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牛津译林版七下 Unit 6 Outdoor fun教案.docx

1、牛津译林版七下 Unit 6 Outdoor fun教案Unit 6 Outdoor fun Period 1 Welcome to the unit & Comic stripTeaching aims:1. To know different outdoor activities.2. To understand the characteristics of different outdoor activities.Teaching steps:1. Presentation Get the students to talk about the outdoor activities the

2、y know. Present new words and some important phrases by multimedia to introduce outdoor activities. Teach the new words.2. New lesson Finish Section A on Page 65. Check the answers together.3. Presentation T: What outdoor activity do you like? Get the students to talk about their favorite outdoor ac

3、tivities.4. New lesson Listen to the tape and answer the questions: What outdoor activity does Amy like? What does Daniel like about camping? Dialogue practice. Model: A: What outdoor activity would you like to try? B: I want to A: Why?/ What do you like about? B: I like/loveWhat about you?A: I want

4、 to5. Comic strip Listen and answer: Do Eddie and Hobo both have a good time? Read follow the tape. Dialogue performance.6. Language points (1) hurry up _ (赶快), or we will be late. (2) be tired I _ (累的) when I dance. 同义短语: get tired feel tired 我爸爸下班后总是觉得累。 My father _ always _ after work. My father

5、always_ after work.My father always_ after work. (3) carry sth. for sb. 请为我搬这个大箱子。Please _ the big box _ me. (4) too heavy = that heavy 这个包不是那么重。The bag isnt_ heavy. = The bag isnt _ heavy.(5) complain 向某人抱怨 complain to sb. 他经常跟我抱怨。 He often _ me. 对什么不满 complain about sth. 他对这家餐厅的食物不满。 He _ the food

6、 in the restaurant. 向某人抱怨某事 complain to sb. about sth. 他向我抱怨这家餐厅的食物。 He _ me _ the food in the restaurant. (6) go +V-ing 进行一项户外的娱乐活动 去钓鱼 去骑马 去慢跑 去野营 去滑冰 去游泳 (7)outdoor activity 你喜欢什么户外运动? What _ do you like? (8) try 尝试 尝试做某事 try to do sth. 让我们尝试做一个模型飞机。 Lets _ make a model plane. 试一试 have a try (9)W

7、hat do you like about? 你喜欢哪一点/什么?相当于Why What do you like about camping?= Why do you like camping? 你喜欢周杰伦什么? What _ Jay Chou?= Why _ Jay Chou? (10) be outside 在外面 = stay outside 我喜欢在外面。 I like _. = I like _. 7. Exercises: 翻译 1.我累了。 2.请为我搬这把椅子。 3.你喜欢这部电影什么? 4.骑自行车运动时户外运动的一种。 5.不要抱怨太多。 8. Homework Do t

8、he workbook. Reading Teaching aims:1.Words: rabbit hole by pass dear watch stand up get away fall hit herself alone low locked notice into side through go through surprise2.Phrases: by the river pass by see sb. doing sth. take.out of. find herself alone put.into. go through 3.Sentences: One sunny da

9、y, Alice sat by the river with her sister. She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by. The rabbit took a watch out of its pocket. Alice stood up and ran across the field after the rabbit. She didnt want to let the rabbit get away. Alice saw a key on the table, but it didnt fit any of the doors. She

10、 could see a lovely garden on the other side.4.The simple past tense of the verbs.5.To train the students to listen, read, speak and write.6.Get the students to find something amazing around our life.Period 2 Reading ITeaching steps:1.Free talkWhat outdoor activity would you like to try?What do you

11、like about it?2.PresentationPresent some pictures of Wonderland from the movie Alice in Wonderland. Ask the students : Where is here? Lead the students to guess and get the result: Wonderland. Lead in the new lesson.3.New lesson 1) Teach the new words. 2) Get the students to listen to the tape and a

12、nswer the questions: What does the rabbit look like?How did Alice feel? 3) Read the article and answer more questions: When and where did the story happen? What did Alice see when she looked up? What did the rabbit do when Alice saw it? Did Alice run after the rabbit? What happened to Alice after sh

13、e jumped down the hole? Could Alice go through the small door? 4) Read the article again and do Section B3 and check the answers. Do Section B1 and check the answers.Read the article paragraph by paragraph and finish Section B2, then check the answers. 5) Finish Part B4 without looking at the books.

14、 Ask two of the students to read their conversation and check the answers. 6) Let the students find out the simple past form of verbs in the article. Get the students to write the simple past form of verbs: sit - do- fall- hear- look- find- see- hit- say- be- take- notice- stand- put- run- open- jum

15、p- can- try- want- let- get-4.Sum up Fill in the blanks with correct words.One sunny day, Alice _ _ the river and saw a rabbit in a coat _ _.The rabbit _ a watch _ _ its pocket. Alice found it amazing! She _ across the field after the rabbit. The rabbit _ _ a big hole and she didnt want to let it _

16、_, so she jumped down the hole too. Alice _ for a long time and _the ground. She found herself _ in a hall. The doors around were all _.The key on the table didnt _ any of the _. Then she _ a small door and _ the key_ it .The door opened. Alice _ a lovely garden on _ _ _. She _ to go _ the door, but

17、 she couldnt. 5. HomeworkRecite the article and the new words.Period 3 Reading IITeaching Steps:1.Revision Retell the article. The following questions can help you.Q1 Where did Alice sit with her sister?Q2 What did she see when she looked up?Q3 What did the rabbit do ?Q4 Did Alice run after the rabb

