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初三成都中考完成对话试题含答案各诊断性考试Exercises to improve 928.docx

1、初三成都中考完成对话试题含答案各诊断性考试Exercises to improve 9282011 成华区中考英语诊断试题 主题:出国准备 难度: 7 李博,五块石(B=Bill, L=Li Hong.)B: Hi, Li Hong. How are you doing? I hear youre off to the United States.L: Thats_1_, Bill. Im going to stay in America for three months.B: Thats great. But you look a bit fed up. Whats the problem?

2、L: Look, Bill, can I ask you a favor? I need some _2_ about what to door better still, what not to do there.B: Oh, you mean customs?L: Of course.For example, what should I do when I meet new people?B: Shake hands at the first meeting. Whoever they are, Americans dont usually like to call each other

3、_3_their family name; it sounds too formal.L: What shall I do if Im invited to dinner?B: When youre invited to someones home, its a _4_ idea to bring a gift for your host. It doesnt have to be something expensive, perhaps some flowers or a bottle of wine. And its usual for people to _5_ gifts when t

4、hey receive them, so dont be surprised. Thats the_6_we do things in the States.L: OK.B: Be more or less on time, not very _7_ and not very late.L: What on earth can I talk about?B: Its best to avoid any heavy-going conversation topics. If your mind goes blank, try not to panic and stay relaxed. Youl

5、l soon think of _8_. In difficult situations I always talk about the weather.L: Oh, good idea.B: If you have a meal, dont start eating _9_ everyone is served. And whatever you do, dont leave at once after the meal is finished. That could seem rude.L: Right.B: But when you do leave, be sure to _10_ y

6、our host for “a wonderful evening and having a great time!”全文分析:这篇文章主要讲“去美国之前与朋友聊到的一些礼节文化方面的注意事项”,全文难度中等。主要困难包括 1. 学生不认识部分的单词短语;,2. 一些国外文化或常识不太清楚,例如:外国人收到礼物时会当面拆礼物;外国人即便很没钱也会有汽车;外国人见面常常谈论天气,但是拒绝谈论年龄收入,宗教信仰等等。答案解析:1.L 表示对 B 的赞同,填入 right.2.注意 ask a favour 的意思是“帮我个忙”,所以“我”需要一些“建议”或“帮助”。故填入advice/sugges

7、tions/help。3.此句要表达的意思是“美国人不喜欢用姓名称呼别人”,此空填入表示方式的介词,故填 by。4.第四题相对较简单,表示“给主人带一份礼物是个好主意”,所以填入 good。5.第五题相对较难,因为涉及文化常识,那就是“外国人收到礼物后立刻拆开礼物是很寻常的”。所以填入 open。6.第六题比较难,难度是理清句子结构,Thats the _6_we do things in the States. 此处的 we do things in the States 是定语从句,所以填入一个先行词,根据语义,此处填入“方式”,即:way。7.第七题比较简单,根据上下文,“不要准时,早一

8、点或者吃迟一点”填入“迟”的反义词early(早)。8.第八题难度中等,关键是读懂上下文,“如果你的大脑一片空白,不要惊慌,要放松,快点想一些东西。在困难的情形,我总是谈论天气”所以填入 something 。9.第九题比较简单,不要开吃,在每个人都准备好之前。所以填入表示时间的连词 before。10.第十题比较简单,因为“一个很棒的晚上和玩得很开心”应该感谢主人。故填入 thank。2013 青羊区中考英语诊断试题 主题:爱情故事 难度: 李博,五块石(Julia was reading a letter under a tree. It made her nearly cry. Then

9、 here came Annie.) A:Julia, lets go shopping. Oh,_1_happening. You look sad.J:I just heard from my aunt and knew that her husband, Uncle John died. I was moved by their love.A:Would you mind telling me something about their love story?J: _2_ not. Uncle John met my aunt at a party. My aunt was outsta

10、nding but nobody paid any attention to Uncle John. After the party, Uncle John invited my aunt for _3_. In order not to seem rude, my aunt went along.A:Then?J: They sat in a nice coffee shop. Uncle John ordered coffee and he wanted some sugar in it. But he was so nervous that he asked the waiter to

11、bring him some salt.A:Sounds _4_.J:My aunt was very surprised, but John explained, “When I was a little boy, I lived near the sea. I liked playing in the sea.I enjoyed its salty _5_. It was like salty coffee. Now every time I drink it, I think of my childhood and my hometown. I missed it and my pare

