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1、高二下学期第三次月考英语试题含答案2014年高二下学期第三次月考英语试题(含答案)绗?鈪?鍗?绗 竴閮垎 鍚 姏锛堝叡涓皬鑺傦紝婊垎30鍒嗭級 绗 竴鑺?鍏?灏忛 锛氭瘡灏忛 1.5鍒嗭紝婊垎7.5鍒? 鍚 笅闈?娈靛 璇濄傛瘡娈靛 璇濆悗鏈変竴涓 皬棰橈紝浠庨 涓 墍缁欑殑A銆丅銆丆涓変釜閫夐涓 夊嚭鏈浣抽夐锛屽苟鏍囧湪璇曞嵎鐨勭浉搴斾綅缃 傚惉瀹屾瘡娈靛 璇濆悗锛屼綘閮芥湁10绉掗挓鐨勬椂闂存潵鍥炵瓟鏈夊叧灏忛 鍜岄槄璇讳笅涓灏忛 銆傛瘡娈靛 璇濅粎璇讳竴閬嶃?1. What does the man want? A. A leather suit. B. A piece of leath

2、er. C. A pair of leather shoes. 2. Who was absent from dinner last night? A. Robert. B. George. C. Kate. 3. How often does the woman eat out? A. Five times a month. B. Four times a week. C. Five times a week. 4.What was Patricks former apartment possibly like? A. Quite noisy. B. Rather remote. C. Ve

3、ry comfortable. 5.Which program does the woman want to watch? A. A movie. B. A fashion show. C. International news. 绗 簩鑺?鍏?5灏忛 ;姣忓皬棰?.5鍒嗭紝婊垎22.5鍒? 鍚 笅闈?娈靛 璇濇垨鐙 櫧銆傛瘡娈靛 璇濇垨鐙 櫧鍚庢湁鍑犱釜灏忛 锛屼粠棰樹腑鎵缁欑殑A銆丅銆丆涓変釜閫夐涓 夊嚭鏈浣抽夐锛屽苟鏍囧湪璇曞嵎鐨勭浉搴斾綅缃 傚惉姣忔 瀵硅瘽鎴栫嫭鐧藉墠锛屼綘灏嗘湁鏃堕棿闃呰 鍚勪釜灏忛 锛屾瘡灏忛 5绉掗挓锛涘惉瀹屽悗锛屽悇灏忛 灏嗙粰鍑?绉掗挓鐨勪綔绛旀椂闂淬傛瘡娈

4、靛 璇濇垨鐙 櫧璇讳袱閬嶃傚惉涓嬮潰涓娈靛 璇濓紝鍥炵瓟绗?鍜岀 7涓釜灏忛 銆?6. What made the girl sick? A. The nightmares. B. The plane trip. C. Visiting the Palace. 7. Where does the conversation take place? A. In London. B. In New York. C. In San Francisco. 鍚 笅闈 竴娈靛 璇濓紝鍥炵瓟绗?鍜岀 9涓釜灏忛 銆?8. What has the womans family started to do? A.

5、 Use cars that run on natural gas. B. Bring their own bags to the grocery store. C. Recycle plastic bottles and metal cans. 9. Who uses a solar cell? A. The mans father. B. The mans uncle. C. The mans co-worker. 鍚 笅闈 竴娈靛 璇濓紝鍥炵瓟绗?0鑷崇 12涓変釜灏忛 銆?10. What is the weather like in the womans hometown at th

6、is time of year? A. Very hot. B. Rather rainy. C. Changeable. 11. Where did the woman and her husband have a walk last week? A. In a park. B. In the countryside. C. At the seaside. 12. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman and her husband lost their raincoats. B. The woman and her hu

7、sband sheltered from the rain. C. The woman got a bad cold. 鍚 笅闈 竴娈靛 璇濓紝鍥炵瓟绗?3鑷崇 16鍥涗釜灏忛 銆?13. What does the man want to do this summer? A. Visit Scotland. B. Earn some money. C. Go to the mountains. 14. How long will the woman spend her summer in Scotland? A. Seven weeks. B. Six weeks. C. Five week

8、s. 15. What will be the womans regular work in the hotel? A. Setting the table. B. Parking cars for guests. C. Selling drinks and things. 16. Where did the woman find her job? A. On the Internet. B. In a newspaper. C. In a book. 鍚 笅闈 竴娈电嫭鐧斤紝鍥炵瓟绗?7鑷崇 20鍥涗釜灏忛 銆?17. How long before show time does the b

9、ox office open? A. 25 minutes. B. 35 minutes. C. 45 minutes. 18. What movie will start at 3:45 pm? A. Return to Mars II. B. Road Trip. C. Friends Forever. 19. How much does a regular ticket cost a 16-year-old boy on Monday? A. $2.00. B. $4.50. C. $6.00. 20. On which day can a family of five see a mo

10、vie with $10? A. Tuesday. B. Thursday. C. Saturday.绗 簩閮垎 闃呰 鐞嗚锛堝叡20 灏忛 锛屾瘡灏忛 2鍒嗭紝婊垎40鍒? 绗 竴鑺傦紙鍏?5 灏忛 锛屾瘡灏忛 2鍒嗭紝婊垎30鍒? 闃呰 涓嬪垪鐭 枃锛屼粠姣忛 鎵缁欑殑鍥涗釜閫夐(A, B, C鍜孌)涓 紝閫夊嚭鏈浣抽夐.骞跺湪绛斾笖鍗笂灏嗚 椤规秱榛戙?A As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rus

11、hing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is important for a healthy mind and body. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not such a bad thing as it is often supposed to be. A certain amount

12、 of stress is vital锛坕mportant锛塼o provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health. The amount of stress a person can stand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress; others