18、it?Q5 What did she do then?Q6 What happened in the hall? Write the simple past form of the following verbs. sit - do- fall- hear- look- find- see- hit- say- be- take- notice- stand- put- run- open- jump- can- try- want- let- get-2.Language points:1). one sunny day one 表示不确定的某一天,用于过去时一个星期天的早晨,我和父亲一起去

19、河边钓鱼。One Sunday morning, Father and I _ fishing _ the river.2). by the river 在河边 by 在旁边,靠近 (介词)她喜欢坐在河边的咖啡馆里。She likes sitting in the coffee shop _. pass by 经过 by 经过(副词)我没有看到他经过。I did not see him _.3).sound 听起来 (+ adj.) sound 声音(名)这首歌听起来很棒。 This song _ _.我熟悉这种声音。 I know the _.4). see sb. doing sth. 看

20、到某人做某事 (正在,偶然)我刚才看到他在操场上打篮球。I _ him _basketball on the playground just now. see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事 (经常)我经常看到他在操场上打篮球。I often _ him _ basketball on the playground.5). a white rabbit in a coat 表示某人穿着什么样的衣服用介词 in介词短语作定语修饰名词后置一个穿红色连衣裙的女孩 a girl _ a red dress骑自行车的男生 the boy _ the bike6). be late 迟到 经常搭配

21、介词for be late for 做迟到上学不要迟到。 Dont be late _ school.7).take a watch out of its pockettake.out of. 从拿出她从手提包里拿出钥匙。She _ her keys _ the handbag.8).How amazing! How + adj./ adv. +.! 感叹句 Jim跑得真快! How _ Jim runs!9).stand up 站起身,起立10).run across the field after the rabbit 追着兔子穿过田野 across 穿过,横过 (从表面) 过马路 run

22、 after 追赶我刚才看到一只猫在追一只老鼠。I _ a cat _ a mouse just now.11).let the rabbit get away let 后动词用原形 Lets go!get away 逃脱,离开强盗中的一个逃脱了。One of the robbers _.get away from sb./sp. 逃离某地/远离某人离我远点。 _ me.12).fall for a long timefall off 跌落,从落下女孩从自行车上摔下来了。The girl _ the bike.fall down 滑倒,倒下老奶奶摔倒了。 The old woman _.for

23、 + 一段时间 e.g. for two days 提问用 How long.?13). hit the ground hit 击中,到达 (hit, hitting)倒下的树砸着了小汽车。The falling tree _ the car.我们最终来到了大路。 We _ the main road at last.14).find herself alone find sb./sth. +adj.我发现了一个有趣的地方。 I _ a place _.15).all around 四处,到处,周围全世界16).be locked门锁了。 The door _.17).fit 适合于 (v.)

24、 健康的,结实的(adj.)保持健康 这件外套很适合你。 This coat _ you very well.18).any of . 中的任何你认识那些学生中的任何一些吗?Do you know _ the students over there?19).notice 注意 (v.) 通知,注意 (n.)Alice 注意到一些不寻常的事情。Alice _ something unusual.你看到告示了吗?Did you see the _?20).put.into. 把放进他把表放进口袋里。He _ the watch _the _.21).on the other side 在另一边th

25、e other 表示两者中的另一个在路的另一边又很多树。There are many trees _ of the road.22).try to do sth. 尝试做Alice 尝试着用钥匙打开门。Alice _ open the door _ the key. 尽力做 try/do ones best to do sth.学生应该尽力好好学习。Students should _ study well.23).go through 穿过 through 指从内部穿过 穿过森林 3.Exercises 一个晴朗的日子,爱丽丝和她的妹妹坐在河边。她看到一只穿着外套的白色兔子经过。兔子从口袋里拿

26、出手表。爱丽丝站起身来追着兔子穿过了田野。她不想让兔子跑掉。爱丽丝看到桌上有把钥匙,但是打不开任何门。她能看到在另一边有一个可爱的花园。4.Sum up1). one sunny day one 表示不确定的某一天,用于过去时2). by the river 在河边 by 在旁边,靠近 (介词) pass by 经过 by 经过(副词)3.)sound 听起来 (+ adj.) sound 声音(名)4.) see sb. doing sth. 看到某人做某事 (正在,偶然) see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事 (经常)5). a white rabbit in a coat 表示

27、某人穿着什么样的衣服用介词 in介词短语作定语修饰名词后置6). be late 迟到 经常搭配介词for be late for 做迟到7). take.out of. 从拿出8). How + adj./ adv. +.! 感叹句9).stand up 站起身,起立10).run across the field after the rabbit 追着兔子穿过田野 across 穿过,横过 (从表面) run after 追赶11).let the rabbit get away let 后动词用原形 get away 逃脱,离开12).fall for a long time fall

28、off 跌落,从落下 fall down 滑倒,倒下13). hit the ground hit 击中,到达 (hit, hitting)14).find herself alone find sb./sth. + adj.15).all around 四处,到处,周围16).be locked17).fit 适合于 (v.) 健康的,结实的(adj.)18).any of . 中的任何19).notice 注意 (v.) 通知,注意 (n.)20).put.into. 把放进21).on the other side 在另一边the other 表示两者中的另一个22).try to do sth. 尝试做 尽力做 try/do ones best to do sth.23).go through 穿过 through 指从内部穿过Pay attention to the simple past form of the verbs in the article!5.Homework Do the workbook.Period 4 GrammarTeaching aims:1.Words: put up tent2. Grasp the past tense sentence app

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