12、nts,who are still there.”A:Your uncle is a man who must love his home and _6_ about his family.J:Thats right. He was kind, warm and careful. So they married and lived happily together. Every time my aunt made coffee for him, she put in some _7_. After 40 years, last week he died and left her a lette

13、r _8_said,“my dearest,please forgive my life-long lie. Remember our first date? I was so nervous I asked for salt instead of sugar. But if I could live a _9_time, I would want us to be together again, even if it meant that I had to drink salty coffee for the_10_of my life.”A:Well, how I wish I could

14、 meet such a man like your uncle.全文分析:这篇文章主要讲述了“叔叔和阿姨的爱情故事”,全文难度中等偏上,部分题目需要在语境中多加推敲,其他的很多内容主要考查了固定搭配。学生需要在学习中多加总结。答案解析:1. 第一空不难,但是很多学生容易出错,主要是这里注意填入 what is 的缩写形式 whats。2. 第二题也不难,但是部分学生容易犯拼写错误,填入 certainly。3. 根据上下文,“邀请我的阿姨喝咖啡”,故填入 coffee。4. 第四题可以填入的单词可以有很多,能表示 A 听说故事后的感受就可以。例如interesting/unusual/str

15、ange。5. 第五题填入的单词很多学生对其不熟悉,“我喜欢它咸咸的味道”。所以填 taste。(taste 可以作为名词使用,表味道)6. 第六空填入的短语与前面出现的单词 love 有类似意思,故填入 care about。7. 第七空比较简单,根据上下文,阿姨给他的咖啡添加一些“盐”。填入 salt。8. 第八空应填入引导定语从句的关系代词,由于指物,做主语,可填 that/which。9. 第九题是说话人假设的情况, “如果我可以再活一次,我.”所以填入 second。10. 第十题比较难,要注意短语的固定搭配 the rest of my life=my whole life。所以填

16、入 rest。2013 成华区中考英语诊断试题 主题:面试前的准备 难度: 五块石,李博,贝优盐外,A:Hi, John. Havent seen you for ages. Whats up? B:Ive been _1_with the job hunting recently. A:Oh, wish you good luck.B:Thanks. Can you give me some tips of the coming _2_? A:The first thing is to try to make a good impression. B:_3_do I do that?A:Fi

17、rst, firmly shake the interviewers _4_ while greeting him or her with a big smile and keep eye contact.B:Any _5_tips?A:Yes, the second thing is to have confidence. You can get _6_from being prepared. B:What should I do for that?A:Learn a little about the company and think of some _7_questions and an

18、swers. B:Should I recite my answers?A:No, you should sound _8_when you speak. B:should I ask about the salary?A:No, either let them bring out the topic of _9_or else wait for a second interview. B:Okay, Ill try _10_you say.全文分析:本文主要讲述面试前朋友给自己的一些建议。全文依靠上下文进行推断而得出的答案偏多,所以同学们需要多把自己放入语境中理解原文,本文难度中等。答案解析

19、:5. 从上下文可以看出,此处应该填入的词组是 be busy doing sth.(忙于做某事),所以第一空填 busy。6. 本题的难点是 tips 这个单词,它的意思是“建议”,所以文章意思是给即将到来的“面试”提一些建议。填入 interview。7. 根据上下文,朋友给出的第一条建议是“给别人一个好影响”,所以自己接下来询问的是“怎么给别人好影响”,所以填入 how。8. 此题考查固定搭配,shake sb.s hand (握手),所以填入 hand。9. 从下文看出,朋友接着提第二条建议,所以此处应该填入 other,表示“别的建议”。10. 第六题的 get 既可以做实意动词表示

20、“得到”,也可以做系动词,表示“变得”,所以此空可以填入名词和形容词。根据语义,通过准备“变得/得到自信、有勇气、受鼓舞”,都是可以的,所以填入的词有 confident/confidence/courage/encouraged/inspired/inspiration。11. 第七题从句子结构来看,不缺任何的成分,所以填入的是修饰词,可以填入possible/proper/some。12. 上文说,“我应该背诵我的答案吗?”下文回答“不用”,所以说话的时候应该尽量“自然”,填入 natural.13. 最后谈到了工资,根据语义“不要让他们引出工资的话题”,所以应该填入 salary/mon