13、lose heart at the first sign of unusual difficulties. When faced with stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between 鈥渇light or fight 鈥?and in more primitive锛堝師濮嬬殑锛塪ays the choices made the difference between life or death. The crises锛堝嵄鏈猴級we meet t

14、oday are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same reaction. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued suffering from stress, that health becomes endangered. Since we cannot remove stress from our lives 锛坕t would be unwise to do so even if we could

15、锛? we need to find ways to deal with it. 21. According to the passage, the most important character of a good manager is _. A. strong will to hold out stress B. having control over performance 銆 C. high sense of responsibility D. knowing the art of relaxation 22. People are finding less and less tim

16、e for relaxing themselves because _. 銆 A. they are traveling very often 銆 B. they believe that work is more important than relaxation 銆 C. they regard working as their greatest enjoyment 銆 D. they are becoming busier with their work than ever before 23. Which of the following statements is true acco

17、rding to the passage? A. It鈥檚 easy to change the habit of keeping on eself busy with work. 銆 B. Stress is always harmful to people鈥檚 health. 銆 C. We can find quite a few ways to avoid stress. 銆 D. Different people can bear different amount of stress. 24. According to the passage, the right attitude

18、towards stress is to_. 銆 A. find some relaxation 銆銆 B. regard it as a vital motivation 銆 C. face it and overcome it 銆 D. avoid itB During the tsunami(娴峰暩)disaster of 2004锛宱ver 300,000 people died锛嶯o one has counted the number of animals killed锛宐ut we know that it wasnt many锛嶢ll over the region锛宐efor

19、e the disaster struck锛宎nimals were behaving strangely. Shortly before the tsunami锛宨n Khaolak锛孴hailand锛宼welve elephants that were giving tourists rides became agitated锛嶵hey suddenly left their usual habitat锛宑arrying four surprised Japanese tourists to safety锛嶰n the eastern coast of India锛宖lamingos(鐏

20、儓楦?锛寃hich should be breeding at this time of year锛宻uddenly flew to higher ground锛嶰f the two thousand wild pigs that live in an Indian nature reserve锛宱nly one was found dead after the tsunami锛?The idea that the animals are able to predict disasters is nothing new. In fact锛宨t has been well-recorded ov

21、er the years. Twelve hours before Hurricane Charlie hit Florida in 2004锛宖ourteen sharks left their natural habitat and stayed in deep waters for two weeks. The sharks锛寃hich were being observed by US scientists锛宧ad never done this before锛嶵hey escaped the hurricane锛嶪n the winter of 1975 in Haicheng锛孋h

22、ina锛宻nakes which would normally have been hibernating(鍐 湢)were seen on the ground锛嶥ays later there was a big earthquake striking锛?Unlike human beings锛寃ild animals senses are sharper and they can feel even the smallest changes in the environment锛嶪n other words锛宼hey see natural warnings that are invis

23、ible to the human eye锛嶢ncient people probably had the similar鈥渟enses鈥? which they needed to survive锛宐ut these have been lost to us as modern technology leads us further away from the danger that nature creates. The real question is锛宑an we use the reactions of animals to save ourselves from natural d

24、i sasters? Animal behaviour expert锛孯upesh Kaneira锛宐elieves we have no choice锛庘淭he technology which we rely on isnt always perfect锛宎nd in poorer countries it isnt even available(鍙 敤鐨?锛嶢n imals know the environment better than any of us锛嶹hen they run for their lives锛寃e must follow锛庘?25锛嶵he underlined

25、word 鈥渁gitated鈥漣n Paragraph 2 probably means 锛?A锛巜orried and nervous B锛巘ired and uneasy C锛巇isappointed and sad D锛巈xcited and happy 26锛嶵he wild animals can predict the natural disasters because they 锛?A锛巆an run for their lives when natural disasters happen B锛巇ont have any modern technology to help th

26、em C锛巃re being observed and tracked for scientific experiments D锛巃re quick to notice the slightest changes in the environment 27锛嶩ow is the third paragraph developed? A锛嶣y giving explanations B锛嶣y listing examples锛?C锛嶣y presenting the reasons锛?D锛嶣y comparing the differences锛?28锛嶵he best title of the

27、 passage might be 锛?A锛嶧ew Animals Died in the Tsunami B锛嶢nimals React to Disasters C锛嶢nimals can Survive Disasters D锛嶧ollowing Animals may Save UsC A popular saying goes,鈥淪ticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.鈥?However, thats not really true. Words have the power to build

28、 us up or tear us down. It doesnt matter if the words come from someone else or ourselves-the positive and negative effects are just as lasting. We all talk to ourselves sometimes. Were usually too embarrassed to admit it, though. But we really shouldnt be, because more and more experts believe talk

29、ing to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit. This self-talk helps us motivate ourselves, remember things, solve problems, and calm ourselves down. Beware, though, that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative. So in order to stay positive, we should only speak words of encouragement to ours

30、elves. We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the back. The next time you finish a project, do well in a test, or finally clean your room, join me in saying, 鈥淕ood job !鈥?Often, words come out of our mouths without our thinking about the effects they will have; but we should be aware tha

31、t our words cause certain responses to others. For example, when returning an item to a store, we might use warm friendly language during the exc hange. And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner. Or we can use harsh, critical language, which will most likely cause the clerk to be defen

32、sive. Words possess power because of their lasting effects. Many of us regret something we once said. And we remember unkind words said to us! Before speaking, we should always ask ourselves锛欼s it true? Is it loving? Is it needed? If what we want to say doesnt pass this test, then its better left un

33、said. Words possess power both positive and negative. Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self-esteem (鑷 皧) and motivate others to do their best. Negative words destroy all those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal锛烼he choice is ours. 29.

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