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1、河北省中考英语试题绝密启用前河北省2020年中考英语试题第I卷(选择题)评卷人得分一、单选题1When are you arriving? Ill pick you up the station.Aat Bto Con Doff【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:你什么时候到,我将在车站接你。考查地点介词。at在,后接小地点;to朝,向;on在某物体表面上;off离开。根据题干中“Ill pick you up _ the station.”可知是说“我将在车站接你”,the station车站,是小地点,其前用at。故选A。2Nancy, carrots are good for eye

2、s. Eat some, please.Amy Byour Cher Dhis dark【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:南希,胡萝卜对你的眼睛有好处。请吃一些。考查物主代词。my我的;your你的;her她的;his dark eyes他的黑眼睛。根据空前的“Nancy, carrots are good for”可知,这是对Nancy所说的话;根据空前的are good for及空后的eyes可知,此处应该用形容词性物主代词,是说对“你的眼睛”有好处。故选B。3It dark. Shall I turn on the light?Agets Bgot Cis getting Dwas

3、 getting【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:天正在变黑,我可以打开灯吗?考查现在进行时。get变得。gets动词的第三人称单数;got动词的过去式;is getting现在进行时;was getting过去进行时。根据题干中“Shall I turn on the light?”可知是说话时天正在变黑,用现在进行时表示动态的变化。故选C。4 you smell something burning? Go and see whats happening.ACan BMay CMust DNeed【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:你能闻到烧焦的东西吗? 去看看发生了什么。考查情态

4、动词。Can能;May可以,与第二人称连用通常表祝福;Must必须;Need需要。根据空后“you smell something burning你闻到烧焦的东西”可知,此处是说“能”can。“你能闻到烧焦的东西吗”符合句意。故选A。5In a restaurant, people usually choose food and drink from the .Abook Bmenu Cnewspaper Dmagazine【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:在餐馆里,人们通常从菜单上选择食物和饮料。考查名词辨析。book书籍;menu 菜单;newspaper 报纸;magazine杂志

5、。通过空前的“In a restaurant在餐馆里”及“choose food and drink选择食物”可知,此处是说从“菜单”上选择食物。故选B。6Helen is the person in her family. Her two elder sisters are both married.Aolder Boldest Cyounger Dyoungest【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:Helen是她家里最年幼的人,她的两个姐姐都结婚了。考查形容词的最高级。old年纪大的;young年幼的。根据题干中“in her family”可知是最高级,又根据“her two eld

6、er sisters”指的是她的两个姐姐,由此可知她是最年幼的。故选D。7Train tickets online. It is convenient.Asold Bwere sold Care sold Dhave sold【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:火车票在网上销售。它很方便。考查一般现在时的被动语态。根据句意可知,“火车票”和“销售”之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,故排除A、D;根据“It is convenient.”可知,时态为一般现在时,故选C。8Some volunteers are going to the central park. Lets join them.Aput

7、 up Bclean up Clook up Dgive up【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:一些志愿者打算去清扫中央公园。让我们加入他们吧。考查动词短语。put up张贴;clean up清扫;look up向上看,查阅;give up放弃。根据空后“the central park”,结合选项可推出是说清扫中央公园,用clean up符合题意。故选B。9Im so glad that I nearly half of the test now.Afinish Bfinished Cwill finish Dhave finished【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我很高兴我现在已经

8、完成了将近一半的考试。考查动词时态。finish动词原形;finished动词过去式;will finish一般将来时;have finished现在完成时。根据句意可知,这里是过去的动作对现在造成的结果,所以用现在完成时,故选D。10My cousin will drive me to school today, but I dont know .Awhat hell do Bwhere hell goCwhen well leave Dwhy well go there【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我的堂兄今天将会开车载我去学校,但是我不知道我们将什么时候出发。考查宾语从句。wh

9、at hell do他将做什么;where hell go他将去哪里;when well leave我们将什么时候出发;why well go there为什么我们要去那里。根据题干中“I dont know _”结合选项可知此处是个含宾语从句的主从复合句;再由题干中“My cousin will drive me to school today”可知已经点明了去哪里和做什么,去学校的原因自是不必解释,由此可排除ABD,此处应是说不知道什么时候出发。故选C。评卷人得分二、完型填空Whenever the exam season comes, stress(焦虑) may come along.

