 9_ Im_ _unhealthy也许我有点不健康 1

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