21、ey/payment/income 等。14. 根据语义,“我会按照你所得做”,可以填入 what(引导宾语从句),或者 as(引导方式状语从句)。2013 川师附中中考英语诊断题(二) 主题:球类爱好 难度:, 8五块石,李博,贝优盐外A:Hi, have you watched any badminton games recently?B:Do you mean Thomas&Uber Cup which was _1_in Wuhan in May?A:Of course. There were so many exciting games.B:Oh, it _2_that you ar

22、e a badminton fan.A:Yes. When I watch a game, I feel as if I was one of the team _3_. If they win, I feel happy, but if they _4_the game, I feel sad.B:I think you must be very excited when our team got the gold medals.A:You are right. And my favourite players is Lindan. I think he is so great. Hes _

23、5_a super player. Dont you think so?A:Yes, I quite agree._6_ calls him “Supper Dan”. He always has a _7_attitude, he believes he can beat anyone no matter how difficult it is. So he always tries his best and never gives up. We Chinese are all _8_of him.B:He has set a good _9_of us students. So _10_w

24、orking hard, and you will make a great success in your study.A:Its true.全文分析:本文主要讲述了羽毛球运动及明星林丹。全文难度中等偏下。固定搭配的内容需要同学们多总结归纳。11. 根据语义,此处填入“举办”的被动语态,即 held/had。12. 根据语义,此处主要对上文进行推断,即“意思是你是一个羽毛球迷”,可填入:shows/means。部分学生会填入 seems,该词表示不太确定的推断,所以不太恰当。13. 此处最佳答案填入 members 队员,要注意用复数形式。14. 根据上文 win,填入反义词 lose。15

25、. 根据语义,“他的确是一个超级球员”,所以填入 really。16. 本题注意句子谓语动词是单三 calls,所以主语是单数,填入复合不定代词 Everyone。17. 句意表示“他有一个.态度”,因为态度只有用积极或消极修饰,所以填入积极positive。18. 句意表示“我们中国人为他.”根据固定搭配 be proud of 为.感到骄傲,所以填入proud。19. 本句考查固定搭配,为.设立榜样 set a good example for sb.所以填入 example。20. 根据语义“坚持努力工作,你就会在学习上取得成功”,根据固定搭配 keep doing sth.,可以填入

26、keep。2012 武侯区中考英语诊断题 主题:日常生活 Everyday life 难度: 8五块石,李博,贝优盐外(Its nearly 11 oclock Sunday morning. Mrs Green and her son Jim are at home.)Jim:Mum, what do we have for lunch? We dont have any food in the fridge. How about going to the _1_to get some?Mrs Green:Oh,no, dear. Look at the _2_rain outside. W

27、hat bad weather! Theresplenty of rain at this time every year, and _3_days always make me unhappy, you know.Jim:Dont worry, mum. According to the TV weather report, the rain wont last_4_. It will stop later on.Mrs Green:I hope so.Jim:Mum, why dont we call Pizza Express for some food?Mrs Green:Sounds

28、 good. Id like a small pizza with mushrooms,onions and cheese on it. What _5_of pizza would you like?Jim:A_6_one is enough. Im not too hungry. Let me make the phone call.(Its 2 p.m.They have had lunch.)Mrs Green:Look, Jim! The weather report is right. It _7_raining. We can_8_to the supermarket and d

29、o some shopping.Jim:Lets go!(They are in the car.)Jim:Mum, I think you drive very well, and I want to get my drivers _9_.Mrs Green:Im sorry, dear. I dont think a 15-year-old child should be allowed to drive, so you can do it when you grow up.Jim:Yes, mum,youre right.(They are in the supermarket.)Mrs

30、 Green:We have all food we want. Hmm,dear,we also need some soap.They are on the second floor, so Ill _10_the escalator to the second floor and get some. Wait for me right here,OK?Jim:Ok, mum.全文分析:本文关于母子之间日常生活的对话,较多的考查了固定搭配等用法,难度中等偏下。答案解析:21. 根据下文 We can _8_to the supermarket and do some shopping.可知,本文填入的是 supermarket。22. 此空应该填入一个修饰词,可以修饰雨下的很大的词是 heavy。23. 本题考查语义“下雨天让我不开心”,所以填入 rainy/wet(潮湿的)。24. 根据下文,“雨很快就会停下来”,所以上文的语义的“雨不会持续太长时间”。填入 long。25. 根据下文回答,“我不饿,要一个小的就可以”,所以询问的是尺寸或者种类,所以可以填入 size/kind。26. 此处作者说自己不饿,所以要填入比较级,要一个更小的 smaller。27. 此处填入停止下雨,根据固定搭配,stop doing sth.表示停止做

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