10、 Here are some 11 that helped me and my friends through this season.When the stress of exams is really hitting me, I stop and take a walk. I usually borrow m neighbors dog and 12 for about fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games. Having some 13 drives aw

11、ay your stress easily most of the time.And 14 you find music helpful, give it a go. Listening to your favorite songs will surely make you 15 . The best thing about this is that you dont have to go 16 But if you are a book lover just like me, 17 a book you like for half an hour. Reading can take you

12、to places youve 18 been putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.For sure, theres nothing better than laughing. Laughing is the best medicine. It can really keep 19 off your mind! Very often I call my best friend and we 20 our good times or someth

13、ing funny, and Im feeling better before I know it.Remember many others also face the problem of stress just like you, and it is not something that cannot be dealt with.11Away Breasons Chabits Dresults12Awalk Bjump Cstand Dsit13Ajokes Bsports Ctasks Dlessons14Abefore Buntil Csince Dif15Alovely Bfrien

14、dly Chappy Dsleepy16Asomewhere Beverywhere Canywhere Dnowhere17Acopy Bwrite Cprint Dread18Aever Bnever Cseldom Dalways19Aworry Bpity Csurprise Dpain20Athink about Btalk about Ccare about Dhear about【答案】11A12A13B14D15C16C17D18B19A20B【解析】【分析】文章主要是讲述排解考试季焦虑的四种方法,如运动,听音乐,做自己爱做的事情和笑。11句意:这里有一些方法可以帮助我和我的朋

15、友度过这个季节。way方法;reasons原因;habits习惯;results结果;根据句意理解及后句that helped me and my friends through this season可知,这里表达的是“方法”,故选A。12句意:我通常借邻居家的狗去散步15分钟左右。walk走路;jump跳;stand站;sit坐;根据句意理解及前文I stop and take a walk.可知,这里表达的是“借狗去散步”,故选A。13句意:大多数时候,做些运动可以轻松地消除你的压力。jokes玩笑;sports运动;tasks任务;lessons课程;根据句意理解及前句Many boy

16、s would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games.可知,这里表达的是“运动”,故选B。14句意:如果你发现音乐对你有帮助,随便听听。before在之前;until直到才;since自从;if如果;根据句意理解及后句give it a go可知,这里表达的是一种假设,表示“如果”,故选D。15句意:听你最喜欢的歌一定会让你快乐。lovely可爱的;friendly友好的;happy快乐的;sleepy困倦的;根据句意理解及句中的Listening to your favorite songs可知,这里指的是“快乐”,故选C。

17、16句意:最好的是你不用去任何地方。somewhere某处;everywhere到处;anywhere某个地方,任何地方;nowhere无处;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“某个地方”,而本句是否定句,所以这里应该用anywhere表示,故选C。17句意:读一本你喜欢的书半个小时。copy复制;write写;print打印;read读;根据句意理解及前句But if you are a book lover just like me可知,这里表达的的是“读书”,故选D。18句意:阅读可以把你带到你从未去过的地方。ever曾经;never从不;seldom很少,不常;always总是;根据句意理

18、解及后句putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.可知,这里表达的是“从未去过的地方”,故选B。19句意:它真的可以让你不再忧虑!worry担心;pity可惜;surprise惊讶;pain痛苦;根据句意理解及前文Whenever the exam season comes, stress(焦虑) may come along及后文our good times or something funny, and Im feeling better bef

19、ore I know it.可知,这里表达的是“忘掉忧虑”,故选A。20句意:我们谈论我们的美好时光或一些有趣的事情。think about考虑;talk about谈论;care about关心;hear about听说;根据句意理解及空格后的部分our good times or something funny可知,这里表达的是“谈论”,故选B。评卷人得分三、阅读单选In class, students are sharing their dream jobs.Jacob: Id like to be a mountain-climbing guide for several reason

20、s. Number One, mountain climbing is very exciting. Mountain-climbing guides get to climb tall, dangerous mountains, right? Number Two, I enjoy working outdoors and helping others. Number Three, mountain-climbing guides travel widely and meet many fun people.Fred: My choice is to be a vet(兽医). Why? I

21、 like animals. Animals bring a lot of joy to our lives, but they ask for little in return. I also enjoy helping animals and their owners feel better. Pet owners are happy when their pets are well. Finally, vets get to work with other people who like animals.Anne: Ha, my dream job? An accountant (会计)

22、! I think its interesting. Im good at numbers, you know, and I also like helping people manage their money. Good accountants are well paid, and I want to manage my own money, of course. But the most important of all, accountants mostly work alone, and I like to work alone.Jessica: Id like to become

23、an animator(动画片制作者)and make films like Toy Story, Shrek, and Cars. You see, I love drawing and I love working on computers. Id like to help people relax and enjoy their life. Animators can make a lot of money, too.21Jacobs dream job is to be .Aa vet Ban animatorCan accountant Da mountain-climbing gu

24、ide22What is Annes main reason for her dream job?AThe job is interesting. BThe job is well paid.CShe is good at numbers. DShe likes to work by herself.23What do the four students have in common?AThey enjoy working outside. BThey enjoy offering help to others.CThey hope to meet fun people. DThey hope

25、 to make a lot of money.【答案】21D22D23B【解析】【分析】文章大意:文中四个学生分享了各自梦想中的工作,并且分别给出了各自的原因。21细节理解题。根据第二段中Id like to be a mountain-climbing guide for several reasons.可知Jacob梦想中的职业是成为一名登山向导。故选D。22细节理解题。根据第四段中But the most important of all, accountants mostly work alone, and I like to work alone.可知最重要的是会计可以独自工作,并

26、且Anne很喜欢独自工作。故选D。23细节理解题。根据第二段中Number Two, I enjoy working outdoors and helping others.、第三段中I also enjoy helping animals and their owners feel better.、第四段中. and I also like helping people manage their money.及最后一段中Id like to help people relax and enjoy their life.可知这四个学生的共同点是喜欢帮助其他人。故选B。Dans class kn

27、ow Dan is in the hall before they see him. He raps (说唱) when he passes in the hall. He raps when he comes into class. And he raps when he sits at his desk. He raps when he can and he raps about almost everything.Dan joined in a rap competition at school. When Dan rapped, his friends clapped(鼓掌)for h

28、im. The kids thought his rapping was great. But could Dan win?Dan did win! Dan got the top place! All his classmates gave him a big hand. Now Dan is a star in our school! Mal said. Ben stood up and shook Dans hand. That was cool, Dan. You are a hero!Miss Mills said, Dan did win! His next step is to

29、rap on National Rap Star on TV. We can all give Dan a big hand. The class clapped and cheered for Dan. Miss Mills smiled.Miss Mills and his classmates were excited, but Dan threw himself onto his chair, silent. Dan could not rap on TV. In class, Dan could not do his physics. He could not think. Dan

30、was not a kid who got nervous a lot, but he did not wish to rap on TV. Could he be lucky again? Anyway, who wanted to lose? Dan thought perhaps he would not attend the national competition. Then he would not have to rap on TV.Dans friends sensed something was going on his mind. They planned to give

31、him some help. When Dan got to class the next day, he saw a sign on the wall. It said, Dan, just rap like in our classroom! Dan smiled. “Perhaps its not that hard to rap on TV. he thought.24How do Dans classmates know he is in the hall before they see him?AThey hear him rap. BThey see a sign on the wall.CThey hear him clap hands. DThey see the things on h

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